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Kakao Login


This document provides additional information related to Kakao Login.

The API and field names in this document are based on the REST API. Since names may different across development platforms, see the platforms documentation.


This section provides additional information on login offered by the Kakao API platform.

Kakao Account Easy Login

When requesting Kakao Login, displays an account selection screen if easy login information for a Kakao Account is stored in the browser. For platform support and development documentation, see Supported features.

Example screen of Kakao Account Simple Login
Usage guide
  1. The service requests the Get authorization code API with the prompt parameter set to select_account.
  2. If the user previously selected [Save Login Information] on the Kakao Account login page using the browser, the account selection screen is displayed.
  3. The user can log in by selecting the desired account without entering an ID or password.

Auto-login from Kakao Talk

This feature enables users who signed up via Kakao Login to be redirected to a logged-in page automatically when accessing the service page through the Kakao Talk in-app browser. For platform support and development documentation, see Supported features.

Usage guide
  1. The service checks whether the UserAgent value of the user's browser contains KAKAOTALK to determine if the user is using the Kakao Talk in-app browser. Auto-login in Kakao Talk is only available when the user's browser is the Kakao Talk in-app browser.
  2. If the user's browser is the Kakao Talk in-app browser, the service requests the Get authorization code API with the prompt parameter set to none.
  3. The service must verify the service member status based on the response from the Get authorization code API and handle the flow using one of the methods below.
    • Authorization code response: A service member who signed up via Kakao Login, the service requests the Get token API using the received authorization code to complete the login process and displays the logged-in service page.
    • consent_required error response: Not a service member. The service must displays the service page in a logged-out state.
Note: Kakao Talk in-app browser

The Kakao Talk in-app browser is an embedded browser that opens within Kakao Talk and includes the KAKAOTALK string in the UserAgent value. (Info: User agent, User agent header)

Browser Example of UserAgent
Android Kakao Talk in-app browser Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; SM-S908N Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/126.0.6478.134 Mobile Safari/537.36 KAKAOTALK/10.8.3 (INAPP)
iOS Kakao Talk in-app browser Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 KAKAOTALK/10.8.2 (INAPP)

Reauthentication login

This feature displays the Kakao Account login request page, requiring users to log in with their Kakao Account, regardless of their current login status with the service.

When the service requests the Get authorization code API with the prompt parameter set to login, the user must go through the authentication and login process again. For platform support and development documentation, see Supported features.

Login after Kakao Account signup

This feature first prompts the user to sign up for a Kakao Account and then requests Kakao Login upon completing the signup process.

If the service sets the prompt parameter value to create when making a request to the Request authorization code API, the user is first presented with the Kakao account sign-up page. After completing the sign-up, the user is directed to the consent screen to proceed with Kakao login. For platform support and development documentation, see Supported features.

Request additional consent

This feature enables a service to request authorization for the consent items that the user has not previously agreed to at any desired time. For platform support and development documentation, see Supported features.

See the step-by-step guide below.

1. Check required consent items

The service can check the required consent items for the Request additional consent API by the following methods.

  • Check the user's consent status using the agreed value for each consent item within the scopes field in the response from the Retrieve consent details API. If the value is false, additional consent is required.
  • Check the value of required_scopes field in the API response containing the -402 error code. Additional consent is required for the listed items.
Example: Check the Request additional consent API response
    "id": "${USER_ID}",
    "scopes": [ // Compare with the required consent items list
            "id": "profile",
            "agreed": true, // Check user consent status
Example: Check the response with the 402 error code
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    "msg": "insufficient scopes.",
    "code": -402,
    "api_type": "TALK_MEMO_DEFAULT_SEND",
    "required_scopes": [
        "talk_message" // User consent required for the scope
    "allowed_scopes": [
2. Request additional consent

The service requests additional consent by specifying the Consent item ID in the scope parameter of the Get authorization code API. The Consent item ID can be obtained from the [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent Items] menu under each Consent item's [ID], or from the required_scopes value in the -402 error response. For the details, see Scope parameters of the Get authorization code API.

3. Provide services after verify results

When the service requests the Request additional consent API, the user can either agree to the required consent items or cancel by closing the consent screen. The service should handle each scenario as belows.

