This document guides the specification of the REST API provided by the Kakao API platform.
The request format for Kakao APIs consists of the elements below.
Element | Description |
Method | An HTTP request method is required to be specified for a Kakao API request. (Example: GET , POST , PUT , DELETE ) |
Host | The domain that receives requests for Kakao APIs. (Example: ) |
URL | The URL indicates the path to request each resource provided by Kakao APIs. The endpoint of each Kakao API consists of the URL and the host. (Example: /v2/user/me ) |
Header | The header is used to pass data for authorization or additional data. An access token or an app key is used as the authorization information. Some Kakao APIs require additional information in the header, such as ad account ID. (Example: Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN} ) |
Path variable | The path variable is used to specify the URL, including the custom value. Some Kakao APIs include path variables in the URL. (Example: /openapi/v4/campaigns/${id} ) |
Parameter | The parameter is used to pass data for the request. The parameter can be passed through a query string or in the body. The parameter consists of a key and a value. The data type and whether it is required for the request are specified for each parameter. |
The specification for each Kakao API is indicated in each product's documentation.
Set a list of Allowed IP address, or use a client secret code to enhance security.
The Kakao API server returns the response in the following format for each request:
as an integer and msg
as a stringHere are some sample responses below.
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error=invalid_token
HTTP/1.1 400 Forbidden
"msg":"API limit has been exceeded."
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
"msg": "insufficient scopes.",
"code": -402,
"required_scopes": [
"allowed_scopes": [
The code
passed in the error response message body is a negative integer without any specific rule. The msg
, passed along with the code
, indicates the cause of request failure and may be different depending on the requested APIs. For example, in the case of code
is -401, different msg
can be passed according to the APIs as follows:
"this access token does not exist", "this access token is already expired", "appKey(xxxxxxxx) is already deactivated"
"domain mismatched! caller=xxxxxxxx. check out registered web domains."
"android keyhash mismatched! caller=xxxxxxxx. check out registered keyhash."
"ios bundle id mismatched! caller=xxxxxxxx. check out registered bundle id."
"ip mismatched! callerIp=xxxxxxxx. check out registered ips."
Response codes include an HTTP status code indicating the status of the request and an error code about the error information. If the request is successful, the response body is returned with a status code of 200. If failed, an error code with the code
and msg
is returned.
The HTTP status code is a 3-digit integer in the first line of a response message, indicating the request result (success or failure). The status codes are classified into five, and the first digit of the status code defines the types of response. Refer to RFC 2616 to see more about HTTP status code.
Here is the list of HTTP status codes that the Kakao platform transmits.
Status code | Status | Description |
200 OK |
Success | Indicates that the server has received and processed the client's request successfully. The format of the response body may differ depending on APIs. Refer to the detailed description of each API. |
400 Bad Request |
Fail | General error Indicates the state in which the server has detected a client error related to required parameters and cannot process the request. |
401 Unauthorized |
Fail | Authorization error (mostly related to tokens) Indicates that the request has failed because the client has no valid authorization credentials for the resource. NOTE: As specified in OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage (RFC6750), the 401 errors include the WWW-Authenticate header field as follows: - If access token is used, "WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error=invalid_token" - If app admin key is used, "WWW-Authenticate: KakaoAK error=invalid_token" invalid_token is fixed for 401 errors. Refer to the error response body to figure out the error in detail. |
403 Forbidden |
Fail | Permission Error Indicates that the server has received the client's request but rejected it because the client has no permission. |
429 Too Many Request |
Fail | Quota exceeded (Only for Daum Search, Local, Moment, and Keyword Ad APIs) Indicates that the quota limit or the limit per second for the API has been exceeded. |
500 Internal Server Error |
Fail | System error 500 refers to the class of server errors, indicating that the server is in an unexpected situation while processing the request. |
502 Bad Gateway |
Fail | System error Indicates that communication is not working properly because a gateway converts to another wrong protocol or has something wrong with the converting protocol. |
503 Service Unavailable |
Fail | Undergoing maintenance Indicates that the server is not ready to process the request. |
Here are the lists of codes passed when the request fails for each API that the Kakao platform provides. If an error occurs, check the code received in the following table to figure out its cause.
