This document introduces the Kakao Moment API.
Kakao Moment APIs allow you to retrieve the information related to ad accounts, campaigns, ad groups, and creatives configured on the Kakao Moment platform and to check metrics through reports. You can also change the status of ad accounts, campaigns, ad groups, and creatives, edit daily budget and bid amount, manage Display creatives, and delete an Ad group and campaign.
You can use the following campaign types X goals via API: Bizboard X Conversion(전환), Bizboard X Visit, Display X Conversion, Display X Visit(방문), Video X View(조회), Kakao Talk Channel X Reach(도달), Personalized message X Reach.
Term | Description |
Ad account | An advertising account is a unit to run advertising. An advertiser or an agency running ads for the advertiser can create an ad account. When an agency creates an ad account, the agency can enter the advertiser's business information separately. The business information registered in the ad account is used to issue tax invoices. To create an ad account in the Kakao Moment platform, a Kakao Account is required. |
Campaign | You can set the goal for Display ads or the sending method for Message ads. You can run multiple campaigns according to your service's strategies. |
Ad group | You can create ad groups under a campaign and set detailed strategies such as targeting strategies, delivery settings, bid amount, and period for each ad group. |
Creative | For Display ads, you can create the Native, Banner, or Video type of creatives. You can also set the frequency for each creative. For Message ads, you can select a message used for a creative. |
Display | Refers to one of the ad types. You can expose a variety of Display creatives, such as Native, Banner, and Video types of creatives, to the desired users. |
Message creative | Refers to the messages that are sent to the target audiences at a time at the specified date and time. For targeting, you can set custom audience targets, demographics, and detailed targets. Its price varies depending on whether or not targeting is applied. Custom audience targeting and demographic targeting are available for the Message. If targeting is not applied, it costs 15 won per message. If applied, it costs 20 won per message. |
ID type | Description |
adAccountId | Ad account ID |
campaignId | Campaign ID |
adGroupId | Ad group ID |
creativeId | Creatives ID |
Only the agencies and advertisers have officially permitted by Kakao and implemented Business Authentication can use the Kakao Moment APIs. Apply for permission in the order below.
To request Kakao Moments APIs, you must use a Business token that has been authorized with required business consent items. Refer to Business Authentication.
To use Kakao Moment APIs, you must consent to the Terms of Service for Kakao Business since February 1, 2021. Only after you convert your account to an integrated account on the Kakao Business platform, you can continute to use the Kakao Business services.
Kakao Moment provides the following APIs.
API | Description |
Viewing list of ad accounts | Retrieves a list of ad accounts that the viewer belongs to. |
Viewing ad account | Retrieves detailed information of a specific ad account. Provided information: Ad account ID, name, business registration number of the company that owns the ad account, advertiser's business information, type, status, whether the administrator is suspended, whether the balance is insufficient, placement status |
Viewing real-time balance | Retrieves the balance of an ad account. |
Viewing business right | Retrieves the business right of an ad account. |
Viewing list of Kakao Talk Channel profiles | Retrieves a list of the Kakao Talk Channel profiles available in Kakao Moment based on the viewer's Kakao Account. |
Viewing Pixel & SDK | Retrieves a list of Pixel & SDKs available in Kakao Moment based on the viewer's Kakao Account. |
Creating ad account | Creates a new ad account of an advertiser or agency by using the business ID registered in Kakao Business Admin Center. Only allowed with a Business Kakao Account. |
Changing ad account status | Changes the status of an ad account to ON or OFF. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of campaigns | Retrieves a list of campaigns created under an ad account. |
Viewing campaigns | Retrieves the detailed information of the specified campaign. Provided information: Ad account ID, campaign ID, name, Type X Goal, ad goal, daily budget, status, whether the daily budget is exceeded, placement status, conversion tracking ID |
Creating campaign | Creates a new campaign under an ad account. Items available to set: campaign name, daily budget, conversion tracking ID |
Editing campaign | Edits the campaign information such as the campaign name, daily budget, conversion tracking ID (if the campaign goal is 'Visit(방문)'. |
Editing daily budget for Display campaign | Changes the daily budget for the created campaign. |
