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  • Ad creation: Display creative

Kakao Moment

Ad creation: Creative

This document describes how to use the Creative APIs.

Before you begin

Creative type

With the update on December 17, 2024, the following Video type of creatives has been added.

Campaign type Creative type Profile Image Promotional video Custom thumbnail
Video Video native (VIDEO_NATIVE) 300x300 pixels or more (1:1), 500KB, JPG/JPEG/PNG 720x1280 pixels or more (9:16), 25MB, AVI, FLV, MP4 recommended

1280x720 pixels or more (16:9), 500KB, 25MB, AVI, FLV, MP4 recommended
720x1280 pixels or more (9:16), 500KB, JPG/JPEG/PNG

1280x720 pixels or more (16:9), 500KB, JPG/JPEG/PNG

With the update on September 5, 2024, the following Display type of creatives has been added.

Campaign type Creative type Promotional image Profile image
Display Image catalog (CATALOG_MANUAL) Promotional image in slide: 500x500 pixel or more (9:16), 500 KB, JPG/JPEG/PNG
Minimum of 4, maximum of 10 can be set
300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1), 500KB, JPG/JPEG/PNG

With the update on August 30, 2023, the following Display type of creatives has been added.

Campaign type Creative type Promotional image Profile image
Display Image native (IMAGE_NATIVE) 720 x 1280 pixels or more (9:16), 500KB, JPG/JPEG/PNG 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1), 500KB, JPG/JPEG/PNG

With the update on February 21, 2023, the types of creatives that can be created for each campaign type have been changed as follows.

Campaign type Creative type Promotional image Profile image
Kakao Bizboard Image banner (IMAGE_BANNER) 1029 x 258, 300KB, PNG-24
Display Image native (IMAGE_NATIVE) 500 x 500 pixels or more (1:1), 500KB, JPG/JPEG/PNG
1200 x 600 pixels or more (2:1), 500KB, JPG/JPEG/PNG
300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1), 500KB, JPG/JPEG/PNG

Creative landing type

You can now use various creative landing types and landing settings, along with the URL that has been provided already. You can set a creative landing type only under the 'Kakao Bizboard' type of campaign.

We now provide the APIs that retrieve a list to set a landing type, but do not provide the APIs to create an Ad View, Business Form, or others. In the case of purchases using Kakao Pay, you are only allowed to retrieve, not create or modify.

You can check how to use each creative landing type in the table below.

Type Parameter
URL Use mobileLandingUrl to set a URL.
Chatbot, Channel Web View Use the Viewing list of Kakao Talk Channel profiles API.
Ad View Use the Viewing list of Ad Views for landing settings API.
Business Form Use the Viewing list of Business Forms landing types API.
Channel Post Use Channel Post ID.

Create Display creative

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
POST https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives Business token
Permission Prerequisite Business Authentication Business consent items
Request permission
Switch to a Biz app
Set Business redirect URI
Business consent items
Required Required

This API enables you to create a Display creative. When you request, you must set format (Creative format) to either IMAGE_BANNER, IMAGE_NATIVE, CATALOG_MANUAL, or VIDEO_NATIVE. Depending on the specified creative format, you need to pass different parameters when you request. For example, pass imageFileUrl for the image banner format, pass both imageFileUrl and profileImageFileUrl for the image native format, pass both assetGroups list and profileImageFileUrl for the image catalog format, and pass videoFileUrl and profileImageFileUrl for video native format.

This API supports two types of Content-Type to create an image — application/json and multipart/form-data.

  • application/json: Pass the creative's image path with http:// or https:// URI scheme through the imageFileUrl parameter.
  • multipart/form-data: Pass the creative's local file path through the imageFile parameter.

Send a POST request with the issued Business token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the detailed information of the created creative. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.

This API limits the number of calls you can make every second per user account and ad account.

