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  • Ad creation: Message creative

Kakao Moment

Ad creation: Message creative

This document describes how to use the Message creative APIs.

Before you begin

Policies on creative registration

If you create a creative for a sending group after the start of sending messages, the messages can be sent immediately as soon as the creative is saved according to the ad group's status. Check the start period and status of the ad group when creating a creative.

Type 5 minutes before sending 5 minutes before start of sending to sending moment During delivery period After delivery period
Basic message Allowed to register. Allowed to register. Allowed to register. Not allowed to register.
Smart message Allowed to register or add. Allowed to register.
Allowed to add when ad group is OFF.
Allowed to register.
Allowed to add when ad group is OFF.
Not allowed to register or add.

Required components by creative type

You cannot create the below creatives with Open APIs:

  • Creatives in PREMIUM_VIDEO_MESSAGE type.
  • Creatives including CouponBookAssetGroup.

You can only use the images and text that comply with the message delivery guidelines.

Basic text message
Component Required Landing: URL Landing: Post Landing: Coupon Landing: Ad View Landing: Business Form
Promotional image X X X X X X
Promotional video X Kakao TV landing Kakao TV landing Kakao TV landing Kakao TV landing Kakao TV landing
Promotional text O No landing No landing No landing No landing No landing
Button1 X O O O X X
Button2 X O O O O O
Share X No landing No landing No landing No landing No landing
  • Promotional image:
    • Image width: 80 pixels or more
    • Image type: JPG, PNG
    • Image file size: Up to 10 MB
    • Image aspect ratio: 1:2.5 or less
    • Original image: Up to 200 million pixels or less
    • If the landing for Button1 exists, the same landing is applied (Not allowed to set separately).
  • Promotional video: Allowed to select one among the public or private videos uploaded in Kakao TV channel.
    • If the landing for Button1 exists, the same landing is applied (Not allowed to set separately).
  • Promotional text:
    • If an image or a video is not attached, up to 40 characters are allowed.
    • If an image or a video is attached, up to 300 characters are allowed (If exceeding, not allowed to input).
    • Not allowed to input a URL link.
    • Up to 29 line breaks are allowed.
  • Button 1:
    • Lable: Up to 8 characters including space are allowed (If exceeding, not allowed to input).
  • Button 2:
    • Lable: Up to 8 characters including space are allowed (If exceeding, not allowed to input).
Wide image message
Component Required Landing: URL Landing: Post Landing: Coupon Landing: Ad View Landing: Business Form
Promotional image O
Either promotional image or promotional video is required.
Promotional video O
Either promotional image or promotional video is required.
Kakao TV landing Kakao TV landing Kakao TV landing Kakao TV landing Kakao TV landing
Promotional text O No landing No landing No landing No landing No landing
Button X O O O O O
Share X No landing No landing No landing No landing No landing
  • Promotional image:
    • Image width: 80 pixels or more
    • Image type: JPG, PNG
    • Image file size: Up to 10 MB
    • Image aspect ratio: 1:2.5 or less
    • Original image: Up to 200 million pixels or less
  • Promotional video: Allowed to choose the video uploaded manually or the public or private video uploaded in Kakao TV channel.
  • Promotional text:
    • Up to 76 characters are allowed (If exceeding, not allowed to input).
    • Not allowed to input a URL link.
    • A single line break is allowed.
  • Button:
    • Lable: Up to 8 characters including space are allowed (If exceeding, not allowed to input).
Wide list message
Component Required Landing: URL Landing: Post Landing: Coupon Landing: Ad View Landing: Business Form
Title of List 1 X No landing No landing No landing No landing No landing
Title of List 2 and 3
O No landing No landing No landing No landing No landing
Promotional image of List1 to List3 O
Either promotional image or promotional video is required.
Promotional video of List1 to List3 O
Either promotional image or promotional video is required.
Landing only on Kakao TV Landing only on Kakao TV Landing only on Kakao TV Landing only on Kakao TV Landing only on Kakao TV
Promotional text of List1 to List3 O Same as landing of promotional image or promotional video set for each item Same as landing of promotional image or promotional video set for each item Same as landing of promotional image or promotional video set for each item Same as landing of promotional image or promotional video set for each item Same as landing of promotional image or promotional video set for each item
Promotional image of List4 X O O O X X
Promotional video of List4 X Landing only on Kakao TV Landing only on Kakao TV Landing only on Kakao TV Landing only on Kakao TV Landing only on Kakao TV
Promotional text of List4 X Same as landing of promotional image or promotional video set for each item Same as landing of promotional image or promotional video set for each item Same as landing of promotional image or promotional video set for each item Same as landing of promotional image or promotional video set for each item Same as landing of promotional image or promotional video set for each item
Button X O O O O O
Share X No landing No landing No landing No landing No landing
  • Title: Up to 20 characters allowed (If exceeding, not allowed to input).
  • Promotional image of List1 to List3:
    • Image width: 80 pixels or more
    • Image type: JPG, PNG
    • Image file size: Up to 10 MB
    • Image aspect ratio: 1:2.5 or less
    • Original image: Up to 200 million pixels or less
    • Recommended image size: For Item1, 800 x 400 pixels. For the others, 400 x 400 pixels
  • Promotional video of List1 to List3: Allowed to select one among the public or private videos uploaded in Kakao TV channel.
  • Promotional text of List1 to List3:
    • For Item1, up to 25 characters are allowed. For the others, up to 30 characters (If exceeding, not allowed to input).
    • Not allowed to input a URL link.
    • A single line break is allowed.
  • Promotional image of List4:
    • Image width: 80 pixels or more
    • Image type: JPG, PNG
    • Image file size: Up to 10 MB
    • Image aspect ratio: 1:2.5 or less
    • Original image: Up to 200 million pixels or less
  • Promotional video of List4: Allowed to select one among the public or private videos uploaded in Kakao TV channel.
  • Promotional text of List4:
    • For Item1, up to 25 characters are allowed. For the others, up to 30 characters (If exceeding, not allowed to input).
    • Not allowed to input a URL link.
    • A single line break is allowed.
  • Button:
    • Lable: Up to 8 characters including space are allowed (If exceeding, not allowed to input).