Changing campaign status | Changes the status of the specified campaign to ON or OFF. |
Deleting campaign | Deletes a campaign. |
Viewing reason for system stop | Retrieves a reason why the specified campaign's system is stopped. |
Viewing list of reasons for system stop | Retrieves multiple reasons why the specified campaign's system is stopped. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of ad groups | Retrieves a list of ad groups under a campaign. |
Viewing ad group | Retrieves the detailed information of an ad group. |
Creating Display ad group | Creates a Display ad group under a campaign. |
Editing Display ad group | Edits the created Display ad group. |
Editing daily budget for Display ad group | Edits the daily budget for a Display ad group. |
Editing maximum bid for Display ad group | Edits the maximum bid amount of the Display ad group. |
Editing spending method for Display ad group | Changes the spending method — normal and quick — for a Display ad group. |
Creating Message ad group | Creates a Message ad group under a campaign. |
Editing Message ad group | Edits the created Message ad group. |
Retrieving estimated target population for Message ad group | Retrieves the estimated target population to enter the number of sending messages required when creating or editing ad groups under the Kakao Talk Channel X Reach(도달)' type of campaign. |
Creating personalized message ad group | Creates the Personalized message ad group. |
Editing personalized message ad group | Edit the Personalized ad group. |
Changing ad group status | Changes the status of an ad group operation to ON or OFF. |
Cancelling contract for message ad group | Cancels the contract about an ad group under the 'Kakao Talk Channel X Reach(도달)' type of campaign. |
Deleting ad group | Deletes an ad group. |
Viewing reason for system stop | Retrieves a reason why the specified ad group's system is stopped. |
Viewing list of reasons for system stop | Retrieves multiple reasons why the specified ad group's system is stopped. |
API | Description |
Viewing city/province | Retrieves the code and information of -si (city) or -do (province). |
Viewing city/county/district | Retrieves the code and information of -si (city), -gun (county), or -gu (district) for a specific location. |
Viewing neighborhood/town/township | Retrieves the code and information of -eup (town), or -myeon (townships) for a specific location. |
Viewing categories of Network for placements | Retrieves the code and name of the categories of the Network placement. |
Viewing list of section categories | Retrieves a list of section categories that can be selected when creating or editing an ad group. |
Viewing targetable engagement targets | Retrieves a list of information of the engagement targets created under an ad account. Provided information: Engagement target ID, name, list of engagement data, collecting period, target population status, created time, and last modified time |
Viewing targetable Pixel & SDK events | Retrieves a list of information of the Pixel & SDKs created under an ad account. Provided information: Tracker ID and targeting period |
Viewing list of targetable customer files | Retrieves a list of information of the customer files created under an ad account. Provided information: Customer file ID, name, registration key, status, target population, whether it is ready or not, created time, and last modified time |
Viewing list of targetable Kakao Talk Channels | Retrieves a list of Kakao Talk Channel information that can be used when creating or editing an ad group. Provided information: Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID, profile name, and channel name |
Viewing list of targetable Kakao Login users | Retrieves a list of Kakao Talk Channel information, linked with Kakao Sync, that can be used when creating or editing an ad group. Provided information: Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID, profile name, and channel name |
Viewing list of targetable Friend groups | Retrieves a list of Friend groups information that can be used when creating or editing an ad group. Provided information: Friend group's ID, name, group key and type, app ID, status, created time, and last modified time, target update time. |
API | Description |
Viewing category data for custom audience targeting | Retrieves the codes of the category data for custom audience targeting. |
Viewing location for custom audience targeting | Retrieves the GH location codes for geotargeting. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of creatives | Retrieves a list of creatives under an ad group. |
Viewing creative | Retrieves detailed information of the specified creative. |
Creating Display creative | Creates a Display creative under an ad group. |
Editing Display creative | Edits the created Display creative. |
Copying Display creative | Copies a Display creative. |
