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ACCESS_AGE_AUTH_PATH - Static variable in class
ACCESS_DENIED - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.OAuthErrorCode
ACCESS_DENIED_CODE - Static variable in class
API 요청시 권한이 없는 경우.
ACCESS_TOKEN_PATH - Static variable in class
AccessToken - Interface in com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken
Stores access token and refresh token data used by Kakao API.
AccessToken.Factory - Class in com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken
Factory class for instantiating Access token
AccessTokenCallback - Class in com.kakao.auth
Success/failure callback for getting access token.
AccessTokenCallback() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.AccessTokenCallback
accessTokenExpiresAt() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken
Get expire time for access token
AccessTokenListener - Interface in com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken
Interface for access token callback.
AccessTokenManager - Interface in com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken
Interface responsible for getting access token from Kakao OAuth server.
AccessTokenManager.Factory - Class in com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken
Initializes and provides singleton instance for AccessTokenManager.
AccessTokenRequest - Class in com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken
AccessTokenRequest(PhaseInfo, IConfiguration, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenRequest
ACCOUNT_CREATE_PATH - Static variable in class
ACCOUNT_LOGIN_PATH - Static variable in class
accountAuthority() - Static method in class
accountsAuthority() - Static method in class
activeFriendsCount() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatMembersResponse
챗방 내 톡친구의 수.
activeMembersCount() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatMembersResponse
챗방 내 멤버의 수.
addButton(ButtonObject) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceTemplate.Builder
addButton(ButtonObject) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.FeedTemplate.Builder
addButton(ButtonObject) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ListTemplate.Builder
addButton(ButtonObject) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LocationTemplate.Builder
addButton(ButtonObject) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate.Builder
addCallback(ISessionCallback) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
세션 상태 변화 콜백을 받고자 할때 콜백을 등록한다.
addCallback(ISessionCallback) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
세션 상태 변화 콜백을 받고자 할때 콜백을 등록한다.
addContent(ContentObject) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ListTemplate.Builder
addFilter(ChatFilterBuilder.ChatFilter) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ChatFilterBuilder
addFriend(Context, String) - Method in class com.kakao.plusfriend.PlusFriendService
Opens a bridge page in browser for adding a speicifed plus friend.
addFriendUrl(Context, String) - Method in class com.kakao.plusfriend.PlusFriendService
Returns a url of plus friend bridge page for PlusFriendService.addFriend(Context, String)
addHeader(String, String) - Method in interface
http header에 대한 정보를 추가한다.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class
addParam(String, String) - Method in interface
http param에 대한 정보를 추가한다.
addParam(String, String) - Method in class
addPart(Part) - Method in interface
file upload용 FilePart를 구현한다.
addPart(Part) - Method in class
ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
ADDRESS_TITLE - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
AgeAuthParamBuilder - Class in com.kakao.auth
Builder for age authentication parameters
AgeAuthParamBuilder() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.AgeAuthParamBuilder
AgeAuthResponse - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt.response
AgeAuthResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse
AgeAuthResponse.AgeAuthLimitStatus - Enum in com.kakao.usermgmt.response
AgeRange - Enum in com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model
Enum class for age range.
ageRangeNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
연령대 제공에 대한 사용자 동의 필요 여부
ALREADY_REGISTERED_USER_CODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.ApiErrorCode
[사용자 관리 signup API] 이미 해당 앱에 가입한 유저가 다시 가입 API를 요청한 경우 발생한다.
AlreadyInitializedException() - Constructor for exception com.kakao.auth.KakaoSDK.AlreadyInitializedException
ANDROID_PARAMS - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
apiAuthority() - Static method in class
ApiErrorCode - Class in com.kakao.auth
ApiErrorCode related to auth module.
ApiErrorCode() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.ApiErrorCode
ApiErrorCode - Class in com.kakao.friends
ApiErrorCode() - Constructor for class com.kakao.friends.ApiErrorCode
ApiErrorCode - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory
ApiErrorCode related to kakaostory module.
ApiErrorCode() - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.ApiErrorCode
ApiErrorCode - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk
ApiErorCode related to kakaotalk module.
ApiErrorCode() - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ApiErrorCode
ApiErrorCode - Class in
ApiErrorCode related to network module.
ApiErrorCode() - Constructor for class
ApiErrorCode - Class in com.kakao.push
ApiErrorCode related to push module.
ApiErrorCode() - Constructor for class com.kakao.push.ApiErrorCode
ApiErrorCode - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt
ApiErrorCode related to usermgmt module.
ApiErrorCode() - Constructor for class com.kakao.usermgmt.ApiErrorCode
ApiRequest - Class in
로그인이 필요하지 않을 때 사용하는 Request 클래스.
ApiResponseCallback<T> - Class in com.kakao.auth
API 요청에 대한 공통 Callback class.
ApiResponseCallback() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.ApiResponseCallback
AppFriendContext - Class in com.kakao.friends
Context containing request parameters for Friends API.
AppFriendContext(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.friends.AppFriendContext
친구의 리스트를 얻어오는데 필요한 데이터 셋을 생성한다.
AppFriendContext(AppFriendOrder, int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.friends.AppFriendContext
AppFriendInfo - Class in com.kakao.friends.response.model
Minimal friend information containing: 1) user id for distinguishing users 2) nickname and profile image for displaying on UI
AppFriendOrder - Enum in com.kakao.friends
AppFriendsResponse - Class in com.kakao.friends.response
appRegistered() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
챗 멤버의 앱 가입 여부
ApprovalType - Enum in com.kakao.auth
Enum class specifying whether the user is authenticated for an individual app or a project.
AUTH_ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.ApiErrorCode
OAuth 서버에서 발생하는 에러일때.
authAuthority() - Static method in class
AuthCodeCallback - Class in com.kakao.auth
Success/failure callback for getting authorization code.
AuthCodeCallback() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.AuthCodeCallback
AuthCodeListener - Interface in com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode
Interface for auth code callback.
AuthCodeManager - Interface in com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode
Interface responsible for getting authorization code from Kakao OAuth server.
AuthCodeManager.Factory - Class in com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode
AuthCodeService - Interface in com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode
This is an interface that abstracts various methods of getting authorization code from oauth server.
AuthCodeService.Factory - Class in com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode
This is a factory class for various AuthCodeService types.
AUTHORIZATION_BEARER - Static variable in class
AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_KEY - Static variable in class
AuthorizationCode - Class in com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode
AuthorizationCode(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthorizationCode
AuthorizationResult - Class in com.kakao.auth.authorization
AuthorizationResult.RESULT_CODE - Enum in com.kakao.auth.authorization
AUTHORIZE_CODE_PATH - Static variable in class
AuthService - Class in com.kakao.auth
Service class for age authentication or checking access token info.
AuthService.AgeAuthLevel - Enum in com.kakao.auth
연령인증 레벨을 설정한다.
AuthService.AgeAuthStatus - Enum in com.kakao.auth
연령인증시 응답받을 수 있는 StatusCode.
AuthService.AgeLimit - Enum in com.kakao.auth
연령제한, 일반적으로 12세, 15세, 19세
AuthType - Enum in com.kakao.auth
Kakao SDK 로그인을 하는 방식에 대한 Enum class


birthdayNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
생일 제공에 대한 사용자 동의 필요 여부
BirthdayType - Enum in com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model
생일의 양력,음력 정보
birthyearNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
생년 제공에 대한 사용자 동의 필요 여부
BLOCKED_ACTION_CODE - Static variable in class
계정 제재 또는 contents 제재로 인해 해당 API 호출이 되지 않는 경우.
build() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AgeAuthParamBuilder
연령인증 요청시 필요한 param들을 Query String으로 return한다.
build() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Destination.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviParams.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Location.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ChatFilterBuilder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceDetailObject.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceTemplate.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.FeedTemplate.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ListTemplate.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LocationTemplate.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject.Builder
build() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions.Builder
Builder(ContentObject, CommerceDetailObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceTemplate.Builder
Builder(String, String, LinkObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject.Builder
Builder(ContentObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.message.template.FeedTemplate.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject.Builder
Builder(String, LinkObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate.Builder
BUTTON_TITLE - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
ButtonObject - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class representing clickable buttons in message template v2.
ButtonObject(String, LinkObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.message.template.ButtonObject
BUTTONS - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol


chat(Context, String) - Method in class com.kakao.plusfriend.PlusFriendService
Opens a bridge page in browser for 1:1 chat with a specified plus friend.
ChatFilterBuilder - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk
권한이 있는 채팅방의 리스트중, 내가 얻어올 수 있는 채팅방의 목록을 filtering 하기위해 필요한 데이터를 만들어주는 wrapper class.
ChatFilterBuilder() - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ChatFilterBuilder
ChatFilterBuilder.ChatFilter - Enum in com.kakao.kakaotalk
ChatInfo - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model
챗방 클래스.
ChatListContext - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk
카카오톡의 채팅방을 얻어오는 API에서 사용된다.
ChatListResponse - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk.response
ChatMember - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model
챗 멤버 클래스.
ChatMembersResponse - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk.response
챗멤버 API의 응답 클래스.
chatUrl(Context, String) - Method in class com.kakao.plusfriend.PlusFriendService
Returns a url of plus friend bridge page for, String)
checkAndImplicitOpen() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
Session 의 상태를 체크후 Session.isOpenable() 상태일 때 Login을 시도한다.
CheckStoryUserResponse - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory.response
CheckStoryUserResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.CheckStoryUserResponse
ciAuthenticatedAt() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
사용자가 ci를 획득한 시간.
ciNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse
CI 제공에 대한 사용자 동의 필요 여부 OptionalBoolean.TRUE 인 경우 새로운 동의 요청이 가능한 상태이며 Session.updateScopes(Activity, List, AccessTokenCallback) 메소드를 이용하여 동의를 받을 수 있습니다.
ciNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
CI 제공에 대한 사용자 동의 필요 여부
clearAccessToken() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken
Clear access token and its expire time.
clearCallbacks() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
Remove all session callbacks.
clearCallbacks() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
Remove all session callbacks.
clearFcmTokenFromCache() - Static method in class com.kakao.push.PushToken
clearRefreshToken() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken
Clear refresh token and its expire time.
clearRegistrationId() - Static method in class com.kakao.push.PushToken
푸시 서버로 토큰 삭제를 성공한 후에 기기에도 삭제한다.
CLIENT_ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class
클라이언트 단에서 http 요청 전,후로 에러 발생한 경우.
close() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
close() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
명시적 강제 close(로그아웃/탈퇴).
code() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.MessageFailureInfo
에러 코드
com.kakao.auth - package com.kakao.auth
Kakao Android SDK 내부에서 사용하는 인증관련 패키지로 로그인관련 클래스가 포함되어있다.
com.kakao.auth.authorization - package com.kakao.auth.authorization
Package for classes related to authorization to Kakao API, including getting authorization code and access token.
com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken - package com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken
Package related to getting access token with either authorization code or refresh token.
com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode - package com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode
Package related to acquiring authorization code by kakao account authentication / authorization.
com.kakao.friends - package com.kakao.friends
해당 앱의 친구나 talk, story 친구리스트와 각 친구의 정보를 제공한다.
com.kakao.friends.response - package com.kakao.friends.response
Package containing classes for Friends API responses.
com.kakao.friends.response.model - package com.kakao.friends.response.model
Package containing classes for actual models of friend information.
com.kakao.kakaolink.v2 - package com.kakao.kakaolink.v2
Provide API to send Kakaotalk Link messages with message template v2.
com.kakao.kakaonavi - package com.kakao.kakaonavi
Provide KakaoNavi API.
com.kakao.kakaonavi.options - package com.kakao.kakaonavi.options
Contains enum classes for configuring KakaoNavi parameters.
com.kakao.kakaostory - package com.kakao.kakaostory
Provide KakaoStory API.
com.kakao.kakaostory.response - package com.kakao.kakaostory.response
com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model - package com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model
com.kakao.kakaotalk - package com.kakao.kakaotalk
Provide KakaoTalk API.
com.kakao.kakaotalk.response - package com.kakao.kakaotalk.response
카카오톡 API의 응답 클래스들을 위합 패키지.
com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model - package com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model
카카오톡 API의 응답 중 별도의 클래스가 필요한 경우를 위한 패키지.
com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2 - package com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2
Provide KakaoTalk API with message template v2.
com.kakao.message.template - package com.kakao.message.template
Package for template parameter classes for message template v2. - package
Provide HTTP network module used throughout the SDK. - package
Provide callbacks for network requests.
com.kakao.plusfriend - package com.kakao.plusfriend
Provides Plus Friend functionality, such as adding or chatting with Plus Friends.
com.kakao.push - package com.kakao.push
Provide API for push messages on apps logged in via Kakao account.
com.kakao.push.response - package com.kakao.push.response
Provides response models for Push API.
com.kakao.push.response.model - package com.kakao.push.response.model
Provides response models for Push API.
com.kakao.usermgmt - package com.kakao.usermgmt
Provide simple login and user management feature via Kakao account.
com.kakao.usermgmt.response - package com.kakao.usermgmt.response
Provides response models for User API.
com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model - package com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model
Provides response models for User API.
com.kakao.util - package com.kakao.util
Provide Utlity classes and methods that are used throughout all modules of the SDK.
COMMENT_COUNT - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
COMMERCE - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
CommerceDetailObject - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class that defines commerce detail for commerce template.
CommerceDetailObject(CommerceDetailObject.Builder) - Constructor for class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceDetailObject
CommerceDetailObject.Builder - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class for building commerce detail objects.
CommerceTemplate - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class that defines parameters for building commerce messages.
CommerceTemplate.Builder - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class for building commerce templates.
configure() - Method in interface
connection에 대한 property 설정.
configure() - Method in class
connect() - Method in interface
http 연결을 수행한다.
connect() - Method in class
CONTENT - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
ContentObject - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class that defines main content in both feed and list template.
ContentObject.Builder - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class for building content objects.
CONTENTS - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
convertByName(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeAuthLevel
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken.Factory
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.friends.response.AppFriendsResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.friends.response.FriendsResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.AppFriendInfo
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo.FriendRelation
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.CheckStoryUserResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryActor
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryComment
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.MultiUploadResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.ProfileResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.StoryPostResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatListResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatMembersResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.MessageSendResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.MessageFailureInfo
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.PlusFriendInfo
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.PlusFriendsResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.TalkProfileResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.push.response.GetPushTokenResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.push.response.RegisterPushTokenResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ServiceTerms
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.ServiceTermsResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.ShippingAddressResponse
CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.UserResponse
CoordType - Enum in com.kakao.kakaonavi.options
좌표 타입을 나타내는 enum class.
create(String, String, String) - Method in interface
INetwork를 생성한다.
create(String, String, String) - Method in class
HttpUrlConnection 을 생성하며, property설정을 한다.
createAuthCodeCancelResult(String) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
createAuthCodeOAuthErrorResult(String) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
createAuthCodeOAuthErrorResult(Exception) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
createAuthCodePassResult() - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
createContext(FriendsRequest.FriendType, FriendsRequest.FriendFilter, FriendsRequest.FriendOrder, boolean, int, int, String) - Static method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendContext
친구의 리스트를 얻어오는데 필요한 데이터 셋을 생성한다.
createContext(FriendContext, FriendContext, FriendsOperationRequest.Operation, boolean, int, int, String) - Static method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendOperationContext
createContext(ChatFilterBuilder, int, int, String) - Static method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ChatListContext
createEmptyCode() - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthorizationCode
createEmptyToken() - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken.Factory
Create a dummy empty token info, usually used to clear access token.
createFromCache(ISessionConfig, PersistentKVStore) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken.Factory
Create an access token from cache to be used globally by Session.
createFromRedirectedUri(Uri) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthorizationCode
createFromResponse(String) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken.Factory
Create an access token from a successful response from Kakao OAuth server.
createSuccessAuthCodeResult(String) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthorizationCode
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.AppFriendInfo
Below are codes related to Parcelable implementation.
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo.FriendRelation
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryActor
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryComment
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.KakaoTalkProfile
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
CURRENCY_UNIT - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
CURRENCY_UNIT_POSITION - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
CurrencyUnitPosition - Enum in com.kakao.message.template
Enum class for the position of currency unit in currency representation.


deleteImageWithToken(Context, String, ResponseCallback<ImageDeleteResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Delete the image with the given token from Kakao storage server.
deregisterPushToken(ApiResponseCallback<Boolean>, String) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushService
사용자의 해당 기기의 푸시 토큰을 삭제한다.
deregisterPushTokenAll(ApiResponseCallback<Boolean>) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushService
사용자의 모든 푸시 토큰을 삭제한다.
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthorizationCode
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.AppFriendInfo
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo.FriendRelation
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryActor
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryComment
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.KakaoTalkProfile
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
describeContents() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
Destination - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
목적지 파라미터를 위한 class.
Destination.Builder - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
Builder for Destination parameter.
DEVELOPER_NOT_EXISTENT_CODE - Static variable in class
현재 존재하지 않는 개발자가 생성한 앱으로부터 요청이 들어온 경우 code = -903
disconnect() - Method in interface
연결을 해제한다.
disconnect() - Method in class
DISCOUNT_PRICE - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
DISCOUNT_RATE - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol


emailNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
이메일 제공에 대한 사용자 동의 필요 여부
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.AppFriendInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo.FriendRelation
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryActor
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryComment
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.KakaoTalkProfile
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
equals(Object) - Method in class
ErrorResult - Class in
Error에 대한 결과값을 저장하고 있는 객체.
ErrorResult(Exception) - Constructor for class
클라이언트 사이드에서 에러가 발생한 경우에 사용하는 생성자
ErrorResult(ResponseStatusError) - Constructor for class
Http Status Code가 200이 아닌 경우에 사용하는 생성자
EXCEED_LIMIT_CODE - Static variable in class
허용된 요청 회수가 초과한 경우로 자세한 내용은 쿼터 정책을 참고.
EXCEED_MAX_UPLOAD_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.ApiErrorCode
[카카오스토리 upload, postPhoto API] 업로드 image 갯수가 max값(5개.
EXCEED_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.ApiErrorCode
[카카오스토리 upload, postPhoto API] 카카오스토리 이미지 업로드시 max 제한 크기(5M.
EXECUTION_TIMED_OUT - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.ApiErrorCode
[카카오스토리 upload, linkinfo API] 카카오스토리 이미지 업로드/스크랩 정보 요청시 timeout 넘을 경우 발생한다.
EXECUTION_TIMED_OUT - Static variable in class
타임아웃 발생.


Factory() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenManager.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeService.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class
failureInfo() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.MessageSendResponse
실패 정보
FeedTemplate - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class that defines parameters for building feed messages.
FeedTemplate.Builder - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class for building feed templates.
finish() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
FIXED_DISCOUNT_PRICE - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
forPartners() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
Return values normally used by Kakao partner services such as: - uuid - remaining_invite_count - remaining_group_msg_count
FriendContext - Class in com.kakao.friends
Context containing request parameters for Partner Friends API.
FriendInfo - Class in com.kakao.friends.response.model
Friend 에 대한 정보.
FriendInfo(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
FriendInfo.FriendRelation - Class in com.kakao.friends.response.model
FriendInfo.NotAvailableOperationException - Exception in com.kakao.friends.response.model
FriendOperationContext - Class in com.kakao.friends
Context containing request parameters for Friends operation API.
FriendRelation(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo.FriendRelation
FriendsResponse - Class in com.kakao.friends.response
FriendsService - Class in com.kakao.friends
유저의 친구 리스트와 각 친구의 정보를 얻어오는 API
fromName(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.PlusFriendRelation


