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Build with Kakao Developers
Build with Kakao Developers

Recommended products

  • Kakao SyncKakao Sync

    Kakao Sync provides the Simple Signup feature that allows users to consent to Terms of Service and add a Kakao Talk Channel during the signup process.

  • Kakao LoginKakao Login

    Kakao Login allows users to easily log in your service with a Kakao Account in a fast and secure way. Get more users for your service through a Kakao Account that everyone has.

  • Kakao Talk SocialKakao Talk Social

    Kakao Talk Social provides personalized service using the nickname and profile image of Kakao Talk friends.

  • MessageMessage

    The Messaging API provides a function to share content or news of your service through Kakao Talk. Encourage users to revisit and interact more with your service.

  • Kakao MapKakao Map

    Kakao Map allows you to use the information related to maps, locations, and places in various location-based services by providing the latest information all the time.

  • Kakao Talk ChannelKakao Talk Channel

    Kakao Talk Channel provides the buttons for your channel and the customer file management feature.

  • SearchSearch

    The Search API provides extensive search results provided by Daum and Kakao. Enhance your content with data in the search results such as webs, videos, cafes, images, blogs, tips, and books.

Kakao API features

Start with kakao platform +
service api products
Start with kakao platform + service api products
  • Win-Win

    Since humans live by relying on each other, Kakao pursues coexistence through positive interactions. We want to grow up together with developers, by developers, and for developers.

    #together, #winwin
  • Productivity

    Enhancing the productivity of developers is one of our key goals. Kakao strives to provide a convenient environment where developers can focus on the core logic of the service and create more value.

  • Creating value

    Kakao respects creative developers who pioneer new cultures and create various values. With technology and services that are safely refined and open to everyone, we want to create a better world and more meaningful user value together.

    #value, #create