2007 |
This bank code does not exist. |
2010 |
The deposit amount must be between 1,000 won and 1 billion won (KRW). |
5001 |
This business does not exist. |
6003 |
This ad account does not exist. |
7550 |
Enter a search term to retrieve its city/county/district information. |
20023 |
This account is a guaranteed ad account for Kakao Talk Bizboard and Shopping Box. |
21006 |
This ad account does not exist. |
21400 |
This ad account is being deleted. |
21500 |
Unable to change the status of the ad account. |
22086 |
You can set administrative areas up to 1,000. |
22087 |
Your request includes some overlapped locations among -si/do, -si/gun/gu, and -dong/eup/myeon information. |
22200 |
This engagement target does not exist. |
22201 |
This engagement target has already been deleted. |
22202 |
This engagement target is already being used. |
22203 |
You can register up to 50 ad engagement targets per account. |
22204 |
You can select up to 20 ad groups or messages. |
22205 |
This name is already being used for engagement targeting. |
22207 |
You cannot edit the name of the deleted or non-existent engagement target. |
22209 |
This type is not supported for engagement targeting. |
22211 |
There are some engagement data that is not supported by this campaign type. |
22300 |
You cannot select the categories that include the deprecated values. After checking the changed targets and target population, save them again. |
22400 |
You cannot register more Audiences due to the limit on the number of Audiences with an ad account. After deleting the existing Audience, proceed again. |
22402 |
You must input the Audience targeting's name. |
22403 |
Audience does not exist. |
22405 |
You cannot edit the Audience that is used for an ad group under the Kakao Talk Channel x Reach(도달) of campaign. After disabling the Audience in the ad group, retry. |
22406 |
Only available Audiences can be linked to an ad group. Because this Audience is unavailable, check and try again. |
22407 |
There is no Audience in the corresponding ad group. |
22409 |
This target option is not allowed to be set for the Audience type. |
24003 |
No Customer file has been uploaded. |
24004 |
There is an invalid file. |
24007 |
This name is already being used for the Customer file. |
24008 |
Some ad groups or messages are already using this target. |
24010 |
This Customer file has already been deleted. |
24012 |
You cannot retrieve the Customer file information. |
24013 |
No friend group file has been uploaded. |
24017 |
This name is already being used for a friend group. |
24018 |
Some ad group is already using this Kakao Talk Channel group. |
24020 |
This Kakao Talk Channel group file has already been deleted. |
24029 |
You can register up to 50 Friend groups per account. Delete existing Friend groups, and then retry. |
24033 |
There is no valid message ad group for the message recipient type of Friend group. |
24034 |
For the message recipient type of Friend group, you can register up to 20 ad groups. |
24035 |
For the message recipient type of Friend group, you can register only the ad groups registered within 30 days. |
24036 |
For this Kakao Talk channel, you cannot create the app user ID type of Friend group. |
24050 |
The URL is already used. |
24051 |
Input a valid URL in a http:// or https:// format. |
24052 |
Target population is not ready to be modified. |
24053 |
The URL is not available. |
24100 |
Failed to sync the number of friends of this Kakao Talk Channel. |
25023 |
You cannot save more creatives due to the limit on the number of creatives per ad account. |
28005 |
The message is in a state cannot be deleted. |
30007 |
The advertising goal setting is invalid. |
31001 |
Campaign does not exist. |
31004 |
The start date must come before the end date. |
31006 |
You must set the start date at some future date, not the present. |
31007 |
You cannot save more ad groups due to the limit on the number of ad groups in a campaign. After deleting the existing ad group, proceed again. |
31018 |
The campaign's daily budget is invalid. |
31022 |
The campaign's type X goal is unavailable. |
31036 |
For this Type X Goal campaigns, the Kakao Click ID field cannot be set. |
32001 |
Ad group does not exist. |
32002 |
Some devices are not proper for this ad group. |
32003 |
Some ad placements are not proper for this ad group. |
32004 |
This pricing type is not proper for the ad goal. |
32007 |
Targeting settings are incorrect. |
32009 |
This pricing type is not supported. |
32013 |
This ad group does not support the corresponding action. |
32016 |