Gender - Enum in com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model
Enum class for gender.
genderNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
성별 제공에 대한 사용자 동의 필요 여부
GET_FRIENDS_OPERATION_PATH - Static variable in class
GET_FRIENDS_PATH - Static variable in class
getAccessToken() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken
Get access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
getAccessTokenCallback() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
getAccessTokenCallback() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
getAccessTokenManager() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
getAccessTokenManager() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
Returns an AccessTokenManager instance owned by this Session
getActor() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike
getAdapter() - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.KakaoSDK
getAfterUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.AppFriendsResponse
API request url for next page
getAfterUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.FriendsResponse
getAfterUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatListResponse
Paging된 요청 중 다음 요청의 url
getAgeAuthLimitStatus() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse
true : 인증 받은 연령이 제한 나이 이상 / false : 인증 받은 연령이 제한 나이 미만.
getAgeRange() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
Returns user's age range.
getAgreedAt() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ServiceTerms
동의한 시간.
getAgreedAtDate() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ServiceTerms
약관에 마지막으로 동의한 시간을 Date 형태로 반환한다.
getAllowedTerms() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.ServiceTermsResponse
사용자가 동의한 3rd의 약관 항목들
getAndroidExecutionParams() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject
getAppCache() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
앱 캐시를 반환한다.
getAppFriendOrder() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.AppFriendContext
친구 리스트 정렬 기준.
getAppKey() - Method in class
getApplicationConfig() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.KakaoAdapter
KakaoSDK에서 Application에 필요한 정보를 받는 용도로 사용된다.
getApplicationContext() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.IApplicationConfig
Returns application context of the application.
getApprovalType() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISessionConfig
일반 사용자가 아닌 Kakao와 제휴된 앱에서 사용되는 값으로, 값을 채워주지 않을경우 ApprovalType.INDIVIDUAL 값을 사용하게 된다.
getApprovalTypeByString(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.ApprovalType
getAppVer() - Method in class
getArgumentMsg() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkResponse
getAuthCode() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenRequest
getAuthCodeCallback() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
getAuthCodeManager() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
getAuthCodeManager() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
Returns an AuthCodeManager instance owned by this Session
getAuthenticatedAt() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse
인증 받은 시각.
getAuthLevel() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse
유저가 받은 인증레벨.
getAuthLevelCode() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse
1 (auth_level : AUTH_LEVEL1) / 2 (auth_level : AUTH_LEVEL2) (level을 비교 편의를 제공하기 위해 auth_level에 해당하는 code 제공)
getAuthorizationCode() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthorizationCode
getAuthTypes() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISessionConfig
로그인시 인증받을 타입을 지정한다.
getBaseAddress() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
우편번호 검색시 채워지는 기본 주소
getBeforeUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.AppFriendsResponse
API request url for previous page
getBeforeUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.FriendsResponse
getBeforeUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatListResponse
Paging된 요청 중 전 요청의 url
getBgImageURL() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
getBirthday() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
getBirthday() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
Returns user's birthday in mmdd format (0115, 0427, etc).
getBirthdayCalendar() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
getBirthdayType() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
getBirthdayType() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
생일의 양력,음력
getBirthyear() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
유저의 출생 연도를 반환한다.
getBodyEncoding() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenRequest
getBodyEncoding() - Method in class
getBodyEncoding() - Method in interface
param의 encording정보.
getBoolean() - Method in enum com.kakao.util.OptionalBoolean
getButtons() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.FeedTemplate
getButtons() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate
getButtonTitle() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate
getChatId() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
채팅방 고유의 id.
getChatInfoList() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatListResponse
getChatType() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
"regular" 일반 채팅방 "open" 오픈채팅방
getCI() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse
인증후 받은 CI 값
getCI() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
유저의 CI 값
getCid() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Location
getCode() - Method in exception com.kakao.util.KakaoParameterException
exception을 던지는 이유 code값
getCommentCount() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
getCommentCount() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject
getCommentList() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
getConnectedAt() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
해당 서비스에 연결 완료된 시각.
getContent() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
getContentObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.FeedTemplate
getCountryISO() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.KakaoTalkProfile
카카오톡 국가
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.kakao.push.response.model.PushTokenInfo
푸시 토큰을 처음 등록한 시각
getCurrentActivity() - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.KakaoSDK
getCurrentSession() - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
Returns current Session instance.
getDescription() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse
getDescription() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject
getDestination() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviParams
getDetailAddress() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
기본 주소에 추가하는 상세 주소
getDeviceId() - Method in class com.kakao.push.response.model.PushTokenInfo
기기의 고유한 ID
getDeviceUUID() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.IPushConfig
getDisplayId() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
Returns user's display id.
getDisplayMemberImageList() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryActor
getDisplaySymbol() - Method in enum com.kakao.kakaostory.response.ProfileResponse.BirthdayType
양력 생일은 '+', 음력 생일은 '-'로 반환한다.
getEmail() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
Returns email of user's Kakao account.
getEmoticon() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike
getEmotion(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike.Emotion
getEncodedId() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.PlusFriendInfo
encoded plus friend id (ex.
getErrorCode() - Method in class
ErrorCode를 반환한다.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class
에러발생 메세지
getException() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
getException() - Method in class
getExpiredAt() - Method in class com.kakao.push.response.RegisterPushTokenResponse
getExtras() - Method in class
getFavoriteCount() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.AppFriendsResponse
목록 내 전체 즐겨찾기 친구의 수.
getFavoriteCount() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.FriendsResponse
목록 내 전체 즐겨찾기 친구의 수.
getFcmTokenFromCache() - Static method in class com.kakao.push.PushToken
getFilterString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ChatListContext
채팅방 리스트 filter.
getFirstId() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendOperationContext
getFriendFilter() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendContext
getFriendInfoList() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.FriendsResponse
getFriendOrder() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendContext
getFriends() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.AppFriendsResponse
Return friends list
getFriendType() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendContext
getFromId() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ChatListContext
가져올 챗방 리스트의 시작 offset
getGender(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.Gender
getGender() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
Return user's gender.
getGroupUserToken() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
해당앱이 그룹앱에 속한 경우 그룹에서 맵핑정보로 사용할수 있는 값.
getGuideId() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Destination
getHeaders() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenRequest
getHeaders() - Method in class
getHeaders() - Method in interface
http요청에 필요한 headers.
getHost() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse
getHttpStatus() - Method in class
HttpResponse StatusCode를 반환
getHttpUserAgentString() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendContext
응답받은 Friends Request에 대한 고유의 id값.
getId() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.FriendsResponse
getId() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.AppFriendInfo
App user id
getId() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
getId() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
Returns app user id.
getId() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
배송지 ID
getId() - Method in interface com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.User
getImageHeight() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject
getImageInfoList() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
getImageList() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
그룹채팅방에 대표이미지가 설정된 경우 받을 수 있다.
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject
getImageWidth() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken.Factory
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenManager.Factory
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager.Factory
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.AuthService
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendsService
Get a singleton instance of FriendsService
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Returns a singleton instance for KakaoLink v2 API.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviService
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.plusfriend.PlusFriendService
Returns a singleton PlusFriendService instance
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.push.PushService
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
getInstance() - Static method in class com.kakao.util.KakaoUtilService.Factory
Returns a singleton instance of KakaoUtilService used by this application
getIosExecutionParams() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject
getKakaoAccount() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
Returns data of user's kakao account
getKakaoTalkInstallIntent(Context) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Returns an intent to start KakaoTalk install page of Google play store.
getLarge() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
getLegalBirthDate() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
법정 생년월일.
getLegalGender() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
법정 성별.
getLegalName() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
2차 본인인증으로 수집된 사용자의 실명.
getLikeCount() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
getLikeCount() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject
getLikeList() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
getLimit() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.AppFriendContext
한 페이지에 가져올 친구의 수, default 100, max 2000
getLimit() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ChatListContext
한 페이지에 가져올 챗방의 수.
getLink() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ButtonObject
getLink() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject
getLinkObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate
getMediaType() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
getMedium() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
getMemberCount() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
getMessage() - Method in exception com.kakao.util.KakaoParameterException
exception을 던지는 이유 code 값과 에러 메시지
getMethod() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenRequest
getMethod() - Method in class
getMethod() - Method in interface
http 통신방법.
getMobileWebUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject
getMultiPartList() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenRequest
getMultiPartList() - Method in class
getMultiPartList() - Method in interface
MultiPart에 대한 정보 MultiPart로 요청을 보낼때 값을 채워주면 된다.
getMyStoryInfo() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.StoryPostResponse
getName() - Method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeAuthLevel
getName() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Location
getName() - Method in enum com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.PlusFriendRelation
getName() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
getNaviOptions() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviParams
getNickName() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
getNickName() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.KakaoTalkProfile
카카오톡 별명
getNickname() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.Profile
사용자 별명
getNumber() - Method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthType
getObjectType() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceTemplate
getObjectType() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.FeedTemplate
getObjectType() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ListTemplate
getObjectType() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LocationTemplate
getObjectType() - Method in interface com.kakao.message.template.TemplateParams
Template type such as FEED, LIST, etc.
getObjectType() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate
getOffset() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.AppFriendContext
가져올 친구 리스트의 시작 offset.
getOperation() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendOperationContext
getOption() - Method in enum com.kakao.kakaonavi.options.RpOption
getOptionalBoolean(Boolean) - Static method in enum com.kakao.util.OptionalBoolean
getOrder() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.AppFriendContext
친구리스트 정렬방법.
getOrder() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ChatListContext
챗방리스트 정렬방법.
getOriginal() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
getParams() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenRequest
getParams() - Method in class
getParams() - Method in interface
http요청에 필요한 params.
getPermalink() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
getPermission() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
Returns phone number of user's Kakao account.
getPlusFriends() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.PlusFriendsResponse
각 카카오톡 채널과의 요청사용자 상태 정보
getProfile() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.ProfileResponse
getProfile() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.TalkProfileResponse
getProfile() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
카카오계정의 프로필
getProfileImageURL() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
getProfileImageUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.KakaoTalkProfile
640px * 640px 크기의 카카오톡 프로필 이미지 URL
getProfileImageUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.Profile
640px * 640px (일반 프로필 사진) 또는 480px * 480px (움직이는 프로필 사진) 크기의 사용자의 프로필 이미지 경로
getProfileNickname() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.AppFriendInfo
친구의 대표 프로필 닉네임.
getProfileThumbnailImage() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.AppFriendInfo
친구의 썸네일 이미지
getProfileThumbnailUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryActor
getProperties() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
Returns app-scope user properties.
getPushConfig() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.KakaoAdapter
Push 설정에 필요한 값/콜백을 받는다.
getPushToken() - Method in class com.kakao.push.response.model.PushTokenInfo
APNS, FCM으로부터 발급받은 Push Token
GetPushTokenResponse - Class in com.kakao.push.response
GetPushTokenResponse() - Constructor for class com.kakao.push.response.GetPushTokenResponse
getPushTokens(ApiResponseCallback<List<PushTokenInfo>>) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushService
현 사용자 ID로 등록된 모든 푸시토큰 정보를 반환한다.
getPushType() - Method in class com.kakao.push.response.model.PushTokenInfo
apns 혹은 fcm
getRange(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.AgeRange
getReceiverName() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
(Optional) 수령인 이름
getReceiverPhoneNumber1() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
(Optional) 수령인 연락처
getReceiverPhoneNumber2() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
(Optional) 수령인 추가 연락처
getRedirectUri() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
getRedirectURL() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
getRefreshToken() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken
Get refresh token.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenRequest
getRegistrationId(Context) - Static method in class com.kakao.push.PushToken
기기에 저장된 푸시 토큰을 얻어 온다.
getRelation() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
getRelation() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.PlusFriendInfo
카카오톡 채널과의 관계.
getRemainingExpireTime() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken
Get remaining expire time for access token in milliseconds
getRequestedUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse
getRequestType() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
현재 진행 중인 요청 타입
getResponse() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
Returns a raw json API response.
getResultId() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.AppFriendsResponse
getResultMessage() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
getRpflag() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Location
getSecondId() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendOperationContext
getSection() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse
getServiceUserId() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
친구의 카카오 회원번호.
getServiceUserId() - Method in interface com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.User
getSessionConfig() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.KakaoAdapter
Session 설정에 필요한 option 값들을 받는다.
getSharedCount() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject
getShippingAddresses() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.ShippingAddressResponse
사용자의 배송지 정보 리스트.
getSmall() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
getSocial() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.FeedTemplate
getStatusCode() - Method in interface
http response code를 얻는다.
getStatusCode() - Method in class
getStops() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviParams
getSubscriberCount() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject
getSupportFragment() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.LoginButton
getSynchedAt() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
카카오싱크 간편가입창을 통해 카카오 로그인 한 시각.
getTag() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ServiceTerms
동의한 약관의 tag.
getTalkOs() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
톡에 가입된 기기의 os 정보 (android/ios)
getTargetId() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
메세지를 전송할 대상에 대한 ID.
getTargetId() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
getTargetId() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
getTemplateArgs() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkResponse
getTemplateId() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkResponse
getTemplateMsg() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkResponse
getText() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryComment
getText() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate
getThumbnailImageUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.Profile
110px * 110px (일반 프로필 사진) 또는 100px * 100px (움직이는 프로필 사진) 크기의 사용자의 썸네일 프로필 이미지 경로
getThumbnailURL() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
getThumbnailUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.KakaoTalkProfile
110px * 110px 크기의 카카오톡 썸네일 프로필 이미지 URL
getTitle() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse
getTitle() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
채팅방의 이름.
getTitle() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ButtonObject
getTitle() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject
getTokenInfo() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
Returns currently managed AccessToken instance containing access token and refresh token information.
getTokenInfo() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
Returns currently manage AccessToken instance containing access token and refresh token information.
getTokenRegisterCallback() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.IPushConfig
getTotalCount() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.AppFriendsResponse
total count of friends
getTotalCount() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.FriendsResponse
getTotalCount() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatListResponse
총 챗방 갯수
getType() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
getType() - Method in enum com.kakao.kakaonavi.options.CoordType
getType() - Method in enum com.kakao.kakaonavi.options.VehicleType
getType() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse
getType() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
getType() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
getType(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.BirthdayType
getType() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
배송지 타입.구주소(지번,번지 주소) 또는 신주소(도로명 주소)
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.PlusFriendInfo
relation 변경 시각 (현재는 ADDED 상태의 친구 추가시각만 의미) RFC3339 internet date/time format (yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z', yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'+'HH:mm, yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'-'HH:mm 가능)
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.kakao.push.response.model.PushTokenInfo
푸시 토큰을 업데이트한 시각
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
수정시각의 timestamp
getUriBuilder() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenRequest
getUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse
getUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in interface
요청할 target url.
getUserId() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.PlusFriendsResponse
요청자의 사용자 ID
getUserId() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse
인증 여부를 확인하는 user의 id
getUserId() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.ServiceTermsResponse
app user id
getUserId() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.ShippingAddressResponse
배송지 정보를 요청한 사용자 아이디(ID)
getUserId() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.UserResponse
getUUID() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.AppFriendInfo
해당 앱에서 유일한 친구의 code
getUUID() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
해당 앱에서 유일한 친구의 code 가변적인 데이터.
getUuid() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.PlusFriendInfo
plus friend uuid
getUuid() - Method in class com.kakao.push.response.model.PushTokenInfo
사용자의 UUID
getUUID() - Method in interface com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.User
getValue() - Method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeAuthLevel
getValue() - Method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeAuthStatus
getValue() - Method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeLimit
getValue() - Method in enum com.kakao.friends.AppFriendOrder
getValue() - Method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.AgeRange
getValue() - Method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.Gender
getValue() - Method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement.AgeAuthProperty
getViewCount() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject
getWarningMsg() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkResponse
getWebUrl() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject
getWriter() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryComment
getX() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Location
getXlarge() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
getY() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Location
getZipCode() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
(Optional) 구주소 우편번호.
getZoneNumber() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
(Optional) 신주소 우편번호.


handleActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager
handleActivityResult(int, int, Intent, AuthCodeListener) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeService
handleActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
로그인 activity를 이용하여 sdk에서 필요로 하는 activity를 띄운다.
hasAuthorizationCode() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthorizationCode
hasCI() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse
유저의 ci 값 소유 여부.
hasShippingAddresses() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.ShippingAddressResponse
배송지 정보를 소유하고 있는 여부.
hasSignedUp() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
Tells whether user has signed up or not.
hasValidAccessToken() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken
check if access token is valid or not by its expiration time.
hasValidRefreshToken() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken
Check if refresh token is valid or not by its expiration time.
HEADER_LINK - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
HEADER_TITLE - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol


IApplicationConfig - Interface in com.kakao.auth
This interface provides application context to Kakao SDK via getApplicationConfig() method in KakaoAdapter
id() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
사용자 ID.
IMAGE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
IMAGE_URL - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
IMAGE_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
INetwork - Interface in
http 연결을 할때 사용된다.
init(KakaoAdapter) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.KakaoSDK
init(KakaoAdapter, PhaseInfo) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.KakaoSDK
init() - Static method in class com.kakao.push.PushService
initialize(Context, ApprovalType) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenManager.Factory
initialize(Application, ISessionConfig) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager.Factory
INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class
서버 내부에서 에러가 발생한 경우.
INVALID_AGREEMENT_CODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.OAuthErrorCode
INVALID_GRANT - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.OAuthErrorCode
INVALID_PARAM_CODE - Static variable in class
올바르지 않은 파라미터가 전송된 경우.
INVALID_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.OAuthErrorCode
INVALID_SCOPE_CODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.ApiErrorCode
해당 API에 대한 퍼미션이 없는 앱이 요청한 경우 발생한다.
INVALID_STORY_ACTIVITY_ID - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.ApiErrorCode
[카카오스토리 getMyStory API] 카카오스토리 이미지 업로드시 5M 제한 크기를 넘을 경우한다.
INVALID_STORY_SCRAP_URL - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.ApiErrorCode
[카카오스토리 postLink API] 스크랩하려는 URL이 scrap 불가능한 경우 발생한다.
INVALID_TOKEN_CODE - Static variable in class
유효하지 않은 앱키 또는 access token으로 요청한 경우 발생한다.
IOS_PARAMS - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
IPushConfig - Interface in com.kakao.auth
푸시를 사용하기 위해 사용되는 정보값을 받아오기 위한 클래스.
IRequest - Interface in
Http 요청에 필요한 정보를 얻기위해 제공된다.
IS_STORY_USER_PATH - Static variable in class
isAllowedMsg() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
메세지 수신이 허용되었는지 여부.
isAllowedMsg() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
isAllowedMsg() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
isAppRegistered() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
친구의 앱 가입 여부
isAuthError() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
isCanceled() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
isClosed() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
현재 세션이 닫힌 상태인지 여부를 반환한다.
isClosed() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
현재 세션이 닫힌 상태인지 여부를 반환한다.
isDefault() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
기본 배송지 여부
isEmailValid() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
isEmailVerified() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
isError() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
ISession - Interface in com.kakao.auth
ISessionCallback - Interface in com.kakao.auth
세션의 상태 변경에 따른 콜백 세션이 오픈되었을 때, 세션이 만료되어 닫혔을 때 세션 콜백을 넘기게 된다.
ISessionConfig - Interface in com.kakao.auth
Session에서 사용되는 정보값을 받아오기 위한 class.
isFavorite() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.AppFriendInfo
즐겨찾기된 친구인지 여부.
isKakaoLinkV2Available(Context) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
isKakaoNaviInstalled(Context) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviService
카카오내비 앱이 설치되어 있는지 확인해 주는 메소드.
isKakaoTalkUser() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
카카오톡 가입 여부
isKakaotalkUserNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
isKorean() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
내국인 여부.
isKoreanNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
사용자의 동의를 받으면 본인인증된 내국인 여부(is_korean)를 가지고 갈 수 있는지 여부.
isLoginAvailable() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeService
Checks whether authorization code can be retrieved from this service.
isOpenable() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
현재 세션이 오픈중(갱신 포함) 상태인지 여부를 반환한다.
isOpenable() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
현재 세션이 오픈중(갱신 포함) 상태인지 여부를 반환한다.
isOpened() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
현재 세션이 열린 상태인지 여부를 반환한다.
isOpened() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
현재 세션이 열린 상태인지 여부를 반환한다.
isPass() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
isSecureMode() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISessionConfig
로그인시 access token과 refresh token을 저장할 때 암호화 여부를 결정한다.
isSecureResource() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendOperationContext
isStoryFriend() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo.FriendRelation
친구와 내가 스토리 친구인지 여부.
isStoryFriend() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
친구와 내가 스토리 친구인지 여부.
isStoryLoginAvailable() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager
Check if KakaoStory installed supports Kakao login.
isStoryUser() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.CheckStoryUserResponse
isSuccess() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult
isTalkFriend() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo.FriendRelation
친구와 내가 톡친구인지 여부
isTalkFriend() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
친구와 내가 카카오톡 친구인지 여부.
isTalkLoginAvailable() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager
Check if KakaoTalk installed supports Kakao login.
isUsingWebviewTimer() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISessionConfig
SDK 로그인시 사용되는 WebView에서 pause와 resume시에 Timer를 설정하여 CPU소모를 절약한다.
isValidResult() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse


KAKAO_AK_HEADER_KEY - Static variable in class
KAKAO_MAINTENANCE_CODE - Static variable in class
카카오서비스가 점검중인 경우로 올바른 요청을 할 수 없는 경우 발생한다.
KakaoAdapter - Class in com.kakao.auth
Kakao SDK와 Application을 연결하는 class.
KakaoAdapter() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.KakaoAdapter
KakaoLinkCallback - Class in com.kakao.kakaolink.v2
KakaoLinkCallback() - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkCallback
KakaoLinkResponse - Class in com.kakao.kakaolink.v2
Template validation에 성공하였을 때 반환되는 response.
KakaoLinkResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkResponse
KakaoLinkResponse(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkResponse
KakaoLinkService - Class in com.kakao.kakaolink.v2
Class for sending KakaoTalk messages using KakaoLink v2 API.
KakaoNaviParams - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
카카오내비에 사용되는 파라미터들을 위한 class.
KakaoNaviParams.Builder - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
KakaoNaviParams를 간편하게 build하기 위한 Builder class.
KakaoNaviService - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
카카오내비 앱을 호출하여 목적지 공유/길찾기를 하기 위한 API.
KakaoNaviWebChromeClient() - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviWebViewActivity.KakaoNaviWebChromeClient
KakaoNaviWebViewActivity - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
Activity that renders web version of KakaoNavi.
KakaoNaviWebViewActivity() - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviWebViewActivity
KakaoNaviWebViewActivity.KakaoNaviWebChromeClient - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
KakaoNaviWebViewActivity.KakaoNaviWebViewClient - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
KakaoNaviWebViewClient() - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviWebViewActivity.KakaoNaviWebViewClient
KakaoNetworkImpl - Class in
INetwork를 구현한 구현체.
KakaoNetworkImpl() - Constructor for class
KakaoParameterException - Exception in com.kakao.util
파라미터가 프로토콜에 맞지 않는 경우 던지는 exception
KakaoParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception com.kakao.util.KakaoParameterException
KakaoParameterException(KakaoParameterException.ERROR_CODE, String) - Constructor for exception com.kakao.util.KakaoParameterException
KakaoParameterException(KakaoParameterException.ERROR_CODE, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.kakao.util.KakaoParameterException
KakaoParameterException.ERROR_CODE - Enum in com.kakao.util
카카오링크 프로토콜에 맞지 않는 경우 던지는 에러 코드
KakaoSDK - Class in com.kakao.auth
Application에서 구현을 해줘야 하며 Application에서 init method를 KakaoAdapter와 연결한다.
KakaoSDK() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.KakaoSDK
KakaoSDK.AlreadyInitializedException - Exception in com.kakao.auth
3rd party Application과 Kakao SDK를 연결하는 과정중 adapter를 중복으로 세팅하게 되었을경우 발생할 수 있다.
KakaoStoryService - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory
카카오스토리 API 요청을 담당한다.
KakaoStoryService.StoryType - Enum in com.kakao.kakaostory
스토리 포스팅의 종류를 나타낸다.
KakaoTalkProfile - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk.response
* 카카오톡 프로필 요청의 결과 객체로 카카오톡의 닉네임 정보(nickName), 카카오톡의 프로필 이미지 URL(profileImageURL), 카카오톡의 프로필 이미지의 썸네일 URL(thumbnailURL), 카카오톡의 국가코드(countryISO)로 구성되어 있다.
KakaoTalkService - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2
카카오톡 API 요청을 담당한다.
KakaoUtilService - Interface in com.kakao.util
This interface checks whether KakaoTalk or KakaoStory are installed or new enough to support features offered by SDK.
KakaoUtilService.Factory - Class in com.kakao.util
Factory class for maintaining singleton instance of KakaoUtilService
KakaoWebViewActivity - Class in com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode
KakaoWebViewActivity() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
KEY_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
KEY_EXTRA_HEADERS - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
KEY_FULLSCREEN_OPTIONS - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
KEY_LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
KEY_NICKNAME - Static variable in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
key for nickname in properties
KEY_PROFILE_IMAGE - Static variable in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
key for profile_image in properties
KEY_REDIRECT_URL - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
KEY_RESULT_RECEIVER - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
KEY_SYSTEM_UI_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
KEY_THUMBNAIL_IMAGE - Static variable in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
key for thumbnail_image in properties
KEY_URL - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
KEY_USE_WEBVIEW_TIMERS - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
KEY_WINDOW_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity


legalBirthDateNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
사용자 동의를 받으면 본인인증된 생년월일(legal_birth_date)를 가지고 갈 수 있는지 여부.
legalGenderNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
사용자 동의를 받으면 본인인증된 성별(legal_gender)를 가지고 갈 수 있는지 여부.
legalNameNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
사용자 동의를 받으면 본인인증된 실명(legal_name)을 가지고 갈 수 있는지 여부.
LIKE_COUNT - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
LINK - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
LINK_IMAGE_DELETE_PATH - Static variable in class
LINK_IMAGE_SCRAP_PATH - Static variable in class
LINK_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH - Static variable in class
LINK_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_PATH - Static variable in class
LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH - Static variable in class
LINK_TEMPLATE_SCRAP_PATH - Static variable in class
LINK_TEMPLATE_VALIDATE_PATH - Static variable in class
LinkInfoResponse - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory.response
LinkInfoResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse
LinkObject - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class representing links for various platforms in message template v2.
LinkObject.Builder - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class for building link objects.
ListTemplate - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class that defines parameters for building list messages.
ListTemplate.Builder - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class for building list templates.
Location - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
목적지/경유지를 나타내기 위한 class.
Location.Builder<T extends Location.Builder<T>> - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
Destination을 간편하게 build하기 위한 Builder class.
LocationTemplate - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class that defines parameters for building location messages.
LocationTemplate.Builder - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class for building location templates.
LoginButton - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt
로그인 버튼 로그인 layout에 LoginButton을 선언하여 사용한다.
LoginButton(Context) - Constructor for class com.kakao.usermgmt.LoginButton
LoginButton(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.kakao.usermgmt.LoginButton
LoginButton(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.kakao.usermgmt.LoginButton


me(MeV2ResponseCallback) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
Request user info with /v2/user/me.
me(List<String>, MeV2ResponseCallback) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
Request user info with /v2/user/me.
members() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatMembersResponse
해당 챗방에 참여중인 멤버의 ChatMember 리스트.
merge(ChatListResponse) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatListResponse
paging된 chat list정보를 모은다.
MessageFailureInfo - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model
메시지 전송 실패 정보
MessageFailureInfo(Integer, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.MessageFailureInfo
MessageSendResponse - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk.response
메시지 오픈 API 응답 모델
MessageTemplateProtocol - Class in com.kakao.message.template
MessageTemplateProtocol() - Constructor for class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
MeV2Response - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt.response
API response from /v2/user/me.
MISCONFIGURED - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.OAuthErrorCode
MOBILE_WEB_URL - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
msg() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.MessageFailureInfo
에러 메시지
MSG_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ApiErrorCode
[카카오톡 API] 받은이가 메시지 수신 거부를 설정한 경우 발생한다.
MSG_SENDER_DAILY - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ApiErrorCode
[카카오톡 API] 한명이 특정앱에 대해 보낼 수 있는 하루 쿼터(받는 사람 관계없이) 초과시 발생.
MSG_SENDER_RECEIVER_MONTHLY - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ApiErrorCode
[카카오톡 API] 한명이 특정앱에 대해 특정인에게 보낼 수 있는 한달 쿼터 초과시 발생.
msgBlocked() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
MultiUploadResponse - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory.response
MultiUploadResponse() - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.MultiUploadResponse
MyStoryImageInfo - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model
내스토리의 이미지를 크기별로 얻을 수 있는 객체.
MyStoryImageInfo(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
MyStoryImageInfo(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
MyStoryInfo - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model
MyStoryInfo(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo


navigate(Context, KakaoNaviParams) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviService
카카오내비 앱의 길 안내를 실행하기 위한 API.
navigate(Context, KakaoNaviParams, int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviService
카카오내비 앱의 길 안내를 실행하기 위한 API.
NaviOptions - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
카카오내비 API에 사용되는 선택적인 파라미터들을 위한 class.
NaviOptions() - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions
NaviOptions.Builder - Class in com.kakao.kakaonavi
NaviOptions를 간편하게 build하기 위한 Builder class.
NEED_TO_AGE_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.ApiErrorCode
연령인증이 필요한 경우 발생한다.
NetworkService - Interface in
Network interface for all other modules throughout the SDK.
NetworkService.Factory - Class in
Factory class for getting instances of NetworkService implementations.
NetworkTask - Class in
Http요청을 수행하는 class.
NetworkTask() - Constructor for class
NetworkTask(INetwork) - Constructor for class
newBuilder(String, double, double) - Static method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Destination
newBuilder(Location) - Static method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviParams
필수 파라미터들을 포함하는 Builder를 생성하는 메소드.
newBuilder(String, double, double) - Static method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Location
필수 파라미터를 포함하는 Builder를 생성하는 메소드.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions
newBuilder(Integer) - Static method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceDetailObject
newBuilder(ContentObject, CommerceDetailObject) - Static method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceTemplate
newBuilder(String, String, LinkObject) - Static method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject
newBuilder(ContentObject) - Static method in class com.kakao.message.template.FeedTemplate
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject
newBuilder(String, LinkObject) - Static method in class com.kakao.message.template.ListTemplate
newBuilder(ContentObject) - Static method in class com.kakao.message.template.LocationTemplate
newBuilder(String, ContentObject) - Static method in class com.kakao.message.template.LocationTemplate
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject
newBuilder(String, LinkObject) - Static method in class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate
newIntent(Context) - Static method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
nickname() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
카카오톡 닉네임.
NOT_EXIST_APP_CODE - Static variable in class
등록되지 않은 앱키 또는 앱키로 구성된 access token으로 요청한 경우 발생한다.
NOT_EXIST_KAKAO_ACCOUNT_CODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.ApiErrorCode
[카카오톡 API] 존재하지 않는 카카오계정으로 요청한 경우 발생한다.
NOT_EXIST_KAKAOSTORY_USER_CODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaostory.ApiErrorCode
[카카오스토리 API] 카카오스토리 미가입 사용자가 요청한 경우 발생한다.
NOT_EXIST_KAKAOTALK_USER_CODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.friends.ApiErrorCode
[친구 API] 카카오톡 미가입 사용자가 요청한 경우 발생한다.
NOT_EXIST_PUSH_TOKEN - Static variable in class com.kakao.push.ApiErrorCode
등록된 푸시토큰이 없는 기기로 푸시 메시지를 보낸 경우 발생한다.
NOT_FRIEND_CODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ApiErrorCode
[카카오톡 API] 친구관계에서만 호출하는 API에서 친구관계가 아닌데 해당 API를 호출한 경우.
NOT_REGISTERED_ORIGIN_CODE - Static variable in class
등록되지 않은 orgin에서 요청이 들어온 경우.
NOT_REGISTERED_PROPERTY_KEY_CODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.usermgmt.ApiErrorCode
[사용자 관리 me, signup, updateProfile API] 앱에 추가하지 않은 사용자 프로퍼티 키의 값을 불러오거나 저장하려고 한 경우 발생한다.
NOT_REGISTERED_USER_CODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.ApiErrorCode
[로그인기반 API] 해당 앱에 가입되지 않은 사용자가 호출한 경우 발생한다.
NOT_SUPPORTED_API_CODE - Static variable in class
[현재스펙에서는 아직 발생하지 않는다] 카카오계정으로 로그인하지 않고 다른 타입의 계정으로 로그인한 사용자가 카카오서비스(카카오스토리,카카오톡) API를 호출한 경우 또는 해당 API를 개발자 싸이트에서 disable 해놓은 경우.
NOT_SUPPORTED_OS - Static variable in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.ApiErrorCode
[카카오톡 API] 지원하지 않는 기기로 메시지를 보내는 경우 발생한다.
NotAvailableOperationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo.NotAvailableOperationException


