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Talk Calendar


This document introduces the features of the Talk Calendar APIs.


Talk Calendar is a service that allows you to easily create and manage events and tasks in Kakao Talk chat rooms. The Talk Calendar API provides functions to register and manage calenders, events and tasks.

Overview of calendars and events

Calendar types

On the web or app version of Talk Calendar, a user can see the user's calendar divided into three categories.

  • 🅐 Talk Calendar
    • ⓐ My Calendar
    • ⓑ Sub-calendar
  • 🅑 Shared Calendar
    • Note: As of now, the Talk Calendar API does not support the Shared Calendar, which is created when a Team chat is created.
  • 🅒 Subscribed calendar
Screenshot of Talk Calendar

Each calendar has the following features:

Calendar type Description How to create a calendar
My Calendar
(🅐 > ⓐ)
Primary calendar that is automatically created when a user starts to use the Talk Calendar service. My calendar is automatically created for each user.

Note: This calendar cannot be deleted because it is set as a default calendar.
(🅐 > ⓑ)
Additional calendars that a user or a service has created. A service can create a calendar through the Creating sub-calendar API.
Users also can create a calendar in the Talk Calendar service.
Subscribed Calendar (🅒) Calendar that Kakao Talk Channel publishes or manages to let users subscribe to the calendar based on interests. A service can request to create a subscribed calendar at DevTalk.

Event types

Here are the types of events that can be handled with the Talk Calendar APIs.

Event type Description How to add How to edit
Personal event Events that a user has added to the user's My Calendar or sub-calendars Users can create an event through the Creating event API.

Note: The created event is added to a user's My Calendar or sub-calendars.
For event hosts, use the Editing event for host API.
For event attendees, use the Editing event for attendee API.
Public event Events that are published by a service's Kakao Talk Channel for marketing purpose Your service can publish a public event through the Creating public event API.
Users can add a public event published by your service to their own calendar by calling the Following public event API.

Note: The public event is added to a user's My Calendar or sub-calendar.
Use the Editing event for attendee API.
Subscribed event Events that are published by Kakao Talk Channel
(Example: Kakao TV, Sports channel)
If a user subscribes to a subscribed calendar, all the events of the service are added to its subscribed calendar. If a user chooses to unsubscribe, all subscribed events are deleted.

Note: The subscribed event is added to a user's Subscribed calendar.
Use the Editing event for attendee API.
Guest event Public events that the user added to My calendar. Users cannot edit the original event but can edit the duplicated guest events. If Kakao Talk Channel edits the original public event, the changes also apply to the guest events.


Users can write out the details of what they need to do and register it as a task. You can manage tasks to ensure they are completed without missing anything by setting up [Show My Challenge Record], where you can check time information and completion history as needed.

You can view, edit, or delete tasks. You cannot delete tasks registered on your Kakao Talk profile sticker.

Send a calendar message

If your service uses a public event or subscribed calendar, you can encourage users to add the event or calendar to their calendar by sending a Kakao Talk message through the Messaging API. For this, you need to configure a message with a follow or subscribe button by using the calendar template.

Calendar message

To implement this functionality, see the following documentation:

Purpose Guide
To configure a calendar type of message Message Template
To send a calendar message through Kakao Talk Sharing JavaScript SDK
Android SDK
Flutter SDK
To send a calendar message through Kakao Talk Messaging

Important: To send a calendar message to all users who are linked to your app, set consent item and request permission.
JavaScript SDK
Android SDK
Flutter SDK

Usage policy

Request permission

The Talk Calendar API can only be used by apps that have been granted permissions. For apps without permissions or Test apps, only the app's team members can call APIs, and the response range is restricted to those team members. To enable these features for all users in a live service, apply for the required permissions under [My Application] > [Request for App Permissions].

Complete the following steps before the request.

  1. Set the required consent items for each feature below. Refer to Manage consent items(talk_message).
    • Calendars, events: [Create, retrieve, edit/delete Talk Calendar and events (talk_calendar)].
    • Tasks: [Create, view, edit, and delete tasks in Talk Calendar (talk_calendar_task)].
  2. Implement features using Talk Calendar API.
  3. Test the feature works properly for the team members.

After getting permission, the Talk Calendar API will be available for all service users.

Public events

To use the public event feature of the Talk Calendar API, connect Kakao Talk Channel. Connecting the KakaoTalk channel is not required to apply for permissions, but it is recommended to set it before applying for permissions if possible.


Kakao API applies monthly and daily quotas for stable service. You can check the currently applied quota information in the Quota. To increase the applied quota limit, contact us as consultation and partnership are required.

To increase allocated quota for the Talk Calendar API, you need to request permission. By default, you can use the API on a limited quota for testing.


  • Refer to Scope of support to know whether each Kakao SDK supports each feature.
Feature Description Documentation
User calendar Retrieve list of calendars Retrieves user's all calendars, except for a Shared calendar. REST API
Create sub-calendar Creates a sub-calendar on user's Talk Calendar. REST API
Edit sub-calendar Edits a particular sub-calendar. REST API
Delete sub-calendar Deletes a particular sub-calendar. REST API
User event Create event Adds an event to a user's calendar. Users can see the created events under the Talk Calendar category in Talk Calendar. REST API
Retrieve list of events Retrieves the events added on a user's calendar. REST API
Retrieve details of event Retrieves the details of a user's personal event. REST API
Edit event for host Edits a particular personal event that a user has created. REST API
Delete event Deletes a user's personal event or public event. REST API
Public event Create public event Creates a public event. REST API
Retrieve list of public events Retrieves all public events that your service has created. REST API
Retrieve details of public event Retrieves the details of a particular public event that your service has created. REST API
Edit public event Edits a particular public event. REST API
Delete public event Deletes a particular public event. REST API
Add public event to user calendar Adds a public event published by your service to user's calendar. REST API
Subscribed calendar Retrieve list of subscribable calendars Retrieves the list of the available calendars that a user can subscribe to. REST API
Subscribe Subscribes to a service's subscribed calendar. REST API
Unsubscribe Unsubscribes from a service's subscribed calendar. REST API
Guest event Edit guest event Edits a guest event added to a user's calendar. REST API
Retrieve holidays and celebrations Retrieves holidays and celebrations in the Republic of Korea. REST API
Task Create task Creates a task. REST API
Retrieve task Retrieves a particular or list of task. REST API
Check challenge record Checks challenge record of a recurring task. REST API
Edit task Edit a particular task. REST API
Set completion status Sets the completion status of task. REST API
Delete task Deletes a particular task. REST API