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Kakao Talk Social


This document introduces the features of the Kakao Talk Social APIs.


The Kakao Talk Social enables your service to broaden the social media function by providing user's Kakao Talk profile and Kakao Talk friends data.

The Kakao Talk Social includes the following APIs:

API Description
Retrieving Kakao Talk profile Provides a user's profile information of Kakao Talk that is linked to the user's Kakao Account.
Refer to Kakao Talk profile and Usage policy.
Retrieving friends through picker Provides the user interface, called 'Friend picker' which a user can select Kakao Talk friends on, and provides the selected friends data.
Refer to Friend picker and Usage policy.
Retrieving list of friends Provides the Kakao Talk friends data for your service to leverage the friends data according to your service UI.
Refer to Retrieving list of friends and Usage policy.

If you want to implement a function of sending messages to the Kakao Talk friends obtained through the Kakao Talk Social API in your service, you need to use the Kakao Talk Messaging API together. For more about the Messaging APIs, refer to Message.

Kakao Talk profile

You can retrieve the Kakao Talk profile data of the currently logged-in user through the Retrieving Kakao Talk profile API.

If a user selects the 'Always keep it up to date' option in [Settings] > [Kakao Account] > [Manage MyInfo] > [Profile Update Settings] on the Kakao Talk application, the updated Kakao Talk profile is applied to the Kakao Account profile. Except for this case, the Kakao Talk profile data passed in response to the Retrieving Kakao Talk profile API is different from the Kakao Account's profile data. If you want to get a user's Kakao Account profile information, use the Retrieving user information API.

Retrieving list of friends

This API provides the list of a user's Kakao Talk friends. Unlike the Retrieving friends through picker API that displays the Friend picker, you must implement the user interface internally for the list of friends in your service.

Examples of Kakao Talk Social API

Example of a user interface using the Kakao Talk friend data

Friend picker

The Friend picker is the user interface on which a user can select Kakao Talk friends. The Retrieving friends through picker API displays the Friend picker and provides the data of the friends whom a user selects. If you want to implement the Friend picker in your service and leverage the users' Kakao Talk social information, use the Kakao SDKs.


The Friend picker provides a diverse user interface and the following features that you can implement for your service's needs.

  • Displays the Friend picker and provides the friend's data that a user selects.
  • Provides two types of display format:
    • Popup screen view
    • Full screen view (JavaScript SDK only provides the picker in full screen format.)
  • Provides two selection types:
    • Multi-picker: Users can select multiple friends on the friends list.
    • Single picker: Users can select a single friend on the friends list.
  • Supports multi-language:
    • Korean, English, Japanese
Selection type
Sample of multi picker and single picker
Display format

Note that the JavaScript SDK only supports the full screen type of picker.

Sample of full screen and popup screen

Usage policy

Request permission

The Friend picker and the Retrieve list of friends API can only be used by apps that have been granted permissions. For apps without permissions or Test apps, only the app's team members can call APIs, and the response range is restricted to those team members. To enable these features for all users in a live service, apply for the required permissions under [My Application] > [Request for App Permissions].

Complete the following steps before the request.

  1. Set the [Friends List in Kakao Service(Including profile image, nickname, and favorites)(friends)] scope. Refer to Manage consent items.
  2. Implement the feature using Friend picker or Retrieve list of friends API.
  3. Test the feature works properly for the team members.

After getting permission, Friend picker and Retrieve list of friends API will be available for all service users. And [Friends List in Kakao Service(Including profile image, nickname, and favorites)(friends)] scope can be set to [Optional consent]. However, note that the friend list of the picker and the response of Retrieve list of friends API provides only friends who meet the Conditions for providing friends data.

Request permission for the Kakao Talk Messaging API

The Kakao Talk Messaging API provides a feature for sending a message to the user's friend on Kakao Talk. As well as the Kakao Talk Social features, permission is required to use the feature. It is possible to request both permissions at once.


Kakao API applies monthly and daily quotas for stable service. You can check the currently applied quota information in the Quota. To increase the applied quota limit, contact us as consultation and partnership are required.

Profile visibility option

The profile visibility option allows users to hide or show their profile on the Friends list of your service. If users select to hide their profiles on the Friends list of a service, they cannot receive any messages from their friends using the service.

