This document describes how to use the Audience management APIs.
Method | URL | Authorization |
GET | |
Business token |
Permission | Prerequisite | Business Authentication | Business consent item |
Required: Request permission |
Switch to a Biz app Set business Redirect URI Business consent item |
Required | Required |
This API enables you to retrieve the list of Audiences through the Audience management function.
Send a GET
request with the issued business token and an ad account ID (adAccountId
) in the request header. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.
Name | Description | Required |
Authorization | Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN} Business token as a type of user authentication. |
O |
adAccountId | adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID} Ad account's ID. |
O |
Name | Type | Description |
content | Audience[] |
List of Audience information. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Long |
Audience's ID. |
name | String |
Audience's name. |
audienceStatus | String |
Audience's status. One of the followings: - STANDBY : Preparing.- AVAILABLE Available.- SEED_NOT_ENOUGH : Insufficient target population.- ERROR : Unavailable. |
type | String |
Audience's type. Either DISPLAY or MESSAGE . |
createdDate | String |
Date and time of Audience creation in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format. |
lastModifiedDate | String |
Date and time of Audience modification in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format. |
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"content": [
"id": 1,
"name": "first_audience",
"audienceStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"type": "DISPLAY",
"createdDate": "2021-05-03T18:50:54",
"lastModifiedDate": "2021-05-03T18:50:54"
"id": 2,
"name": "second_audience",
"audienceStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"type": "MESSAGE",
"createdDate": "2021-04-21T14:36:07",
"lastModifiedDate": "2021-04-21T14:43:23"
"id": 3,
"name": "third-audience",
"audienceStatus": "SEED_NOT_ENOUGH",
"type": "DISPLAY",
"createdDate": "2021-04-21T14:35:32",
"lastModifiedDate": "2021-04-21T14:35:42"
Method | URL | Authorization |
GET |${ID} |
Business token |
Permission | Prerequisite | Business Authentication | Business consent item |
Required: Request permission |
Switch to a Biz app Set business Redirect URI Business consent item |
Required | Required |
This API enables you to retrieve detailed information of a specific Audience.
Send a GET
request with the issued business token and an ad account ID (adAccountId
) in the request header. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.
Name | Description | Required |
Authorization | Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN} Business token as a type of user authentication. |
O |
adAccountId | adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID} Ad account's ID. |
O |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
ID | Long |
Audience's ID. | O |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Long |
Audience's ID. |
name | String |
Audience's name. |
type | String |
Audience's type. Either DISPLAY or MESSAGE . |
audienceStatus | String |
Audience's status. One of the followings: - STANDBY : Preparing.- AVAILABLE Available.- SEED_NOT_ENOUGH : Insufficient target population.- ERROR : Unavailable. |
populationScore | Long |
Estimated target population. Estimated target population for Audience. |
createdDate | String |
Date and time of Audience creation in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format. |
lastModifiedDate | String |
Date and time of Audience modification in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format. |
ageType | String |
Selection type for age range. Either All (Select all age ranges) or NOT_ALL (Select some age ranges). |
ages | Set of String |
Age range. |
genderType | String |
Selection type for gender. Either All (Select all genders) or NOT_ALL (Select a specific gender). |
genders | Set of String |
Gender. Either M (Male) or F (Female). |
locations | Set of Location |
-si (city) or -do (province) information. Refer to View city/province. |
depth2Locations | Set of Depth2Location |
