sendScrapMemo method

Future<void> sendScrapMemo({
  1. required String url,
  2. int? templateId,
  3. Map<String, String>? templateArgs,

KO: 나에게 스크랩 메시지 보내기
url에 스크랩할 URL 전달
templateId에 메시지 템플릿 ID 전달
templateArgs에 사용자 인자 전달

EN: Send scrape message to me
Pass the URL to scrape to url
Pass the message template ID to templateId
Pass the user arguments to templateArgs


Future<void> sendScrapMemo({
  required String url,
  int? templateId,
  Map<String, String>? templateArgs,
}) async {
  final params = {
    Constants.requestUrl: url,
    Constants.templateId: templateId,
        templateArgs == null ? null : jsonEncode(templateArgs)
  return _memo(Constants.scrapPath, params);