Retrieving materials for Display ad verification | Retrieves materials for verification for a Display creative. |
Creating Message creative | Creates a Message creative under an ad group. |
Editing Message creative | Edits the created Message creative. |
Copying Message creative | Copies a Message creative. |
Creating Personalized message creative template | Creates a Personalized message creative template under an ad group. |
Editing Personalized message creative template | Edits the created Personalized message creative template. |
Changing creative status | Changes a creative status to ON or OFF. |
Deleting creative | Deletes a creative. |
Viewing reason for system stop | Retrieves the system suspension reason of the specified creative. |
Viewing list of reasons for system stop | Retrieves multiple system suspension reasons of the specified creative. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of Business Forms for landing settings | Retrieves a list of information of the Business Forms that can be used to set as a Business Form's landing type. Provided information: Business Form ID, title, type, date and time when permission is granted for Business Form, and start and end date of Business Form |
Viewing list of Ad Views for landing settings | Retrieves a list of information of Ad Views that can be used to set as an Ad View's landing type. Provided information: Ad View ID, name, type, and template type |
Viewing list of Channel Posts for landing settings | Retrieves a list of information of Channel Posts that can be used to set as a Channel Post's landing type. |
API | Description |
Viewing report on ad account | Retrieves report on an ad account. |
Viewing reports on campaigns | Retrieves reports on campaigns. |
Viewing reports on ad groups | Retrieves reports on ad groups. |
Viewing reports on creatives | Retrieves reports on creatives. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of Kakao TV channels | Retrieves a list of Kakao TV channels that include videos to be used for a Message creative. |
Viewing details of Kakao TV channel | Retrieves the details of the Kakao TV channel that includes videos to be used for a Message creative. |
Viewing list of Kakao TV channel videos | Retrieves a list of videos that you can use for a Message creative. |
Viewing details of Kakao TV channel video | Retrieves the details of the videos uploaded in a Kakao TV channel, which you can use for a Message creative. |
Viewing list of coupons | Retrieves a list of coupons that you can set as a button for a Message creative. |
Viewing details of coupon | Retrieves the details of the coupon that you can set as a button for a Message creative. |
Viewing list of Ad Views | Retrieves a list of Ad Views you can set as a button for a Message creative. |
Viewing list of posts | Retrieves a list of posts uploaded in Kakao Talk Channel, which you can set as a button for a Message creative. |
Viewing list of Business Forms | Retrieves a list of Business Forms that you can set as a button for a Message creative. |
Viewing details of Business Form | Retrieves a specific Business Form that you can set as a button for a Message creative. |
API | Description |
Testing sending personalized message | Sends a test message of the Personal message X Reach campaign. |
Sending a personalized message | Sends a message of the Personal message X Reach campaign. |
Sending multiple personalized message | Sends a message of the Personal message X Reach campaign. A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 100 messages are available to send at once. |
Retrieving sending status | Retrieves sending status. |
Uploading image for personalized message | Upload images for Personalized messages. |
Setting video for personalized message | Sets a video on Kakao TV in advance to validate. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of Ad Views | Retrieves a list of Ad Views created under an ad account. |
Viewing Ad View | Retrieves the detailed information of an Ad View created under an ad account. |
Deleting Ad View | Deletes an Ad View under an ad account. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of linked Business Forms | Retrieves the list of Business Forms with permission granted to the designated ad account. |
Viewing list of linkable Business Forms | Retrieves the list of Business Forms that permission can be added to. |
Linking Business Form | Adds permission for a specific Business Form to an ad account. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of linked Pixel & SDKs | Retrieves the list of the Pixel & SDKs linked to the ad account. |
Viewing list of linkable Pixel & SDKs | Retrieves the list of the Pixel & SDKs that usage permission can be added to. |
Linking Pixel & SDK | Adds permission for a specific Pixel & SDK to an ad account. |
Unlinking Pixel & SDK | Deletes permission for a specific Pixel & SDK from an ad account. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of Audiences | Retrieves the list of Audiences through the Audience management function. |
