
class RxCertApiClient(client: CertApiClient = CertApiClient.instance)


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constructor(client: CertApiClient = CertApiClient.instance)


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object Companion


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fun certLoginWithKakaoAccount(context: Context, certType: CertType, prompts: List<Prompt>? = null, identifyItems: List<IdentifyItem>? = null, signData: String? = null, settleId: String? = null, nonce: String? = null, loginHint: String? = null, channelPublicIds: List<String>? = null, serviceTerms: List<String>? = null): Single<CertTokenInfo>

카카오계정으로 인증 로그인
Certification Login with Kakao Account

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fun certLoginWithKakaoTalk(context: Context, certType: CertType, signData: String? = null, settleId: String? = null, txId: String? = null, prompts: List<Prompt>? = null, identifyItems: List<IdentifyItem>? = null, requestCode: Int = AuthCodeClient.DEFAULT_REQUEST_CODE, nonce: String? = null, channelPublicIds: List<String>? = null, serviceTerms: List<String>? = null): Single<CertTokenInfo>

카카오톡으로 인증 로그인
Certification Login with Kakao Talk

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fun deleteKeyPair(certType: CertType)

임시 키 쌍 삭제하기
Delete key pair

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카카오톡으로 사용자 서명 가능 여부 확인
Checks whether the Request user signature is available

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세션 유효성 확인하기
Validate session

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fun publicKey(certType: CertType): String?

공개 키 가져오기
Retrieve public key

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fun reducedSign(certType: CertType, data: String): Single<String>

Sign for abbreviated signature

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세션 정보 반환
Returns session infomation

fun sessionInfo(certType: CertType, txId: String): Single<SessionInfo>

세션 정보 가져오기
Retrieve session infomation

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fun sessionInfoByAppKey(certType: CertType, txId: String, targetAppKey: String? = null): Single<SessionInfo>

세션 정보 가져오기
Retrieve session infomation

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fun signWithKakaoTalk(context: Context, certType: CertType, txId: String, targetAppKey: String? = null): Single<SignStatusInfo>

사용자 서명 요청하기
Request user signature