  • If the user agrees to the consent items
    1. The Request additional consent API request succeeds, and an authorization code is issued.
    2. Request the Get token API with the issued authorization code, then check the scope value in the response to verify consent for the required items.
    3. If the user has agreed to the required consent items, request the Kakao APIs using the newly issued token.
  • If the user cancels
    1. The Request additional consent API request fails, and an access_denied error response is returned.
    2. Inform the user that consent is required to use the service, then either prompt a retry or handle the exception (Example: navigate back to the previous screen).
Example: Check the Get token API response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "access_token": "${ACCESS_TOKEN}",
    "expires_in": 43199,
    "refresh_token": "${REFRESH_TOKEN}",
    "refresh_token_expires_in": 5184000,
    "scope": "account_email profile" // Information on the scopes the user has agreed to
Scope parameters of the Get authorization code API

The Get authorization code API for Kakao Login applies the scope IDs set in the app as default values for the scope parameter when it is not included in the request.

However, the Request additional consent API (the Get authorization code API with the scope parameter) does not support default values, so you must specify the consent item IDs. In this case, for apps with OpenID Connect enabled, the scope parameter must include openid to receive an ID token when calling the Get token API.

See the table below for Kakao Login behavior based on whether OpenID Connect is enabled and whether the scope parameter is included.

scope Parameter Consent screen Token issuance for an OpenID Connect-enabled app
Not Included Displays a consent screen with scopes set as [Required consent] or [Optional consent] in the app. An ID token is issued automatically when requesting the Get token API without any action.
Included Displays a consent screen with only the scopes specified in the scope parameter. An ID token is issued when requesting the Get token API with scope parameter including openid value.

Provide login hint

This feature enables an existing user to log in more easily by automatically entering the provided ID value on the Kakao Account login page when Kakao Login.

If the service specifies the login_hint parameter value in the Get authorization code API as the value to be automatically entered in the ID field, the Kakao Account login page will pre-fill the field with the provided value. This feature works only when displaying the Kakao Account login page to users who are not logged in. For platform support and development documentation, see Supported Features.

Simple Signup

This feature is available only for services with Kakao Sync adopted.

This is an additional feature that requests service Terms and consent items together on the Kakao Login consent Screen.

If Simple Signup is enabled for the service, users can agree to the consent items and service terms in a single step on the Kakao Login consent screen, and sign up without entering additional information.

For configuration instructions, see Set up. For platform-specific usage, see Kakao Sync Concepts and Developer documentation.

Caution: Service terms

Service terms are used to obtain user consent for the service, not for Kakao. The service is fully responsible for their management and usage. To prevent any related issues, must check and comply with the Service terms management guidelines.

Get consent to desired service terms

This feature is available only for services with Simple Signup enabled.

This feature enables requesting authorization from the user for the service terms registered in the service app. The service can use this feature when a user must consent to a specific service terms. For platform support and development documentation, see Supported Features.

Usage guide
  1. The service registers the required service terms by referring to Add a new service terms. The service must comply with service terms management.
  2. The service requests the Get authorization code API with service_terms parameter, which contatins service terms tags to obtain user consent. At least one service term must be set as [Required consent].
  3. The user consents to the specified service terms on the consent screen and completes the signup process.

Get ID token of OIDC

This feature is available only for services with OpenID Connect enabled.

This feature issues an ID token so that the service can use it instead of a login session.

Services that have enabled OpenID Connect can obtain an ID token through a request to the Get token API without any additional parameters. It is recommended to use the nonce parameter to prevent ID tokenreplay attacks. (Note: Parameters for security)

For configuration, see Prerequisites.


This section provides additional information on link, provided by the Kakao API platform.

Manage connected services

The Kakao API platform provides a feature for users to check linked app information, unlink, and revoke consent for [Optional consent] consent items. Users can access the Manage connected services feature through the below paths.

  • Kakao Talk: [More] > [Settings] > [Kakao Account] > [Manage connected services]
  • [Kakao Account page] > [Account Settings] > [Manage connected services] (Note: Kakao Account page)
Manage connected services

Manual signup

This feature enables a service that has disabled the auto-link function to manually link a user to the app at a desired time. For the details, see Advanced: Manual signup.