You cannot select the spending method. |
32017 |
This spending method is not supported. |
32019 |
The ad group's daily budget cannot exceed the campaign's daily budget. |
32020 |
The maximum bid amount cannot exceed 50 % of the daily budget, or 100,000 won. |
32021 |
Ad group's daily budget must be equal to or greater than 10,000 won (KRW). |
32022 |
Ad group's daily budget must be equal to or less than 500 million won (KRW). |
32032 |
You must enter the budget. |
32034 |
The settings for the Smart messages are incorrect. |
32040 |
The changes in the ad group cannot be applied. |
32041 |
This ad group has already been finished or been canceled. |
32043 |
You input the wrong value for the unit price. |
32918 |
This input type is not supported for the bid amount. |
32919 |
You entered the bid amount lower than the minimum value. |
32930 |
Bidding strategies cannot be set for this ad type. |
32931 |
Automatic bidding options(Cost targeting, ROAS targeting) are not allowed for this bidding method. |
32932 |
Not available value for the targeting. |
32933 |
The type is required if automatic bidding option bidStrategyTarget is included. |
33002 |
The number of creatives in an ad group exceeded 200. |
33003 |
Creative does not exist. |
33004 |
If you do not use Smart messages for your ad group, you can register only one Message creative per ad group. |
33006 |
If you use Smart messages for your ad group, you can register up to 10 Message creatives per ad group. |
33009 |
This section category is not allowed to be set. |
33104 |
Error in minimum bid amount for CPM |
33107 |
Error in minimum bid amount for CPC |
33108 |
Error in minimum bid amount for CPA |
33112 |
Error in minimum bid amount for CPMS. |
33116 |
The creative's bid amount you set is greater than the ad group's maximum bid amount. Set the creative's bid amount to equal or less than the ad group's maximum bid amount. |
33124 |
You cannot edit the landing URL. |
33132 |
You cannot register a creative with the deprecated landing type. |
33133 |
The landing URL includes special characters that cause an error. Retry after encoding the URL. |
33139 |
The parameter key includes kclid. To set kclid, configure the Kakao Click ID in the campaign instead of directly entering it in the URL. |
33201 |
You cannot register this type of creative for the set Goal X Type of campaign. |
33204 |
Error occurred while creating multiple creatives. |
33208 |
This creative type is not supported. |
33209 |
Unsupported video format. Check requirements and retry. |
33210 |
Unsupported video size and ratio. Check requirements and retry. |
33213 |
Failed to retrieve video properties during processing. Please contact the administrator. |
33217 |
This image type is not supported. |
33218 |
This is not an RGB color system image. |
33221 |
The video file size exceeds the allowed limit. |
33225 |
You cannot set or edit the creative's bid amount. (with Creative Optimization function) |
33241 |
Promotional text or promotional text at the bottom is not valid. |
33245 |
This campaign type does not support copying a creative. |
33251 |
The description of a creative is invalid. |
33252 |
You must enter different text for the title, profile name, and promotional text. |
33255 |
You cannot copy the creative in an administrator suspended state. |
33256 |
You cannot edit some elements of the creative in an administrator suspended state. |
33300 |
There is no linked Business Form. |
33302 |
Failed to link to a Kakao Business Form. |
33502 |
priceAmount is not valid. |
33503 |
discountedPriceAmount is not valid. |
34508 |
A highlighted button can be set only for the Business form. |
34509 |
title is allowed up to 20 characters. |
33513 |
A not allowed variable has been inputted. |
33514 |
This campaign type does not allow using variables for the creative. |
34520 |
Failed to upload a video. |
34534 |
Failed to process your request because the selected Kakao Talk channel is dormant, blocked, or deleted. Check the channel status in the Kakao Talk Channel Admin Center. |
34545 |
The promotional image is required for the Carousel message. |
34546 |
The promotional text is required for the message. |
34547 |
The title for the Carousel commerce card is allowed up to 25 characters. |
34554 |
The promotional title for the intro card is allowed up to 20 characters. |
34561 |
The title for the Carousel feed card is allowed up to 20 characters. |
34562 |
The promotional text for the Carousel feed card is allowed up to 180 characters. |
34570 |
You cannot set shareflag for age verification messages. |
34571 |
