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  • Flutter>
  • Getting started


Getting started

This document guides how to use the Kakao SDK for Flutter("Flutter SDK") provided by the Kakao API platform.


The packages and main features of Flutter SDK are below.

Packages Client Description
kakao_flutter_sdk_common - Common package for essential elements
Including PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file for iOS apps

Main features: Initialize
kakao_flutter_sdk_auth AuthApi Package for the authentication and token management through Kakao Login

Main features: Check token presence API
kakao_flutter_sdk_user UserApi Package for the Kakao Login APIs

Main features: Kakao Login API, Retrieve user information API
kakao_flutter_sdk_share ShareClient Package for the Kakao Talk Sharing APIs

Main features: Send message with custom template API
kakao_flutter_sdk_talk TalkApi Package for the Kakao Talk Channel, Kakao Talk Social, Kakao Talk Message APIs

Main features: Follow Kakao Talk Channel API
kakao_flutter_sdk_template - Package for message templates
kakao_flutter_sdk_friend PickerApi Package for the picker APIs

Main features: Retrieve friends through picker API
kakao_flutter_sdk_navi NaviApi Package for the Kakao Navi APIs

Package dependency

Some packages in the Kakao SDK are dependent on another package. Each subordinate package is automatically added together.

Kakao SDK package dependency tree

Before you begin


  • Flutter 3.19.0 or higher
  • Dart 3.3.0 or higher
  • Android Studio 3.6.1 or higher
  • Target Android API level 21 or higher (Android 5.0 or higher)
  • Xcode 11.0 or higher
  • iOS 11.0 or higher
  • iOS Deployment Target 11.0 or higher
Note: External library dependency

The Flutter SDK uses the following libraries.

Supported web browser

The Flutter SDK supports web browsers below in the mobile and PC web environments.

Browser Android iOS macOS Windows
Chrome* O O O O
Edge* O O O O
Firefox* O O O O
Safari X O O X

* The Flutter SDK does not support Internet Explorer (IE).

** The default browser for development and debugging.


Register the platform information that the service supports. Refer to Platform and the list below.

  • Supports native apps only: Android, iOS
  • Supports web only: Web
  • Supports both Native apps and web: Android, iOS, Web
Note: How to check the bundle ID for iOS

The bundle ID for iOS platform information is on [Target] > [General] > [Bundle Identifier] in Xcode. Open the project in Xcode or [${Project}] > [ios] in Android Studio.

Bundle ID in Android Studio Bundle ID in Xcode

Project settings

Custom URL Scheme

To use a custom URL scheme on Android devices, set a custom URL scheme to launch the service app when a user clicks a button or link in the Kakao Talk message or to be returned to the service app when Kakao Login process is done.

After setting up a custom URL scheme, launching the service app using the kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}://${PRODUCT_NAME} type scheme is available. Input the native app key to ${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY} by referring to [My Application] > [App Keys]. Input the following host property of product to ${PRODUCT_NAME}.

  • Kakao Login: oauth
  • Kakao Talk Sharing, Kakao Talk Messaging: kakaolink

Edit AndroidManifest.xml file in Flutter project ${Project} > android > app > src.

  • Kakao Login
    • Add <activity> element for setting Redirect URI inside <application> element. See the example below.
  • Kakao Talk Sharing, Kakao Talk Messaging
    • Inside of <application> element with android:name=".MainActivity" property, add <intent-filter> with <data android:host="${PRODUCT_NAME}" android:scheme="kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}" /> type element. See the example below.
  • For the app targeting Android 12 (API 31) or higher, declare android:exported and set it to true.

    <!-- Setting for Kakao Login Custom URI Scheme -->
        <intent-filter android:label="flutter_web_auth">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            <!-- Setting for "kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}://oauth" type app execution scheme -->
            <!-- Kakao Login Redirect URI -->
            <data android:scheme="kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}" android:host="oauth"/>

    <!-- Custom URL Scheme for Kakao Talk Sharing, Kakao Talk Messaging -->
        <!-- skip -->

            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            <!-- Setting for "kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}://oauth" type app execution scheme -->
            <!-- Kakao Talk Sharing, Kakao Talk Messaging -->
            <data android:host="kakaolink"
                android:scheme="kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}" />

To use a custom URL scheme on iOS devices, both setting below are required.