Policies on creative modification

To edit a creative, it must be the same as the previous message format. Since 5 minutes before the delivery, you can only edit the creative's name. The request to edit other parameters except for its name is ignored.

Type 5 minutes before sending 5 minutes before start of sending to sending moment During delivery period After delivery period
Basic message Possible Impossible Impossible Impossible
Smart message Possible Impossible Impossible Impossible

You cannot edit the below creatives with Open APIs:

  • Creatives in PREMIUM_VIDEO_MESSAGE type.
  • Creatives including CouponBookAssetGroup.

You can only use the images and text that comply with the message delivery guidelines.

Message creatives not allowed to be copied

You cannot copy the below creatives with Open APIs:

  • Creatives in PREMIUM_VIDEO_MESSAGE type.
  • Creatives including CouponBookAssetGroup.
Case Result if attempting to copy
Message under a campaign from different Kakao Talk Channel Only the corresponding Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID is displayed in the campaign selection list on the pop-up screen to copy a creative.
Channel Admin Center message saved under an ad group before the editor is released If the message is selected as the creatives to be copied, an alert is displayed.
Message that lands on the coupon of which status is 'Immediately finished' or 'event application date expired'. The message is not counted as the number of creatives that can be copied.
"Impossible to copy" is displayed on the list.
Message that lands on the Business Form of which status is 'Finished' The message is not counted as the number of creatives that can be copied.
"Impossible to copy" is displayed on the list.
Message that lands on the Post of which status is 'Deleted' The message is not counted as the number of creatives that can be copied.
"Impossible to copy" is displayed on the list.
Message that lands on the Ad View of which status is 'Deleted' The message is not counted as the number of creatives that can be copied.
"Impossible to copy" is displayed on the list.
Message under a campaign from the same Kakao Talk Channel On the pop-up screen to copy a creative, it is impossible to copy the creative under an existing ad group set as ageVerification: true to a new ad group set as ageVerification: false.

