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  • Introduction>
  • Callback



This document guides the callback information for the Kakao API platform.


Use the callback to handle the user's status changes or events that occur out of your service. Below is the list of supported callbacks.

Callback Description Provided to
Unlink callback A feature that sends you a callback when a user unlinks from a service app. Services using Kakao Login
Security event subscription A feature that delivers users' security event information to services using Kakao Login. Services using Kakao Login
Kakao Talk Sharing success callback A feature that sends you a callback when a Kakao Talk Sharing message is successfully sent to the selected users or chatrooms. Services using Kakao Talk Sharing
Kakao Talk Channel callback A feature that sends you a callback when a user adds or blocks one of the Kakao Talk Channels. Services using Kakao Talk Channel

Usage Policy

Allow Kakao IP addresses

To make your service server not block the IP addresses of the Kakao server, you must add the Kakao server IP addresses to the Access Control List (ACL). To check the Kakao IP list, call Retrieve Kakao IP list.

* Updated on June 1, 2023. Refer to Notice.

Response to callback

Your service's server must respond to each callback request with the HTTP status code 200 OK. If there is no response within 3 seconds, a timeout will occur. Kakao checks only the HTTP status code to determine whether the request is successful.

Disable callback

If your service's server does not respond to the callback requests longer than a month or errors frequently occur, each callback setting will be turned to [Disabled] until being enabled again.