-si (city), -gun (county), or -gu (district) information. Refer to View city/county/district. |
depth3Locations | Set of Depth3Location |
-dong (neighborhood), -eup (town), or -myeon (townships) information. Refer to View dong/eup/myeon. |
ufoInterests | EnumSet of UfoInterest |
Information of interest targeting. Refer to View category data for custom audience targeting. |
ufoBusinessTypes | EnumSet of UfoBusinessType |
Information of business type targeting. Refer to View category data for custom audience targeting. |
talkChannelTargetings | Set of TalkChannelTargeting |
Information of Kakao Talk Channel targeting. |
syncAppTargetings | Set of SyncAppTargeting |
Information of Kakao Login user targeting. |
customerFileTargetings | Set of CustomerFileTargeting |
Information of customer file targeting. |
cohortTargetings | Set of CohortTargeting |
Information of engagement targeting. |
trackerTargetings | Set of TrackerTargeting |
Information of Pixel & SDK targeting. |
talkChannelGroupTargetings | Set of TalkChannelGroupTargeting |
Information of friends group targeting. |
curl -X GET "${ID}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"id": 1,
"type": "DISPLAY",
"audienceStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"name": "first_audience",
"ageType": "ALL",
"genders": [
"genderType": "NOT_ALL",
"locations": [
"value": "E",
"description": "광주광역시",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시"
"value": "O",
"description": "충청남도",
"depth1Name": "충청남도"
"value": "L",
"description": "전라남도",
"depth1Name": "전라남도"
"value": "M",
"description": "전라북도",
"depth1Name": "전라북도"
"value": "A",
"description": "강원도",
"depth1Name": "강원도"
"value": "K",
"description": "인천광역시",
"depth1Name": "인천광역시"
"value": "I",
"description": "서울특별시",
"depth1Name": "서울특별시"
"value": "P",
"description": "충청북도",
"depth1Name": "충청북도"
"value": "F",
"description": "대구광역시",
"depth1Name": "대구광역시"
"value": "Q",
"description": "세종특별자치시",
"depth1Name": "세종특별자치시"
"value": "N",
"description": "제주특별자치도",
"depth1Name": "제주특별자치도"
"value": "G",
"description": "대전광역시",
"depth1Name": "대전광역시"
"value": "H",
"description": "부산광역시",
"depth1Name": "부산광역시"
"value": "D",
"description": "경상북도",
"depth1Name": "경상북도"
"value": "U",
"description": "알수없음",
"depth1Name": "알수없음"
"value": "J",
"description": "울산광역시",
"depth1Name": "울산광역시"
"value": "B",
"description": "경기도",
"depth1Name": "경기도"
"value": "C",
"description": "경상남도",
"depth1Name": "경상남도"
"populationScore": 10000,
"createdDate": "2021-04-14T17:49:35",
"lastModifiedDate": "2021-04-14T17:49:35"
Method | URL | Authorization |
POST | |
Business token |
Permission | Prerequisite | Business Authentication | Business consent item |
Required: Request permission |
Switch to a Biz app Set business Redirect URI Business consent item |
Required | Required |
This API enables you to create a new Audience that you can use when creating or editing an ad group.
Send a POST
request with the issued business token and an ad account ID (adAccountId
) in the request header. You must pass the information used for targeting when you request. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.
ufoInterests (Interest) |
O | O |
ufoBusinessTypes (Category) |
O | O |
locations (Cities/provinces) |
O | O |
depth2Locations (Cities/counties/districts) |
O | O |
depth3Locations (dong/eup/myeon) |
O | O |
customerFileTargetings (Customer file) |
O | X |
trackerTargetings (Pixel & SDK) |
O | X |
cohortTargetings (Engagement targeting) |
O | O |
talkChannelTargetings (Kakao Talk Channel) |
O | O |
syncAppTargetings (Kakao Login user) |
O | O |
talkChannelGroupTargetings (Friend group) |
X | O |
Name | Description | Required |
Authorization | Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN} Business token as a type of user authentication. |
O |
adAccountId | adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID} Ad account's ID. |
O |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
adAccountId | Long |
Ad account's ID that the corresponding Audience is included. | O |
name | String |
Audience's name. | O |
type | String |
Audience's type. Either DISPLAY or MESSAGE . |
O |
ageType | String |
