sendScrapMessage method

Future<MessageSendResult> sendScrapMessage({
  1. required List<String> receiverUuids,
  2. required String url,
  3. int? templateId,
  4. Map<String, String>? templateArgs,

KO: 친구에게 스크랩 메시지 보내기
receiverUuids에 수신자 UUID 전달
url에 스크랩할 URL 전달
templateId에 메시지 템플릿 ID 전달
templateArgs에 사용자 인자 전달

EN: Send scrape message to friends
Pass the receiver UUIDs to receiverUuids
Pass the URL to scrap to url
Pass the message template ID to templateId
Pass the user arguments to templateArgs


Future<MessageSendResult> sendScrapMessage({
  required List<String> receiverUuids,
  required String url,
  int? templateId,
  Map<String, String>? templateArgs,
}) async {
  final params = {
    Constants.receiverUuids: jsonEncode(receiverUuids),
    Constants.requestUrl: url,
    Constants.templateId: templateId,
        templateArgs == null ? null : jsonEncode(templateArgs)
  return _message(Constants.scrapPath, params);