Button items

  • Buttons are not essential for BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE, WIDE_MESSAGE, WIDE_LIST_MESSAGE types
Type Number of configurable buttons Configurable landing for button 1 Configurable landing for button 2
BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE 2 None, URL, Post, Coupon None, URL, Post, Coupon, AdView, Business form
WIDE_MESSAGE 1 None, URL, Post, Coupon, AdView, Business form If set shareFlag, a sharing button will be displayed
WIDE_LIST_MESSAGE 1 None, URL, Post, Coupon, AdView, Business form If set shareFlag, a sharing button will be displayed
CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE 1 None, URL If set shareFlag, a sharing button will be displayed

Button order for carousel types

Input order for carousel types Card number Button Number
itemAssetGroup 0 Carousel 1 buttonAssetGroup 0, 1
itemAssetGroup 1 Carousel 2 buttonAssetGroup 2, 3
itemAssetGroup 2 Carousel 3 buttonAssetGroup 4, 5
itemAssetGroup 3 Carousel 4 buttonAssetGroup 6, 7
itemAssetGroup 4 Carousel 5 buttonAssetGroup 8, 9
itemAssetGroup 5 Carousel 6 buttonAssetGroup 10, 11

Create Message creative

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
POST https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to create a Message creative under the 'Kakao Talk Channel X Reach(도달)' type of campaign.

Send a POST request with the issued access token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the detailed information of the created creative. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.

This API limits the number of calls you can make every second per user account and ad account.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.
Name Type Description Required
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID. O
format String Creative type.
Use one of the followings:
name String Creative's name.
Up to 40 characters are allowed.
If not specified, the name is automatically set in {CAMPAIGN_TYPE}{CAMPAIGN_GOAL}{CURRENT_TIME} format.
messageElement MessageElement Message content to be created.
Pass the contents in mesasgeElement.{} format with MULTIPART/FORM-DATA.
Name Type Description Required
creativeFormat String Message creative's type.
One of the followings:
Must be same as format.
profileId String Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID. O
title String Promotional text or title
Displayed on the different locations by the creative format.
BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE: Promotional text (Up to 400 characters, up to 300 characters with an image or a video)
WIDE_MESSAGE: Promotional text (Up to 76 characters)
WIDE_LIST_MESSAGE: Title (Up to 20 characters)
CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE: Title of the intro card (Up to 20 characters)
description String Promotional text for the intro card of CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE
Up to 50 characters
buttonAssetGroups ButtonAssetGroup[] Button items
itemAssetGroups ItemAssetGroup[] List items. O
shareFlag Boolean Whether to use Sharing.
If ageVerification (age verification message) of the parent ad group is set to true, only false is allowed.
adFlag Boolean Advertising message O
imageFile Multipart file Image file to be uploaded.
Allowed only if the message type is BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE or CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE with the intro card.
For the other types, pass through the itemAssetGroup object.
videoMeta VideoMeta Information on Kakao TV to be linked.
Allowed only if the message type is BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE.
For the other types, pass through the itemAssetGroup object.
Carousel types do not support video.
csInfo String Phone number of customer support. O
hasIntro Boolean Whether the CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE creative has the intro card X
introLandingType String Landing type of the CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE intro card X
introMobileLandingUrl String Landing URL of the CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE intro card for mobile X
introPcLandingUrl String Landing URL of the CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE intro card for PC X
Name Type Description Required
ordering Integer Order of buttons.
Pass 0 or 1 for BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE.
For other types, 0 is allowed only.

