friends method
- int? offset,
- int? limit,
- FriendOrder? friendOrder,
- Order? order,
- FriendsContext? context,
KO: 카카오톡 친구 목록 가져오기
으로 친구 목록 시작 지점 변경
로 페이지당 결과 수 변경
로 정렬 방식 변경
로 정렬 방식 변경
로 친구 목록 조회 설정
EN: Retrieve list of friends
Change the start point of the friend list with offset
Change the number of results in a page with limit
Change the method to sort the friend list with friendOrder
Change the sorting method with order
Set Context for retrieving friend list with context
Future<Friends> friends({
int? offset,
int? limit,
FriendOrder? friendOrder,
Order? order,
FriendsContext? context,
}) async {
return ApiFactory.handleApiError(() async {
final params = {
Constants.offset: context != null ? context.offset : offset,
Constants.limit: context != null ? context.limit : limit,
Constants.friendOrder: context != null && context.friendOrder != null
? context.friendOrder!.name
: (friendOrder?.name),
Constants.order: context != null && context.order != null
? context.order!.name
: (order?.name),
Constants.secureResource: true
params.removeWhere((k, v) => v == null);
final response =
await _dio.get(Constants.v1FriendsPath, queryParameters: params);
return Friends.fromJson(;