OAuthErrorCode - Class in com.kakao.auth
Error code from Kakao OAuth server.
OAuthErrorCode() - Constructor for class com.kakao.auth.OAuthErrorCode
OBJ_TYPE - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
onAccessTokenFailure(ErrorResult) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenListener
onAccessTokenReceived(AccessToken) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenListener
onAuthCodeFailure(ErrorResult) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AuthCodeCallback
Called when there was a failure getting authorization code.
onAuthCodeReceived(String) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AuthCodeCallback
Called when authorization code was successfully retrieved.
onAuthCodeReceived(int, AuthorizationResult) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeListener
onBackPressed() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
onDidEnd() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AccessTokenCallback
onDidEnd() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkCallback
onDidEnd() - Method in class
해당 Job이 끝날때 불린다.
onDidStart() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AccessTokenCallback
onDidStart() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkCallback
onDidStart() - Method in class
해당 Job이 시작될때 불린다.
onFailure(ErrorResult) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AccessTokenCallback
onFailure(ErrorResult) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.ApiResponseCallback
onFailure(ErrorResult) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkCallback
onFailure(ErrorResult) - Method in class
요청이 실패한경우 불린다.
onFailureForUiThread(ErrorResult) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AccessTokenCallback
onFailureForUiThread(ErrorResult) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.ApiResponseCallback
onFailureForUiThread(ErrorResult) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkCallback
onFailureForUiThread(ErrorResult) - Method in class
요청한 Request가 실패했을때 불리는 callback.
onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt(String, GeolocationPermissions.Callback) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviWebViewActivity.KakaoNaviWebChromeClient
onNotSignedUp() - Method in class com.kakao.auth.ApiResponseCallback
세션 오픈은 성공했으나 사용자 정보 요청 결과 사용자 가입이 안된 상태로 일반적으로 가입창으로 이동한다.
onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[]) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviWebViewActivity
onSessionClosed(ErrorResult) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.ApiResponseCallback
세션이 닫혔을때 불리는 callback
onSessionOpened() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISessionCallback
access token을 성공적으로 발급 받아 valid access token을 가지고 있는 상태.
onSessionOpenFailed(KakaoException) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISessionCallback
로그인을 실패한 상태.
onSuccess(AccessToken) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AccessTokenCallback
onSuccess(KakaoLinkResponse) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkCallback
onSuccess(T) - Method in class
request에 대한 result.
onSuccessForUiThread(AccessToken) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AccessTokenCallback
onSuccessForUiThread(KakaoLinkResponse) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkCallback
onSuccessForUiThread(T) - Method in class
요청한 Request가 성공했을때 불리는 callback.
open(AuthType, Activity) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
세션 오픈을 진행한다.
open(AuthType, Fragment) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
세션 오픈을 진행한다.
open(AuthType, Activity) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
세션 오픈을 진행한다.
open(AuthType, Activity, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
open(AuthType, Fragment) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
세션 오픈을 진행한다.
open(AuthType, Fragment, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
OPEN_FRIENDS_V1_PATH - Static variable in class
OPEN_TALK_MESSAGE_CUSTOM_V1_PATH - Static variable in class
OPEN_TALK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT_V1_PATH - Static variable in class
OPEN_TALK_MESSAGE_SCRAP_V1_PATH - Static variable in class
openSession(AuthType) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.LoginButton
openWithAuthCode(String) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
Try login (open session) with authorization code.
openWithAuthCode(String) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
Try login (open session) with authorization code.
openWithCustomAccountsUrl(Activity, Map<String, String>, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
카카오계정의 특정 페이지를 활용하여 인증처리 후 로그인을 수행합니다.
OptionalBoolean - Enum in com.kakao.util
Enum class for representing nullable boolean values, usually in API responses.


phoneNumberNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
전화번호 제공에 대한 사용자 동의 필요 여부
PlusFriendInfo - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model
유저와 카카오톡 채널의 관계 정보
PlusFriendRelation - Enum in com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model
채널과의 관계
plusFriends(TalkResponseCallback<PlusFriendsResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
유저가 특정 카카오톡 채널과 친구를 맺었는지 확인.
plusFriends(List<String>, TalkResponseCallback<PlusFriendsResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
유저가 특정 카카오톡 채널과 친구를 맺었는지 확인.
PlusFriendService - Class in com.kakao.plusfriend
Class for adding plus friend or chatting with plus friend.
PlusFriendService() - Constructor for class com.kakao.plusfriend.PlusFriendService
PlusFriendsResponse - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk.response
/v1/api/talk/plusfriends 의 응답 모델
PlusFriendsResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.PlusFriendsResponse
PRODUCT_NAME - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
Profile - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model
실시간 카카오 계정 프로필 정보.
profileNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
프로필 제공에 대한 사용자 동의 필요 여부
ProfileResponse - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory.response
ProfileResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.ProfileResponse
ProfileResponse.BirthdayType - Enum in com.kakao.kakaostory.response
카카오스토리의 생일 타입
PUSH_DEREGISTER_PATH - Static variable in class
PUSH_REGISTER_PATH - Static variable in class
PUSH_SEND_PATH - Static variable in class
PUSH_TOKENS_PATH - Static variable in class
PushMessageBuilder - Class in com.kakao.push
자기 자신에게 보내는 푸시 메시지를 구성하는 빌더.
PushMessageBuilder() - Constructor for class com.kakao.push.PushMessageBuilder
PushService - Class in com.kakao.push
푸시 서비스 API 요청을 담당한다.
PushToken - Class in com.kakao.push
푸시 토큰에 대한 utility 객체
PushToken() - Constructor for class com.kakao.push.PushToken
PushTokenInfo - Class in com.kakao.push.response.model
PushTokenInfo(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.push.response.model.PushTokenInfo