A service using Manual signup must ensure that the user's service signup status matches the app link status and manage the link status using the Manual signup and Unlink APIs. Unless necessary, it is recommended to use the default auto-link setting.

Note: When Manual signup is required
  • When a user completes Kakao Login but does not immediately complete service signup.
    • Additional signup steps such as information entry or authentication are required.
    • Service signup is approved periodically.
  • When the service needs to synchronize the service signup status and the app link status in Kakao Developers.
    • The service exclusively uses Kakao Login as the user authentication method.
  • Other cases where the service needs to directly manage the user's app link status.
Usage guide
  1. You can check whether automatic linking is enabled in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Auto-link with an app when logging in].
    • Not displayed: Indicates that the app uses automatic linking. To use the manual linking feature, request permission via DevTalk.
    • Displayed: You can configure whether to enable automatic linking.
  2. Set [Auto-link with an app when logging in] to Disabled, then request the Advanced: Manual signup API when linking is required.


This section provides additional information on logout in the Kakao API platform.

Logout of service and Kakao Account

This feature provides a screen where users can choose whether to log out only from the service or log out from both the service and their Kakao Account when logout. For configuration, see Set Logout Redirect URI. For platform support and development documentation, see Supported features.

Logout of service and Kakao Account screen

Usage guide

  1. When the service requests the Logout of service and Kakao Account, the user is redirected to the logout selection page.
  2. The user selects one of the following options: [Logout from this service only] or [Logout of service and Kakao Account]. The actions for each selection are described below.
    • [Logout from this service only]: Redirects the user to the logout redirect URI registered in the app.
    • [Logout of service and Kakao Account]: Before redirection, Terminates the user's Kakao Account login session if exists. If no session exists, the user is immediately redirected to the logout redirect URI registered in the app information.

Differences by logout method

Item Logout Logout of service and Kakao Account
Token of the app calling logout Expired Expired
Kakao Account login session in the web browser Retained Expired
Characteristics The user must log out of the Kakao Account separately from the service logout Redirects to the service logout page after logging out of the Kakao Account

Consent items

Consent items corresponds to user information requiring consent or features requiring access permissions on the Kakao API platform. The service can request authorization from the user through consent items.

The Kakao API platform configures the consent screen based on the consent items set by the service, requests authorization from the user during login, and provides the resources consented by the user to the service. If a service does not have a member system or does not utilize user information, it is not required to set consent items. If no consent items are set for an app, the Kakao Login consent screen only shows the linking information between the service app and the user's account.

For the details on setting consent items in the service app, see Prerequisites.

Request additional consent

Even if the consent items added in the service operation or were not consented to during Kakao Login and service sign-up, users can still agree consent items through Request additional consent API.

Consent levels

This setting allows you to adjust the consent level for requesting user authorization for consent items. See the table below for more details.

Consent level Description
Required consent Users must consent to the consent item on the consent screen. If users do not consent, they cannot complete Kakao Login.
When permission to set required consent is granted, permission to set optional consent and consent during use is also granted.
Optional consent Users can choose whether to agree to the consent item on the consent screen. Users can complete Kakao Login even if they do not consent.
If users do not consent, services can request consent again when needed by calling the Request additional consent API.
Consent during use The service does not request consent on the consent screen. Instead, the service need to request consent using the Request additional consent API when resources are needed.
This setting applies to resources required only for specific service features.

Personal information consent items

This is a list of consent items that must be set in the app to receive specific user information requiring consent from the Kakao API platform. For the details on setting consent items in the service app, see Prerequisites.