Note: Button order for carousel types
pcLandingUrl String Landing URL for PC.
Only allowed when LANDING_URL is set for a landing type.
Used to land on a seperate URL when a user clicks a button on the PC version of Kakao Talk.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
mobileLandingUrl String Landing URL for mobile.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
title String Button name.
Up to 8 characters are allowed.
In case of Business Form, only the following button names are allowed:
"톡에서 설문하기" (Survery on Talk)
"톡에서 시승신청" (Request test drive on Talk)
"톡에서 예약하기" (Reserve on Talk)
"톡에서 응모하기" (Apply on Talk)
"톡에서 참여하기" (Join on Talk)
For button 1 of CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE type, only "구매하기" is available.
landingType String Landing type.
Use one of the followings:
CHANNEL_COUPON : Coupon landing
CHANNEL_POST: Post landing
BIZ_FORM: Business Form landing
AD_VIEW: Ad View landing
For carousel types, only LANDING_URL is available.
channelCouponId Long Coupon ID.
Allowed if the message landing type is CHANNEL_COUPON .
Use the coupon ID obtained through the Viewing list of coupons API.
channelPostId Long Channel post ID.
Allowed if the landing type is CHANNEL_POST.
Pass the Post ID obtained through the the Viewing list of Channel Posts for landing settings API.
bizFormId Long Business Form's ID.
Allowed if the landing type is is BIZ_FORM (Business Form)
Pass the bizFormId obtained through the Viewing list of Business Forms for landing settings API.
adViewId Long Ad View ID.
Allowed if the landing type is AD_VIEW.
Pass the Ad View ID obtained through the Viewing list of Ad Views API.
Name Type Description Required
landingType String Landing type.
Use one of the followings:
CHANNEL_COUPON: Coupon landing
CHANNEL_POST: Post landing
title String Promotional text.
Displayed on different locations by the creative type
WIDE_LIST_MESSAGE: Title (limitation: for the first title up to 25 characters, for the second to fourth title up to 30 characters), first or fourth list is not essential
CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE: Title (Up to 25 characters)
CAROUSEL_FEED_MESSAGE: Title (Up to 20 characters)
description String Promotional text for CAROUSEL_FEED_MESSAGE
Up to 180 characters
priceAmount String Price for CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE
(Minumum: 0, Maximum: 99999999, integers only)
priceCurrencyCode String Currency
One of KRW, USD, JPY, and EUR
discountedPriceAmount String Discounted price for CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE
(Minumum: 0, Maximum: 99999999, integers only)
Must be bigger than the priceAmount
mobileLandingUrl String Landing URL for mobile.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
pcLandingUrl String Landing URL for PC.
Pass a valid URL with http:// or https:// scheme.
channelPostId Long Channel post ID.
Allowed if the landing type is CHANNEL_POST.
Pass the Post ID obtained through the the Viewing list of Channel Posts for landing settings API.
channelCouponId Long Coupon ID.
Allowed if the message landing type is CHANNEL_COUPON .
Use the coupon ID obtained through the Viewing list of coupons API.
imageFile Multipart File Image file to be uploaded.
Alowed only if the message type is one of WIDE_MESSAGE, WIDE_LIST_MESSAGE, CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE without the intro card, or CAROUSEL_FEED_MESSAGE.
Not allowed if the landing type is URL.
videoMeta VideoMeta Video (Kakao TV) meta information.
Allowed only if the message type is WIDE_MESSAGE or WIDE_LIST_MESSAGE.
Name Type Description Required
id Long Clip Link ID to be linked to a Kakao TV ID
Pass clipLinkId obtained through the Viewing details of Kakao TV channel video API.
thumbnail String Thumbnail URL.
Pass thumbnailUrl obtained through the Viewing details of Kakao TV channel video API.
isLoad Boolean Whether to load Kakao TV.
Fixed as true.
isLive Boolean Whether Kakao TV is live.
Fixed as false.
isLink Boolean Whether it is Kakao TV video link.
Fixed as true.


Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
creativeId may differ from id when temporarily assigned for the pending status in the review.
creativeId for the message creatives are always equal to id since it has no review status.
name String Creative's name.
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID.
format String Creative's type.
One of the followings:
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
systemConfig String Creative's system status.
Either ON or ADMIN_STOP.
statusDescription String Current status of a Message ad group.
One of the followings:
- 발송 대기: Ready.
- 발송중: Sending.
- 발송중지: Paused.
- 발송종료: Finished.
creativeStatus String Creative's operation status.
One of the followings:
- OPERATING: Possible to opearate.
- UNAPPROVED: Unapproved.
- INVALID_DATE: Invalid date.
- MONITORING_REJECTED: Admin suspended.
- OFF: User OFF.
- DELETED: Deleted.
- ADGROUP_UNAVAILABLE: Impossible to operate ad group.
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
messageElement MessageElement Detailed information about Message creative.
ageVerification Boolean Whether to use age verification messages.
true: Age verification message used.
false: General message used.