code | Description | HTTP status code |
-1 | If an error occurs while the server is internally processing. Solution: Retry. |
400 |
-2 | If some required parameters are not included, or if the argument value has the wrong data type or is out of the acceptable range. Solution: Check the request parameters. |
400 |
-3 | If the required function for the API, such as Simple Signup, Consent Items, services settings, etc.), is not activated. Solution: Select [My application] > {SERVICE_NAME}, enable the function under the Activation Settings and then make a request again. |
403 |
-4 | If an account has been blocked or restricted to do some actions. | 403 |
-5 | If the app has no permission to request the API. Solution: Request a review to use the API, and then make a request again. |
403 |
-7 | If the service is undergoing maintenance or has an internal problem. Solution: Check the Notice on the service. |
400 |
-8 | If the header is invalid. Solution: Check the request header. |
400 |
-9 | If the API has been terminated its service. Solution: Check the Notice mail or Notice. |
400 |
-10 | If the allowed quota limit has been exceeded. Solution: Check the allowed quota limit and request an API less than the quota limit. Refer to the quota. |
400 |
-401 | If the request has been made with an invalid app key or access token, or if the app does not match the registered app information. Solution: Check the app key in [My Application] or reissue an access token. Check the app information registered in [My Application]. |
401 |
-501 | If a user who has not signed up for Kakao Talk or suspended calls the Kakao Talk Messaging API or the Talk Calendar API. | 400 |
-602 | If the file size of the uploaded image exceeds the maximum size. | 400 |
-603 | If a timeout occurs while processing the request on the Kakao Platform. | 400 |
-606 | If exceeding the maximum number of images to upload. | 400 |
-903 | If the request has been made with an unregistered developer's app key or an access token that consists of an unregistered developer's app key. | 400 |
-911 | If using an image file with the unsupported format to upload. | 400 |
-9798 | If the service is undergoing maintenance. | 503 |
To use login-based APIs, the Kakao Account of the object who uses the APIs must link with the service app.
Code | Description | HTTP status code |
-101 | If a user whose Kakao Account is not linked to the app makes a request. Solution: Retry after linking the Kakao Account to the app through Kakao Login. |
400 |
-102 | If requested the manual signup API with an access token of a user who is already linked to the app. | 400 |
-103 | If the request has been made with a dormant or invalid Kakao Account. | 400 |
-201 | If tried to retrieve or store the value of the invalid user property key. Solution: Go to [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [User Properties] to check registered keys, and add a new user properly or use the registered user property for the request parameter. |
400 |
-402 | If a user has not agreed to provide the user information (scope) that the API attempts to access. Solution: Check the required_scopes in the response body, and request additional consent to the scope. |
403 |
-406 | If a user under age 14 calls the API from the app that does not allow the users under age 14. | 401 |
Code | Description | HTTP status code |
-502 | If the recipient is not the sender's friend. Solution: Retry to make a request after cached data expires. |
400 |
-530 | If the recipient refuses to receive a message. | 400 |
-532 | If the sender requests to send a message after exceeding the quota limit allowed to send a message regardless of recipients from a specific app during a day. | 400 |
-533 | If exceeding the quota limit, allowed to receive a message from a specific app during a day. | 400 |
-536 | If exceeding the quota limit, allowed to send and receive a message between a sender and a recipient during a day. | 400 |
Code | Description | HTTP status code |
-541 | If the Kakao Talk Channel does not exist. | 400 |
-544 | If the Kakao Talk Channel is banned. | 400 |
-815 | Internal error related to Kakao Talk Channel API. | 400 |
-816 | If used a wrong customer file ID, or if it fails to find the customer file ID among the uploaded Kakao Talk Channel customer files. | 400 |
-817 | If tried to register customer file API using the existing file name or unallowed file name. | 400 |
-818 | If exceeding the maximum number of the customer files. Up to 30 files are allowed including the files uploaded to the Kakao Talk Channel Admin Center. | 400 |
-819 | If a Kakao Talk Channel and a service app are not connected. Solution: Connect the Kakao Talk Channel and the app in Kakao Business. |
400 |
Code | Description | HTTP status code |
-520 | If the requsted public event ID or calendar ID does not exist. | 400 |
-521 | If tried to edit or delete a task on the Kakao Talk profile sticker. | 400 |
For more error code information, refer to Kakao Moment > Reference.
