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Kakao Talk Channel


This document describes how to integrate Kakao Talk Channel APIs into your service with the Kakao SDK for JavaScript ("JavaScript SDK").

You can test the features described in this document in [Tools] > [JS SDK demo] menu.

Before you begin

Select Method to add Kakao Talk Channel

Follow Kakao Talk Channel and Add Kakao Talk Channel are available. Refer to Add Kakao Talk Channel and decide what to use. Follow Kakao Talk Channel is recommended because of the easy implementation.

Get code for adding or starting chat button

When using the JavaScript SDK, you can download the Kakao Talk Channel buttons provided by Kakao, and add the buttons to your website according to the desired button size or function. Go to [Tools] > [Social Plugin] menu, and then generate a source code intended to add the Add Channel or Start chat button.

Follow Kakao Talk Channel

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Set Kakao Talk Channel
- - followChannel()

Requests adding Kakao Talk Channel to the user. Displays a screen for adding Kakao Talk Channel and returns the result in the response.

Note: Kakao Login

Follow Kakao Talk Channel is available without Kakao Login. However, to avoid an inconvenient login process, we recommend using Follow Kakao Talk Channel in a service with Kakao Login.

To use Follow Kakao Talk Channel in the service using Kakao Login, set tokens to the JavaScript SDK. Refer to Set tokens.

Request followChannel(). Kakao Talk Channel profile ID is required. Refer to Services using Kakao Login and Services not using Kakao Login for the request process.

If the request is successful, the response includes the Kakao Talk Channel profile ID and the result. If the request fails, refer to Trouble shooting to figure out the reason.

  channelPublicId: '${CHANNEL_PUBLIC_ID}',
  .then(function(response) {
    // Success
  .catch(function(error) {
    // Fail

Add Kakao Talk Channel

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms - - createAddChannelButton()

This API provides a bridge page to allow a user to go to a Kakao Talk Channel and add the channel as a friend.

To use this feature, users must be in a logged-in state. If users click [Add Channel] in a logged-out state, direct them to the login page to log in.

You can use this feature by using either the createAddChannelButton() or addChannel() function. When you want to add the [Add Channel] button and apply this feature to the button, use createAddChannelButton(). If you want to apply this feature to a component on a web page, use addChannel().


Name Type Description Required
container String ID of the element where the [Add Channel] button will be added. O
channelPublicId String Kakao Talk Channel profile ID. O


Sample: createAddChannelButton()
  container: '#kakao-add-channel-button',
  channelPublicId: '_ZeUTxl' // Use the ID included in the home URL of Kakao Talk Channel.
Sample: addChannel()
  channelPublicId: '_ZeUTxl' // Use the ID included in the home URL of Kakao Talk Channel.

This API does not inform you whether a user has added the Kakao Talk Channel. To check the added status, use the Check Kakao Talk Channel relationship API that shows the relationship between a user and a Kakao Talk Channel.

Start Kakao Talk Channel chat

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms - - createChatButton()

You can implement a feature to allow users to start a Kakao Talk chat by using either the createChatButton() or chat() function:

  • createChatButton: You can add the [Chat] button provided by the JavaScript SDK.
  • chat: You can dynamically create your own button and add the feature to start a chat to the button.

To use this feature, users must be in a logged-in state. If users click [Chat] in a logged-out state, direct them to the login page to log in.


Name Type Description Required
container String ID of the element where the [Add Channel] button will be added. O
channelPublicId String Kakao Talk Channel profile ID. O


Sample: createChatButton()
  container: '#kakao-talk-channel-chat-button',
  channelPublicId: '_ZeUTxl' // Use the ID included in the home URL of Kakao Talk Channel.
Sample: chat()
  channelPublicId: '_ZeUTxl' // Use the ID included in the home URL of Kakao Talk Channel.

This API does not inform you whether the user has successfully started the chat.

Check Kakao Talk Channel relationship

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Set Kakao Talk Channel
Required Required:
Kakao Talk Channel addition status and details
카카오톡 채널 추가 상태 및 내역

This API enables you to check if a specific user has added or blocked your Kakao Talk Channel connected to your service app. Make sure that this API only informs the relationship between the user and the Kakao Talk Channel connected to the app that made a request. Thus, you cannot get all Kakao Talk Channels' information that the user has added but the channels related to your service only.

Call the Kakao.API.request() function, and set url to /v1/api/talk/channels.

Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. For the detailed response fields returned if the promise is fulfilled, refer to REST API > Check Kakao Talk Channel relationship.


Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed as '/v1/api/talk/channels'. O


  url: '/v1/api/talk/channels',
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

To get a notification when a user adds or blocks one of your Kakao Talk Channels linked to you service, use the Kakao Talk Channel callback function.

See more