readFully() - Method in interface
연결된 reqeust에 대한 응답 stread을 끝까지 읽어야 한다.
readFully() - Method in class
receiverUuids() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.MessageFailureInfo
해당 에러코드로 실패한 사용자 uuid 배열
refreshAccessToken(String, AccessTokenCallback) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenManager
Requests access token with refresh token.
refreshAccessToken(AccessTokenCallback) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
refreshAccessToken(AccessTokenCallback) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
Refresh access token with refresh token, even if access token hasn't expired.
refreshTokenExpiresAt() - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken
Get expire time for refresh token
registerPushToken(ApiResponseCallback<Integer>, String, String, int) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushService
현 기기의 푸시 토큰을 등록한다.
RegisterPushTokenResponse - Class in com.kakao.push.response
RegisterPushTokenResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.push.response.RegisterPushTokenResponse
REGULAR_PRICE - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
removeCallback(ISessionCallback) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.ISession
더이상 세션 상태 변화 콜백을 받고 싶지 않을 때 삭제한다.
removeCallback(ISessionCallback) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
더이상 세션 상태 변화 콜백을 받고 싶지 않을 때 삭제한다.
request(IRequest, ResponseStringConverter<T>) - Method in interface
Sends a network request synchronously.
request(IRequest, ResponseStringConverter<T>, ResponseCallback<T>) - Method in interface
Sends a network request asynchronously.
request(IRequest, ResponseStringConverter<T>, CustomErrorConverter<E>) - Method in interface
Sends a network request with custom error converter.
request(IRequest, ResponseStringConverter<T>, CustomErrorConverter<E>, ResponseCallback<T>) - Method in interface
Sends a network request asynchronously with custom error converter.
request(IRequest) - Method in class
http 요청.
requestAccessTokenByAuthCode(String, AccessTokenCallback) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessTokenManager
Requests access token with auth code retrieved from Kakao OAuth server.
requestAccessTokenInfo(ApiResponseCallback<AccessTokenInfoResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AuthService
로그인을 통해 얻은 사용자 토큰의 정보를 얻는다.
requestAgeAuthInfo(ResponseCallback<AgeAuthResponse>, AuthService.AgeLimit, List<UserManagement.AgeAuthProperty>) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
토큰으로 인증날짜와 CI값을 얻는다.
requestAppFriends(AppFriendContext, ApiResponseCallback<AppFriendsResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendsService
카카오톡 친구 중 아래의 조건을 만족하는 친구들의 리스트를 얻어온다.
requestAppFriends(AppFriendContext, TalkResponseCallback<AppFriendsResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
Request for a list of KakaoTalk friends who also: - Registered to this app (Connect with Kakao) - Agreed to provide friends info to this app
requestAuthCode(AuthType, Activity, AuthCodeCallback) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager
Request authorization code with the given AuthType.
requestAuthCode(AuthType, Fragment, AuthCodeCallback) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager
requestAuthCode(AuthType, StartActivityWrapper, AuthCodeCallback) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager
requestAuthCode(AuthType, StartActivityWrapper, Map<String, String>, AuthCodeCallback) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager
requestAuthCode(AuthCodeRequest, StartActivityWrapper, AuthCodeListener) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeService
Request authorization code.
requestAuthCodeWithCustomAccountsUrl(StartActivityWrapper, Map<String, String>, String, Map<String, String>, AuthCodeCallback) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager
통합 계정 회원 가입 후 authorization code 를 요청.
requestAuthCodeWithScopes(AuthType, StartActivityWrapper, List<String>, AuthCodeCallback) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthCodeManager
requestChatMembers(Long, Boolean, TalkResponseCallback<ChatMembersResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
톡 채팅방 멤버 리스트 정보 (제휴를 통해 권한이 부여된 특정 앱에서만 호출이 가능합니다.)
requestChatRoomList(TalkResponseCallback<ChatListResponse>, ChatListContext) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
톡의 채팅방 리스트 정보 권한이 있는 방에 대한 정보만 내려받는다.
requestDeleteMyStory(StoryResponseCallback<Boolean>, String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
지정한 id에 해당하는 카카오스토리 Activity 삭제 요청
requestFriends(ApiResponseCallback<FriendsResponse>, FriendContext) - Method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendsService
친구의 리스트를 얻어온다.
requestFriends(StoryResponseCallback<FriendsResponse>, FriendContext) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
카카오스토리 친구 리스트를 요청한다.
requestFriends(TalkResponseCallback<FriendsResponse>, FriendContext) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
카카오톡 친구 리스트를 요청한다.
requestGetLinkInfo(StoryResponseCallback<LinkInfoResponse>, String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
카카오스토리에 링크 포스팅 요청전에 링크로 부터 정보를 얻어오는 과정.
requestGetMyStories(StoryResponseCallback<List<MyStoryInfo>>, String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
지정한 id로부터 최신 약 18개 카카오스토리 Activity 요청
requestGetMyStory(StoryResponseCallback<MyStoryInfo>, String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
지정한 id에 해당하는 카카오스토리 Activity 요청
requestIsStoryUser(StoryResponseCallback<Boolean>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
현 사용자가 카카오스토리 가입자인지 확인하는 요청
requestList(IRequest, ResponseStringConverter<T>) - Method in interface
Sends a network request that expects an array response.
requestList(IRequest, ResponseStringConverter<T>, ResponseCallback<List<T>>) - Method in interface
requestLogout(LogoutResponseCallback) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
로그아웃 요청
requestPostLink(StoryResponseCallback<MyStoryInfo>, String, String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
카카오스토리에 포스팅 요청
requestPostLink(StoryResponseCallback<MyStoryInfo>, String, String, PostRequest.StoryPermission, boolean, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
카카오스토리에 포스팅 요청
requestPostNote(StoryResponseCallback<MyStoryInfo>, String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
카카오스토리에 포스팅 요청
requestPostNote(StoryResponseCallback<MyStoryInfo>, String, PostRequest.StoryPermission, boolean, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
카카오스토리에 포스팅 요청
requestPostPhoto(StoryResponseCallback<MyStoryInfo>, List<File>, String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
카카오스토리에 이미지 포스팅 요청.
requestPostPhoto(StoryResponseCallback<MyStoryInfo>, List<File>, String, PostRequest.StoryPermission, boolean, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
카카오스토리에 이미지 포스팅 요청.
requestProfile(StoryResponseCallback<ProfileResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
카카오스토리 프로필 요청
requestProfile(StoryResponseCallback<ProfileResponse>, boolean) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService
카카오스토리 프로필 요청
requestProfile(TalkResponseCallback<KakaoTalkProfile>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
카카오톡 프로필 요청
requestProfile(TalkResponseCallback<KakaoTalkProfile>, boolean) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
카카오톡 프로필 요청
requestSendMemo(TalkResponseCallback<Boolean>, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
Send KakaoTalk message to self with message template v2.
requestSendMemo(TalkResponseCallback<Boolean>, TemplateParams) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
Send KakaoTalk message to self with message template v2.
requestSendMemo(String, TalkResponseCallback<Boolean>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
스크랩 템플릿을 사용하여 나에게 메시지 전송
requestSendMemo(String, String, Map<String, String>, TalkResponseCallback<Boolean>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
스크랩 정보를 커스텀 템플릿에 사용하여 나에게 메시지 전송
requestSendMessage(TalkResponseCallback<Boolean>, MessageSendable, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
카카오톡 메시지 전송하며, message template v2로 구성된 template으로 카카오톡 메시지 전송.
requestSendMessage(TalkResponseCallback<Boolean>, MessageSendable, TemplateParams) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
카카오톡 메시지 전송하며, message template v2로 구성된 template 으로 카카오톡 메시지 전송.
requestShowAgeAuthDialog(AccountResponseCallback, Bundle, Context) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AuthService
연령인증이 필요한 경우에 동의창을 띄우기 위한 용도로 사용된다.
requestSignup(ApiResponseCallback<Long>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
가입 요청
requestUnlink(UnLinkResponseCallback) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
Unlink 요청
requestUpdateProfile(ApiResponseCallback<Long>, String, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
requestUpdateProfile(ApiResponseCallback<Long>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
사용자정보 저장 요청
resolveIntent(Context, Intent, int) - Method in interface com.kakao.util.KakaoUtilService
This method checks whether the given intent can be handled by the currently installed kakaotalk or kakaostory.
ResponseCallback<T> - Class in
Callback class that handles network success and errors.
ResponseCallback() - Constructor for class
RESTRICTED_ACCOUNT_CODE - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.OAuthErrorCode
RESULT_ERROR - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
RESULT_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.KakaoWebViewActivity
RpOption - Enum in com.kakao.kakaonavi.options
경로 옵션을 나타내는 enum class.


saveFcmTokenToCache(String) - Static method in class com.kakao.push.PushToken
발급받은 FCM 토큰을 앱 캐시에 임시적으로 저장한다.
savePushTokenToCache(String, int, Integer) - Static method in class com.kakao.push.PushToken
푸시 서버로 토큰 등록을 성공한 후에 기기에도 다음번 푸시 토큰을 얻어올 때 FCM으로부터 다시 얻어 오지 않아도 되도록 저장한다.
SCHEME - Static variable in class
scrapImage(Context, Boolean, String, ResponseCallback<ImageUploadResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Upload image with the given URL to Kakao storage server.
sendCustom(Context, String, Map<String, String>, ResponseCallback<KakaoLinkResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Send KakaoLink v2 message with custom templates.
sendCustom(Context, String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, ResponseCallback<KakaoLinkResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Send KakaoLink v2 message with custom templates.
sendDefault(Context, TemplateParams, ResponseCallback<KakaoLinkResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Send KakaoLink v2 message with default templates.
sendDefault(Context, TemplateParams, Map<String, String>, ResponseCallback<KakaoLinkResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Send KakaoLink v2 message with default templates.
sendMessageToFriends(List<String>, String, Map<String, String>, TalkResponseCallback<MessageSendResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
앱에 가입한 카카오톡 친구들에게 커스텀 템플릿을 사용하여 카카오톡 메시지 전송
sendMessageToFriends(List<String>, TemplateParams, TalkResponseCallback<MessageSendResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
앱에 가입한 카카오톡 친구들에게 디폴트 템플릿을 사용하여 카카오톡 메시지 전송
sendMessageToFriends(List<String>, String, TalkResponseCallback<MessageSendResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
앱에 가입한 카카오톡 친구들에게 스크랩 템플릿을 사용하여 카카오톡 메시지 전송
sendMessageToFriends(List<String>, String, String, Map<String, String>, TalkResponseCallback<MessageSendResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.v2.KakaoTalkService
앱에 가입한 카카오톡 친구들에게 스크랩 템플릿을 사용하여 카카오톡 메시지 전송
sendPushMessage(ApiResponseCallback<Boolean>, String, String) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushService
자기 자신에게 푸시 메시지를 전송한다.
sendScrap(Context, String, String, Map<String, String>, ResponseCallback<KakaoLinkResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Send a URL scrap message with custom template and template arguments.
sendScrap(Context, String, String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, ResponseCallback<KakaoLinkResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Send a URL scrap message with custom template and template arguments.
sendScrap(Context, String, ResponseCallback<KakaoLinkResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Send a URL scrap message with default scrap template.
sendScrap(Context, String, Map<String, String>, ResponseCallback<KakaoLinkResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Send a URL scrap message with default scrap template.
SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.OAuthErrorCode
ServerProtocol - Class in
Provides string constants necessary to constitute API requests, including server hosts, and api endpoint paths.
ServerProtocol() - Constructor for class
ServiceTerms - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model
유저의 개별 동의항목 동의 내역.
serviceTerms(ApiResponseCallback<ServiceTermsResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
User 가 3rd의 동의항목에 동의한 내역을 반환한다.
ServiceTermsResponse - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt.response
3rd 의 동의항목 내역 응답 모델.
Session - Class in com.kakao.auth
로그인 상태를 유지 시켜주는 객체로 access token을 관리한다.
setAddressTitle(String) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LocationTemplate.Builder
setAdultsOnly(Boolean) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AgeAuthParamBuilder
청소년 유해물 여부 (음악, TV 등).
setAgeLimit(AuthService.AgeLimit) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AgeAuthParamBuilder
연령제한, 일반적으로 12세, 15세, 19세 AuthService.AgeLimit
setAndroidExecutionParams(String) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject.Builder
setAppKey(String) - Method in class
setAppVer(String) - Method in class
setAuthFrom(String) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AgeAuthParamBuilder
서비스 이름 (client_id or app_id or service_name)
setAuthLevel(AuthService.AgeAuthLevel) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AgeAuthParamBuilder
연령인증 레벨.
setButtonTitle(String) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate.Builder
setCid(String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Location.Builder
set confirm id (poi id).
setCollapse(String) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushMessageBuilder
푸시 메시지 구분자.
setCommentCount(int) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject.Builder
setConfiguration(PhaseInfo, IConfiguration) - Method in class
setCoordType(CoordType) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions.Builder
setCustomField(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushMessageBuilder
메시지 외 앱에 부가적인 정보를 전달하고자 할 때 사용.
setDescrption(String) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject.Builder
setDiscountPrice(Integer) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceDetailObject.Builder
setDiscountRate(Integer) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceDetailObject.Builder
setDryRun(Boolean) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushMessageBuilder
테스트를 위해 사용.
setExtras(String) - Method in class
setFixedDiscountPrice(Integer) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceDetailObject.Builder
setGuideId(Integer) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Destination.Builder
setId(String) - Method in class com.kakao.friends.FriendContext
setImageHeight(int) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject.Builder
setImageWidth(int) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject.Builder
setIosExecutionParams(String) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject.Builder
setIsWesternAge(boolean) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AgeAuthParamBuilder
만 나이여부 동의하고 시작하기 뷰에 연령제한이 만 나이 기준으로 표시되는지의 여부.
setKaHeader(String) - Method in class
setLikeCount(int) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject.Builder
setMobileWebUrl(String) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject.Builder
setNaviOptions(NaviOptions) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviParams.Builder
setNotification(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushMessageBuilder
setPriority(String) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushMessageBuilder
단말이 도즈모드 상태에서도 푸시를 받을 수 있도록 한다.(기본값 normal)
setProductName(String) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceDetailObject.Builder
setReturnUri(String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions.Builder
sets a return URI
setReturnUrl(String) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushMessageBuilder
푸시 알림의 전송 실패에 대한 피드백 처리가 필요할 때 사용한다.
setRouteInfo(boolean) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions.Builder
sets option whether to see whole route or not
setRpflag(String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.Location.Builder
setRpOption(RpOption) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions.Builder
setSharedCount(int) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject.Builder
setSkipTerm(boolean) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.AgeAuthParamBuilder
동의하기 안내화면 skip 여부
setSocial(SocialObject) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.FeedTemplate.Builder
setSocial(SocialObject) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LocationTemplate.Builder
setStartAngle(int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions.Builder
Sets start angle.
setStartX(double) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions.Builder
setStartY(double) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions.Builder
setSubscriberCount(int) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject.Builder
setSupportFragment(Fragment) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.LoginButton
setTimeToLive(Long) - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushMessageBuilder
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions.Builder
setVehicleType(VehicleType) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.NaviOptions.Builder
setViaList(List<Location>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviParams.Builder
setViewCount(int) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject.Builder
setWebUrl(String) - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject.Builder
SHARED_COUNT - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
shareDestination(Context, KakaoNaviParams) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviService
카카오내비 앱의 목적지 공유를 하기 위한 API.
shareDestination(Context, KakaoNaviParams, int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviService
카카오내비 앱의 목적지 공유를 하기 위한 API.
ShippingAddress - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model
배송지 정보
shippingAddresses(ApiResponseCallback<ShippingAddressResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
앱에 가입한 사용자의 배송지 정보를 얻어간다.
shippingAddresses(Long, ApiResponseCallback<ShippingAddressResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
앱에 가입한 사용자의 배송지 정보 중 특정 배송지 id 만을 지정하여 조회.
shippingAddresses(Integer, Integer, ApiResponseCallback<ShippingAddressResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement
앱에 가입한 사용자의 배송지 정보를 페이지 사이즈를 주어서 여러 페이지로 나누어 조회.
shippingAddressesNeedsAgreement() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.ShippingAddressResponse
배송지 정보 조회를 위하여 유저에게 제3자 정보제공동의를 받아야 하는지 여부
ShippingAddressResponse - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt.response
/v1/user/shipping_address 응담 모델.
shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView, String) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviWebViewActivity.KakaoNaviWebViewClient
shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView, WebResourceRequest) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaonavi.KakaoNaviWebViewActivity.KakaoNaviWebViewClient
SOCIAL - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
SocialObject - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class representing various social components of messages.
SocialObject.Builder - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class for building social objects.
STORAGE_UPLOAD_IMAGE - Static variable in class
STORY_ACTIVITIES_PATH - Static variable in class
STORY_ACTIVITY_PATH - Static variable in class
STORY_DELETE_ACTIVITY_PATH - Static variable in class
STORY_LINK_SCRAPPER_PATH - Static variable in class
STORY_MULTI_UPLOAD_PATH - Static variable in class
STORY_POST_LINK_PATH - Static variable in class
STORY_POST_NOTE_PATH - Static variable in class
STORY_POST_PHOTO_PATH - Static variable in class
STORY_PROFILE_PATH - Static variable in class
StoryActor - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model
StoryActor(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryActor
StoryComment - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model
카카오 스토리 덧글
StoryComment(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryComment
StoryLike - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model
StoryLike(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike
StoryLike.Emotion - Enum in com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model
느낌 값
StoryPostResponse - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory.response
StoryPostResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.StoryPostResponse
StoryProfile - Class in com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model
StoryProfile(String, String, String, String, String, String, ProfileResponse.BirthdayType) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
successfulReceiverUuids() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.MessageSendResponse
성공한 사용자 아이디 배열


