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  • Kakao Login>
  • JavaScript

Kakao Login

JavaScript SDK

This document describes how to integrate Kakao Login APIs into your service with Kakao SDK for JavaScript ("JavaScript SDK").

You can test the features described in this document in [Tools] > [JS SDK demo] menu.

For a Kakao Login button, you can download the resources provided by Kakao or customize buttons according to your service user interface by referring to the Design Guide.

Before you begin

Understand login flow

To integrate Kakao Login into your web page with the JavaScript SDK, you need to fully understand how Kakao Login works by referring to REST API > Before you begin.

On mobile devices where Kakao Talk is installed, users can use the Kakao Simple Login function. Here is the flow of Kakao Simple Login.

Process of Kakao Login for JavaScript 1. Obtain an authorization code

If a user attempts Kakao Simple Login, Kakao.Auth.authorize() is invoked. Then, Kakao Talk is launched and the login page is prompted to the user.

Once the user approves permissions by clicking [Accept and Continue], the Kakao authorization server validates the user’s credentials and issues an authorization code to the specified redirect URI.

If Kakao Talk is not installed on a user's device, the Kakao Login page where the user can log in with a Kakao ID and password is open.

2. Obtain tokens

Implement a process to get tokens by using a REST API.

When you request to exchange the authorization code for tokens, the Kakao authorization server validates the request and issues an access token and a refresh token.

3. Handle users to complete login

When an access token is issued, you can call the Retrieving user information API by passing the issued access token. With the user data returned to this API, you can check if the user is registered in your service.

For a new user, register the user in your service's user database as a new member. For a registered user, you can create a login session for the user in your service and show a login page. To see how to handle users depending on the registration status, refer to Handling Kakao Login users.


The Kakao Login API functions to authenticate users on the Kakao platform and links their accounts with your app so that they can use your service. However, those who do not have Kakao Accounts need to create a new account in your service. In this case, you need to implement the process of creating a new account and updating the user information in your own service.


Basic information
Reference App setting
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Set Redirect URI
Manage consent items
Advanced: Activate OpenID Connect(Optional)
Set Simple Signup(for Kakao Sync)
Required Required:
Required consent item

Simple Login

Authenticate a user through Kakao Talk without inputting the Kakao Account information and get an authorization code.


For the Simple Login function, call the Kakao.Auth.authorize() function. If Kakao.Auth.authorize() is invoked, Kakao Talk is launched and the Consent screen is presented.


If a user consents to the provision of their personal information and the use of your service, the Kakao authorization server issues the authorization code to the Redirect URI of the service server with the HTTP response status code 302.


  redirectUri: '${REDIRECT_URI}',

Get tokens

Gets tokens with the obtained authorization code. After Simple Login, request to get tokens with the obtained authorization code to complete the login.


When you call 'Kakao.Auth.authorize' through JavaScript SDK, you must use your JavaScript key used to initialize the SDK. However, when you request to get tokens, use your REST API key.

Set tokens

Assigns the access token to SDK. To to call the Kakao APIs, you need to assign your access token to SDK.


Call the Kakao.Auth.setAccessToken() function with the access token passed in the login response.



Additional Feature

Additional features for Simple Login are below.

Request additional consent

You can request consent to access permission or specific personal information if the user has not agreed when the user logged in with Kakao. Call the authorize() function with the scopes you want to request consent through the scope parameter.

  redirectUri: '${REDIRECT_URI}',
  scope: 'account_email,gender',


To request Auto-login, call the authorize() function and set prompt parameter to none.

  redirectUri: '${REDIRECT_URI}',
  prompt: 'none',

If the user is not registered to the app, the following error response will be passed to the redirect_uri. In this case, the user should sign in to the service manually.

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Content-Length: 0
Location: ${REDIRECT_URI}?error=consent_required&error_description=user%20consent%20required.

Get consent to desired service terms


This API is only allowed for the service that adopted Kakao Sync.

This API enables you to request consent to specific service terms that a user has not consented to, regardless of whether the user has already signed up. Pass serviceTerms as a parameter to the authorize() function. Make sure to include all tags of the service terms needed to get consent in a single String format by separating respective tags by comma(,).

  redirectUri: '${REDIRECT_URI}',
  serviceTerms: 'tag1,tag2',


To reauthenticate the user, set prompt to login. The user will log in again with Kakao Account even though already logged in.

  redirectUri: '${REDIRECT_URI}',
  prompt: 'login',

Login hint

To fill in the ID automatically, use the loginHint parameter. The value of the loginHint parameter will be entered in the Kakao Account login page.

  redirectUri: '${REDIRECT_URI}',
  loginHint: '${HINT}'

Using login hint with auto-login

The loginHint and prompt parameters can be used together.

  redirectUri: '${REDIRECT_URI}',
  prompt: 'none',
  loginHint: '${HINT}',

Kakao Account easy login

To request Kakao Account easy login, set the prompt parameter to select_account.

  redirectUri: '${REDIRECT_URI}',
  prompt: 'select_account',


Basic information
Reference App setting
logout() Install
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Required -

Makes the issued access token and the refresh token expire.