Viewing details of Audience | Retrieves detailed information of a specific Audience through the Audience management function. |
Creating Audience | Creates an Audience to be used when creating or editing an adgroup. |
Editing Audience | Edits Audience. |
Deleting Audience | Deletes an Audience. |
Deleting multiple Audiences | Deletes multiple Audiences at once. |
Viewing usage of Audience | Retrieves the information of ad groups that use the designated Audience through the Audience management function. |
Disabling use of Audience | Disables the ad group that uses the designated Audience through the Audience management function. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of engagement targets | Retrieves a list of information of the engagement targets created under an ad account. Provided information: Engagement target ID, name, list of engagement data, collecting period, target population status, created time, and last modified time |
Viewing engagement target | Retrieves information of a specific engagement target. Provided information: Engagement target ID, name, list of engagement data, collecting period, target population status, created time, and last modified time |
Viewing creatable engagement targets | Retrieves the list of information about the ad groups and campaigns that can be used when you create an engagement target. |
Creating engagement target | Creates a new engagement target by setting the engagement name and engagement data. |
Editing name of engagement target | Edits the name of the created engagement target. |
Editing data of engagement target | Edits the data of the created engagement target. |
Deleting engagement target | Deletes the created engagement target. |
Deleting multiple engagement targets | Deletes multiple engagement targets at once. |
Viewing usage of engagement target | Retrieves the list of ad groups and campaigns that use the designated engagement target. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of customer files | Retrieves the list of information of the customer files uploaded with an ad account. Provided information: Customer file ID, name, registration key, status, whether it is ready or not, created time, and last modified time |
Viewing details of customer file | Retrieves the information of the customer file uploaded with an ad account. Provided information: Customer file ID, name, registration key, status, target population, whether it is ready or not, created time, and last modified time |
Registering customer file | Registers a customer file under an ad account by uploading a customer file and by setting its name. |
Editing customer file | Edits a customer file by uploading a new file to replace the previous file. |
Editing customer file name | Edits the name of the uploaded customer file. |
Deleting customer file | Deletes the uploaded customer file. |
Deleting multiple customer files | Deletes multiple customer files at once. |
Viewing usage of customer file | Retrieves the list of ad groups and campaigns that use the designated customer file. |
API | Description |
Viewing list of Friend groups | Retrieves a list of information of the Friend groups created under an ad account. Provided information: Friend group ID, Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID, profile name, file format, Friend group name, number of friends, status, created time, and last modified time |
Registering Friend group | Registers customer identifiers (Phone numbers or service user IDs) or message recipients as a Friend group. |
Editing Friend group name | Edits the name of the registered Friend group. |
Deleting Friend group | Deletes the registered Friend group. |
Deleting multiple Friend groups | Deletes multiple Friend groups. |
Viewing usage of Friend group | Retrieves the list of ad groups that use the designated Friend group. |
API | Description |
Viewing business information | Retrieves business information. Provided information: Business registration number, business name, representative name, business type, and business item |
Release Date | Change log |
2024.12.17 | * Campaign, Ad group, Display creatives, Creatives - Added Video campaign. * Payment management - Removed documentation for the Creating Virtual Account for Direct Deposit API due to its deprecation. |
2024.7.8 | * Report - Added ROAS metrics for the reports. * Engagement targeting management - Added a field for the target population( populationScore ) in the response. |
2024.6.3 | * Updated AssetGroup - Changed fields for the price information. - Added a field for the discounted price. - Added fields for the landing URLs for PC and mobile. |
2024.4.2 | * Updated administrative districts and category codes. * Added new types for the engagement targeting. * Added Rate of plays(VTR) to the MetricsGroup for the report. |
