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  • JavaScript

Kakao Talk Social


This document describes how to integrate Kakao Talk Social APIs into your service with the Kakao SDK for JavaScript ("JavaScript SDK").

Retrieve Kakao Talk profile

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required Required:
Profile Info(nickname/profile image)
Profile image

This API enables you to get the Kakao Talk profile of the user currently logged in. Note that Kakao Talk profiles may be different from Kakao Account profiles. Refer to Concepts.

Call the Kakao.API.request() function, and set url to /v1/api/talk/profile to request Kakao Talk profile.

Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. If the promise is fulfilled, the Kakao Talk profile information is returned. For the detailed response fields, refer to REST API > Retrieve Kakao Talk profile.


Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed as '/v1/api/talk/friends'. O


  url: '/v1/api/talk/profile',
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Retrieve friends through picker

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required Required:
Friends List in Kakao Service(Including profile image, nickname, and favorites)

This API displays the Friend picker and provides the information of the Kakao Talk friends that a user selects through the picker.

  • The JavaScript SDK only supports the full screen type of picker, while the Android and iOS SDK provides both the popup and full screen format of picker.
  • To see the supported web browser, refer to Supported web browser.

Implementation method for picker

You can implement the picker with two methods:

  • Popup method
    • The picker appears as the popup window.
    • The selected friends data is returned through Promise.
  • Redirect method
    • The picker appears on the current window. 
    • The information about the selected friends is passed to the returnUrl of your service server as a query string through redirection (HTTP 302 Redirect).
    • For this, you must register the domain of returnUrl in [My Appliction] > [Platform] > [Web].

Depending on the selection type of the Friend picker, you need to use a different function.

Function type
Number of selectable friends Function to use
Only one friend (Single picker) selectFriend()
Multiple friends (Multi-picker) selectFriends()


Name Type Description Required
title String Text to be displayed in the title area of the Friend picker.
(Default: "Select Friends")
enableSearch Boolean Whether to show the Search box for friends.
(Default: true)
showMyProfile Boolean Whether to show my profile.
It set to true, users can also select their own profile.
(Default: true)
showFavorite Boolean Whether to show the friends added as Favorite.
(Default: true)
showPickedFriend Boolean Only for the multi-picker.
Whether to show the selected friends.
(Default: true)
maxPickableCount Number Only for the multi-picker.
Maximum number of the seletable friends.
This value must be greater than or equal to minPickableCount.
(Default: 30, Maximum: 100)
minPickableCount Number Only for the multi-picker.
Minimum number of the seletable friends.
This value must be less than or equal to minPickableCount.
(Default: 1, Maximum: 100)
returnUrl String Required when implementing with the redirect method.
Service URL that the information of the selected friends are passed to.

IMPORTANT: Only allowed the domain registered in [My Appliction] > [Platform] > [Web].
enableBackButton Boolean Only for the redirect method
Whether to show the back (←) button.
- true: the Back button displayed.
- false: the Back button no displayed.
(Default: true)


// Pop-up method
  title: 'Select friends',
  maxPickableCount: 10,
  minPickableCount: 1,
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

// Redirect method
// Success: ${returnUrl}?selected=${SelectedUsers}
// Fail: ${returnUrl}?error=${Error}
  returnUrl: 'https://developers.kakao.com', // Required
  title: 'Select friends',
  maxPickableCount: 10,
  minPickableCount: 1,

If the promise is fulfilled, the information of the friends that a user selects from the Friend picker is returned through SelectedUsers.

SelectedUsers: Selected friends data
Name Type Description Required
selectedTotalCount Number Number of friends who a user selected on the Friend picker.
Refer to If the number of friends passed in response is less than the number of selected friends.
users SelectedUser[] List of friends data that is passed in the response.
Refer to SelectedUser.

SelectedUser: Each friend data
Name Type Description Required
uuid String User's unique ID used to identify users in a service and used to send a Kakao Talk message.
This value may change if a user deletes and then re-creates the Kakao Talk account.
id String Friend's service user ID. Only the friends who are linked to the app have a service user ID. X
profile_nickname String Friend's profile nickname set in Kakao Talk. X
profile_thumbnail_image String Friend's profile thumbnail image set in Kakao Talk. X
favorite Boolean Whether the friend is added as Favorite. X

If the request is failed, error code and message are returned. To check its cause and solution, refer to Troubleshooting.

Name Type Description Required
code Number Error code. O
msg String Error message. O

NOTE: If the number of friends passed in response is less than the number of selected friends

The total count of friends a user selected (selectedTotalCount) on the multi-picker may differ from the number of friends passed in the response (SelectedUser).

  • Example case: a user A selects the user's friend B on the Friend picker. → Before the request to retrieve friends on the Friend picker is completed, B unlinks from the app. → A selects [Ok] on the Friend picker to request the friend data.
  • Result: B who selected on the Friend picker is counted as selectedTotalCount but not included in the response to the request of the friend information.
  • For this case, you must notify users that the retrieved friend data is less than the number of friends they selected, considering users' better experience.

Retrieve list of friends

Basic information
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent Reference
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required Required:
Friends List in Kakao Service (Including profile image, nickname, and favorites)

You can get the list of Kakao Talk friends of the user currently logged in. You can also add optional parameters for sort order, the number of friends to be retrieved on a page, and so on.

Call the Kakao.API.request() function, and set url to /v1/api/talk/friends to request Kakao Talk friends information.

Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. If the promise is fulfilled, a list of friends is returned. For the detailed response fields, refer to REST API > Retrieve list of friends.

If the promise is rejected because the user has not agreed to provide the Friends list, proceed the followings:

  • Check if 'Friends List in Kakao Service(Including profile image, nickname, and favorites)' is set to 'Consent during use' in Consent items.
  • Request additional consent to the 'Friends List in Kakao Service(Including profile image, nickname, and favorites)' scope.


Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed as '/v1/api/talk/friends'. O
data Object Object that contains the parameters to be passed when requesting the API. X
data: Retrieving list of friends
Name Type Description Required
offset Number Offset value that the list of friends starts from.
(Default: 0)
limit Number Maximum number of friends to be retrieved per page.
(Maximum: 100, Default: 10)
order String Sort order of friends list.
asc or desc.
- asc: sort in ascending order.
- desc: sort in descending order.
(Default: asc)
friend_order String You can sort friends in the list by nickname (Kakao Talk nickname) or favorite (favorite friends).
(Default: favorite)


  url: '/v1/api/talk/friends',
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

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