Name (ID) Description Supported consent levels and required permissions Related API
Kakao Account profile nickname [Required, Optional, Consent during use]: Provided by default Retrieve user information
Retrieve Kakao Talk profile
Profile image
Kakao Account profile image

Includes: Kakao Account profile image URL, thumbnail image URL
[Required, Optional, Consent during use]: Provided by default Retrieve user information
Retrieve Kakao Talk profile
Email (Kakao Account)
Primary email of the Kakao Account
Provides email verification status for reference in the service

Includes: Primary email, email verification status, email validity status, availability of information provision upon user consent
Important: Precautions for using email
[Required, Optional, Consent during use]: Business app, Test app Retrieve user information
Kakao Account name [Required, Optional, Consent during use]: Permission to set consent levels, Test app Retrieve user information
Gender registered in Kakao Account

Includes: Gender, availability of information provision upon user consent
[Required, Optional, Consent during use]: Permission to set consent levels, Test app Retrieve user information
Age range
Age range registered in Kakao Account, based on Korean age
Approximate age groups such as under 14, 14 and above, 20s, 30s, etc.

Includes: Age range, availability of information provision upon user consent
[Required, Optional, Consent during use]: Permission to set consent levels, Test app Retrieve user information
Birthday registered in Kakao Account

Includes: Birthday, availability of information provision upon user consent
[Required, Optional, Consent during use]: Permission to set consent levels, Test app Retrieve user information
Birth year
Birth year registered in Kakao Account

Includes: Year of birth, availability of information provision upon user consent
[Required, Optional, Consent during use]: Permission to set consent levels, Test app Retrieve user information
Phone number
Phone number registered in Kakao Talk and linked to Kakao Account

Includes: Kakao Talk phone number, availability of information provision upon user consent
Note: Provision after collecting information through Kakao Account cannot be configured
[Required, Optional, Consent during use]: Permission to set consent levels, Test app Retrieve user information
CI (Connecting Information)
Encrypted user identification value of the Kakao Account
Provided as a reference for minimal purposes, such as matching with existing members

Includes: CI, issuance time, availability of information provision upon user consent
Note: Kakao is not an identity verification agency, so the CI of the Kakao Account cannot replace identity verification for the service
[Required, Optional, Consent during use]: Permission to set consent levels Retrieve user information
Friends List in Kakao Service (including profile image, nickname, and favorites)
List of Kakao Talk friends linked to the Kakao Account

Includes: Friend information, number of friends
[Required consent]: Not configurable
[Optional consent]: Request permission
[Consent during use]: Providing restricted features, Request permission
Retrieve Kakao Talk friends list
Kakao Talk Channel addition status and details
Manage Kakao Talk Channel relationship linked to the user and the service app

Includes: Channel relationship, channel subscription time, channel modification time
[Required consent]: Connect Kakao Talk Channel Check Kakao Talk Channel relationship
Shipping information (receiver, shipping address, phone number)
Shipping address information registered in Kakao Account

Includes: Recipient name, recipient contact, address, address type, postal code
[Required, Optional, Consent during use]: Permission to set consent levels, Test app Shipping address (REST API, JavaScript, Android, iOS, Flutter)
Kakao Account status change details
Provides information when events in the CAEP and RISC categories occur among user account status change events.

Includes: Change event information
[Required consent]: Not configurable
[Optional consent]: Configure consent item
[Consent during use]: Configure consent item

Important: Events in the OAUTH and KAKAO categories are unnecessary.
Account status change webhook

* Profile information (Nickname/Profile image): Deprecated. Now provided separately as [Nickname] and [Profile image]. For the details, see the notice.

Access permission consent items

This is a list of consent items that must be configured in the app to use specific features requiring access permissions on the Kakao API platform.

Name (ID) Supported consent levels and required permissions Related API
Send message in KakaoTalk
[Required consent]: Not configurable.
[Optional consent, Consent during use]: Providing restricted features, Request permission.
Kakao Talk message
Create, retrieve, edit/delete Talk Calendar and events
[Required consent]: Not configurable.
[Optional consent]: Request permission.
[Consent during use]: Providing restricted features, Request permission.
Talk Calendar
Create, retrieve, edit/delete tasks in Talk Calendar
[Required consent]: Not configurable.
[Optional consent]: Request permission.
[Consent during use]: Providing restricted features, Request permission.
Talk Calendar
Permission to set consent levels

To set the consent level as [Required consent], [Optional consent], or [Consent during use], obtain the necessary permission through Request for app permissions. Some consent items are available only for the service that adapted Kakao Sync. For the details on Kakao Sync and the adoption process, see Kakao Sync Getting started.

Note: Providing restricted features

The consent items are subject to the below restrictions unless permission is granted.

  • Available only to the app’s team members.
  • Subject to quota limits.

A service applying consent items with restricted features can be provided to all users by following the procedure below.

  1. Set the restricted consent level and implement the service for team members.
  2. Request permission for the relevant consent item on the Kakao API platform.
  3. After obtaining permission, set the consent item with the desired consent level in the service app.
  4. Provide the service to all users.
Note: Test app permission

This is the permission to set consent levels provided for test apps (Test applications).

A test app is used to develop new features or updates without affecting the app in actual service. The test app permission can be utilized before submitting a review request. For the details, see Test app.

User consent

The Kakao API platform does not provide resources associated with consent items that the user has not agreed to, and returns an error response. In case of an error, call the Request additional consent API to obtain user consent. For resources essential to the service, set the corresponding Consent item as [Required consent] and enable Provision after collecting information through Kakao Account, or implement exception handling for cases where the resource is unavailable.

Caution: Determining whether user consent is required

If the Kakao API platform does not hold or can not collect certain user informaion, that cannot be provided to the service, even if a user consents to it. For the details, see Determining whether user consent is required.

Provision after collecting information through Kakao Account

This feature enables the provision after collecting user information requiring consent that is not available in the Kakao Account, after obtaining third-party consent from the user on the consent screen. For setup instructions, see Prerequisites.

Behavior by consent level
  • [Required consent]
    • Information is collected and provided during the Kakao Login process.
  • [Optional consent], [Consent during use]
    • Information is collected and provided when the service requests Request additional consent API, but it cannot be collected or provided during the Kakao Login process.
Items that cannot be configured
  • [Kakao Account (Phone number)]
    • This information is linked to the phone number registered in Kakao Talk. Therefore, if the user does not use Kakao Talk, it cannot be collected.
  • [Profile (Nickname/Profile image)], [Nickname], [Profile image]
    • Always provided as a required input item when logging in with a Kakao Account.

Revoke consent

Users can revoke their consent for optional consent items through the [Account use] menu on the Kakao Account page or the [Settings] > [Kakao Account] > [Manage connected services] menu in Kakao Talk. In this case, the Revoke consent API is called, and the service can also request this API to revoke user consent. (Note: Manage connected services)

For platform support and development documentation, see Supported features.

User information

This section explains about the user information that the Kakao API platform offers to services. The service must directly collect any user information that the Kakao API platform does not provide.

Caution: User information management

All services using the Kakao API platform must securely protect and manage user information. For the details, see User information management.

Default provided information

This information provided to services by default without user consent. This information is provided in the response of the Retrieve user information API.

User information Description
Service user ID A unique user ID within each service app, assigned when the Kakao Account is linked to the service app.
Recommended for identifying users when calling Kakao APIs.
Link time The time when the user was linked to the service app.
Login time using Simple Signup The first login time when the user signed up via Simple Signup.
Only available for Simple Signup users and is the same as the link time.
User properties User information stored in the Kakao API platform through the Store user information API.
User properties

This feature allows services to store user-specific information on the Kakao API platform using the Store user information API. The service can retrieve user information through the Retrieve user information API. For the setup instructions, see Prerequisites. For platform support and development documentation, see Supported features.

User information requiring consent

Information provided to services that have obtained authorization for the corresponding consent items. For the complete list and the details, see Personal information consent items.

Shipping address

This section provides information on the shipping address, one of the user information requiring consent.

The Kakao API platform provides shipping address information registered in the Kakao Account of a user who has logged in with Kakao. It can be requested via Kakao SDK (JavaScript, Android, iOS, Flutter) or REST API. For platform support and development documentation, see Supported features.

The details for each development platform are as belows.

Development platform Description
REST API Provides a full list of user shipping addresses or a specific shipping address through the Retrieve shipping address API.
Services must implement their own user interface (UI) so that users can select one of shipping addresses to provide to the serivice.
Kakao SDK Provides both the Retrieve shipping address API and the Select shipping address API.
Using the Select shipping address API enables users to choose a shipping address through a Shipping address picker.
Your service can receive only a single shipping address that the user selects, which minimizes the handling of personal information and simplifies UI flow.
Shipping address picker
Usage guide for Shipping address picker with Kakao SDK

When using the Kakao SDK, see the following sequence diagram for the process of requesting a shipping address through the Shipping address picker.