You cannot save age verification messages into the message management list. |
34585 |
The video can not be used as a promotion video for a message. |
34588 |
You cannot use Kakao TV URL as a landing URL. |
34600 |
A personalized message cannot set the sharing option. |
34601 |
Failed to upload a video for a personalized message. |
34602 |
You need at least one uploaded video file for a personalized message. |
34603 |
The number of image files has been exceeded to upload at once. |
34604 |
The number of video files has been exceeded to upload at once. |
35002 |
This is an unavailable campaign type and goal. |
38017 |
You cannot change the settings for adult targeting. |
38022 |
If an ad group is running, has completed running, or is about to start running within less than 5 minutes, you cannot save the ad group. |
38102 |
The bid amount for a creative is not supported anymore. |
38103 |
The Creative optimization option is not supported anymore. |
38104 |
The maximum bid amount is not supported anymore. |
39020 |
You cannot delete this Ad View because some creative is using it as a landing. |
39203 |
The Ad View you requested does not exist or has been deleted. |
60005 |
The corresponding condition is not allowed to retrieve a report. (LEVEL) |
60007 |
You input the period information twice. |
60008 |
The start day and end date set for the search period are invalid. |
75000 |
Creating a creative is only allowed for the DISPLAY campaign type. |
75001 |
You cannot upload this image format. |
75002 |
You cannot upload this image due to its image size. |
75003 |
You cannot upload this image due to its file size. |
75004 |
You cannot register due to a temporary error. |
75009 |
Promotional image URL is not specified. |
75010 |
You must pass a profile image URL. |
75011 |
You must pass one or more landingURL . |
75012 |
The URL you requested has an invalid URL format. |
75013 |
You cannot input special characters for the Creative description. |
75014 |
Creative does not exist. |
75015 |
You can edit a creative only with the DISPLAY campaign type. |
75016 |
The corresponding creative does not exist under the ad group you requested. |
75017 |
The creative's bid amount cannot be greater than the ad group's bid amount. |
75018 |
The passed image URL is invalid, or the image format is unsupported. |
75019 |
Invalid video URL or format. |
75020 |
If the bidding method for your ad group is set to Manual bidding, you must pass the creative's bid amount. |
75021 |
An error occurred during the upload. |
75026 |
For a Bizboard type, you must set the mobile landing URL. |
75027 |
You cannot input full-width spaces for a title, profile name, and promotional text. |
75200 |
With the corresponding type and goal, retrieving Pixel & SDKs is not allowed. |
75201 |
Communication error with the Kakao Talk Channel server occurs. |
75203 |
This is the wrong ad account ID. |
75300 |
This campaign's ad account is invalid. |
75301 |
You must pass a campaign ID. |
75302 |
You must pass a campaign's daily budget. |
75303 |
This campaign has no access right for the ad account. |
75304 |
You must pass the campaign type and goal. |
75305 |
This campaign type is not supported. |
75307 |
Type X Target campaign must not have a daily budget value. |
75308 |
Type X Target campaign must have an objective value. |
75400 |
Ad group has not been requested, or the requested ad group ID is not a number greater than 1. |
75401 |
This ad group has no access right to the ad account. |
75403 |
This custom audience target is not supported for the corresponding ad type and goal. |
75404 |
This spending method is not supported for the corresponding ad type and goal. |
75405 |
You must set smartMessage to true for the corresponding ad type and goal. |
75406 |
Only CPC is allowed for the pricing type in an ad group under the Kakao Bizboard type of campaign. |
75407 |
When you create or edit an ad group, only DISPLAY is allowed for a type. |
75409 |
Only CPV is allowed for the bidding method in an ad group under the 'Video type X View goal' of campaign. |
75414 |
If your campaign type is 'Kakao Bizboard', or if you set the conversion goal to Kakao Talk Channel for your ad group under the 'Display type X Conversion(전환) goal' type of campaign, you cannot select PC for the device type. |
75415 |
You cannot set allAvailablePlacement to true for an ad group under the Kakao Bizboard type of campaign. |
75416 |
You cannot set allAvailablePlacement to true for an ad group under the Kakao Bizboard type of campaign. |
75417 |