Basic text
Wide list
Carousel commerce
Carousel feed
curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -F "messageElement.creativeFormat=BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE" \
    -F "messageElement.profileId=_Xxo" \
    -F "messageElement.title=Promotional text" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].ordering=0" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].landingType=LANDING_URL" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].title=button1" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].pcLandingUrl=http://www.daum.net" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].mobileLandingUrl=https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].ordering=1" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].landingType=BIZ_FORM" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].bizFormId=1" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].title=request_test_drive_on_talk" \
    -F "messageElement.name=basic_text" \
    -F "messageElement.shareFlag=true" \
    -F "messageElement.adFlag=true" \
    -F "messageElement.csInfo=02-1234-5678" \
    -F "messageElement.imageFile=@/directory/banner.png" \
    -F "adGroupId=39688" \
    -F "format=BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE"
curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -F "messageElement.creativeFormat:WIDE_LIST_MESSAGE" \
    -F "Format:WIDE_LIST_MESSAGE" \
    -F "messageElement.profileId:_Xxju" \
    -F "messageElement.title:wide_list_promotional_text" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].ordering:0" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].title:button1" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].landingType:LANDING_URL" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].pcLandingUrl:http://daum.net" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].mobileLandingUrl:http://daum.net" \
    -F "messageElement.shareFlag:true" \
    -F "messageElement.adFlag:true" \
    -F "messageElement.csInfo:014-1122-1251" \
    -F "adGroupId:41157" \
    -F "name:widelist" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0].ordering:0" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0].title:title1" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0].landingType:LANDING_URL" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0].mobileLandingUrl:https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1].ordering:1" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1].title:title2" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1].landingType:LANDING_URL" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1].mobileLandingUrl:https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2].ordering:2" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2].title:title3" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2].landingType:LANDING_URL" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2].mobileLandingUrl:https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[3].ordering:3" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[3].title:title4" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[3].landingType:LANDING_URL" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[3].mobileLandingUrl:https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0]=@/directory/banner.png" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1]=@/directory/banner.png" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2]=@/directory/banner.png" \
    -F "messageElement.itemAssetGroups[3]=@/directory/banner.png"
curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -F 'adGroupId="12345"' \
    -F 'name="Carousel commerce with intro card"' \
    -F 'messageElement.creativeFormat="CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE"' \
    -F 'messageElement.profileId="_Thxm"' \
    -F 'messageElement.shareFlag="false"' \
    -F 'messageElement.adFlag="true"' \
    -F 'messageElement.csInfo="014-1122-1251"' \
    -F 'messageElement.title="인트로 타이틀"' \
    -F 'messageElement.description="인트로 홍보문구"' \
    -F 'messageElement.hasIntro="true"' \
    -F 'messageElement.introLandingType="LANDING_URL"' \
    -F 'messageElement.introMobileLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.introPcLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].ordering="0"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].title="구매하기"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].landingType="LANDING_URL"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].pcLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].mobileLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].ordering="1"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].title="구매하기"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].landingType="LANDING_URL"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].pcLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].mobileLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[2].ordering="2"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[2].title="구매하기"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[2].landingType="LANDING_URL"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[2].pcLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[2].mobileLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[3].ordering="3"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[3].title="구매하기"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[3].landingType="LANDING_URL"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[3].pcLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[3].mobileLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[4].ordering="4"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[4].title="구매하기"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[4].landingType="LANDING_URL"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[4].pcLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[4].mobileLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[5].ordering="5"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[5].title="구매하기"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[5].landingType="LANDING_URL"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[5].pcLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[5].mobileLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0].ordering="0"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0].title="타이틀0"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0].landingType="LANDING_URL"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0].pcLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0].mobileLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0].priceAmount="123"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[0].priceCurrencyCode="KRW"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1].ordering="1"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1].title="타이틀1"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1].landingType="LANDING_URL"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1].pcLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1].mobileLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1].priceAmount="123"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[1].priceCurrencyCode="KRW"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2].ordering="2"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2].title="타이틀2"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2].landingType="LANDING_URL"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2].pcLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2].mobileLandingUrl="http://daum.net"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2].priceAmount="123"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[2].priceCurrencyCode="KRW"' \
    -F 'messageElement.itemAssetGroups[3].ordering="3"' \
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                "mobileLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
                "shareFlag": null,
                "landingType": "LANDING_URL"
                "ordering": 11,
                "title": "버튼11",
                "pcLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
                "mobileLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
                "shareFlag": null,
                "landingType": "LANDING_URL"
        "itemAssetGroups": [
                "ordering": 0,
                "image": {
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                    "fileName": "800x800.png",
                    "imageWidth": 800,
                    "imageHeight": 800,
                    "mimeType": "image/png",
                    "imageHash": "419661d8425a6ccdd038b96be3daa6d3"
                "title": "타이틀0",
                "description": "홍보문구0",
                "pcLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
                "mobileLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
                "shareFlag": false,
                "landingType": "LANDING_URL"
                "ordering": 1,
                "image": {
                    "fileSize": 150129,
                    "url": "//t1-sandbox.kakaocdn.net/b2/creative/27429/28ae190be9f2dfb49d24c2406b182371.png",
                    "fileName": "800x800.png",
                    "imageWidth": 800,
                    "imageHeight": 800,
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                    "imageHash": "419661d8425a6ccdd038b96be3daa6d3"
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                "description": "홍보문구1",
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                "mobileLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
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                "landingType": "LANDING_URL"
                "ordering": 2,
                "image": {
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                    "imageWidth": 800,
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                "pcLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
                "mobileLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
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                "ordering": 3,
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                    "imageWidth": 800,
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                "pcLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
                "mobileLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
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                "ordering": 4,
                "image": {
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                "ordering": 5,
                "image": {
                    "fileSize": 150129,
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                    "fileName": "800x800.png",
                    "imageWidth": 800,
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                "description": "홍보문구5",
                "pcLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
                "mobileLandingUrl": "http://daum.net",
                "shareFlag": false,
                "landingType": "LANDING_URL"
        "thumbnailUrl": "//t1-sandbox.kakaocdn.net/b2/creative/27429/28ae190be9f2dfb49d24c2406b182371.png",
        "createdDate": "2023-10-16T14:45:22.117786",
        "lastModifiedDate": "2023-10-16T14:45:22.703598"
    "ageVerification": false