2024.2.26 | * Customer file management - Added new APIs for uploading and editing customer files. * Ad creation: Ad account - Removed businessAccount in the response of View ad accounts API and View ad account API. |
2024.1.30 | * Added a new API - View list of ad accounts: Provides page-type responses, no limit to the number of ad accounts, deprecated date of the previous API (2024.5.9) * Improved descriptions in the document. |
2023.12.7 | * Added "All events" for the PIXEL&SDK targeting. * Added an age-targeting band for over 70. * Updated codes for locations, business, and interest categories. - Locations: Gyeonggi-do, Yangju-si, Okjeong 1-dong( B7220A153 ), Gyeonggi-do, Yangju-si, Okjeong 2-dong(B7220A154 )- Business: Shopping mall - Specialty store - Baby & kids product - Toys, Lego( P10210802 ), Living/convenience service - Consultation service - Legal/Tax/Accounting(P151001 )- 관심사: Food - Southeast Asian cuisine( I1614 ), Education - Learning language - English(I050201 ), Education - Learning language - Chinese(I050202 ), Education - Learning language - Japanese(I050203 ), Travel - Overseas travel - Australia(I140209 ), Outdoor Activities/Leisure - Running/Marathon(I2309 ), Health - Meditation/psychological care(I0209 )* Improved descriptions for the auto bid. |
2023.11.30 | * Updated documents due to the end of service of the sponsored board. * Improved descriptions for creativeId . |
2023.10.18 | * Ad creation: Message creative, Ad creation: Personalized message creative - Supports the Carousel types. |
2023.7.31 | * Added APIs for the Personalized message. |
2023.5.3 | * Added Bizboard motion metrics. * Added CPC cost targeting bidding method for Display ad group. * Changed the setting of the targeting term. * Updated codes of Depth3Location .- Added: 경기 파주시 운정4동(B72300236), 경기 파주시 운정5동(B72300237), 경기 파주시 운정6동(B72300238), 서울 강남구 개포3동(I10000003) - Deleted: 서울 강남구 일원2동(I10001102) * Changed the category code of UfoInterest for the digital currency(I320104 → I32010702).* Updated category codes of UfoBusinessType .- Added: Shopping mall - Specialty store - Household goods - Bathroom supplies(P10210602), Shopping mall - Specialty store - Household goods - Bedding supplies(P10210603), Shopping mall - Specialty store - Household goods - Aromatic products(P10210604), Shopping mall - Specialty store - Food - Butcher shop(P10210907), Shopping mall - General store - Traditional Market(P101714), Car - Rental/leased car(P2005) - Deleted: Transportation - Rental/leased car(P0509) * Added a view type for message creatives. |
2023.3.27 | * Updated the description of the sectionCategories field according to adding placements of Kakao Bizboard.* Added ADD_FRIEND value to ObjectiveDetailType . |
2023.2.21 | * Ad creation: Creative - Added the Premium video ( PREMIUM_VIDEO_MESSAGE ) view type for the Message creative.- Increased the height of the createable image banner ( IMAGE_BANNER ) on Kakao Bizboard: 1029x222 px -> 1029x258 px* Report - Added report metrics: cost per sign up, cart viewing rate, cost per number of friends added - View report on ad account API intergrates View reports on multiple ad accounts API functionality. * Engagement targeting management - Added Kakao Talk Channel X Reach engagement target type. * Reference - Updated on UfoInterest and UfoBusinessType. |
2022.12.20 | * Ad creation: Campaign - Updated the Tracking options by Type X Goal table as Kakao Talk Channel X Reach(도달) is available for Conversion tracking settings. |
2022.12.7 | * Ad creation: Creative - Added couponBookAssetGroups for Message creative.- Not allowed to create, update, and copy the creatives that include couponBookAssetGroups .* Report - Added MESSAGE_CLICK metrics about message creative coupon assets in MetricsGroup .* Reference - Added error codes. |
2022.9.22 | * Reference - Deleted location code (B72051007) and added location codes (B7205A082, B7205A083, G15021000) for Depth3Location information. |
2022.8.25 | * Ad creation: Creative - Added description for native type of creative.* Friend group management - Added a new API: Registering Friend group - Changed field name: plusFriendProfileName → talkChannelProfileName plusFriendGroupFileIds → ids * Ad creation: Ad group, Audience management - Added TalkChannelGroupTargeting . * Targeting for ad group - Added a new API: Viewing list of targetable Friend groups * Reference - Added error codes. - Added slide_others_click to MetricsGroup. - Added TalkChannelGroupTargeting. |
2022.6.23 | * Ad creation: Creative - Changed a policy on the required value for wide list message. * Ad creation: Campaign, Ad creation: Ad group - Changed the response as the blocked status of Kakao Talk Channel is added. - Changed API names Viewing reason for admin suspension → Viewing reason for system stop Viewing list of reasons for admin suspension → Viewing list of reasons for system stop * Reference - Added an error code. - Deleted some matrixes for a report from MetricsGroup. |