Only Automatic bidding is allowed for an ad group under the Kakao Bizboard type X Conversion(전환) goal of campaign. |
75418 |
Only Manual bidding is allowed for an ad group under the 'Video type X View goal' of campaign. |
If you select the Manual bidding, you cannot use the Maximizing clicks option. |
75419 |
You must set the delivery period. |
75420 |
You must set detailed time for the delivery period by setting each hour for all 24 hours. |
75421 |
You must pass either 0 (Used) or 1 (Not used) for each hour for the delivery period. |
75423 |
The request for the detailed time settings is empty. For the ad schedule, you must specify the detailed times for all days, from Monday to Sunday. |
75425 |
If the campaign type is Kakao Bizboard, you cannot request the Overseas option. |
75427 |
If you set allAvailablePlacement to false , you must pass placements . |
75429 |
For the ad group under the campaign with Kakao Bizboard type X Conversion(전환) goal, you cannot use the Manual bidding option, and you must set the maximum bid amount to 0 won. |
75431 |
If gender is set to ALL for demographic targeting, you cannot pass genders . |
75432 |
If gender is set to NOT_ALL for demographic targeting, you must pass genders that is used to select a gender. |
75433 |
If ageType is set to ALL for demographic targeting, you cannot pass ages . |
75434 |
If ageType is set to NOT_ALL for demographic targeting, you must pass ages that is used to set some age ranges. |
75437 |
Passed ad placements are not available in ad groups under that campaign type. |
75438 |
If you pass adServingCategories (categories under Network), you must also pass NETWORK through placements . |
75439 |
If you pass NETWORK for ad placements, you must pass adServingCategories (categories under Network). |
75440 |
If the maximum bid limit is specified, you cannot set the maximum bid amount to 0 won. |
75441 |
If the maximum bid limit is not specified, you must set the maximum bid amount to 0 won. |
75442 |
If a campaign's goal is Visit, you cannot use CPA fpr bidding method. |
75443 |
If locationType is set to ALL to select all regions for the ad group under the Kakao Bizboard type of campaign, you must pass all regions except for Overseas. |
75444 |
If locationType is set to ALL to select all regions for the ad group under the Kakao Bizboard type of campaign, you cannot pass depth2Locations (city/county/district) in your request. |
75445 |
If locationType is set to ALL to select all regions for the ad group under the Kakao Bizboard type of campaign, you cannot pass Z (Overseas) in your request. |
75447 |
If the detailed region is set for region targeting, you cannot pass U (Unknown) or Z (Overseas). |
75448 |
If locationType is set to ALL to select all regions for the ad group under the Display type of campaign, you cannot pass Z (Overseas) in your request. |
75449 |
If locationType is set to ALL for the ad group under the Display type of campaign, you must pass all regions except for Overseas. |
75450 |
You cannot save this ad group because the estimated target population is insufficient. |
75451 |
Only CPC is allowed if the pricing type is set to automatic bidding. |
75452 |
If locationType is set to ALL to select all regions, you cannot pass depth1Name (-si/do), depth2Name (-si/gun/gu), or depth3Name (-dong/eup/myeon). |
75453 |
The end date you requested when creating an ad group must be today or the day after today. |
75454 |
You must pass the device information. |
75455 |
If you set 'All devices' for an ad group under the campaign with Display X Visit(방문) goal, you must pass all of the PC, ANDROID, and IOS. |
75456 |
You must set the targeting information, such as age range, gender, and region. |
75457 |
You must set a bidding method. |
75458 |
You cannot change the Creative Optimization option if it is set when creating an ad group. |
75459 |
If the start date you requested when creating is today or the day before today, you must pass the same date as the requested date for the start date. |
75460 |
You must pass the track ID. |
75461 |
You must pass the targeting period for Pixel & SDK. |
75462 |
Pixel & SDK event information does not exist, or error occurred while retrieving. |
75463 |
You must pass the detailed region information when selecting a region. |
75464 |
If the detailed region is set for region targeting, you must pass depth1Name (-si/do), depth2Name (-si/gun/gu), or depth3Name (-dong/eup/myeon). |
75465 |
If you use adult targeting, you cannot pass 15 for age. |
75466 |
To set ages, you must pass one or more age ranges out of the followings: 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 |