Selection type for age range. Either All (Select all age ranges) or NOT_ALL (Select some age ranges). |
O |
ages | String[] |
Age range. Use one or more of the followings: 15 : 15 to 1920 : 20 to 2425 : 25 to 2930 : 30 to 3435 : 35 to 3940 : 40 to 4445 : 45 to 4950 : 50 to 5455 : 55 to 5960 : 60 to 6465 : 65 to 69Only allowed if ageType is set to NOT_ALL .If you set ageType to ALL , do not pass ages .If you set adult to true , pass "20","25","30","35","40","45","50","55","60","65" as an array. |
O* |
genderType | String |
Selection type for gender. Either All (Select all genders) or NOT_ALL (Select a specific gender). |
O |
genders | String[] |
Gender. Either M (Male) or F (Female).If you set genderType to ALL , do not pass genders . |
O* |
ufoInterests | Set of UfoInterest |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [추가 설정(Additional settings)] > [카테고리(Categories)] > [관심사(Interests)] Refer to View category data for custom audience targeting. |
X |
ufoBusinessTypes | Set of UfoBusinessType |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [추가 설정(Additional settings)] > [카테고리(Categories)] > [업종(Industries) Refer to View category data for custom audience targeting. |
X |
locationType | String |
Selection type for areas. Either ALL (Select all) or AREA (Select some areas). |
O |
locations | Set of Location |
[데모그래픽(Demographic)] > [행정구역(Administrative area)] > [시/도(-si/do)] Refer to View city/province. Not allowed if locationType is set to ALL .Allowed to pass one of locations (-si/do), depth2Locations (-si/gun/gu), or depth3Locations (-dong/eup/myeon). If the campaign type is 'Kakao Bizboard', Overseas(Z) is not allowed. |
X |
depth2Locations | Set of Depth2Location |
[데모그래픽(Demographic)] > [행정구역(Administrative area)] > [시/군/구(-si/gun/gu)] Refer to View city/county/district. If locationType is set to AREA , you must pass one of locations (-si/do), depth2Locations (-si/gun/gu), or depth3Locations (-dong/eup/myeon). You can also pass all of three parameters. |
X |
depth3Locations | Set of Depth3Location |
[데모그래픽(Demographic)] > [행정구역(Administrative area)] > [동/읍/면(-dong/eup/myeon)] Refer to View dong/eup/myeon. If locationType is set to AREA , you must pass one of locations (-si/do), depth2Locations (-si/gun/gu), or depth3Locations (-dong/eup/myeon). You can also pass all of three parameters. |
X |
customerFileTargetings | Set of CustomerFileTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [고객파일(Customer file]) Use information retrieved through the Viewing list of targetable customer files API. |
X |
trackerTargetings | Set of TrackerTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [픽셀 & SDK(Pixel & SDK)] Use information retrieved through the Viewing targetable Pixel & SDK events API. |
X |
cohortTargetings | Set of CohortTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [광고반응타겟(Engagement target)] Use information retrieved through the Viewing targetable engagement targets API. |
X |
talkChannelTargetings | Set of TalkChannelTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [카카오 사용자(Kakao user) > [카카오톡 채널 친구(Kakao Talk Channel friend)] Use information retrieved through the Viewing list of targetable Kakao Talk Channels API. |
X |
syncAppTargetings | Set of SyncAppTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [카카오 사용자(Kakao user) > [카카오 로그인 이용자(Kakao Login user)] Use information retrieved through the Viewing list of targetable Kakao Login users API. |
X |
talkChannelGroupTargetings | Set of TalkChannelGroupTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [친구그룹(Friend group)] Use the information retrieved through the Viewing list of targetable Friend groups API. Only the campaigns with 'Kakao Talk Channel X Reach(도달)' type are allowed. |
X |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Long |
Audience's ID. |
name | String |
Audience's name. |
type | String |
Audience's type. Either DISPLAY or MESSAGE . |
audienceStatus | String |
Audience's status. One of the followings: - STANDBY : Preparing.- AVAILABLE Available.- SEED_NOT_ENOUGH : Insufficient target population.- ERROR : Unavailable. |
populationScore | Long |
Estimated target population. Estimated target population for Audience. |
createdDate | String |