Edit Message creative

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
PUT https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to edit a Message creative under the 'Kakao Talk Channel X Reach(도달)' type of campaign.

Send a PUT request with the issued access token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the detailed information of the modified creative. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.

This API limits the number of calls you can make every second per user account and ad account.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.
Name Type Description Required
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID. O
format String Creative's type.
Use one of the followings:
name String Creative's name.
Up to 40 characters are allowed.
If not specified, the name is automatically set in {CAMPAIGN_TYPE}{CAMPAIGN_GOAL}{CURRENT_TIME} format.
messageElement MessageElement Message content to be modified to.
Pass the contents in mesasgeElement.{} format with MULTIPART/FORM-DATA.


Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
creativeId may differ from id when temporarily assigned for the pending status in the review.
creativeId for the message creatives are always equal to id since it has no review status.
name String Creative's name.
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID.
format String Creative's type.
One of the followings:
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
systemConfig String Creative's system status.
Either ON or ADMIN_STOP.
statusDescription String Current status of a Message ad group.
One of the followings:
- 발송 대기: Ready.
- 발송중: Sending.
- 발송중지: Paused.
- 발송종료: Finished.
creativeStatus String Creative's operation status.
One of the followings:
- OPERATING: Possible to opearate.
- UNAPPROVED: Unapproved.
- INVALID_DATE: Invalid date.
- MONITORING_REJECTED: Admin suspended.
- OFF: User OFF.
- DELETED: Deleted.
- ADGROUP_UNAVAILABLE: Impossible to operate ad group.
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
messageElement MessageElement Detailed information about Message creative.
ageVerification Boolean Whether to use age verification messages.
true: Age verification message used.
false: General message used.