75467 |
To set ages, you must pass one or more age ranges out of the followings: 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 |
75468 |
If you use the late night targeting, you cannot set the hours from 7:00 to 21:00 to 1 (Used). |
75469 |
This is not supported if the campaign type is Kakao Talk Channel. |
75470 |
If the campaign type is not Kakao Bizboard, the 'Only displayed in Chat tab' option is not available. |
75471 |
If Kakao Talk is not selected for ad placements, the 'Only displayed in Chat tab' option is not available. |
75472 |
If all available placements are used for placements , the 'Only displayed in Chat tab' option is not available. |
75473 |
If the campaign type is Kakao Talk Bizboard, and if you set ad placements to Network, you must pass all categories of the Network. |
75476 |
This ad group has no access right for the ad account. |
75478 |
You must pass the message setting information. |
75479 |
The available number of sending messages you passed is invalid. |
75480 |
If you set longTerm (Send to new friends after sending all messages option) to true , you must pass beginDate (Start date), beginTime (Start time), endDate (End date), and endTime (End time) for the schedule field. |
75481 |
The distributed sending rate you passed is invalid. |
75482 |
The message status you passed is invalid. |
75483 |
You cannot use the Creative Optimization function or custom audience targeting for real-time targeting type. |
75484 |
In the case of Message ad groups, you must set allAvailablePlacement (Whether to display ads on all available places) to false only. |
75485 |
In the case of Message ad groups, you must set placements to KAKAO_TALK only. |
75487 |
If using a Smart message, you must set longTerm (Send to new friends after sending all messages option) to false . |
75491 |
For a Smart message, the number of Kakao Talk Channel profile friends must be 30 or more. |
75498 |
If you set longTerm (Send to new friends after sending all messages option) to true , you must pass both ANDROID and IOS for deviceTypes . |
75500 |
You must pass the value for age verification message. |
75502 |
You must enter the detailed address. |
75503 |
You must search with road name address including building number or with detailed address including -dong or lot number. (Example: Sampyeong-dong, Sampyeong-dong 681, Pangyoyeok-ro 235) |
75504 |
You must pass the ad account ID. |
75505 |
You must pass the engagement targeting ID. |
75506 |
The search term for a campaign name must not exceed 50 characters. |
75507 |
You must pass the engagement target name. |
75508 |
The engagement target name must not exceed 50 characters. |
75509 |
You must pass the engagement data. |
75510 |
Some engagement data does not include ad groups. |
75511 |
Some engagement data does not include campaigns. |
75512 |
Some engagement data does not include operation (Operation type). |
75513 |
Some engagement data does not include firstIndicator (First engagement type). |
75514 |
Some engagement data does not include a campaign or an ad group. |
75515 |
Failed to retrieve target population. |
75518 |
Some engagement data of campaign or an ad group is invalid. |
75519 |
You do not have permission for the responsive ad target. |
75520 |
The target size is being prepared, so the ad reaction target cannot be modified. |
75523 |
You can register up to 50 per account. |
75522 |
You can upload only ADIDs for the Customer file. |
75524 |
You must pass the Customer file name. |
75525 |
You must pass the Customer file ID. |
75526 |
The name of the Customer file must not exceed 50 characters. |
75527 |
Some operation or engagement values in the engagement data are missing or incorrect. |
75528 |
You must pass the keyword to retrieve the -dong/eup/myeon information. |
75536 |
You must pass the Friend group name. |
75537 |
The name of the Friend group must not exceed 50 characters. |
75538 |
This friend group cannot be modified. |
75539 |
You must pass the Friend group ID. |
75540 |
You must pass the track ID. |
75541 |
The SEED of Customer file cannot be found. |
75542 |
This SEED is already being used with the same ad account. |
75543 |
This Kakao user is not added to the Kakao Talk Channel. |
75544 |
The SEED information is incorrect. |
75546 |
The SEED of Kakao Talk Channel profile cannot be found. |
75548 |
You must pass the Business Form ID. |
75549 |
This engagement target does not exist. |
75550 |
This customer file target does not exist. |
75551 |
This customer file cannot be modified. |
75552 |
You must pass eventCode . |
