
data class Channel(uuid: String, encodedId: String, relation: Channel.Relation, updatedAt: Date?) : Parcelable

카카오톡 채널 관계 목록
List of the Kakao Talk Channel relationship


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fun Channel(uuid: String, encodedId: String, relation: Channel.Relation, updatedAt: Date?)


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enum Relation : Enum<Channel.Relation>

카카오톡 채널 관계
Relationship with the Kakao Talk Channel


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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@SerializedName(value = "channel_public_id")
val encodedId: String

카카오톡 채널 프로필 ID
Kakao Talk Channel profile ID

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val relation: Channel.Relation

카카오톡 채널 관계
Relationship with the Kakao Talk Channel

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val updatedAt: Date?

최종 변경 일시
Last update time

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@SerializedName(value = "channel_uuid")
val uuid: String

카카오톡 채널 고유 ID
Kakao Talk Channel unique ID