Code | Description | HTTP status code |
-813 | Internal error related to Kakao Moment APIs occurs. | 400 |
This section is available in Korean only. For more error code information, refer to the original Korean documentation.
Code | Description | HTTP status code |
-820 | Internal error related to Kakao Keyword Ad APIs occurs. | 400 |
Code | Description | HTTP status code |
-901 | If a push notification sent to a device that does not have any registered push token. | 400 |
Code | Description | HTTP status code |
-830 | Internal error related to KoGPT and Karlo APIs occurs. | 500 |
-831 | If exceeding the server's processing capacity due to a temporary surge of requests. | 503 |
Here are the lists of URLs, hosts, and methods required when making a request to use each function that the REST API supports.
URL | Host | Method | Function |
/oauth/authorize | |
GET | Getting authorization code, Requesting additional consent, Getting consent to desired service terms, Auto-login from Kakao Talk |
/oauth/token | |
POST | Getting tokens, Refreshing tokens |
/v1/user/logout | |
POST | Logout |
/v1/user/signup | |
POST | Manual signup |
/v1/user/unlink | |
POST | Unlink |
/v1/user/access_token_info | |
GET | Retrieving token information |
/v2/user/me | |
GET/POST | Retrieving user information |
/v1/user/shipping_address | |
GET | Retrieving shipping address |
/v1/user/update_profile | |
POST | Storing user information |
/v1/user/ids | |
GET/POST | Retrieving user list |
/v2/app/users | |
GET | Retrieving multiple user information |
/v2/user/scopes | |
GET | Retrieving consent details |
/v2/user/revoke/scopes | |
POST | Revoking consent |
/v2/user/service_terms | |
GET | Retrieving consent details for service terms |
/v2/user/revoke/service_terms | |
POST | Revoking consent for service terms |
/v2/user/upgrade/service_terms | |
POST | Set consent to service terms |
/v1/user/signup | |
POST | Manual signup |
URL | Host | Method | Function |
/.well-known/jwks.json | |
GET | Getting public key |
/.well-known/openid-configuration | |
GET | Retrieving Discovery document |
/v1/oidc/userinfo | |
GET | Retrieving user information for OIDC |
/oauth/tokeninfo | |
POST | Getting ID token information |
URL | Host | Method | Function |
/v1/api/talk/profile | |
GET | Retrieving Kakao Talk profile |
/v1/api/talk/friends | |
GET | Retrieving list of friends |
URL | Host | Method | Function |
/v2/api/talk/memo/default/send | |
POST | Sending me message with default template |
/v2/api/talk/memo/send | |
POST | Sending me message with custom template |
/v2/api/talk/memo/scrap/send | |
POST | Sending me scrap message with default template, Sending me scrap message with custom template |
/v1/api/talk/friends/message/default/send | |
POST | Sending friends message with default template |
/v1/api/talk/friends/message/send | |
POST | Sending friends message with custom template |
/v1/api/talk/friends/message/scrap/send | |
POST | Sending friends scrap message with default template, Sending friends scrap message with custom template |
URL | Host | Method | Function |
/v2/api/talk/channels | |
GET | Checking Kakao Talk Channel relationship |
/v2/api/talk/channels/multi | |
GET | Checking multiple users' Kakao Talk Channel relationship |
/v1/talkchannel/create/target_user_file | |
POST | Customer management: Register customer file |
/v1/talkchannel/target_user_file | |
GET | Customer management: View customer file |
/v1/talkchannel/update/target_users | |
POST | Customer management: Add user |
/v1/talkchannel/delete/target_users | |
POST | Customer management: Delete user |
Refer to Kakao Moment API reference.