75553 |
You must pass trackRuleId . |
75554 |
You must pass trackUrleName (track rule name). |
75555 |
You must pass InclusionType . |
75556 |
This Kakao Talk Channel friend target does not exist. |
75557 |
This Kakao Talk Sync member target does not exist. |
75558 |
This Pixel & SDK target does not exist. |
75559 |
You must pass the Kakao Talk Channel profile ID. |
75561 |
The target population for a Customer file should be 2,000 or more. |
75562 |
The target population for Kakao users should be 1,000 or more. |
75563 |
The requested eventCode is invalid. |
75564 |
The requested trackRuleId is invalid. |
75565 |
The requested trackUrleName is invalid. |
75566 |
You must pass the campaign type and goal. |
75567 |
You must pass the campaign name to search for. |
75568 |
You cannot set targeting for this Pixel & SDK because it does not meet the targeting condition. |
75571 |
You cannot set targeting for this engagement because it does not meet the targeting condition. . |
75573 |
The Pixel & SDK corresponding to the track ID you passed does not exist. |
75574 |
You must pass the ad group daily budget. |
75575 |
You must pass the ad group's ID. |
75576 |
You cannot set the maximum bid amount for this ad group. |
75577 |
You must pass the price in multiples of 10 won. |
75578 |
This targeting type is not allowed to edit. |
75579 |
Keyword targeting is not supported anymore. |
75580 |
When setting the Audience, individual targeting is not supported. |
75583 |
You cannot delete this Customer file. |
75584 |
The Audience name must not exceed 50 characters. |
75586 |
You must pass the value to target a Friend group. |
75587 |
The value used to target a Friend group is invalid. |
75588 |
If the campaign type is not Kakao Channel, you cannot target a Friend group in the ad group. |
75589 |
As a result of the file analysis, there is no registered case due to wrong file format. |
75590 |
The period is set incorrectly. |
75591 |
Failed to detect file encoding. |
75601 |
This creative has no access right to the ad account. |
75602 |
This creative is not allowed to copy. |
75603 |
You can set the landing type only under the Kakao Bizboard type of campaigns. |
75604 |
You cannot request both the landing URLs (pcLandingUrl , mobileLandingUrl , or rspvLandingUrl ) and the landing types other than the landing URLs at the same time. |
75605 |
You cannot edit the landing type that has been set when creating a creative, but only can edit the values set for the landing. |
75606 |
The assetGroup information for the catalog creative is not valid. |
75608 |
You must pass the Kakao Talk Channel profile ID for chatbot landing and the chatbot keyword. |
75609 |
You must input the chatbot keywords up to 50 characters. Only question marks and exclamation points are allowed for special characters. |
75610 |
You must pass the Ad View ID. |
75612 |
You must pass the Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID. |
75613 |
There is no Kakao Talk Channel profile information available to be retrieved with the passed Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID, or there is no message information. |
75614 |
You must pass both the Kakao Talk Channel profile ID and the URL of the corresponding Channel web view. |
75615 |
You must pass the Business Form ID. |
75616 |
You must request the Talk Calendar event ID. |
75617 |
For the Talk Calendar event ID, only numbers and English are allowed, except for Korean, spaces, and special characters. Up to 24 characters are allowed. |
75618 |
You must pass the profile ID and channel post ID. |
75619 |
Failed to retrieve a list of Ad Views temporally. |
75620 |
The requested Channel post landing type information is not available with this account or does not exist. |
75621 |
The requested Business Form landing type information is not available with this account or does not exist. |
75622 |
The requested Ad View landing type information is not available with this account or does not exist. |
75624 |
The requested Channel web view landing type information is not available with this account or does not exist |
75625 |
If a landing type is set to Channel web view, the landingURL must not exceed 1000 characters. |
75626 |
If a landing type is set to Channel web view, you must pass the landingURL under the landing information. |
75627 |
You must pass pcLandingUrl , mobileLandingUrl , or rspvLandingUrl , or pass the information corresponding the landing type. |
75628 |
This creative type is not allowed to copy. |
75631 |
You must pass the Kakao Talk Channel profile's message ID. |
75632 |