curl -X PUT "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
    -F "messageElement.creativeFormat=BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE" \
    -F "messageElement.profileId=_Xxo" \
    -F "messageElement.title=Promotional text" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].ordering=0" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].landingType=LANDING_URL" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].title=button1" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].pcLandingUrl=http://www.daum.net" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[0].mobileLandingUrl=https://www.kakaocorp.com" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].ordering=1" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].landingType=BIZ_FORM" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].bizFormId=1" \
    -F "messageElement.buttonAssetGroups[1].title=request_test_drive_on_talk" \
    -F "messageElement.name=basic_text" \
    -F "messageElement.shareFlag=true" \
    -F "messageElement.adFlag=true" \
    -F "messageElement.csInfo=02-1234-5678" \
    -F "messageElement.imageFile=@/directory/banner.png" \
    -F "adGroupId=39688" \
    -F "format=BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "id": 12345,
    "creativeId": 12345,
    "name": "KakaoTalkChannel_Reach_20210625",
    "adGroupId": 11223,
    "format": "BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE",
    "config": "ON",
    "systemConfig": "ON",
    "statusDescription": "발송 대기",
    "creativeStatus": "OPERATING",
    "createdDate": "2021-06-25T17:04:02.883575",
    "lastModifiedDate": "2021-06-25T17:04:06.291245",
    "messageElement": {
        "id": 12345,
        "adAccountId": 123,
        "profileId": "_xbHxd",
        "name": "KakaoTalkChannel_Reach_20210625",
        "creativeFormat": "BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE",
        "title": "This is promotional text.",
        "image": {
            "fileSize": 168816,
            "url": "//beta.daumcdn.net/b2/creative/759/d7961bd0662a240f43f047d3116a25f3.jpg",
            "fileName": "fullview_1280x720.jpg",
            "imageWidth": 1280,
            "imageHeight": 720,
            "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
            "imageHash": "35156f0c1393434ced4be21423d08a6a"
        "shareFlag": true,
        "adFlag": true,
        "thumbnail": {
            "fileSize": 168816,
            "url": "//beta.daumcdn.net/b2/creative/759/d7961bd0662a240f43f047d3116a25f3.jpg",
            "fileName": "fullview_1280x720.jpg",
            "imageWidth": 1280,
            "imageHeight": 720,
            "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
            "imageHash": "35156f0c1393434ced4be21423d08a6a"
        "buttonAssetGroups": [
                "ordering": 0,
                "title": "button1",
                "pcLandingUrl": "http://www.daum.net",
                "mobileLandingUrl": "https://www.kakaocorp.com",
                "landingType": "LANDING_URL"
        "thumbnailUrl": "//beta.daumcdn.net/b2/creative/759/d7961bd0662a240f43f047d3116a25f3.jpg",
        "messageThumbnail": {
            "fileSize": 168816,
            "url": "//beta.daumcdn.net/b2/creative/759/d7961bd0662a240f43f047d3116a25f3.jpg",
            "fileName": "fullview_1280x720.jpg",
            "imageWidth": 1280,
            "imageHeight": 720,
            "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
            "imageHash": "35156f0c1393434ced4be21423d08a6a"
        "createdDate": "2021-06-25T17:04:02.883575",
        "lastModifiedDate": "2021-06-25T17:04:06.291245"

Copy Message creative

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
POST https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives/copy Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to copy a creative under the 'Kakao Talk Channel X Reach(도달)' type of campaign.

Send a POST request with the issued access token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. You must also pass the ad group ID which the creatives will copy to and the creative IDs to be copied as a list. If the request is successful, this API returns the detailed information of the copied creatives. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.