2022.4.25 | * Audience management: - Added a new API: Deleting multiple Audiences * Engagement targeting management - Added a new API: Deleting multiple engagement targets - Added thirdIndicator to BaseAd for Creating engagement target API.- Changed the limit to create engagement target from 30 to 50. * Customer file management - Added a new API: Deleting multiple customer files * Friend group management - Added a new API: Deleting multiple Friend groups * Reference - Updated on UfoInterest and UfoBusinessType. - Added OptimizationStatus . - Deleted AssetImage .- Added an error code (22211) and updated the error message for 22203, 75523, 75527. |
2022.4.5 | * Report - Added VIDEO metrics for number of video plays and cost per video plays in MetricsGroup .- Added EXPANDABLE metrics for expandable multi-image in MetricsGroup . |
2022.2.24 | * Ad creation: Ad group - Changed the maximum value of daily budget and bid amount. * Targeting for ad group - Added new API: Viewing neighborhood/town/township API. * Reference - Added error codes. - Added Depth3Location information. |
2022.1.20 | * Ad creation: Creative - Added new APIs: Viewing reason for system stop API Viewing list of reasons for system stop API - Added new field: ageVerification (Whether to use age verification messages)* Pixel & SDK - Added new field: role * Customer file management - Changed field name and limit: file → files |
2022.1.4 | * Pixel & SDK - Changed the response of the Viewing list of linked Pixel & SDKs API. |
2021.12.16 | * Ad creation: Creative - Added parameters and response fields related to the materials for ad verification. |
2021.11.15 | * Campaign, Ad group, Creative - Deleted type from the responses of some APIs.- Added support for sponsored board. * Reference - Added SPB (Board metrics) to MetricsGroup . |
2021.10.5 | * Deprecated some APIs and UFO category - Ad group lookalike audience management API - Viewing list of targetable lookalike audience API - Viewing location for custom audience targeting API - Viewing services for custom audience targeting API - Changed some UFO categories and removed some services from the categories. * Change in Audience type - Changed Audience type( type ): DISPLAY, MESSAGE- Creating Audience API: Added required parameter for Audience type, Added Available parameter by Audience type. (If you request a wrong type of parameter, error accours.) Editing Audience API: Audience type is not allowed to be changed. - Deleted Moment targeting not used from response, Deleted lookalike targeting. - Updated detailed error code related to Audience. * Engagement targeting management - Viewing engagement target API: Added Audience type in response. - Viewing creatable engagement targets API: Added the 'Daum Shopping X Reach' and 'Video X View' to the creatable targets. - Creating engagement target API: Added Audience type as a required parameter, Applied Available parameter by Audience type. - Editing name of engagement target API: Added Audience type in response. * Ad creation: Ad group - Added and modified the smartMessage field.- Removed the creativeOptimization and dynamicTarget field.- Applied the changes of Audience type in response. - Updated detailed error codes related to ad group. - Deprecated some targeting options used when creating ad group: lookalike targeting, current location targeting, service categories (If you request to create or edit a Message ad group with the deprecated targeting, error occurs. For Display ad group, the request normally works with the requested values igonored.) * Ad creation: Creative - Not support "MESSAGE" of landingType for Bizboard campaign type. |
2021.8.26 | * Ad creation: Campaign - Updated on Conversion tracking settings in the Tracking options by Type X Goal table. * Reference - Added error code(75691) and its description related to message spam filter. |
2021.8.17 | * Ad creation: Campaign - Applied the changes related to 'Channel X Reach' Open API. * Ad creation: Ad group - Applied the changes related to 'Channel X Reach' Open API, Separated the table of contents by type. - Added new APIs: Retrieving estimated target population for Message ad group Cancelling contract for Message ad group * Ad creation: Creative - Applied the changes related to 'Channel X Reach' Open API, Separated the table of contents by type. * Message management - Added new APIs: Viewing list of Kakao TV channels Viewing details of Kakao TV channel Viewing list of Kakao TV channel videos Viewing details of Kakao TV channel video Viewing list of coupons Viewing details of coupon Viewing list of Ad Views for Message button Viewing list of posts Viewing list of Business Forms Viewing details of Business Form * Reference - Updated error code and class information related to 'Channel X Reach' Open API. * Others - Deleted the legacy documentation as the Open API version V2 and V3 have been deprecated. |
