This document introduces the errors that may occur when integrating Business Authentication and the solutions.
The list shows errors that may occur when getting an business authorization code for Business Authentication.
Error | Description | Solution |
KOE003 | Due to a temporary error in the Kakao OAuth server, the request is not completed. | Try it again a few seconds later. If the problem persists, contact us through DevTalk. |
KOE005 | A user who is not registered as a team member for a test app tries to log in. | Invite the person as a team member in [My Application] > [Team Management]. Note: Team management |
KOE008 | The wrong app type was used to request a business authorization code. | Request again using the REST API key. Note: App key |
KOE025 | You requested business authentication with a Kakao Account that has not completed Kakao Business Center registration. | Complete the Kakao Business Center registration and try again. |
KOE026 | You requested business authentication with a Kakao Account that is not eligible for service use. | Check the status of the Kakao Account and follow the necessary steps. |
KOE027 | You requested business authentication with a Kakao Account that does not have Business assets. | Create business assets or request with a Kakao Account that has business assets. |
KOE028 | You used an unregistered business Redirect URI when requesting a business authorization code. | Register a new business Redirect URI in [My Application] > [Business Authentication], or use the registered value as the redirect_uri for the business authorization code request. |
KOE101 | You used the wrong app key, or the app key has a typo. | Go to [My Application] > [App Keys] and check if the app key you used is correct. Note: App key |
KOE123 | You requested a business authorization code with an app that is not a Biz App. | Convert your service app to a Biz App in [My Application] > [Business]. |
KOE124 | You requested a business authorization code with an app that does not have the required permissions. | Obtain the necessary permissions and try again. |
KOE201 invalid_request |
You requested a business authorization code with an unsupported response_type .Unsupported response type: ${response_type} |
Change the response_type value to code and try again. |
KOE232 | You requested a business authorization code that includes business consent items that do not have the required permissions or have not been set. | Exclude unauthorized consent items or configure the required consent items in [My Application] > [Business Authentication] > [Consent Items], then try again. |
KOE233 | You requested a business authorization code with unsupported parameters. | Make the request in accordance with the Get business authorization code specifications. |
KOE234 | You requested a business authorization code that includes unauthorized or invalid business asset information. | Request again with authorized and valid business assets. |
KOE235 | You requested a business authorization code that includes a KakaoTalk channel not linked to an ad account. | Request again with a KakaoTalk channel linked to an ad account. |
KOE236 | You exceeded the number of business tokens that can be issued. | Delete unnecessary business tokens from [Login] > [Kakao Account ID] > [Account settings] > [Manage business authentication consent], then request again. |
access_denied | User denied access |
The user canceled business authentication. You need to take action, such as redirecting the user to the initial screen before business authentication. |
access_denied | Not allowed under age 14 |
The app is not available for users under 14, or parental consent for a user under 14 failed. You need to take action, such as redirecting the user to the initial screen. |
The list shows errors that may occur when getting an business token for Business Authentication.
Error | Description | Solution |
KOE029 invalid_client |
You did not pass client_secret or passed incorrect client_secret when requesting an access token from the app that activates the Client secret feature.Bad client credentials |
If the Client secret feature is activated, you must use the client_secret parameter. Otherwise, you cannot get an access token from the authorization server. Pass the Client secret code created in [My Application] > [Business Authentication] > [Security] as a value of the client_secret parameter. |
KOE101 invalid_client |
You used the wrong app key, or the app key has a typo.Not exist client_id ${CLIENT_ID} |
Check if the app key you issued in [My Application] > [App Keys] is correct. You should use the REST API key. Note: App key |
KOE114invalid_client |
The value of client_id is different between the business authorization code and the business token request. |
Use the business authorization code issued by the same app to request the business token again. |
KOE303invalid_grant |
You used a different redirect_uri from the one used when requesting a business authorization code.Redirect URI mismatch. |
Request the business token using the same redirect_uri as passed when requesting the business authorization code. |
KOE310invalid_request unsupported_grant_type |
The value of grant_type is unsupported or missing. |
Request again with the supported value of grant_type . |
KOE320invalid_grant |
You used the same business authorization code twice, or you used an expired or invalid business authorization code.authorization code not found for code=${AUTHORIZATION_CODE} |
You must use a new business authorization code each time you request a business token. After issuing a new code, request the business token with the newly issued business authorization code. |
invalid_request | The request is invalid. | Check if you passed the correct parameters in the request. |