You must pass the creative ID. |
75636 |
The requested landing type information is not available with this account or does not exist. |
75637 |
There is no information about materials for verification. |
75639 |
This landing type is not supported. |
75640 |
The creative that includes expendable elements is not supported. |
75644 |
You must pass the Message creative type. |
75645 |
This type is not supported for the Message creative. |
75646 |
You must pass the title. |
75647 |
The title must not exceed the maximum length. |
75648 |
For Wide list message type, you must pass three or four list items. |
75649 |
For Wide image or Wide list message type, you can pass up to one button item. |
75650 |
For Basic text message type, you can pass one or two button items. |
75651 |
This message type is not allowed to pass an item list. |
75652 |
You must pass the Business Form ID. |
75653 |
The passed Business Form information does not comply with the landing policy on the buttons corresponding message type. |
75654 |
You must pass the Ad View ID. |
75655 |
The passed Ad View information does not comply with the Ad View policy on the button corresponding to each message type. |
75656 |
The passed post information does not comply with the post policy on the button corresponding to each message type. |
75657 |
The passed landing information does not comply with the landing policy on the button corresponding to each message type. |
75658 |
You must pass the coupon ID. |
75659 |
You must pass the post ID. |
75660 |
You must pass the button name. |
75661 |
The button name must not exceed the maximum length. |
75662 |
You must pass the title in ItemAssetGroup. |
75663 |
Coupon information does not exist. |
75664 |
Post information does not exist. |
75665 |
Kakao TV information does not exist. |
75666 |
You must attach an image creative or must pass Kakao TV video information to be linked. |
75667 |
If you set landingType to LANDING_URL , you cannot use highlighted button. |
75669 |
Ad View information does not exist. |
75671 |
You must pass the contact information of customer support. Up to 255 characters are allowed. |
75672 |
You must pass one of URL, post, and coupon for the list item landing of Wide image or Wide list message type. |
75673 |
The button name of the Business Form you passed is not valid. |
75674 |
You cannot request the same button order for Basic text message type. |
75675 |
You cannot use the highlighted button for Basic text message type. |
75676 |
You must pass the button order. |
75677 |
You must pass the Kakao TV video ID meta information. |
75678 |
You must pass the Kakao TV video thumbnail meta information. |
75679 |
You must pass Kakao TV video meta information such as isLive , isLoad , and isLink . |
75680 |
For Wide image and Wide list message type, you must pass a Kakao TV video through the videoMeta object in itemAssetGroups . |
75681 |
You must pass only one list item for Wide image message type. |
75682 |
You must pass a phone number. |
75683 |
There is no message information to be sent for a test. |
75685 |
You must set isLoad and isLink to true , and set isLive to false for Kakao TV video meta information. |
75686 |
Message creatives only support MULTIPART_FORMDATA for content type. |
75687 |
Carousel type is not supported. |
75688 |
Sending messages for a test is allowed only for Message creatives. |
75689 |
There are no messageElement information. |
75690 |
You can set the promotional text of itemAssetGroup only for WIDE_LIST_MESSAGE (Wide list message type). |
75691 |
Some phrases or images do not comply with the message delivery guideline. |
75692 |
Unsupported property value is included. |
75699 |
The campaign type does not support changing creatives' status. |
75700 |
You are not allowed to send out advertising message between 9 PM to 8 AM. |
75701 |
The recipient's phone number is in the wrong format. |
75702 |
The ad status is not available for sending. |
75703 |
Input a URL of a Kakao TV video including https://tv.kakao.com/channel/ . |
75704 |
The variable values of the sending request are required. |
75705 |
The variable values of the sending request are not valid. |
75706 |
The variable values of the sending request include forbidden words. |
75707 |
Input an image URL of an uploaded image for a personalized message. |
75708 |
The id of the sending request is in a wrong format. |
75709 |
The recipient does not use Kakao Talk or is not a friend of your Kakao Talk channel. |
75710 |
The campaign type is not the personalized message type. |
75711 |
Failed to send the personalized message. |