2021.8.3 | * Ad creation: Ad group - Added new API: Viewing list of reasons for admin suspension * Creative - Added hasExpandable in response.Campaign - Added new API: Viewing list of reasons for admin suspension - Deleted the items (campaign's Type X Goal and objective of the advertising goal) that cannot be used when editing a campaign. * Pixel & SDK - Added support to link with up to 100 Pixes & SDKs per ad account. MAT - Deprecated APIs related to MAT. * Others - Added the restrictions on 'Kakao Bizboard X Reach(도달)'. |
2021.6.24 | * Audience management - Added new APIs: Creating Audience Editing Audience Deleting Audience * Ad creation: Ad group - Changed API request quotas: Creating ad group, Editing ad group, Editing daily budget, Editing maximum bid amount, Editing spending method, Changing status APIs - Changed to allow ad group to be createed or edited even for the Kakao Bizboard type of campaign. * Ad creation: Campaign - Updated supported values for campaign type. - Changed API request quotas: Edit campaign, Edit daily budget, Change status * Ad creation: Creative - Updated creative types that can be added by campaign type. - Chaged image size. - Added CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE to format for Message ad creative. |
2021.5.25 | * Audience management - Audience management API - Added Audience basic information to Targeting, including whether or not Audience is used. * customer file - Added new API: Editing customer file |
2021.4.22 | * Ad creation: Ad group - Applied the changes in the Audience management function. - Creating or editing is not allowed for ad group targeting set through the Audience management function. * MAT - Deprecated the Creating linkage code API. * Pixel & SDK - Added limitation on the number of Pixel & SDK tracking (Up to 100). * Ad creation: Creative - Removed promotional text for Native creative (image, video). * Added video ad type and intergrate creatives - Added a campaign type and goal (type: VIDEO , goal: VIEW )- To retrieve an ad group under a new campaign, type is DISPLAY .- To retrieve a creative under a new campaign, format is VIDEO_NATIVE .* Business Form - Provides more permissions for Business Form linkage. * Custom audience targeting - Deprecated two sets of Keyword targeting APIs. |
2021.4.15 | * Ad creation: Creative - Added a new creative landing type, PAY_BUY . |
2021.3.30 | * Ad creation: Ad group - Added sectionCategories to ad group with Kakao Talk Bizboard type.* Targeting for ad group - Added new API: Viewing list of section categories API |
2021.3.9 | * Changed policy on bid amount - Depreacted the Editing creative bid amount API. * Added admin suspection function for campaign and ad group - Ad creation: Campaign: Viewing reason for admin suspension API, Added adminStop .- Ad creation: Ad group: Viewing reason for admin suspension API, Added adminStop .* Deleted some categories of Business type and Interest. - ID P0510 Transportation > Car sharing - ID I1809 Sports > Bycycle * Demographic age segmentation - To provide more precise age targeting, the age segmentation is devided by 5 years of age. - Report: Maintained existing (old) age classification data, added new age classification data. * Changed validation checking rule to delete Ad View - AS-IS: Impossible to delete if a creative uses the Ad View as a landing. - TO-BE: Impossible to delete if a creative or a message uses the Ad View as a landing. |
2021.2.25 | * Deprecated Kakao Moment Open API v1 - Refer to Notice. |
2021.2.1 | * Bizboard landing settings - Added new API: View list of Message landing types API - Deprecated two APIs related message landing types: /v3/moment/creatives/landing/messages /openapi/v4/creatives/landing/messages/${PROFILE_ID} |
2021.1.18 | * Ad creation: Creative - Changed the method to retrieve opinions as Kakao Moment material screening platform is transfered. - Added the Retrieving materials for Display ad verification(v4) API. - Deleted OpinionProof from the Viewing/Copying/Editing creative API.* Ad creation: Ad account - Deleted ad account ID from the request header for the Creating ad account API. |
2020.12.22 | * Ad View - Added new API: Deleting Ad View * Renewed Business type and Interest category. - Categorize Business type(UfoBusinessType) and Interest(UfoInterest) into 445 categories. - Added support for mapping for the exisitng categories after renewal. - Provides more various and detailed categories for new categories with the 4-depth structure. |
2020.11.19 | * Changed the API request quotas for some API. Refer to Reference. * Report - Added new API: Viewing reports on multiple ad accounts API - Added functions to view multiple reports on the existing campaigns and ad groups. * Reference - Added error messages. - Deleted some data of UfoInterest .:I0101(Social activity) I020103(Health care) I1702(Society) P0506(Directions) P0704(Real estate) P22(Company) P2201(Event/Marketin) P2202(Other companies) P2303(Reservation) I2303(Photo) P0106(e-learning) |