Shipping address request sequence diagram
  1. The user selects [Select] on the service page.
  2. The service calls the Select shipping address API.
  3. The Shipping address picker is displayed to the user.
  4. Depending on whether the user's Kakao Account has registered shipping addresses, the user selects a shipping address using one of the below methods.
    • If no registered shipping address: The user consents to collect a shipping address, enters a new address, and the newly entered address is automatically selected.
    • If registered shipping addresses exist: The user selects a shipping address to provide to the service.
  5. The selected shipping address ID is returned as a response to the Select shipping address API.
  6. The service requests the Retrieve shipping address API using the shipping address ID.
  7. The detailed shipping address information is returned as a response to the Retrieve shipping address API.
  8. The service displays the details of shipping address that the user selects.

For solutions to errors that may occur during above process, see Troubleshooting.

Note: Retrieving all shipping addresses

If a shipping address ID is not specified when requesting a shipping address, the API returns the user's full list of registered shipping addresses. In this case, the service must implement a UI to display all of the received addresses and allow the user to select a shipping address.

Determining whether user consent is required

The Kakao API platform includes a field indicating the availability of user information in API responses when the user consents.

If the response field name for user information is ${FIELD_NAME}, the field indicating availability is named ${FIELD_NAME}_needs_agreement. See the details below for the meaning of each response value.

  • true: User information requiring consent.
  • false: User information not requiring consent.
    • If the ${FIELD_NAME} field exists in the successful API response: The information is already provided.
    • If the ${FIELD_NAME} field does not exist in the successful API response: The information cannot be provided by the Kakao API platform and must be collected separately by the service.
    • If the provision after collecting information through Kakao Account option is not selected for consent items for user information not available in the Kakao Account: When this option is selected, user consent can be obtained and the information can be provided after collection
Example: Additional consent required for the email consent item
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "kakao_account": {
        "email_needs_agreement": true    // User consent required for the email consent item

OpenID Connect

Kakao Login supports OpenID Connect (OIDC), a standard authentication protocol based on OAuth 2.0. By applying OIDC to a service, user login can be handled more securely. For setup instructions, see Prerequisites, and for platform support and development documentation, see Supported features.

See the implementation guide below for applying OIDC to Kakao Login.

1. Retrieve Discovery document

Check the OIDC service provider metadata for Kakao Login through the OIDC: Retrieve Discovery document API. The Kakao API platform provides service provider settings that comply with the OIDC Discovery standard in a metadata document.

2. Implement Kakao Login

Enable OpenID Connect in [My Application] > [Kakao Login]. Then, implement Kakao Login by referring to the development documentation for each platform.

For apps with OIDC enabled, an ID token containing user authentication information is issued along with an access token. The OIDC: Retrieve user information API provides user information in a format that complies with the standard specifications.

3. Verify ID token

The issued ID token must be verified before use to ensure service security. To check the payload values, you can use the OIDC: Get ID token information API for debugging purposes if necessary. Verify the ID token in the below steps.

  • Payload verification

    1. Split the ID token into a header, payload, and signature using the period (.) delimiter.
    2. Decode the payload using Base64.
    3. Validate each key-value pair in the payload:
      • iss: Must be https://kauth.kakao.com.
      • aud: Must match the service app key.
      • exp: Must be greater than the current UNIX timestamp (to check whether the ID token has expired).
      • nonce: Must match the value passed in the Kakao Login request.
  • Signature verification

    1. Split the ID token into a header, payload, and signature using the period (.) delimiter.
    2. Decode the header using Base64.
    3. Retrieve the list of public keys used by the Kakao authentication server for signing via the OIDC: Get public key API.
    4. Identify the public key that matches the kid in the header.
      • It is recommended to cache the public key for a certain period. Excessively frequent requests may be blocked.
    5. Use a JWT verification library to validate the signature with the public key.