Date and time of Audience creation in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format. |
lastModifiedDate | String |
Date and time of Audience modification in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format. |
ageType | String |
Selection type for age range. Either All (Select all age ranges) or NOT_ALL (Select some age ranges). |
ages | Set of String |
Age range. |
genderType | String |
Selection type for gender. Either All (Select all genders) or NOT_ALL (Select a specific gender). |
genders | Set of String |
Gender. Either M (Male) or F (Female). |
locations | Set of Location |
-si (city) or -do (province) information. Refer to View city/province. |
depth2Locations | Set of Depth2Location |
-si (city), -gun (county), or -gu (district) information. Refer to View city/county/district. |
depth3Locations | Set of Depth3Location |
-dong (neighborhood), -eup (town), or -myeon (townships) information. Refer to View dong/eup/myeon. |
ufoInterests | EnumSet of UfoInterest |
Information of interest targeting. Refer to View category data for custom audience targeting. |
ufoBusinessTypes | EnumSet of UfoBusinessType |
Information of business type targeting. Refer to View category data for custom audience targeting. |
talkChannelTargetings | Set of TalkChannelTargeting |
Information of Kakao Talk Channel targeting. |
syncAppTargetings | Set of SyncAppTargeting |
Information of Kakao Login user targeting. |
customerFileTargetings | Set of CustomerFileTargeting |
Information of customer file targeting. |
cohortTargetings | Set of CohortTargeting |
Information of engagement targeting. |
trackerTargetings | Set of TrackerTargeting |
Information of Pixel & SDK targeting. |
talkChannelGroupTargetings | Set of TalkChannelGroupTargeting |
Information of friends group targeting. |
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"adAccountId": 1,
"name": "create_open_api",
"type": "DISPLAY",
"ageType": "NOT_ALL",
"ages": ["20", "15"],
"genderType": "NOT_ALL",
"genders": ["M"],
"locationType": "AREA",
"locations": [
"value": "E",
"description": "광주광역시",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시"
"value": "O",
"description": "충청남도",
"depth1Name": "충청남도"
"depth2locations" : [
"value" : "B7222",
"desrciption" : "경기도 여주시",
"depth1Name": "경기도",
"depth2Name": "여주시"
"value" : "I1009",
"desrciption" : "서울특별시 도봉구",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시",
"depth2Name": "도봉구"
"depth3Locations" : [
"value" : "A70052424",
"desrciption" : "강원도 삼척시 원덕읍",
"depth1Name": "강원도",
"depth2Name": "삼척시",
"depth3Name": "원덕읍"
"value" : "E13010702",
"desrciption" : "광주광역시 남구 백운2동",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시",
"depth2Name": "남구",
"depth3Name": "백운2동"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"id": 1,
"type": "DISPLAY",
"adAccountId": 1,
"name": "create_open_api",
"ageType": "NOT_ALL",
"ages": [
"genders": [
"genderType": "NOT_ALL",
"locations": [
"value": "E",
"description": "광주광역시",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시"
"value": "O",
"description": "충청남도",
"depth1Name": "충청남도"
"depth2locations" : [
"value" : "B7222",
"desrciption" : "경기도 여주시",
"depth1Name": "경기도",
"depth2Name": "여주시"
"value" : "I1009",
"desrciption" : "서울특별시 도봉구",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시",
"depth2Name": "도봉구"
"depth3Locations" : [
"value" : "A70052424",
"desrciption" : "강원도 삼척시 원덕읍",
"depth1Name": "강원도",
"depth2Name": "삼척시",
"depth3Name": "원덕읍"
"value" : "E13010702",
"desrciption" : "광주광역시 남구 백운2동",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시",
"depth2Name": "남구",
"depth3Name": "백운2동"
Method | URL | Authorization |
PUT | |
Business token |
Permission | Prerequisite | Business Authentication | Business consent item |
Required: Request permission |
Switch to a Biz app Set business Redirect URI Business consent item |
Required | Required |
This API enables you to edit the Audience.
Send a PUT
request with the issued business token and an ad account ID (adAccountId
) in the request header. You must also pass the information used for targeting when you request. If the request is successful, this API returns the changed information of the Audience in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.
