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  • Prerequisites

Push Notification


This document explains what you have to do before using the Push notification function.

Tag used in this document
Tag Description
Required You must apply the settings marked with this tag before using the Push notification function.
If this tag is not attached, you can optionally apply the setting depending on the functions you want to use.

Activate push notification Required

  1. Activate the Push notification function in [My Application] > [Push Notification].
  2. Register the authentication information required for each platform by referring to Register authentication information.
How to activate push notification

Register authentication information Required

You must register the authentication information required for the platform you are working on to use the Push notification API.

For Android

For the Android platform, register the Private Key file of service account you obtained from the Google Firebase Console.

  1. Create or open Firebase project in the Firebase Console.
  2. Go to [Project settings] > [Service accounts], and select [Generate new private key] to download the Private Key file. To access the [Project settings], select the Settings icon next to the [Project Overview] menu.
  3. In Kakao Developers, enter [My Application] > [Push Notification] > [Android Authentication Information] > [Service Account Authentication], select [Register the Private Key], and then register your Private Key file.
Register authentication information for Android

For iOS

For the iOS platform, you can authenticate with the authentication token signing key ("APNs key") obtained from the Apple Push Notification system(APNs) issues.

You can get the APNs key from the Apple Developer website and register it as the key itself or a certificate format on the Kakao platform as follows:

Register APNs certificate

To use the APNs certificate as authentication information, you firstly need to register a certificate issued from the Apple Developer website.

  1. On your Mac, open the Keychain Access app, and then select [Keychain Access] > [Certificate Assistant] > [Request a Certificate From a Certification Authority...] menu.
  2. Enter your Apple ID (Developer account) and your name, select the 'Save to Disk' option, and then click [Continue].
  3. On the Apple Developer website, click [Add(+)] in [Ientifiers] > [App IDs] to register a new app. If you have already registered an app, select one or your app IDs to apply push notification.
  4. To create a new APNs key, go to [Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles] > [Keys], and click [+] next to the title 'Keys'.
  5. Enter the name of an APNs key, select the 'Apple Push Notifications service (APNs)' checkbox to enable the Apple Push Notification service, and then click [Continue].
  6. Click [Confirm] and [Download], and then save the APNs key with the .P8 file extension. On the download screen, you can check your Key ID.
  7. Drag the downloaded APNs key file to the Keychain Access app to add.
  8. On the list of certificates in the Keychain Access app, right-click the APNs key you added and select [Export ${YOUR_APNS_KEY_NAME}].
  9. Set the APNs certificate file name, storage location, and password. Notice that you cannot use blank passwords consisting of spaces only for Kakao platform Push notification.
  10. In Kakao Developers, click [Register APNs certificate]' in [My Application] > [Push Notification] > [iOS Authentication Information], and then register the following information.
How to register APNs certificate
  • APNs certificate: Upload the certificate file generated in the Keychain Access app. (Refer to step 8 above.)
  • Certificate password: Enter the password specified when generating your certificate. (Refer to step 9 above.)

Register APNs key

To use the issued APNs key as authentication information,

  1. On the Apple Developer website, click [Add(+)] in [Ientifiers] > [App IDs] to register a new app. If you have already registered an app, select one or your app IDs to apply push notification.
  2. To create a new APNs key, go to [Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles] > [Keys], and click [+] icon next to the title 'Keys'.
  3. Enter the name of an APNs key, select the 'Apple Push Notifications service (APNs)' checkbox to enable the Apple Push Notification service, and then click [Continue].
  4. Click [Confirm] and [Download], and then save the APNs key with the .P8 file extension. On the download screen, you can check your Key ID. Store the Key ID separately to register on the Kakao platform for later.
  5. In Kakao Developers, click [Register APNs key] in [My Application] > [Push Notification] > [iOS Authentication Information], and then register the following information.
How to register APNs authentication token signing key
  • APNs Authentication Key: Upload the APNs key downloaded from the Apple Developer website. (Refer to Step 4 above.)
  • Bundle ID: Input the Bundle ID registered on the iOS platform.
  • Team ID: Check your Team ID in the [Membership] menu after selecting your account on the Apple Developer website.
  • Key ID: Enter your Key ID provided along with the APNs key. (Refer to Step 4 above.)