Landing URL

Landing URL has three types — URL for PC (pcLandingUrl), URL for mobile (mobileLandingUrl), and responsive URL(rspvLandingUrl). You must set at least one landing URL among these three types even though each URL is not required.
The responsive URL cannot be set with other types.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}
Business token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.
Name Type Description Required
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID. O
format String Creative's type.
imageFileUrl String Promotional image.
Image size: 1029x258
File Size: 300KB
File format: PNG-24
Pass a URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Required in case of application/json
imageFile Multipart File Promotional image.
Image size: 1029x258
File Size: 300KB
File format: PNG-24
Pass the local file path.
Required in case of multipart/form-data
landingInfo LandingInfo Landing type.
Allowed to set the landing type of creatives only under the 'Kakao Bizboard' type of campaign.
pcLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for PC.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Not allowed to set for the 'Kakao Bizboard' type of campaign.
mobileLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for mobile.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
rspvLandingUrl String Representative responsive landing URL.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Not allowed to set for the 'Kakao Bizboard' type of campaign.
altText String Description of the creative.
Used for voice guidance for people with disabilities.
Up to 30 characters are allowed.
Special characters are not allowed.
name String Creative's name.
Up to 50 characters are allowed.
If not specified, the name is automatically set in {CAMPAIGN_TYPE}{CAMPAIGN_GOAL}{CURRENT_TIME}_{CREATIVE_SIZE} format.
opinion String Opinion for ad verification.
Up to 1,000 characters.
opinionProofFileUrlList String[] Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
opinionProofFileList Multipart File Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data
Name Type Description Required
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID. O
format String Creative's type.
profileImageFileUrl String Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Required in case of application/json
profileImageFile Multipart File Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
Required in case of multipart/form-data
imageFileUrl String Promotional image.
Image size: One of 500 x 500 pixels or more (1:1), 1200 x 600 pixels or more (2:1), 720 x 1280 pixels or more (9:16)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Required in case of application/json
imageFile Multipart File Promotional image.
Image size: One of 500 x 500 pixels or more (1:1), 1200 x 600 pixels or more (2:1), 720 x 1280 pixels or more (9:16)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
Required in case of multipart/form-data
title String Title.
Up to 25 characters are allowed.
profileName String Profile name.
Up to 20 characters are allowed.
description String Promotional text.
Up to 45 characters are allowed.
actionButton ActionButton Call-to-action button. O
pcLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for PC.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Not allowed to set for the 'Kakao Bizboard' type of campaign.
mobileLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for mobile.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
rspvLandingUrl String Representative responsive landing URL.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Not allowed to set for the 'Kakao Bizboard' type of campaign.
altText String Description of the creative.
Used for voice guidance for people with disabilities.
Up to 30 characters are allowed.
Special characters are not allowed.
name String Creative's name.
Up to 50 characters are allowed.
If not specified, the name is automatically set in {CAMPAIGN_TYPE}{CAMPAIGN_GOAL}{CURRENT_TIME}_{CREATIVE_SIZE} format.
opinion String Opinion for ad verification.
Up to 1,000 characters.
opinionProofFileUrlList String[] Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
opinionProofFileList Multipart File Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data
Name Type Description Required
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID. O
format String Creative's type.
profileImageFileUrl String Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Required in case of application/json
profileImageFile Multipart File Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
Required in case of multipart/form-data
assetGroups AssetGroup[] Slide item of CATALOG_MANUAL. (Minimum: 4, Maximum: 10)
profileName String Profile name.
Up to 20 characters are allowed.
actionButton ActionButton Call-to-action button. O
pcLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for PC.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
mobileLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for mobile.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
rspvLandingUrl String Representative responsive landing URL.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
name String Creative's name.
Up to 50 characters are allowed.
If not specified, the name is automatically set in {CAMPAIGN_TYPE}{CAMPAIGN_GOAL}{CURRENT_TIME}_{CREATIVE_SIZE} format.
opinion String Opinion for ad verification.
Up to 1,000 characters.
opinionProofFileUrlList String[] Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
opinionProofFileList Multipart File Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data
Name Type Description Required
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID. O
format String Creative's type.
profileImageFileUrl String Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Required in case of application/json
profileImageFile Multipart File Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
Required in case of multipart/form-data
title String Title.
Up to 25 characters are allowed.
profileName String Profile name.
Up to 20 characters are allowed.
description String Promotional text.
Up to 45 characters are allowed.
actionButton ActionButton Call-to-action button. O
rspvLandingUrl String Representative responsive landing URL.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
If passed,
mobileLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for mobile.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
pcLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for PC.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
name String Creative's name.
Up to 50 characters are allowed.
If not specified, the name is automatically set in {CAMPAIGN_TYPE}{CAMPAIGN_GOAL}{CURRENT_TIME}_{CREATIVE_SIZE} format.
opinion String Opinion for ad verification.
Up to 1,000 characters.
opinionProofFileUrlList String[] Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
opinionProofFileList Multipart File Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data
videoFileUrl String Promotional video
Size: 720x1280 pixels or more (9:16) or 1280x720 pixels or more (16:9)
File size: 1GB
File format: AVI/FLV/MP4
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
videoFile MultipartFile Promotional video
Size: 720x1280 pixels or more (9:16) or 1280x720 pixels or more (16:9)
File size: 1GB
File format: AVI/FLV/MP4
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data
uploadThumbnailImageFileUrl String Custum thumbnail
Size: 1280x720 pixels or more (16:9)
File size: 500KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
uploadThumbnailImageFile MultipartFile Custum thumbnail
Size: 1280x720 pixels or more (16:9)
File size: 500KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data

* One of rspvLandingUrl, mobileLandingUrl, and pcLandingUrl is required.

Name Type Description
landingType LandingType Landing type.
profileId String Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID if PF_BOT (Chatbot) or CHANNEL_WEBVIEW is set for a landing type.
Pass the Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID obtained through the Viewing list of Kakao Talk Channel profiles API.
action String Keyword if PF_BOT (Chatbot) is set for a landing type.
adViewItem AdViewItem Ad View object if AD_VIEW is set for a landing type.
Pass the id obtained through the Viewing list of Ad Views for landing settings API.
url String URL if CHANNEL_WEBVIEW (Channel Web View) is set for a landing type.
bizFormId Long Business Form's ID if BIZ_FORM (Business Form) is set for a landing type.
Pass the bizFormId obtained through the Viewing list of Business Forms for landing settings API.
channelPostId Long Channel post ID if CHANNEL_POST is set for a landing type.
Pass the Post ID obtained through the Viewing list of Channel Posts for landing settings API.
Name Description
PF_BOT Chatbot
BIZ_FORM Business Form
Name Type Description
id Long Ad View's ID.
Name Type Description Required
ordering Integer Slide order
Required to create creatives.
Not available when modifying, set automatically as the order of the list in the contents.
imageFileUrl String Slide image
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Required in case of application/json
imageFile Multipart File Slide image
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
Required in case of multipart/form-data
title String Title
Up to 25 characters are allowed.
pcLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for PC.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
mobileLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for mobile.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
rspvLandingUrl String Representative responsive landing URL.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
description String Promotional text.
Up to 40 characters are allowed.
priceAmount String Price information(Minimum: 0, Maximum: 9999999999)
Integers only when CurrencyCode is KRW or JPY
Up to 2 decimal places when CurrencyCode is USD, EUR
To use priceAmount, priceCurrencyCode is required.
priceCurrencyCode String Currency
One of KRW, USD, JPY, and EUR
To use priceCurrencyCode, priceAmount and discountedPriceAmount are required.
discountedPriceAmount String Discounted price information(Minimum: 0, Maximum: 9999999999)
Integers only when CurrencyCode is KRW or JPY
Up to 2 decimal places when CurrencyCode is USD, EUR
discountedPriceAmount must be less than priceAmount
To use discountedPriceAmount, priceAmount and priceCurrencyCode are required.


Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID used for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
creativeId may differ from id when temporarily assigned for the pending status in the review.
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID.
format String Creative's type.
image Image Uploaded promotional image.
landingInfo LandingInfo Specified data for landing.
pcLandingUrl String Landing URL for PC.
mobileLandingUrl String Landing URL for mobile.
rspvLandingUrl String Responsive landing URL.
altText String Description of the creative.
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
systemConfig String Creative's system status.
Either ON or ADMIN_STOP.
name String Creative's name.
reviewStatus String Review status.
One of the followings:
- APPROVED: Review approved.
- WAITING Review in progress.
- REJECTED: Review rejected.
- MODIFICATION_WAITING: Review for modification in progress.
- MODIFICATION_REJECTED: Review for modification rejected.
statusDescription String Current status of creative.
opinionProof OpinionFile[] List of materials for ad verification.
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
rejectedReason String[] Reasons for rejection of creative (Empty array).
Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
creativeId may differ from id when temporarily assigned for the pending status in the review.
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID.
format String Creative's type.
profileImage Image Uploaded profile image.
image Image Uploaded promotional image.
title String Title.
profileName String Profile name.
description String Promotional text.
actionButton String Call-to-action button.
pcLandingUrl String Landing URL for PC.
mobileLandingUrl String Landing URL for mobile.
rspvLandingUrl String Responsive landing URL.
altText String Description of the creative.
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
systemConfig String Creative's system status.
Either ON or ADMIN_STOP.
name String Creative's name.
reviewStatus String Review status.
One of the followings:
- APPROVED: Review approved.
- WAITING Review in progress.
- REJECTED: Review rejected.
- MODIFICATION_WAITING: Review for modification in progress.
- MODIFICATION_REJECTED: Review for modification rejected.
statusDescription String Current status of creative.
opinionProof OpinionFile[] List of materials for ad verification.
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
rejectedReason String[] Reasons for rejection of creative (Empty array).
Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
creativeId may differ from id when temporarily assigned for the pending status in the review.
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID.
format String Creative's type.
profileImage Image Uploaded profile image.
assetGroups AssetGroup[] Slide item.
profileName String Profile name.
actionButton String Call-to-action button.
pcLandingUrl String Landing URL for PC.
mobileLandingUrl String Landing URL for mobile.
rspvLandingUrl String Responsive landing URL.
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
systemConfig String Creative's system status.
Either ON or ADMIN_STOP.
name String Creative's name.
reviewStatus String Review status.
One of the followings:
- APPROVED: Review approved.
- WAITING Review in progress.
- REJECTED: Review rejected.
- MODIFICATION_WAITING: Review for modification in progress.
- MODIFICATION_REJECTED: Review for modification rejected.
statusDescription String Current status of creative.
creativeStatus String Creative's operation status.
One of the followings:
- OPERATING: Possible to opearate.
- UNAPPROVED: Unapproved.
- INVALID_DATE: Invalid date.
- MONITORING_REJECTED: Admin suspended.
- OFF: User OFF.
- DELETED: Deleted.
- ADGROUP_UNAVAILABLE: Impossible to operate ad group.
opinionProof OpinionFile[] List of materials for ad verification.
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
rejectedReason String[] Reasons for rejection of creative (Empty array).
Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
creativeId may differ from id when temporarily assigned for the pending status in the review.
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID.
format String Creative's type.
profileImageFileUrl String Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
profileImageFile Multipart File Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
title String Title.
profileName String Profile name.
description String Promotional text.
actionButton String Call-to-action button.
rspvLandingUrl String Responsive landing URL.
mobileLandingUrl String Landing URL for mobile.
pcLandingUrl String Landing URL for PC.
name String Creative's name.
opinion String Opinion for ad verification.
Up to 1,000 characters.
opinionProofFileUrlList String[] Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
opinionProofFileList Multipart File Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass the local file path.
frequencyCapType String Auto setting type of frequency capping.
frequencyCap Integer Frequency capping.
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
systemConfig String Creative's system status.
Either ON or ADMIN_STOP.
reviewStatus String Review status.
One of the followings:
- APPROVED: Review approved.
- WAITING Review in progress.
- REJECTED: Review rejected.
- MODIFICATION_WAITING: Review for modification in progress.
- MODIFICATION_REJECTED: Review for modification rejected.
creativeStatus String Creative's operation status.
One of the followings:
- OPERATING: Possible to opearate.
- UNAPPROVED: Unapproved.
- INVALID_DATE: Invalid date.
- MONITORING_REJECTED: Admin suspended.
- OFF: User OFF.
- DELETED: Deleted.
- ADGROUP_UNAVAILABLE: Impossible to operate ad group.
image Image Uploaded promotional image.
profileImage Image Uploaded profile image.
video Video Uploaded promotional video.
statusDescription String Current status of creative.
rejectedReason String[] Reasons for rejection of creative (Empty array).
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
thumbnailImage Image Uploaded custom thumbnail image.