Name | Description | Required |
Authorization | Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN} Business token as a type of user authentication. |
O |
adAccountId | adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID} Ad account's ID. |
O |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | Long |
Audience's ID. | O |
type | String |
Audience's type. Either DISPLAY or MESSAGE . |
O |
adAccountId | Long |
Ad account's ID that the corresponding Audience is included. | O |
name | String |
Audience's name. | O |
ageType | String |
Selection type for age range. Either All (Select all age ranges) or NOT_ALL (Select some age ranges).If you set adult to true , only NOT_ALL is allowed. |
O |
ages | String[] |
Age range. Use one or more of the followings: 15 : 15 to 1920 : 20 to 2425 : 25 to 2930 : 30 to 3435 : 35 to 3940 : 40 to 4445 : 45 to 4950 : 50 to 5455 : 55 to 5960 : 60 to 6465 : 65 to 69Only allowed if ageType is set to NOT_ALL .If you set ageType to ALL , do not pass ages .If you set adult to true , pass "20","25","30","35","40","45","50","55","60","65" as an array. |
O* |
genderType | String |
Selection type for gender. Either All (Select all genders) or NOT_ALL (Select a specific gender). |
O |
genders | Set of String |
Gender. Either M (Male) or F (Female). |
O* |
ufoInterests | EnumSet of UfoInterest |
Information of interest targeting. Refer to View category data for custom audience targeting. |
X |
ufoBusinessTypes | EnumSet of UfoBusinessType |
Information of business type targeting. Refer to View category data for custom audience targeting. |
X |
locations | Set of Location |
[데모그래픽(Demographic)] > [행정구역(Administrative area)] > [시/도(-si/do)] Refer to View city/province. Not allowed if locationType is set to ALL .Allowed to pass one of locations (-si/do), depth2Locations (-si/gun/gu), or depth3Locations (-dong/eup/myeon). If the campaign type is 'Kakao Bizboard', Overseas(Z) is not allowed. |
X |
depth2Locations | Set of Depth2Location |
[데모그래픽(Demographic)] > [행정구역(Administrative area)] > [시/군/구(-si/gun/gu)] Refer to View city/county/district. If locationType is set to AREA , you must pass one of locations (-si/do), depth2Locations (-si/gun/gu), or depth3Locations (-dong/eup/myeon). You can also pass all of three parameters. |
X |
depth3Locations | Set of Depth3Location |
[데모그래픽(Demographic)] > [행정구역(Administrative area)] > [동/읍/면(-dong/eup/myeon)] Refer to View dong/eup/myeon. If locationType is set to AREA , you must pass one of locations (-si/do), depth2Locations (-si/gun/gu), or depth3Locations (-dong/eup/myeon). You can also pass all of three parameters. |
X |
customerFileTargetings | Set of CustomerFileTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [고객파일(Customer file]) Use information retrieved through the Viewing list of targetable customer files API. |
X |
trackerTargetings | Set of TrackerTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [픽셀 & SDK(Pixel & SDK)] Use information retrieved through the Viewing targetable Pixel & SDK events API. |
X |
cohortTargetings | Set of CohortTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [광고반응타겟(Engagement target)] Use information retrieved through the Viewing targetable engagement targets API. |
X |
talkChannelTargetings | Set of TalkChannelTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [카카오 사용자(Kakao user) > [카카오톡 채널 친구(Kakao Talk Channel friend)] Use information retrieved through the Viewing list of targetable Kakao Talk Channels API. |
X |
syncAppTargetings | Set of SyncAppTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [카카오 사용자(Kakao user) > [카카오 로그인 이용자(Kakao Login user)] Use information retrieved through the Viewing list of targetable Kakao Login users API. |
X |
talkChannelGroupTargetings | Set of TalkChannelGroupTargeting |
[맞춤타겟(Custom audience target)] > [내 데이터 설정(My data settings)] > [친구그룹(Friend group)] Use the information retrieved through the Viewing list of targetable Friend groups API. Only the campaigns with 'Kakao Talk Channel X Reach(도달)' type are allowed. |
X |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Long |
Audience's ID. |
name | String |
Audience's name. |
type | String |
Audience's type. Either DISPLAY or MESSAGE . |
audienceStatus | String |
Audience's status. One of the followings: - STANDBY : Preparing.- AVAILABLE Available.- SEED_NOT_ENOUGH : Insufficient target population.- ERROR : Unavailable. |