TALK_CHAT_MEMBERS_PATH - Static variable in class
TALK_CHATROOM_LIST_PATH - Static variable in class
TALK_MEMO_DEFAULT_V2_PATH - Static variable in class
TALK_MEMO_SCRAP_V2_PATH - Static variable in class
TALK_MEMO_SEND_V2_PATH - Static variable in class
TALK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT_V2_PATH - Static variable in class
TALK_MESSAGE_IMAGE_PATH - Static variable in class
TALK_MESSAGE_SCRAP_V2_PATH - Static variable in class
TALK_MESSAGE_SEND_V2_PATH - Static variable in class
TALK_PLUS_FRIENDS_PATH - Static variable in class
TALK_PROFILE_PATH - Static variable in class
TalkProfileResponse - Class in com.kakao.kakaotalk.response
TalkProfileResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.TalkProfileResponse
TEMPLATE_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
TemplateParams - Interface in com.kakao.message.template
Interface representing message template v2.
TEXT - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
TextTemplate - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class that defines parameters for building text messages.
TextTemplate(TextTemplate.Builder) - Constructor for class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate
TextTemplate.Builder - Class in com.kakao.message.template
Class for building text template.
thumbnailImage() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
친구의 썸네일 이미지
TITLE - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
toJSONObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ButtonObject
toJSONObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceDetailObject
toJSONObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.CommerceTemplate
toJSONObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ContentObject
toJSONObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.FeedTemplate
toJSONObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LinkObject
toJSONObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.ListTemplate
toJSONObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.LocationTemplate
toJSONObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.SocialObject
toJSONObject() - Method in interface com.kakao.message.template.TemplateParams
Any message type should be converted to JSONObject before they are validated or sent to KakaoTalk.
toJSONObject() - Method in class com.kakao.message.template.TextTemplate
toString() - Method in enum com.kakao.auth.ApprovalType
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.FriendsResponse
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.AppFriendInfo
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo.FriendRelation
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.LinkInfoResponse
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryActor
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryComment
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.ProfileResponse
각 정보를 string으로 표현하여 반환한다.
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatListResponse
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.KakaoTalkProfile
각 정보를 string으로 표현하여 반환한다.
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.MessageSendResponse
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.MessageFailureInfo
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.PlusFriendInfo
toString() - Method in class
결과 객체를 String으로 표현
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.push.PushMessageBuilder
푸시 메시지를 String으로 변환.
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.push.response.model.PushTokenInfo
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.MeV2Response
toString() - Method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.BirthdayType
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.Profile
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ServiceTerms
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.ShippingAddress
toString() - Method in class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
type() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.ChatMembersResponse
해당 챗방의 타입.
TYPE_COMMERCE - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
TYPE_FEED - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
TYPE_LIST - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
TYPE_LOCATION - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol


UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.OAuthErrorCode
UNDEFINED_ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class
SDK가 인지 못하고 있는 에러코드
UNDER_AGE_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.kakao.auth.ApiErrorCode
앱에 제한된 연령이하가 증명된 사용자가 요청한 경우.
updateAccessToken(AccessToken) - Method in interface com.kakao.auth.authorization.accesstoken.AccessToken
Update global access token with the given one (which could just be POJO).
updateScopes(Activity, List<String>, AccessTokenCallback) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
Update user's scopes (user's agreement to provide specific data to this application) manually.
updateScopes(Fragment, List<String>, AccessTokenCallback) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.Session
uploadImage(Context, Boolean, File, ResponseCallback<ImageUploadResponse>) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaolink.v2.KakaoLinkService
Upload image to Kakao storage server to be used in KakaoLink message.
User - Interface in com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model
USER_ACCESS_TOKEN_INFO_PATH - Static variable in class
USER_AGE_AUTH - Static variable in class
USER_LOGOUT_PATH - Static variable in class
USER_ME_V2_PATH - Static variable in class
USER_SERVICE_TERMS_PATH - Static variable in class
USER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_PATH - Static variable in class
USER_SIGNUP_PATH - Static variable in class
USER_UNLINK_PATH - Static variable in class
USER_UPDATE_PROFILE_PATH - Static variable in class
UserAccount - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model
Class for Kakao account user data, meaning these data are account-scoped, not app-scoped.
UserAccount(ResponseBody) - Constructor for class com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.UserAccount
UserManagement - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt
UserManagement API 요청을 담당한다.
UserManagement.AgeAuthProperty - Enum in com.kakao.usermgmt
추가 동의가 필요로 하는 인증정보를 response에 포함하고 싶은 경우 해당 키 리스트.
UserResponse - Class in com.kakao.usermgmt.response
uuid() - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
해당 앱에서 유일한 친구의 code 가변적인 데이터.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.ApprovalType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult.RESULT_CODE
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeAuthLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeAuthStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeAuthStatus
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeLimit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthType
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.friends.AppFriendOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaonavi.options.CoordType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaonavi.options.RpOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaonavi.options.VehicleType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService.StoryType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike.Emotion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaostory.response.ProfileResponse.BirthdayType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaotalk.ChatFilterBuilder.ChatFilter
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.PlusFriendRelation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.message.template.CurrencyUnitPosition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse.AgeAuthLimitStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.AgeRange
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.BirthdayType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.Gender
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement.AgeAuthProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.util.KakaoParameterException.ERROR_CODE
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.kakao.util.OptionalBoolean
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.ApprovalType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.authorization.AuthorizationResult.RESULT_CODE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeAuthLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeAuthStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthService.AgeLimit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.auth.AuthType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.friends.AppFriendOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaonavi.options.CoordType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaonavi.options.RpOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaonavi.options.VehicleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaostory.KakaoStoryService.StoryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike.Emotion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaostory.response.ProfileResponse.BirthdayType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaotalk.ChatFilterBuilder.ChatFilter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.PlusFriendRelation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.message.template.CurrencyUnitPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.AgeAuthResponse.AgeAuthLimitStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.AgeRange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.BirthdayType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.response.model.Gender
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.usermgmt.UserManagement.AgeAuthProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.util.KakaoParameterException.ERROR_CODE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.kakao.util.OptionalBoolean
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VehicleType - Enum in com.kakao.kakaonavi.options
차종을 나타내는 enum class.
VIEW_COUNT - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol


WEB_URL - Static variable in class com.kakao.message.template.MessageTemplateProtocol
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.auth.authorization.authcode.AuthorizationCode
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.AppFriendInfo
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo.FriendRelation
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.friends.response.model.FriendInfo
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryImageInfo
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.MyStoryInfo
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryActor
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryComment
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryLike
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaostory.response.model.StoryProfile
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.KakaoTalkProfile
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatInfo
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class com.kakao.kakaotalk.response.model.ChatMember
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