Request: application/json
Image banner
Image native
Catalog manual
Video native
curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
            "landingInfo": {
            "name": "first_image_banner"
curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
curl -X POST 'https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives' \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
            "adGroupId": 1234,
            "format": "CATALOG_MANUAL",
            "profileName": "PROFILE_NAME",
            "profileImageFileUrl": "https://example.com/test/profileImageProfile.jpg",
            "assetGroups": [
                    "ordering": 0,
                    "imageFileUrl": "https://example.com/test/asset1.jpg",
                    "title": "title1",
                    "rspvLandingUrl": "https://www.kakakcorp.com/"
                    "ordering": 1,
                    "imageFileUrl": "https://example.com/test/asset2.jpg",
                    "title": "title2",
                    "rspvLandingUrl": "https://www.kakakcorp.com/"
                    "ordering": 2,
                    "imageFileUrl": "https://example.com/test/asset3.jpg",
                    "title": "title3",
                    "rspvLandingUrl": "https://www.kakakcorp.com/"
                    "ordering": 3,
                    "imageFileUrl": "https://example.com/test/asset4.jpg",
                    "title": "title4",
                    "rspvLandingUrl": "https://www.kakakcorp.com/"
            "rspvLandingUrl": "https://www.kakakcorp.com",
            "actionButton": "JOIN"
curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
            "name":"소재명 작성",
Request: multipart/form-data
Image banner
Image native
Catalog manual
Video native
curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
    -F "adGroupId=1234" \
    -F "format=IMAGE_BANNER" \
    -F "imageFile=@local_640X200_image_path" \
    -F "altText=creative_description" \
    -F "name=first_image_banner" \
    -F "mobileLandingUrl=http://www.daum.net" \
    -F "landingInfo.landingType=AD_VIEW" \
    -F "landingInfo.adViewItem.id=search_query"
curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
    -F "adGroupId=17181" \
    -F "format=IMAGE_NATIVE" \
    -F "profileImageFile=@local_300X300_image_path" \
    -F "imageFile=@local_640X480_image_path" \
    -F "title=title" \
    -F "altText=creative_description" \
    -F "profileName=profile_name" \
    -F "description=promotional_text" \
    -F "actionButton=JOIN" \
    -F "mobileLandingUrl=http://www.daum.net"
curl -X POST 'https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives' \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
    -F "adGroupId=1234" \
    -F "format=CATALOG_MANUAL" \
    -F "profileName=프로필이름" \
    -F "profileImageFile=@로컬_이미지_경로" \
    -F "rspvLandingUrl=https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "actionButton=JOIN" \
    -F "assetGroups[0].ordering=0" \
    -F "assetGroups[0].imageFile=@로컬_이미지1_경로" \
    -F "assetGroups[0].title=ImageTitle1" \
    -F "assetGroups[0].rspvLandingUrl=https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "assetGroups[1].ordering=1" \
    -F "assetGroups[1].imageFile=@로컬_이미지2_경로" \
    -F "assetGroups[1].title=ImageTitle2" \
    -F "assetGroups[1].rspvLandingUrl=https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "assetGroups[2].ordering=2" \
    -F "assetGroups[2].imageFile=@로컬_이미지3_경로" \
    -F "assetGroups[2].title=ImageTitle3" \
    -F "assetGroups[2].rspvLandingUrl=https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "assetGroups[3].ordering=3" \
    -F "assetGroups[3].imageFile=@로컬_이미지4_경로" \
    -F "assetGroups[3].title=ImageTitle4" \
    -F "assetGroups[3].rspvLandingUrl=https://www.kakaocorp.com"
curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
    -F "adGroupId=5678" \
    -F "format=VIDEO_NATIVE" \
    -F "profileImageFileUrl=@로컬_300X300_이미지_경로" \
    -F "title=타이틀" \
    -F "profileName=프로필이름" \
    -F "description=홍보문구" \
    -F "actionButton=JOIN" \
    -F "mobileLandingUrl=https://www.kakao.com" \
    -F "name=소재명 작성" \ 
    -F "opinion=의견" \  
    -F "opinionProofFileList[0]=@로컬_의견_파일_경로" \
    -F "opinionProofFileList[1]=@로컬_의견_파일_경로" \ 
    -F "videoFileUrl=@로컬_720X1280_비디오_경로" \
    -F "uploadThumbnailImageFileUrl=@로컬_720X1280_이미지_경로"
Image banner
Image native
Catalog manual
Video native
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
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    "rejectedReason": []
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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    "format": "IMAGE_NATIVE",
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    "config": "ON",
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HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
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    "rspvLandingUrl": "https://www.daum.net",
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    "config": "ON",
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HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
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Edit Display creative

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
PUT https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives Business token
Permission Prerequisite Business Authentication Business consent items
Request permission
Switch to a Biz app
Set Business redirect URI
Business consent items
Required Required

This API enables you to edit a Display creative. Depending on the creative type, you need to pass different parameters when you request. For example, pass imageFileUrl for image banner format, and pass both imageFileUrl and profileImageFileUrl for image native format, and pass videoFileUrl and profileImageFileUrl for video native format.

This API supports two types of Content-Type to create an image — application/json and multipart/form-data.

  • application/json: Pass the creative's image path in http:// or https:// URI scheme through the imageFileUrl parameter.
  • multipart/form-data: Pass the creative's local file path through the imageFile parameter.