Kakao.Auth.logout() makes the tokens expire, not make a user log out from your service or Kakao Account. Therefore, you need to implement the logout process internally in your service.


Call the Kakao.Auth.logout() function.


Kakao.Auth.logout() returns Promise. If the promise is fulfilled, the tokens issued during the login process expire, and the user is logged out. After the user is logged out, you cannot call the Kakao APIs using the access token.


  .then(function(response) {
    console.log(Kakao.Auth.getAccessToken()); // null
  .catch(function(error) {
    console.log('Not logged in.');


Basic information
Reference App setting
Kakao.API.request() Install
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Required -

Unlinks the user and the service app.


To unlink a user's Kakao Account from your app, call the Kakao.API.request() function. The available parameters are below.

Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed to /v1/user/unlink. O


Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. If the promise is fulfilled, the user's service user ID is returned.


  url: '/v1/user/unlink',
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Retrieve user information

Basic information
Reference App setting
Kakao.API.request() Install
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required Required:
All consent items to request user information

Retrieves Kakao Account information of a user who is logged into Kakao.


To retrieve the Kakao Account information of a logged-in user, call the kakao.API.request() function. The available parameters are below.

Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed to /v2/user/me. O
data Object Object that contains the parameter to be passed when requesting the API. X
data: Retrieving user information
Name Type Description Required
property_keys String[] Use this parameter to specify the scopes of user information to be requested in ["key1","key2"] format. X


Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. If the promise is fulfilled, the user information is returned. For the detailed user information in response, refer to REST API.


  url: '/v2/user/me',
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Additional feature

Retrieving specific user information

To request a specific user information, use the property_keys parameter.

  url: '/v2/user/me',
  data: {
    property_keys: ['kakao_account.email', 'kakao_account.gender'],
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Store user information

Basic information
Reference App setting
Kakao.API.request() Install
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage user properties
Required -

Stores or updates additional user information on the Kakao platform to use in a service, which is called 'User properties'.


To store or update the additional user information needed for the service, call the Kakao.API.request() function. The available parameters are below.

Pass the custom property keys and values that you want to update through properties under data. For example, if you want to update a user's clothing size, set properties to clothing_size: 'small'.

Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed to '/v1/user/update_profile'. O
data Object Object that contains the parameter to be passed when requesting the API. X
data: Storing user information
Name Type Description Required
properties Object User information that you want to update in {key:value} format.
For key, check the registered property keys in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [User Properties].


Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. If the promise is fulfilled, the service user ID requested to update information is returned.


  url: '/v1/user/update_profile',
  data: {
    properties: {
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Shipping address

Basic information
Reference App setting
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required Required:
Shipping information (shipping_address)

Select shipping address

Prompts the shipping address picker to allow users to select a shipping address and returns the selected shipping address ID.


Call Kakao.Auth.selectShippingAddress().


The function returns an addressId for the selected shipping address. Request Retrieve shipping address with the addressId to get the detailed shipping address.

Refer to Troubleshooting for the error cause.


// Select shipping address
  .then(function(selectedAddress) {
    // Retrieve shipping address
    return Kakao.API.request({
      url: '/v1/user/shipping_address',
      data: {
        address_id: selectedAddress.address_id,
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Retrieve shipping address

Retrieves shipping addresses saved in the user's Kakao Account.


Call the Kakao.API.request() function, and set url to /v1/user/shipping_address.

Specify the address ID to the address_id parameter.

Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed as '/v1/user/shipping_address'. O
data Object Object that contains the parameter to be passed when requesting the API. X
data: Retrieve shipping address
Name Type Description Required
address_id Number Shipping address ID
Used to specify an address ID to get a specific shipping address.
from_updated_at Number If multiple shipping addresses return through multiple pages, only the shipping addresses that are changed after the updated_at time return.
The last shipping address on the previous page is used for an input value for the next page.
If set to 0, shipping addresses are retrieved from the beginning.
page_size Number Number of (two or more) shipping addresses displayed on a page. (Default: 10) X


Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. If the promise is fulfilled, the user's shipping addresses are returned. For the detailed response fields, refer to REST API.

If not using Select shipping address API, the response may not include the shipping address when the user did not consent to the [Shipping information]. Refer to No shipping address in the response.

Refer to Troubleshooting for the error cause.


  url: '/v1/user/shipping_address',
  data: {
    address_id: ${ADDRESS_ID},
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Retrieve consent details

Basic information
Reference App setting
Kakao.API.request() Install
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required -

Retrieves the detailed information of the scopes (consent items) that a user has agreed to. You can check all scopes set in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent Items] and the details of the scopes. If a user has consented to the scope before, the scope is included in the response even though your app is currently not using the scope.


Call the Kakao.API.request() function.

Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed to /v2/user/scopes. O
data Object Object that contains the parameters to be passed when requesting the API. X
data: Retrieving consent details
Name Type Description Required
scopes String[] Used when you retrieve specific scopes only.
List of scope IDs you want to retrieve.
You can figure out each scope's ID in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent Items].
(Example: ["account_email","gender"])


Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. Refer to REST API for the detail.


  url: '/v2/user/scopes',
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Additional feature

Check specific scopes

You can also designate the scopes you want to check the details by specifying the scopes parameter.

  url: '/v2/user/scopes',
  data: {
    scopes: ['account_email', 'gender'],
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Revoke consent

Basic information
Reference App setting
Kakao.API.request() Install
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
- Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Required -

Revokes the scope that a user has agreed to. You can only revoke the scope with "revocable":true among the scopes retrieved through the Retrieving consent details API. If you request to revoke the scope that is not revocable, an error is returned.


Call the Kakao.API.request() function. Set the ID of the consent item to revoke in scopes parameter under data.

Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed to /v2/user/revoke/scopes. O
data Object Object that contains the parameters to be passed when requesting the API. O
data: Revoking consent
Name Type Description Required
scopes String[] List of scope IDs you want to revoke.
You can revoke only the scope with "revocable":true among the scopes retrieved through the Retrieving consent details API.
You can figure out each scope's ID in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent Items].
(Example: ["account_email","gender"])


Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. Refer to REST API for the detail.


  url: '/v2/user/revoke/scopes',
  data: {
    scopes: ['account_email', 'gender'],
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Service terms

Basic information
Reference App setting
Kakao.API.request() Install
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required: Kakao Sync Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Manage consent items
Set Simple Signup
Required -

This API is only allowed for the service that adopted Kakao Sync.

Retrieve consent details for service terms

Checks the service terms that a user has consented to.


Call the kakao.API.request() function.

Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed to /v2/user/service_terms. O
data Object Object that contains the parameter to be passed when requesting the API. X
data: Retrieving consent details for service terms
Name Type Description Required
result String List of service terms to retrieve, use one of the followings.
agreed_service_terms: List of service terms users have agreed to (default)
app_service_terms: List of service terms enabled for the app
tags String Tags of service terms to retrieve, limited in the list specified by result.
Pass multiple tags as a single comma (,) separated string.


Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. If the promise is fulfilled, the information of the service terms to which a user consented to is returned. For the detailed response fields, refer to REST API.


  url: '/v2/user/service_terms',
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Revoke consent for service terms

Revokes a service terms that a specific user has agreed to. Only service terms with a revocable value of true in the Retrieving consent details for service terms response can be revoked.


Call the kakao.API.request() function. Specify the tags of the service terms you want to revoke consent for in tags under data.

Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed to /v2/user/revoke/service_terms. O
data Object Object that contains the parameter to be passed when requesting the API. O
data: Revoke consent for service terms
Name Type Description Required
tags String Service terms tags to revoke.
Pass multiple tags as a single comma (,) separated string, refer to Example.

Note: Only service terms with a revocable value of true in the Retrieving consent details for service terms response can be revoked.


Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. If the promise is fulfilled, the information of the revoked service terms is returned. For the detailed response fields, refer to REST API.


  url: '/v2/user/revoke/service_terms',
  data: {
    tags: 'test_tag1,test_tag2'
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Additional feature

Retrieving all service terms registered in app

To retrieve all service terms registered in app, set result under data to app_service_terms.

  url: '/v2/user/service_terms',
  data: {
    result: 'app_service_terms',
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Retrieving specific service terms

To retrieve information of specific service terms, set tags under data to the IDs of the desired service terms.

  url: '/v2/user/service_terms',
  data: {
    tags: 'test_tag1,test_tag2'
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Advanced: Manual signup

Basic information
Reference App setting
Kakao.API.request() Install
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Required -


The Manual signup API is only for the app with the Auto-link option disabled. Before using this API, check out when to use this API and the cautions in REST API.

The Manual signup API manually links a user with your app to complete signup when the Auto-link is disabled. To figure out if the currently logged-in user needs to be linked with your app, check the value of has_signed_up in the response of the Retrieving user information API and handle each case:

  • true: The user is already linked with your app. You do not need to call the Manual signup API.
  • false: The user is not linked with your app. You must link the user with your app manually.
  • null: Your app is using the Auto-link feature. You do not need to call the Manual signup API.


Call the Kakao.API.request() function.

Name Type Description Required
url String Fixed to /v1/user/signup. O
data Object Object that contains the parameter to be passed when requesting the API. X
data: Manual signup
Name Type Description Required
properties Object Used when you want to store user properties when linking a user.
(Example: {key:value})
Refer to Manage user properties and Store user information.


Kakao.API.request() returns Promise. If the promise is fulfilled, the user's service user ID is returned. To check the request result in detail, call the Retrieving user information API again and see the value of has_signed_up and properties.status in the response.


  url: '/v1/user/signup',
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {

Additional feature

Update additional information

If you want to store the user's information when the user is linked to your app, pass properties in data.

  url: '/v1/user/signup',
  data: {
    properties: {
  .then(function(response) {
  .catch(function(error) {