populationScore | Long |
Estimated target population. Estimated target population for Audience. |
createdDate | String |
Date and time of Audience creation in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format. |
lastModifiedDate | String |
Date and time of Audience modification in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format. |
ageType | String |
Selection type for age range. Either All (Select all age ranges) or NOT_ALL (Select some age ranges). |
ages | Set of String |
Age range. |
genderType | String |
Selection type for gender. Either All (Select all genders) or NOT_ALL (Select a specific gender). |
genders | Set of String |
Gender. Either M (Male) or F (Female). |
locations | Set of Location |
-si (city) or -do (province) information. Refer to View city/province. |
depth2Locations | Set of Depth2Location |
-si (city), -gun (county), or -gu (district) information. Refer to View city/county/district. |
depth3Locations | Set of Depth3Location |
-dong (neighborhood), -eup (town), or -myeon (townships) information. Refer to View dong/eup/myeon. |
ufoInterests | EnumSet of UfoInterest |
Information of interest targeting. Refer to View category data for custom audience targeting. |
ufoBusinessTypes | EnumSet of UfoBusinessType |
Information of business type targeting. Refer to View category data for custom audience targeting. |
talkChannelTargetings | Set of TalkChannelTargeting |
Information of Kakao Talk Channel targeting. |
syncAppTargetings | Set of SyncAppTargeting |
Information of Kakao Login user targeting. |
customerFileTargetings | Set of CustomerFileTargeting |
Information of customer file targeting. |
cohortTargetings | Set of CohortTargeting |
Information of engagement targeting. |
trackerTargetings | Set of TrackerTargeting |
Information of Pixel & SDK targeting. |
talkChannelGroupTargetings | Set of TalkChannelGroupTargeting |
Information of friends group targeting. |
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"adAccountId": 1,
"name": "create_open_api",
"type": "DISPLAY",
"ageType": "NOT_ALL",
"ages": ["20", "15"],
"genderType": "NOT_ALL",
"genders": ["M"],
"locationType": "AREA",
"locations": [
"value": "E",
"description": "광주광역시",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시"
"value": "O",
"description": "충청남도",
"depth1Name": "충청남도"
"depth2locations" : [
"value" : "B7222",
"desrciption" : "경기도 여주시",
"depth1Name": "경기도",
"depth2Name": "여주시"
"value" : "I1009",
"desrciption" : "서울특별시 도봉구",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시",
"depth2Name": "도봉구"
"depth3Locations" : [
"value" : "A70052424",
"desrciption" : "강원도 삼척시 원덕읍",
"depth1Name": "강원도",
"depth2Name": "삼척시",
"depth3Name": "원덕읍"
"value" : "E13010702",
"desrciption" : "광주광역시 남구 백운2동",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시",
"depth2Name": "남구",
"depth3Name": "백운2동"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"id": 1,
"type": "DISPLAY",
"adAccountId": 1,
"name": "create_open_api",
"ageType": "NOT_ALL",
"ages": [
"genders": [
"genderType": "NOT_ALL",
"locations": [
"value": "E",
"description": "광주광역시",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시"
"value": "O",
"description": "충청남도",
"depth1Name": "충청남도"
"depth2locations" : [
"value" : "B7222",
"desrciption" : "경기도 여주시",
"depth1Name": "경기도",
"depth2Name": "여주시"
"value" : "I1009",
"desrciption" : "서울특별시 도봉구",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시",
"depth2Name": "도봉구"
"depth3Locations" : [
"value" : "A70052424",
"desrciption" : "강원도 삼척시 원덕읍",
"depth1Name": "강원도",
"depth2Name": "삼척시",
"depth3Name": "원덕읍"
"value" : "E13010702",
"desrciption" : "광주광역시 남구 백운2동",
"depth1Name": "광주광역시",
"depth2Name": "남구",
"depth3Name": "백운2동"
Method | URL | Authorization |
Business token |
Permission | Prerequisite | Business Authentication | Business consent item |
Required: Request permission |
Switch to a Biz app Set business Redirect URI Business consent item |
Required | Required |
This API enables you to delete an Audience.
request with the issued business token and an ad account ID (adAccountId
) in the request header. You must pass the Audience's ID as a parameter when you request. If the request is successful, this API returns the HTTP status code 200 without the response body. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.