No matter which type you request, the result of editing a creative is the same. If there is no imageFileUrl or profileImageFileUrl in the request body, the image that has previously registered is used.

Send a PUT request with the issued Business token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the detailed information of the modified creative. Some response fields may return null even though they are not used. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.

This API limits the number of calls you can make every second per user account and ad account.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}
Business token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.
Name Type Description Required
id Long Original creative ID for execution. O
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID. O
format String Creative's type.
imageFileUrl String Promotional image.
Image size: 1029x258
File Size: 300KB
File format: PNG-24
Pass a URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Required in case of application/json
imageFile Multipart File Promotional image.
Image size: 1029x258
File Size: 300KB
File format: PNG-24
Pass the local file path.
Required in case of multipart/form-data
landingInfo LandingInfo Data to be set for landing.
Not allowed to request three types of the landing URL at once.
pcLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for PC.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Not allowed to set for the 'Kakao Bizboard' type of campaign.
mobileLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for mobile.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
rspvLandingUrl String Representative responsive landing URL.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Not allowed to set for the 'Kakao Bizboard' type of campaign.
altText String Description of the creative.
Used for voice guidance for people with disabilities.
Up to 30 characters are allowed.
Special characters are not allowed.
name String Creative's name.
Up to 50 characters are allowed.
If you do not specify, the name specified when creating the creative is used.
opinion String Opinion for ad verification.
Up to 1,000 characters.
opinionProofFileUrlList String[] Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
opinionProofFileList Multipart File Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data
Name Type Description Required
id Long Original creative ID for execution. O
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID. O
format String Creative type.
profileImageFileUrl String Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Required in case of application/json
profileImageFile Multipart File Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
Required in case of multipart/form-data
imageFileUrl String Promotional image.
Image size: One of 500 x 500 pixels or more (1:1), 1200 x 600 pixels or more (2:1), 720 x 1280 pixels or more (9:16)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Required in case of application/json
imageFile Multipart File Promotional image.
Image size: One of 500 x 500 pixels or more (1:1), 1200 x 600 pixels or more (2:1), 720 x 1280 pixels or more (9:16)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
Required in case of multipart/form-data
title String Title.
Up to 25 characters are allowed.
profileName String Profile name.
Up to 20 characters are allowed.
description String Promotional text.
Up to 45 characters are allowed.
actionButton ActionButton Call-to-action button. O
pcLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for PC.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
mobileLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for mobile.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
rspvLandingUrl String Representative responsive landing URL.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
altText String Description of the creative.
Used for voice guidance for people with disabilities.
Up to 30 characters are allowed.
Special characters are not allowed.
name String Creative's name.
Up to 50 characters are allowed.
If you do not specify, the name specified when creating the creative is used.
opinion String Opinion for ad verification.
Up to 1,000 characters.
opinionProofFileUrlList String[] Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
opinionProofFileList Multipart File Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data
Name Type Description Required
id Long Original creative ID for execution. O
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID. O
format String Creative's type.
profileImageFileUrl String Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
profileImageFile Multipart File Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data
assetGroups AssetGroup[] Slide item of CATALOG_MANUAL. (Minimum: 4, Maximum: 10) O
profileName String Profile name.
Up to 20 characters are allowed.
actionButton ActionButton Call-to-action button. O
pcLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for PC.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
mobileLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for mobile.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
rspvLandingUrl String Representative responsive landing URL.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
name String Creative's name.
Up to 50 characters are allowed.
If not specified, the name is automatically set in {CAMPAIGN_TYPE}{CAMPAIGN_GOAL}{CURRENT_TIME}_{CREATIVE_SIZE} format.
opinion String Opinion for ad verification.
Up to 1,000 characters.
opinionProofFileUrlList String[] Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
opinionProofFileList Multipart File Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data
Name Type Description Required
id Long Original creative ID used for execution. O
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID. O
format String Creative's type.
profileImageFileUrl String Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
profileImageFile Multipart File Profile image.
Image size: 300 x 300 pixels or more (1:1)
File Size: 500 KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data
title String Title.
Up to 25 characters are allowed.
profileName String Profile name.
Up to 20 characters are allowed.
description String Promotional text.
Up to 45 characters are allowed.
actionButton ActionButton Call-to-action button. O
rspvLandingUrl String Representative responsive landing URL.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
If passed,
mobileLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for mobile.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
pcLandingUrl String Representative landing URL for PC.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
name String Creative's name.
Up to 50 characters are allowed.
If not specified, the name is automatically set in {CAMPAIGN_TYPE}{CAMPAIGN_GOAL}{CURRENT_TIME}_{CREATIVE_SIZE} format.
opinion String Opinion for ad verification.
Up to 1,000 characters.
opinionProofFileUrlList String[] Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
opinionProofFileList Multipart File Material for ad verification.
File format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF
Total file size: 10 MB or less
Up to 10 files are allowed.
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data
videoFileUrl String Promotional video
Size: 720x1280 pixels or more (9:16) or 1280x720 pixels or more (16:9)
File size: 1GB
File format: AVI/FLV/MP4
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Required in case of application/json
videoFile MultipartFile Promotional video
Size: 720x1280 pixels or more (9:16) or 1280x720 pixels or more (16:9)
File size: 1GB
File format: AVI/FLV/MP4
Pass the local file path.
Required in case of multipart/form-data
uploadThumbnailImageFileUrl String Custum thumbnail
Size: 1280x720 pixels or more (16:9)
File size: 500KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
Available in case of application/json
uploadThumbnailImageFile MultipartFile Custum thumbnail
Size: 1280x720 pixels or more (16:9)
File size: 500KB
File format: JPG/JPEG/PNG
Pass the local file path.
Available in case of multipart/form-data

* One of rspvLandingUrl, mobileLandingUrl, and pcLandingUrl is required.

