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Kakao Talk Channel


This document describes how to integrate Kakao Talk Channel APIs into your service with the Kakao SDK for Android ("Android SDK").

Before you begin

Add modules

To use the features of Kakao Talk Channel, you need to add v2-talk (Kakao Talk module) that provides TalkApiClient in the module-level build.gradle.kts file by referring to Add modules. Because the ReactiveX Android SDK does not provide the Kakao Talk Channel API, you must use the Kakao Talk module that the Android SDK provides.

To use the Checking Kakao Talk Channel relationship API that requires Kakao Login, you must also add the Kakao Login module, v2-user. Implement Kakao Login beforehand. After that, call this API with the access token issued after a user logs in.

Select Method to add Kakao Talk Channel

Follow Kakao Talk Channel and Add Kakao Talk Channel are available. Refer to Add Kakao Talk Channel and decide what to use. Follow Kakao Talk Channel is recommended because of the easy implementation.

Set Custom URL scheme

To use Follow Kakao Talk Channel, set an activity in AndroidManifest.xml to support the activity redirection. Refer to the sample below.

      <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
      <!-- Redirect URI: "kakao${NATIVE_APP_KEY}://channel" -->
      <data android:host="channel" android:scheme="kakao${NATIVE_APP_KEY}" />

Follow Kakao Talk Channel

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Set Kakao Talk Channel
- - Common
Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

To use this feature, set Custom URL scheme.

Note: Kakao Login

Follow Kakao Talk Channel is available without Kakao Login. However, to avoid an inconvenient login process, we recommend using Follow Kakao Talk Channel in a service with Kakao Login.

Requests adding Kakao Talk Channel to the user. Displays a screen for adding Kakao Talk Channel and returns the result in the response.

Request followChannel() in TalkApiClient. Kakao Talk Channel profile ID is required. Refer to Services using Kakao Login and Services not using Kakao Login for the request process.

// Follow Kakao Talk Channel
TalkApiClient.instance.followChannel(context, "${CHANNEL_PUBLIC_ID}") { result, error ->
    if (result != null) {
        // Success
    } else {
        // Fail
val disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Follow Kakao Talk Channel
TalkApiClient.rx.followChannel(context, "${CHANNEL_PUBLIC_ID}")
    .subscribe({ result ->
        // Success
    }, { error ->
        // Fail

If the request is successful, FollowChannelResult in the response includes the Kakao Talk Channel profile ID and the result. If the request fails, refer to Trouble shooting to figure out the reason.

Add Kakao Talk Channel

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms - - addChannel()

Launches Kakao Talk to let the user add the Kakao Talk Channel. Call addChannel() in TalkApiClient. Pass the profile ID of the Kakao Talk Channel.


Name Type Description Required
channelPublicId String Kakao Talk Channel profile ID. O
// Add Kakao Talk Channel
TalkApiClient.instance.addChannel(context, "_ZeUTxl") { error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Failed to add $error")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Add Kakao Talk Channel
TalkApiClient.rx.addChannel(context, "_ZeUTxl")
        Log.i(TAG, "Success")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Fail", error)

This API does not inform whether the user adds the Kakao Talk Channel. To check the added status, use the Checking Kakao Talk Channel relationship API that shows the relationship between a user and a Kakao Talk Channel.

Bridge page

ReactiveX Android SDK does not support this feature.

To send the user to a bridge page before launching Kakao Talk, use addChannelUrl(). Pass the profile ID of the Kakao Talk Channel. To open the URL, use the openWithDefault() method in KakaoCustomTabsClient.

// Add URL of Kakao Talk Channel
val url = TalkApiClient.instance.addChannelUrl("_ABcdE")

// Open through CustomTabs
KakaoCustomTabsClient.openWithDefault(context, url)

Start Kakao Talk Channel chat

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms - - chatChannel()

Starts a chat with Kakao Talk Channel. Call chatChannel() in TalkApiClient. Pass the profile ID of the Kakao Talk Channel.


Name Type Description Required
channelPublicId String Kakao Talk Channel profile ID. O
// Start Kakao Talk Channel chat
TalkApiClient.instance.chatChannel(context, "_ZeUTxl") { error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Failed to start a chat $error")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

TalkApiClient.rx.chatChannel(context, "_ZeUTxl")
        Log.i(TAG, "Success")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Fail", error)

Bridge page

ReactiveX Android SDK does not support this feature.

To send the user to a bridge page before launching Kakao Talk, use addChannelUrl(). Pass the profile ID of the Kakao Talk Channel. To open the URL, use the openWithDefault() method in KakaoCustomTabsClient.

// Kakao Talk Channel chat URL
val url = TalkApiClient.instance.chatChannelUrl("_ABcdE")

// Open through CustomTabs
KakaoCustomTabsClient.openWithDefault(context, url)

Check Kakao Talk Channel relationship

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Set Kakao Talk Channel
Required Required:
Kakao Talk Channel addition status and details
Android SDK
ReactiveX Android SDK

To check if a specific user has added or blocked your Kakao Talk Channel connected to your service app, call the channels() method defined in the TalkApiClient class.

Make sure that this API only informs the relationship between the user and the Kakao Talk Channel connected to the app that made a request. Thus, you cannot get all Kakao Talk Channels' information that the user has added but the channels related to your service only.


// Check Kakao Talk Channel relationship
TalkApiClient.instance.channels { relations, error ->
    if (error != null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to check channel relationship.", error)
    else if (relations != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in checking channel relationship. \n${relations.channels}")
var disposables = CompositeDisposable()

// Check Kakao Talk Channel relationship
        // Request additional consent for InsufficientScope. 
    .subscribe({ relations ->
        Log.i(TAG, "Succeeded in checking channel relationship. \n${relations.channels}")
    }, { error ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to check channel relationship.", error)

If the request is successful, channels() returns the Channels object.

Name Type Description Required
userId Long Service user ID. X
channels List<Channel> Kakao Talk Channel information. X
Name Type Description Required
uuid String Kakao Talk Channel profile ID for search purpose. O
encodedId String Kakao Talk Channel profile ID.
(Example: _ZeUTxl)
relation Relation Relationship between a Kakao Talk Channel and a user.
- ADDED: a user has added the channel.
- BLOCKED: a user has blocked the channel.
- NONE: a user has not either added or blocked the channel.
updatedAt Date Time when a Kakao Talk Channel is added or blocked in UTC*.
Only returned if a Kakao Talk Channel is added (ADDED) or blocked (BLOCKED).

* The time is based on Coordinated Universal Time(UTC), being 9 hours behind Korean Standard Time(KST). For the format of time, refer to RFC3339: Date and Time on the Internet.


To get a notification when a user adds or blocks one of your Kakao Talk Channels linked to you service, use the Kakao Talk Channel callback function.

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