ID token

An ID token is a JSON Web Token (JWT) that can be used as a login session for a service. The service can utilize the user authentication information contained in the ID token or verify the validity of the ID token. The expiration time of an ID token is the same as that of an access token.

An ID token consists of the below three segments.

Section Description
Header Information about the ID token format.
The header of an ID token issued through Kakao Login includes the belows.
alg: Encryption algorithm applied to the ID token, fixed to RS256.
typ: Type of the ID token, fixed to JWT.
kid: Public key ID used for encrypting the ID token. This value is required to check the public key used for each ID token through the OIDC: Get public key API.
Payload User authentication information.
iss: Issuer of the ID token, fixed to https://kauth.kakao.com.
aud: App key of the application that issued the ID token.
sub: Service user ID associated with the ID token.
iat: Time when the ID token was issued or refreshed.
auth_time: Time when the user completed authentication via Kakao Login.
exp: Expiration time.
nonce: Random string received in the Kakao Login request.
nickname: User nickname saved in Kakao Account.
picture: URL of user profile thumbnail image saved in Kakao Account.
email: User's valid email saved in Kakao Account.
The nickname, picture, and email values require the consent item configuration and user consent.
For the details, see the Get authorization code API request and the Get token API response.
Signature Value signed by the Kakao authentication server using the public key corresponding to kid.
Encrypted using the RS256 algorithm and used for verifying the validity of the ID token.

ID tokens are generated as a single string by Base64 encoding each of the three sections and concatenating them with a period (.). Therefore, you can separate each section using the period (.) as a delimiter and decode them with Base64 to inspect their contents. For the methods for verifying the payload and signature, see Verify ID token.

Caution: Issuing an ID token when requesting additional consent

An ID token is issued automatically during Kakao Login when OpenID Connect is enabled, without requiring additional parameters. However, when using the Request additional consent API, the ID token is issued only if the openid value is included in the scope parameter. For the details, see Scope parameters of the Get authorization code API.


Unlink webhook

This feature notifies the service server in real-time when a user unlinks from the service through the below methods.

If the service directly requests the Unlink API, the webhook is not sent.

Usage guide
  1. The user requests to unlink from the service.
  2. The Kakao API platform processes the unlink request and then sends an unlink webhook to the service.
  3. The service must respond to the Kakao API platform server after taking necessary actions according to its privacy policy, including user information deletion when a user deletes the account and account deletion.

For configuration instructions, see Prerequisites, and for development documentation, see Unlink webhook.

Account status change webhook

This feature notifies the service server in real-time when a user's Kakao Account status changes. The below is key changes provided via webhook.

  • Profile information updates (email, phone number)
  • App link or unlink
  • Password change
  • Account deactivation

With webhooks, services can immediately detect user changes and take security measures such as session termination or reauthentication requests, or keep user information up to date.

The account status change webhook is designed based on the Shared Signals and Events Framework (SSF) developed and provided by the OpenID Foundation. Some events are defined by Kakao.

Usage guide
  1. A user's account status changes.
  2. Kakao sends a Security event token (SET) containing event information to the service's webhook URL.
  3. The service validates the SET information received at the webhook URL. The service must respond with either success or failure.
  4. The service takes the necessary actions based on the Event type.

For the details on implementation, see the developer documentation.


This section explains detailed information on the security features of Kakao Login offered by the Kakao API platform.

Client secret code

This security feature ensures that requests to the Get token API and Refresh token API via the REST API method succeed only when a pre-issued Client secret code is included in the client_secret parameter. For the configuration, see Prerequisites.

It is recommended to update the Client secret code every two years or less. If the Client secret code is missing or incorrect, a KOE010 error occurs.

Parameter for security

Kakao Login provides the state and nonce parameters for the Get authorization code API to enhance security in accordance with the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect standards. It is recommended to use these parameters to ensure a secure login process.

The state parameter is used to protect the Kakao Login request from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. This parameter must be unique and remain consistent from the start to the completion of the login process.

The nonce parameter, supported in OpenID Connect, helps prevent ID token replay attacks. The nonce value sent in the Kakao Login request is included in the ID token, allowing the service to check if it matches and prevent replay attacks.