Landing URL

Landing URL has three types — URL for PC (pcLandingUrl), URL for mobile (mobileLandingUrl), and responsive URL(rspvLandingUrl). You must set at least one landing URL among these three types even though each URL is not required.
The Video native and Image box among Display ad creatives do not support landing URLs by type.


Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
A temporary new creative ID is assigned in the WAITING or MODIFICATION_REJECTED status.
In all other cases, creativeId remains the same as the original Creative ID.
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID.
format String Creative's type.
image Image Uploaded promotional image.
landingInfo LandingInfo Specified data for landing.
pcLandingUrl String Landing URL for PC.
mobileLandingUrl String Landing URL for mobile.
rspvLandingUrl String Responsive landing URL.
frequencyCapType String Auto setting type of frequency capping.
frequencyCap Integer Frequency capping.
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
name String Creative's name.
altText String Description of the creative.
reviewStatus String Review status.
One of the followings:
- APPROVED: Review approved.
- WAITING Review in progress.
- REJECTED: Review rejected.
- MODIFICATION_WAITING: Review for modification in progress.
- MODIFICATION_REJECTED: Review for modification rejected.
statusDescription String Current status of creative.
opinionProof OpinionFile[] List of materials for ad verification.
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
rejectedReason String[] Reasons for rejection of creative (Empty array).
Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
creativeId may differ from id when temporarily assigned for the pending status in the review.
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID.
format String Creative's type.
profileImage Image Uploaded profile image.
image Image Uploaded promotional image.
title String Title.
profileName String Profile name.
description String Promotional text.
actionButton String Call-to-action button.
pcLandingUrl String Landing URL for PC.
mobileLandingUrl String Landing URL for mobile.
rspvLandingUrl String Responsive landing URL.
frequencyCapType String Auto setting type of frequency capping.
frequencyCap Integer Frequency capping.
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
name String Creative's name.
altText String Description of the creative.
reviewStatus String Review status.
One of the followings:
- APPROVED: Review approved.
- WAITING Review in progress.
- REJECTED: Review rejected.
- MODIFICATION_WAITING: Review for modification in progress.
- MODIFICATION_REJECTED: Review for modification rejected.
statusDescription String Current status of creative.
opinionProof OpinionFile[] List of materials for ad verification.
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
rejectedReason String[] Reasons for rejection of creative (Empty array).
Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
creativeId may differ from id when temporarily assigned for the pending status in the review.
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID.
format String Creative's type.
profileImage Image Uploaded profile image.
profileName String Profile name.
assetGroups AssetGroup[] Slide item.
actionButton String Call-to-action button.
pcLandingUrl String Landing URL for PC.
mobileLandingUrl String Landing URL for mobile.
rspvLandingUrl String Responsive landing URL.
frequencyCapType String Auto setting type of frequency capping.
frequencyCap Integer Frequency capping.
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
systemConfig String Creative's system status.
Either ON or ADMIN_STOP.
name String Creative's name.
reviewStatus String Review status.
One of the followings:
- APPROVED: Review approved.
- WAITING Review in progress.
- REJECTED: Review rejected.
- MODIFICATION_WAITING: Review for modification in progress.
- MODIFICATION_REJECTED: Review for modification rejected.
creativeStatus String Creative's operation status.
One of the followings:
- OPERATING: Possible to opearate.
- UNAPPROVED: Unapproved.
- INVALID_DATE: Invalid date.
- MONITORING_REJECTED: Admin suspended.
- OFF: User OFF.
- DELETED: Deleted.
- ADGROUP_UNAVAILABLE: Impossible to operate ad group.
statusDescription String Current status of creative.
opinionProof OpinionFile[] List of materials for ad verification.
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
rejectedReason String[] Reasons for rejection of creative (Empty array).
Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID used for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
A temporary new creative ID is assigned in the WAITING or MODIFICATION_REJECTED status.
In all other cases, creativeId remains the same as the original Creative ID.
format String Creative's type.
name String Creative's name.
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID.
pcLandingUrl String Landing URL for PC.
mobileLandingUrl String Landing URL for mobile.
rspvLandingUrl String Responsive landing URL.
frequencyCapType String Auto setting type of frequency capping.
frequencyCap Integer Frequency capping.
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
systemConfig String Creative's system status.
Either ON or ADMIN_STOP.
reviewStatus String Review status.
One of the followings:
- APPROVED: Review approved.
- WAITING Review in progress.
- REJECTED: Review rejected.
- MODIFICATION_WAITING: Review for modification in progress.
- MODIFICATION_REJECTED: Review for modification rejected.
creativeStatus String Creative's operation status.
One of the followings:
- OPERATING: Possible to opearate.
- UNAPPROVED: Unapproved.
- INVALID_DATE: Invalid date.
- MONITORING_REJECTED: Admin suspended.
- OFF: User OFF.
- DELETED: Deleted.
- ADGROUP_UNAVAILABLE: Impossible to operate ad group.
image Image Uploaded promotional image.
title String Title.
description String Promotional text.
actionButton String Call-to-action button.
profileName String Profile name.
profileImage Image Uploaded profile image.
video Video Uploaded promotional video.
statusDescription String Current status of creative.
rejectedReason String[] Reasons for rejection of creative (Empty array).
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
opinionProof OpinionFile[] List of materials for ad verification.
thumbnailImage Image Uploaded custom thumbnail image.


