
data class SelectedChat(id: Long, memberCount: Int?, titleSource: String?, imageUrl: String?, roomType: PickerChatRoomType?) : Parcelable

선택한 카카오톡 채팅방 정보.


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fun SelectedChat(id: Long, memberCount: Int? = 0, titleSource: String?, imageUrl: String?, roomType: PickerChatRoomType?)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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val id: Long

채팅방 ID

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val imageUrl: String?

채팅방 이미지의 URL

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val memberCount: Int? = 0

채팅방 멤버 수

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val roomType: PickerChatRoomType?

선택한 채팅방의 타입

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val titleSource: String?

채팅방 이름 타입