selectShippingAddress method

Future<int> selectShippingAddress({
  1. bool? mobileView,
  2. bool? enableBackButton,

KO: 배송지 선택하기
enableBackButtonmobileView는 웹 플랫폼 전용 파라미터
mobileView로 배송지 피커를 모바일 디바이스에 맞춘 레이아웃으로 고정할 것인지 지정
enableBackButton로 배송지 피커의 뒤로 가기 버튼 노출 여부 지정

EN: Select shipping address
enableBackButton and mobileView are web platform only parameters
Use mobileView to specify whether the picker is pinned to a layout adapted for mobile device
Use enableBackButton to show or hide the back button in the picker


Future<int> selectShippingAddress({
  bool? mobileView,
  bool? enableBackButton,
}) async {
  try {
    if (!kIsWeb) {
      await AuthApi.instance.refreshToken();
    final agt = await AuthApi.instance.agt();
    return _selectShippingAddress(
      enableBackButton: enableBackButton,
      mobileView: mobileView,
  } catch (e) {