Request: application/json
Image banner
Image native
Catalog manual
Video native
curl -X PUT "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
curl -X PUT "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
curl -X PUT "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
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                    "ordering": 1,
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                    "title": "title2",
                    "rspvLandingUrl": "https://www.kakakcorp.com/"
                    "ordering": 2,
                    "imageFileUrl": "https://example.com/test/asset3.jpg",
                    "title": "title3",
                    "rspvLandingUrl": "https://www.kakakcorp.com/"
                    "ordering": 3,
                    "imageFileUrl": "https://example.com/test/asset4.jpg",
                    "title": "title4",
                    "rspvLandingUrl": "https://www.kakakcorp.com/"
            "rspvLandingUrl": "https://www.kakakcorp.com",
            "actionButton": "JOIN"
curl -X PUT "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
            "name":"소재명 작성",
Request: multipart/form-data
Image banner
Image native
Catalog manual
Video native
curl -X PUT "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
    -F "id=1234" \
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curl -X PUT "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
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    -F "id=1234" \
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    -F "imageFile=@local_640X480_image_path" \
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    -F "mobileLandingUrl=http://www.daum.net"
curl -X PUT 'https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives' \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
    -F "id=1" \
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    -F "format=CATALOG_MANUAL" \
    -F "profileName=PROFILENAME_MODIFY" \
    -F "profileImageFile=@로컬_이미지_경로" \
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    -F "actionButton=JOIN" \
    -F "assetGroups[0].ordering=0" \
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    -F "assetGroups[1].rspvLandingUrl=https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "assetGroups[2].ordering=2" \
    -F "assetGroups[2].imageFile=@IMAGE3_LOCAL_PATH" \
    -F "assetGroups[2].title=ImageTitle3" \
    -F "assetGroups[2].rspvLandingUrl=https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "assetGroups[3].ordering=3" \
    -F "assetGroups[3].imageFile=@IMAGE4_LOCAL_PATH" \
    -F "assetGroups[3].title=ImageTitle4" \
    -F "assetGroups[3].rspvLandingUrl=https://www.kakaocorp.com"
curl -X PUT "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
    -F "id=1234" \ 
    -F "adGroupId=5678" \
    -F "format=VIDEO_NATIVE" \
    -F "profileImageFileUrl=@로컬_300X300_이미지_경로" \
    -F "title=타이틀" \
    -F "profileName=프로필이름" \
    -F "description=홍보문구" \
    -F "actionButton=JOIN" \
    -F "mobileLandingUrl=https://www.kakao.com" \
    -F "name=소재명 작성" \ 
    -F "opinion=의견" \   
    -F "opinionProofFileList[0]=@로컬_의견_파일_경로" \
    -F "opinionProofFileList[1]=@로컬_의견_파일_경로" \  
    -F "videoFileUrl=@로컬_720X1280_비디오_경로" \
    -F "uploadThumbnailImageFileUrl=@로컬_720X1280_이미지_경로"
Image banner
Image native
Catalog manual
Video native
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
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    "rejectedReason": []
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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    "rejectedReason": []
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
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HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
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                "downloadUrl": "http://xxx.kakao.co.kr/sample_image_xxx.jpg"
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Copy Display creative

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
POST https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives/copy Business token
Permission Prerequisite Business Authentication Business consent items
Request permission
Switch to a Biz app
Set Business redirect URI
Business consent items
Required Required

This API enables you to copy a Display creative. You can request to copy up to 20 creatives but may fail to copy if exceeding the maximum number of creatable creatives of an account.

You can copy only the Image banner, Image native, Image catalog, and Video native creatives under the 'Kakao Bizboard X Visit(방문)', 'Kakao Bizboard X Conversion(전환)', 'Display X Visit(방문)', 'Display X Conversion(전환)', and 'Vidoe X View(조회)' type of campaign.

Send a POST request with the issued Business token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. You must also pass the ad group ID which the creatives will copy to and the creative IDs to be copied as a list. If the request is successful, this API returns the detailed information of the copied creatives. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.

This API limits the number of calls you can make to every five seconds per user account and ad account.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}
Business token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.
Name Type Description Required
adGroupId Long Ad group ID which the creatives will be copied to (Up to 100). O
creativeIds Long[] List of creative IDs to be copied. O


Name Type Description
- DisplayCreative[] List of creative information.
Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
creativeId may differ from id when temporarily assigned for the pending status in the review.
name String Creative's name.
format String Creative type.
landingUrl String Landing URL.
frequencyCap Integer Frequency capping.
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
systemConfig String Creative's system status.
Either ON or ADMIN_STOP.
reviewStatus String Review status.
One of the followings:
- APPROVED: Review approved.
- WAITING Review in progress.
- REJECTED: Review rejected.
- MODIFICATION_WAITING: Review for modification in progress.
- MODIFICATION_REJECTED: Review for modification rejected.
creativeStatus String Creative's operation status.
One of the followings:
- OPERATING: Possible to opearate.
- UNAPPROVED: Unapproved.
- INVALID_DATE: Invalid date.
- MONITORING_REJECTED: Admin suspended.
- OFF: User OFF.
- DELETED: Deleted.
- ADGROUP_UNAVAILABLE: Impossible to operate ad group.
statusDescription String Current status of creative.
image Image Information about the main image of the IMAGE_BANNER, IMAGE_NATIVE, and VIDEO_NATIVE type of creative.
assetGroups AssetGroup[] Slide item of CATALOG_MANUAL.
landingInfo LandingInfo Specified data for landing.
altText String Alternative description of the IMAGE_BANNER type of creative.
title String Title of the IMAGE_NATIVE or VIDEO_NATIVE type of creative.
actionButton String Call-to-action button of the IMAGE_NATIVE, VIDEO_NATIVE or CATALOG_MANUAL type of creative.
profileName String Profile name of the IMAGE_NATIVE, VIDEO_NATIVE or CATALOG_MANUAL type of creative.
description String Promotional text of the IMAGE_NATIVE or VIDEO_NATIVE type of creative.
profileImage Image Uploaded profile image.
video Video Video with the VIDEO_NATIVE type of creative.
rejectedReason RejectedReason Reasons for rejection of creative.
opinionProof OpinionFile[] List of materials for ad verification.
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
thumbnailImage Image Uploaded custom thumbnail image.


curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives/copy" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -d '{
            "adGroupId" : 23456,
            "creativeIds" : [34567,34568]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
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        "adGroupId": 23456,
        "format": "IMAGE_BANNER",
        "name": "image_creative1",
        "landingInfo": {
            "landingType": "URL",
            "url": "http://m.daum.net"
        "pcLandingUrl": null,
        "mobileLandingUrl": "http://m.daum.net",
        "rspvLandingUrl": null,
        "frequencyCap": null,
        "frequencyCapType": "AUTO",
        "config": "ON",
        "systemConfig": "ON",
        "reviewStatus": "APPROVED",
        "creativeStatus": "OPERATING",
         "image": {
            "url": "http://xxx.kakao.co.kr/sample_image_111.jpg",
            "fileName": "sample_image.jpg",
            "width": 640,
            "height": 480,
            "size": 100000
        "altText": "image_description1",
        "title": "Title",
        "description": "Promotion text",
        "actionButton": "JOIN",
        "profileName": "Profile name",
        "profileImage": {
            "url": "http://xxx.kakao.co.kr/sample_profile_111.jpg",
            "fileName": "sample_profile.jpg",
            "width": 300,
            "height": 300,
            "size": 50000
        "video": {
            "url": "http://xxx.kakao.co.kr/sample_image_111.avi",
            "fileName": "sample_video.avi",
            "size": 500000,
            "duration": 3.0
        "statusDescription": "운영중",
        "rejectedReason": [],
        "createdDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
        "lastModifiedDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
        "opinionProof": null,
        "thumbnailImage": {
            "url": "http://xxx.kakao.co.kr/sample_image_111.jpg",
            "fileName": "sample_image.jpg",
            "width": 640,
            "height": 480,
            "size": 100000
        "id": 35679,
        "creativeId": 35679,
        "adGroupId": 23456,
        "format": "IMAGE_BANNER",
        "name": "image_creative2",
        "landingInfo": {
            "landingType": "URL",
            "url": "http://m.daum.net"
        "pcLandingUrl": null,
        "mobileLandingUrl": "http://m.daum.net",
        "rspvLandingUrl": null,
        "frequencyCap": null,
        "frequencyCapType": "AUTO",
        "config": "ON",
        "systemConfig": "ON",
        "reviewStatus": "APPROVED",
        "creativeStatus": "OPERATING",
        "image": {
            "url": "http://xxx.kakao.co.kr/sample_image_222.jpg",
            "fileName": "sample_image.jpg",
            "width": 640,
            "height": 480,
            "size": 100000
        "altText": "image_description2",
        "title": "Title",
        "description": "Promotion text",
        "actionButton": "JOIN",
        "profileName": "Profile name",
        "profileImage": {
            "url": "http://xxx.kakao.co.kr/sample_profile_222.jpg",
            "fileName": "sample_profile.jpg",
            "width": 300,
            "height": 300,
            "size": 50000
        "video": {
            "url": "http://xxx.kakao.co.kr/sample_image_222.avi",
            "fileName": "sample_video.avi",
            "size": 500000,
            "duration": 3.0
        "statusDescription": "운영중",
        "rejectedReason": [],
        "createdDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
        "lastModifiedDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
        "opinionProof": null,
        "thumbnailImage": {
            "url": "http://xxx.kakao.co.kr/sample_image_222.jpg",
            "fileName": "sample_image.jpg",
            "width": 640,
            "height": 480,
            "size": 100000

Retrieve materials for Display ad verification

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives/${ID}/opinionProof Business token
Permission Prerequisite Business Authentication Business consent items
Request permission
Switch to a Biz app
Set Business redirect URI
Business consent items
Required Required

This API enables you to retrieve the materials for verification that are submitted for the corresponding Display creative.

Send a GET request with the issued Business token in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the information on the materials for verification in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}
Business token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.
Path variable
Name Type Description Required
ID Long Original creative ID for execution. O


Name Type Description
id Long Opinion ID.
opinion String Opinion for ad verification.
opinionProofFileList OpinionFile[] List of materials for verification.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives/${ID}/opinionProof" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "id": 1,
    "opinion": "의견증빙",
    "opinionProofFileList": [
            "id": 11,
            "originalFileName": "sample_1.jpg",
            "downloadUrl": "https://xxx.kakao.com/sample_1.jpg"
Response: Fail
    "code": -813,
    "msg": "KakaoMomentException",
    "extras": {
        "detailCode": 75637,
        "detailMsg": "의견증빙 정보가 존재하지 않습니다."

See more