Refer to Kakao Keyword Ad API reference. This document is available in Korean only.
URL | Host | Method | Function |
/v2/push/register | |
POST | Registering push token |
/v2/push/tokens | |
GET | Retrieving push token |
/v2/push/deregister | |
POST | Deleting push token |
/v2/push/send | |
POST | Sending push notifications |
URL | Host | Method | Function |
/v2/api/calendar/calendars | |
GET | Retrieving list of calendars |
/v2/api/calendar/create/calendar | |
POST | Creating sub-calendar |
/v2/api/calendcalendar-delete-subar/update/calendar | |
POST | Editing sub-calendar |
/v2/api/calendar/delete/calendar | |
DELETE | Deleting sub-calendar |
/v2/api/calendar/create/event | |
POST | Creating event |
/v2/api/calendar/events | |
GET | Retrieving list of events |
/v2/api/calendar/event | |
GET | Retrieving details of event |
/v2/api/calendar/update/event/host | |
POST | Editing event for host |
/v2/api/calendar/update/event/guest | |
POST | Editing event for attendee |
/v2/api/calendar/delete/event | |
DELETE | Deleting event |
/v2/api/calendar/public/create/event | |
POST | Creating public event |
/v2/api/calendar/public/events | |
GET | Retrieving list of public events |
/v2/api/calendar/public/event | |
GET | Retrieving details of public event |
/v2/api/calendar/public/update/event | |
POST | Editing public event |
/v2/api/calendar/public/delete/event | |
DELETE | Deleting public event |
/v2/api/calendar/public/follow | |
POST | Adding public event to user calendar |
/v2/api/calendar/subscribable/calendars | |
GET | Retrieving list of subscribable calendars |
/v2/api/calendar/subscribe | |
POST | Subscribe |
/v2/api/calendar/unsubscribe | |
DELETE | Unsubscribe |
/v2/api/calendar/holidays | |
GET | Retrieving holidays and celebrations |
/v1/api/calendar/create/task | |
Create task |
/v1/api/calendar/tasks | |
Retrieve task |
/v1/api/calendar/task/records | |
Check challenge record |
/v1/api/calendar/update/task | |
Edit task |
/v1/api/calendar/complete/task | |
Set completion status |
/v1/api/calendar/delete/task | |
Delete task |
URL | Host | Method | Function |
/v2/local/search/address.{format} | |
GET | Address search |
/v2/local/geo/coord2regioncode.{format} | |
GET | Convert coordinates to administrative information |
/v2/local/geo/coord2address.{format} | |
GET | Convert coordinates to address |
/v2/local/geo/transcoord.{format} | |
GET | Convert coordinate system |
/v2/local/search/keyword.{format} | |
GET | Place search by keyword |
/v2/local/search/category.{format} | |
GET | Place search by category |
URL | Host | Method | Function |
/v2/search/web | |
GET | Web document search |
/v2/search/vclip | |
GET | Video search |
/v2/search/image | |
GET | Image search |
/v2/search/blog | |
GET | Blog search |
/v3/search/book | |
GET | Book search |
/v2/search/cafe | |
GET | Cafe search |
URL | Host | Method | Function |
/v2/inference/karlo/t2i | |
POST | Generate image |
/v2/inference/karlo/variations | |
POST | Make variation |
/v2/inference/karlo/inpainting | |
POST | Modify image |
URL | Host | Method | Function |
/v1/system/ips | |
GET | Retrieve Kakao IP list |
/api/health/current | |
GET | Check current status |
api/health/history | |
GET | Check history |