75800 |
The itemAssetGroup for the Carousel commerce message can not use description . |
75801 |
Messages for Carousel commerce or Carousel feed types can use URL landing only. |
75802 |
The Carousel message can not include a promotional video. |
75804 |
The priceAmount in itemAssetGroup for the Carousel commerce message is required. |
75805 |
The promotional text for the intro card of the Carousel commerce message is required. |
75806 |
The button label for the Carousel commerce message can be '구매하기' only. |
75807 |
The Carousel message type can include up to 12 button items. |
75808 |
The discountedPriceAmount must be at least 1% smaller than the priceAmount . |
75809 |
The card of the Carousel feed message can set only one of a sharing button or button 2. |
75810 |
The URL landing for the intro card of the Carousel commerce message is required. |
75811 |
The promotional text for the Carousel feed message is required. |
75819 |
The Carousel commerce message must have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 7 list items, including the intro card. |
75820 |
The Carousel message must have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 list items. |
75821 |
The Carousel commerce message must have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 12 button items. |
75822 |
The Carousel commerce message must have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 button items. |
75823 |
The Carousel feed message must have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 12 button items. |
75830 |
The button 1 of itemAssetGroup and buttonAssetGroup must have the same URL in the same carousel. |
75900 |
The length of the title is exceeded. |
75901 |
There are too many line breaks in the title . |
75910 |
The length of the description is exceeded. |
75911 |
There are too many line breaks in the description . |
75920 |
The length of the title in the itemAssetGroup is exceeded. |
75921 |
There are too many line breaks in the title in theitemAssetGroup . |
75930 |
The length of the description in the itemAssetGroup is exceeded. |
75931 |
There are too many line breaks in the description in theitemAssetGroup . |
75940 |
The length of the button label is exceeded. |
75941 |
The passed button information does not comply with the policy. |
78000 |
You must pass bankcode . |
78001 |
You must pass amount (deposit amount). |
78002 |
The Business Form you requested has already been linked. |
78003 |
You have exceeded the allowed number. |
78004 |
You must pass the number to be retrieved. |
79000 |
There is no Kakao Talk Channel profile information. |
79001 |
You must pass a file. |
79002 |
You can upload a file with a size of 200 MB or less. |
79003 |
You cannot upload this type of file. (Only text/csv and text/plain type of files are allowed.) |
79004 |
File verification has not proceeded normally. please try again. |
79005 |
You must pass either ON or OFF for the status. |
81002 |
Error occurred while uploading the file. |
83004 |
Failed to retrieve target population. |
84401 |
Failed to conntect the Kakao TV. |
84005 |
This Kakao Talk Channel is not linked to a Kakao Account. |
84007 |
Failed to retrieve the information on the Kakao Talk channel, or not exist. |
84402 |
Input a sharing URL for the Kakao TV video. |
84410 |
You do not have permission to use the Kakao TV channel. |
84411 |
The Kakao TV channel does not exist or has been deleted. |
85400 |
Connection to retrieve Ad View information is failed. |
86002 |
Failed to link with the biz message direct API. |
88000 |
Error in billing communication. |
88005 |
Your balance is insufficient. This error occurs when the balance of the ad account is less than the budget (Available number of sending messages X price for sending message including VAT) required for ad group creation. |
89701 |
Some Pixel & SDKs are being used in campaigns in the ad account. |
89702 |
Some Pixel & SDKs are being used in ad groups in the ad account. |
89704 |
Error occurred while retrieving Pixel & SDKs. |
89705 |
Error occurred while setting ownership of Pixel & SDK. |
89706 |
Error occurred while retrieving Pixel & SDKs with permission granted. |
89709 |
The settings for Pixel & SDK are incorrect. |
89710 |
Create a Pixel & SDK. |
89713 |
You can add up to 100 Pixel & SDKs per account. |
89714 |
Permission cannot be added to this Pixel & SDK. |
90001 |
Bad request. |
90002 |
Internal error. |
90003 |
No permission. |
90004 |
Response of the URL is incorrect. |
90014 |
Not supported ad account type. |
90016 |
There is no category type of Kakao Data. |