  • Allowlist
    • Open the project in Xcode via [${Project}] > [ios] and set the allowlist
    • Setting path: [TARGET] > [Info] > [Custom iOS Target Properties]
    • Path of Info.plist file for manual setting: [${Project}] > [ios] > [Runner] > [Info.plist]
  • URL Schemes
    • Open the project in Xcode via [${Project}] > [ios] and set the URL schemes
    • Setting path: [TARGET] > [Info] > [URL Types] > [URL Schemes]

Optional: Receiving a custom URL scheme

Explains to receive a custom URL scheme of Kakao Talk Sharing and Kakao Talk Messaging.

For an app that is not running, call the function below when the app runs.

String? url = await receiveKakaoScheme();
// Custom URL scheme is assigned to url. Write the usage code for the assigned scheme.

For a running app, you can receive a custom URL scheme via Stream provided by the Dart language. See the example below.

kakaoSchemeStream.listen((url) {
    // Custom URL scheme is assigned to url. Write the usage code for the assigned scheme.
}, onError: (e) {
    // Write an exception handling code for the error.

The above two functions should be called at the time after the Flutter SDK initialization. See Initialize.

Optional: Sending data when launch

In the case of native apps, additional data can be sent with a custom URL scheme for the service requirement. Set the key and value to androidExecutionParams, iosExecutionParams parameter. See the example below.

// Example

Optional: Hybrid app

To use the Flutter SDK for a web page on a hybrid application ("hybrid app"), develop a WebView as follows to work properly. Required actions are the same as Kakao SDK for JavaScript. Refer to Set up for hybrid app.


To import the Kakao Flutter packages in the project, set dependencies as follows.

1. Add dependencies

Add the dependency for the Flutter SDK in pubspec.yaml. Add desired or all packages.

  kakao_flutter_sdk: ^1.9.5 # Add all packages
  kakao_flutter_sdk_user: ^1.9.5 # Package for the Kakao Login APIs
  kakao_flutter_sdk_share: ^1.9.5 # Package for the Kakao Talk Sharing APIs
  kakao_flutter_sdk_talk: ^1.9.5 # Package for the Kakao Talk Channel, Kakao Talk Social, Kakao Talk Message APIs
  kakao_flutter_sdk_friend: ^1.9.5 # Package for the picker APIs
  kakao_flutter_sdk_navi: ^1.9.5 # Package for the Kakao Navi APIs

To add all packages, run the following command in Terminal.

$ flutter pub add kakao_flutter_sdk

In Flutter SDK 1.2.0, the names of the package, classes, and methods related to Kakao Talk Sharing have been changed. Refer to Notice. - lower than 1.2.0: kakao_flutter_sdk_link - 1.2.0 and higher: kakao_flutter_sdk_share

2. Get packages

To get the packages, run the following command in Terminal.

$ flutter pub get

If the current version of the Flutter SDK in the service app is 0.9.0 or lower, update it by referring to Miagration.


Call the init() method in the main() function. Note that the initialization should be done before calling runApp() method.

App keys are required to initialize. Pass the app keys for the platforms that the service supports.

  • Supports native apps only
    • Use Native app key to call Kakao APIs
    • Pass Native app key with nativeAppKey parameter when calling init() method
  • Supports web only
    • Use JavaScript key to call Kakao APIs
    • Pass JavaScript key with javaScriptAppKey parameter when calling init() method
  • Supports both Native apps and web
    • Use both JavaScript key and Native app key to call Kakao APIs
    • Pass Native app key with nativeAppKey parameter, and pass JavaScrip key with javaScriptAppKey when calling init() method
import 'package:kakao_flutter_sdk_common/kakao_flutter_sdk_common.dart';

// Initialize Flutter SDK for Kakao to use Kakao APIs.
void main() {

    // To finish Kakao Login process successfully, call the method below

    // Initialize the Flutter SDK before call runApp()
      nativeAppKey: '${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}',
      javaScriptAppKey: '${YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_APP_KEY}',
