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  • Kakao Developers


Kakao Developers

This document guides how to use features for Kakao Developers.


Kakao Developers is the website for developers using Kakao APIs. Kakao Developers provides the information and documentation for Kakao APIs, application("app") console, tools, and forum.

Kakao Developers main page
  • My Application: Provides registration, checking, and management for apps.
  • Products: Provides product information on Kakao API.
  • Docs: Provides documentations for Kakao APIs.
  • Tools: Provides Message template builder, REST API test tool, JavaScript SDK demo, social plugins, reset tools, and resource download.
  • API status: Displays the status of Kakao APIs and products.
  • Forum: Supports inquiries and feedback.
  • Login: Provides login with a Kakao Account and registration to a developer account.
  • Search: Provides shortcuts for each menu and searches document contents.
  • Notification: Sends alerts for errors, configuration changes, and quota limits.
  • Other: Provides links to Kakao Tech Blog, Chatbot management center, Kakao Map API, Kakao for Business, and partnership center.
  • Language: Supports Korean or English.

Developer account

A developer account is a Kakao account registered as a user for Kakao APIs. After logging in, the user can register as a developer account with consent to the Terms of Service.


Usage statistics for Kakao API are provided on [My Application] > [Statistics]. Only team members can see each app's statistics.


🅐 Statistics: Select a statistics type to see. 🅑 Console: Move to [My Application]. 🅒 App information: The currently selected app information. 🅓 Select: Select another app.


Provides Kakao API usage information for the currently selected app. The status, such as the most used API or the usage change, can be figured out.


Provides Kakao API usage information for apps owned by the developer account currently logged in. The quota of Kakao API is counted by the developer account.


Provides Kakao API usage and user count information in 10-minute increments for the currently selected app. The period can be set in 2400 minutes (40 hours) or less.


Provides Kakao Talk Sharing API usage information for the currently selected app. The number of users according to sending count, the distribution of reception type, and the share trend data are available by period.


Provides the user count logged in through Kakao Login, linked or unlinked to the currently selected app. The data is collected and provided on a daily basis. The period can be set manually. The rate of the users who verified the email in their user information is also provided.


Provides the Push Notification API usage information for the currently selected app. The number of sent push notifications and the active user count are available.