Name | Description | Required |
Authorization | Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN} Business token as a type of user authentication. |
O |
adAccountId | adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID} Ad account's ID. |
O |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
ID | Long |
Audience's ID. | O |
curl -X DELETE "${ID}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
Content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Method | URL | Authorization |
Business token |
Permission | Prerequisite | Business Authentication | Business consent item |
Required: Request permission |
Switch to a Biz app Set business Redirect URI Business consent item |
Required | Required |
This API enables you to delete multiple Audiences at once.
request with the issued business token and an ad account ID (adAccountId
) in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the HTTP status code 200 without the response body. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.
Name | Description | Required |
Authorization | Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN} Business token as a type of user authentication. |
O |
adAccountId | adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID} Ad account's ID. |
O |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
audienceIds | String |
Audience's ID. To pass multiple Audience IDs, separate them with comma(,). |
O |
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"successCount": 1,
"failCount": 1,
"errorMessages": [
"이미 삭제된 오디언스입니다."
Method | URL | Authorization |
GET |${ID}/adGroups |
Business token |
Permission | Prerequisite | Business Authentication | Business consent item |
Required: Request permission |
Switch to a Biz app Set business Redirect URI Business consent item |
Required | Required |
This API enables you to retrieve the information of ad groups that use the designated Audience through the Audience management function.
Send a GET
request with the issued business token and an ad account ID (adAccountId
) in the request header. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.
Name | Description | Required |
Authorization | Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN} Business token as a type of user authentication. |
O |
adAccountId | adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID} Ad account's ID. |
O |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
ID | Long |
Audience's ID. | O |
Name | Type | Description |
content | AudienceAdGroup[] |
List of ad groups using the Audience. |
Name | Type | Description |
campaignId | Long |
Campaign's ID. |
campaignName | String |
Campaign's name. |
campaignTypeGoal | CampaignTypeGoal |
Campaign Type X Goal. |
adGroupId | Long |
Ad group's ID. |
adGroupName | String |
Ad group' name. |
adGroupStatus | Status[] |
Ad group's status. |
adGroupType | String |
Ad group's type. Either DISPLAY or DIRECT_MESSAGE . |
curl -X GET "${ID}/adGroups" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"content": [
"campaignId": 1,
"campaignName": "first_campaign",
"campaignTypeGoal": {
"campaignType": "TALK_BIZ_BOARD",
"goal": "VISITING"
"adGroupId": 1,
"adGroupName": "first_ad_group",
"adGroupStatus": [
"adGroupType": "DISPLAY"
"campaignId": 1,
"campaignName": "first_campaign",
"campaignTypeGoal": {
"campaignType": "TALK_BIZ_BOARD",
"goal": "VISITING"
"adGroupId": 2,
"adGroupName": "second_ad_group",
"adGroupStatus": [
"adGroupType": "DISPLAY"
"campaignId": 2,
"campaignName": "second_campaign",
"campaignTypeGoal": {
"campaignType": "TALK_BIZ_BOARD",
"goal": "VISITING"
"adGroupId": 3,
"adGroupName": "third_ad_group",
"adGroupStatus": [
"adGroupType": "DISPLAY"
Method | URL | Authorization |
PUT |${ID}/unlink |
Business token |
Permission | Prerequisite | Business Authentication | Business consent item |
Required: Request permission |
Switch to a Biz app Set business Redirect URI Business consent item |
Required | Required |
This API enables you to disable the ad group that uses the designated Audience through the Audience management function.
Send a PUT
request with the issued business token and an ad account ID (adAccountId
) in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the HTTP status code 200 without the response body. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.
Name | Description | Required |
Authorization | Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN} Business token as a type of user authentication. |
O |
adAccountId | adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID} Ad account's ID. |
O |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
ID | Long |
Audience's ID. | O |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
adGroupId | Long |
Ad group's ID. | O |
curl -X GET "${ID}/unlink?adGroupId=${AD_GROUP_ID}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${BUSINESS_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
-H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK