Package com.kakao.sdk.friend.model

피커 API 요청과 응답에 사용되는 모델 클래스들을 제공하는 패키지.


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class DisableSelectOption @JvmOverloads constructor(reason: DisableSelectReason, message: String?, uuids: List<String>?) : Parcelable
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enum DisableSelectReason : Enum<DisableSelectReason>

친구 선택 불가 사유

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class OpenPickerFriendRequestParams @JvmOverloads constructor(title: String?, viewAppearance: ViewAppearance?, orientation: PickerOrientation?, enableSearch: Boolean?, enableIndex: Boolean?, showMyProfile: Boolean?, showFavorite: Boolean?, showPickedFriend: Boolean?, maxPickableCount: Int?, minPickableCount: Int?) : Parcelable
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enum PickerChatFilter : Enum<PickerChatFilter>

채팅방 목록 필터링 옵션

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enum PickerChatRoomType : Enum<PickerChatRoomType>

선택한 채팅방의 종류

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enum PickerChatSelectionType : Enum<PickerChatSelectionType>

채팅방 피커 종류 선택

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enum PickerFriendFilter : Enum<PickerFriendFilter>

친구 목록 필터링 기준

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enum PickerOrientation : Enum<PickerOrientation>

피커의 방향

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enum PickerUsingOsFilter : Enum<PickerUsingOsFilter>

친구의 카카오톡 가입 기기의 OS 정보를 토대로 요청 결과를 필터링할 때 사용

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data class SelectedChat(id: Long, memberCount: Int?, titleSource: String?, imageUrl: String?, roomType: PickerChatRoomType?) : Parcelable

선택한 카카오톡 채팅방 정보.

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data class SelectedUser(id: Long?, uuid: String, profileNickname: String?, profileThumbnailImage: String?, favorite: Boolean?) : Parcelable

선택한 사용자 정보

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data class SelectedUsers(totalCount: Int, users: List<SelectedUser>?) : Parcelable

선택한 사용자 정보 목록.

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enum ViewAppearance : Enum<ViewAppearance>

피커 화면 모드