How to check or change settings

Users can check or change the profile visibility settings by selecting [Preferences] at the bottom right of the message sent from their friends. If a user disables the 'Show my profile on Friends list' option on the Preference page, the user is not only displayed on the Friends list, but also the user's friends cannot send any message in the service.

How to check or change the settings to receive messages

[Preferences] is displayed only to the recipient’s message sent through the Kakao Talk Messaging API. Note that [Preferences] is not displayed on the following messages:

  • Sender's message sent through the Kakao Talk Messaging API
  • Messages sent through Kakao Talk Sharing API.

Users can also change the profile visibility settings by selecting [Agree] or [Withdraw] for the '[Optional] Show my profile on Friends list' access right. Users can allow or deny this access right in either way:

  • [Use Your Account] > [Manage Connected Services] on the Kakao Account page
  • [Settings] > [Kakao Account] > [Manage Connected Services] on the Kakao Talk application
How to check or change the settings to receive messages

If a user denies the access right, the user's profile is not displayed on the Friends list, and the user's friends cannot send any Kakao Talk messages through your service app.

Criteria for providing profile information

The response to the Retrieving list of friends API and the Friend picker is affected by multi-profile. The Multi-profile function enables the Kakao Talk users to set multiple profiles and show a different profile to each friend.

Kakao Talk profile information includes a user's nickname (nickName), a profile image URL (profileImageUrl), and a Kakao Talk profile thumbnail image URL (thumbnailUrl). When you call the Retrieving list of friends API or the Friend picker, the nickname and profile image URL are passed differently in the response with the given priorities.

For example, if user A requests to retrieve the list of A's friends, the nickname and profile image of user B (A's friend) are displayed with the following priorities:

  • Nickname: B's name that A specified in A's Kakao Talk app > B's name that A saved in A's Contacts > B's nickname that B set it to visible to A out of multi-profiles > B's nickname that B set as a default
  • Profile Image URL: B's profile image that B set it to visible to A out of multi-profiles > B's profile image that A set as a default

On the other hand, the multi-profile feature does not affect the response of Retrieve Kakao Talk profile API because the default profile information set by a user is used.

Conditions for providing friends data

You can obtain users' friends through either of the following APIs:

  • Retrieving list of friends API
  • Retrieving friends through picker API

These APIs are only allowed for apps with the given permission. To use these API, request permission.

The friends list retrieved through these APIs may not include all Kakao Talk friends information of the user, which means that the number of the friends displayed on the friends list may differ from the actual number of Kakao Talk friends.

When a user requests the list of friends, only the user's friends who meet all of the following conditions are displayed on the friends list:

  • Friend must not be hidden nor blocked.
  • Friend's Kakao Account must be linked to your service app.
  • Friend must consent to the 'Friends List in Kakao Service(Including profile image, nickname, and favorites)' scope when linking to your service app.
  • Friend must set the profile to public by selecting the 'Show my profile on Friends list' option. Refer to Profile visibility settings.

We do not provide an open API to give all Kakao Talk friends information of a user. Because the Kakao Talk friends data is private information, we strictly require consent for the user and each friend to provide their private information to a third-party. For this reason, the target of the Retrieving list of friends API and Retrieving friends through picker API is limited to the app users, not all of the Kakao Talk friends.


The Retrieving list of friends API and Retrieving friends through picker API are not allowed to use for other purposes. - You must not provide other users with the friends' relationship. - You must not retain the friends data for other purposes, except for improving user’s environment in your service. - You must not provide the analyzed or combined information related to friends' relationships.

Response cache for Retrieving list of friends API

The Retrieving list of friends API refreshes the data every 10 minutes and returns cached responses within 10 minutes before the next API call. Once you request this API, you receive the same friends' list as the previous request within 10 minutes, even though some friend information changes. To receive the updated list of friends, you must make a request again 10 minutes later.


  • Refer to Scope of support to know whether each Kakao SDK supports each feature.
Feature Description Documentation
Retrieve Kakao Talk profile Gets the Kakao Talk profile of the user currently logged in. REST API
Retrieve friends through picker Displays the Friend picker and provides the information of the Kakao Talk friends that a user selects through the picker.. JavaScript
Retrieve list of friends Gets the friends added in Kakao Talk account linked to the Kakao Account of the user currently logged in.. REST API