This API limits the number of calls you can make to every five seconds per user account and ad account.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.
Name Type Description Required
adGroupId Long Ad group ID which the creatives will be copied to. O
creativeIds Long[] ID list of creatives to be copied. O


Name Type Description
- MessageCreative[] List of creative information.
Name Type Description
id Long Original creative ID for execution.
creativeId Long Creative's ID.
creativeId may differ from id when temporarily assigned for the pending status in the review.
creativeId for the message creatives are always equal to id since it has no review status.
name String Creative's name.
adGroupId Long Ad group's ID.
format String Creative's type.
One of the followings:
config String Creative's status.
One of ON, OFF, or DEL (Deleted).
systemConfig String Creative's system status.
Either ON or ADMIN_STOP.
statusDescription String Current status of a Message ad group.
One of the followings:
- 발송 대기: Ready.
- 발송중: Sending.
- 발송중지: Paused.
- 발송종료: Finished.
creativeStatus String Creative's operation status.
One of the followings:
- OPERATING: Possible to opearate.
- UNAPPROVED: Unapproved.
- INVALID_DATE: Invalid date.
- MONITORING_REJECTED: Admin suspended.
- OFF: User OFF.
- DELETED: Deleted.
- ADGROUP_UNAVAILABLE: Impossible to operate ad group.
createdDate String Date and time when the creative is created.
lastModifiedDate String Date and time when the creative is lastly modified.
messageElement MessageElement Detailed information about Message creative.
ageVerification Boolean Whether to use age verification messages.
true: Age verification message used.
false: General message used.


curl -X POST "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/creatives/copy" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    -d '{
            "adGroupId": 11223,
            "creativeIds": [12345]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
Content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
        "id": 12346,
        "creativeId": 12346,
        "name": "KakaoTalkChannel_Reach_20210625",
        "adGroupId": 11223,
        "format": "BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE",
        "config": "ON",
        "systemConfig": "ON",
        "statusDescription": "발송 대기",
        "creativeStatus": "OPERATING",
        "createdDate": "2021-06-25T17:04:03",
        "lastModifiedDate": "2021-06-25T17:04:06",
        "messageElement": {
            "id": 78428,
            "adAccountId": 759,
            "profileId": "_xbHxd",
            "name": "KakaoTalkChannel_Reach_20210625",
            "creativeFormat": "BASIC_TEXT_MESSAGE",
            "title": "This is promotional text.",
            "image": {
                "fileSize": 168816,
                "url": "//beta.daumcdn.net/b2/creative/759/d7961bd0662a240f43f047d3116a25f3.jpg",
                "fileName": "fullview_1280x720.jpg",
                "imageWidth": 1280,
                "imageHeight": 720,
                "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
                "imageHash": "35156f0c1393434ced4be21423d08a6a"
            "shareFlag": true,
            "adFlag": true,
            "thumbnail": {
                "fileSize": 168816,
                "url": "//beta.daumcdn.net/b2/creative/759/d7961bd0662a240f43f047d3116a25f3.jpg",
                "fileName": "fullview_1280x720.jpg",
                "imageWidth": 1280,
                "imageHeight": 720,
                "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
                "imageHash": "35156f0c1393434ced4be21423d08a6a"
            "buttonAssetGroups": [
                    "ordering": 0,
                    "title": "button1",
                    "pcLandingUrl": "http://www.daum.net",
                    "mobileLandingUrl": "https://www.kakaocorp.com",
                    "landingType": "LANDING_URL"
            "thumbnailUrl": "//beta.daumcdn.net/b2/creative/759/d7961bd0662a240f43f047d3116a25f3.jpg",
            "messageThumbnail": {
                "fileSize": 168816,
                "url": "//beta.daumcdn.net/b2/creative/759/d7961bd0662a240f43f047d3116a25f3.jpg",
                "fileName": "fullview_1280x720.jpg",
                "imageWidth": 1280,
                "imageHeight": 720,
                "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
                "imageHash": "35156f0c1393434ced4be21423d08a6a"
            "createdDate": "2021-06-25T17:04:03",
            "lastModifiedDate": "2021-06-25T17:04:06"

See more