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  • Kakao Moment>
  • Message management

Kakao Moment

Message management

This document describes how to use the Message management API.

View list of Kakao TV channels

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/kakaotv/channels Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve a list of Kakao TV channels that include videos to be used for a Message creative.

Send a GET request with the issued access token in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the list of the Kakao TV channels in JSON format. A list of Kakao TV channels shows 100 Kakao TV channels per page through pagination. You can request to retrieve the next page by using the page parameter. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
Query parameter
Name Type Description Required
page Integer Page number to be retrieved. X


Name Type Description
list KakaoTvChannelInfo[] List of Kakao TV channel information.
totalCount Integer Total number of the retrieved Kakao TV channels.
hasMore Boolean Whether or not there is the next page.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/kakaotv/channels" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "list": [
            "id": 1234,
            "name": "test_kakaotv_channel_1",
            "description": "This is Kakao TV Channel1 for test",
            "totalClipCount": 56,
            "openClipCount": 0,
            "subscriberCount": 0,
            "visitCount": 789,
            "isOpen": true,
            "createTime": "2018-07-10 14:51:20",
            "updateTime": "2018-07-10 14:51:20",
            "clipCount": 56,
            "linkUrl": "https://xxx.kakao.com/channel/4321"
            "id": 1235,
            "name": "test_kakaotv_channel_2",
            "description": "This is Kakao TV Channel2 for test.",
            "totalClipCount": 1,
            "openClipCount": 0,
            "subscriberCount": 0,
            "visitCount": 1,
            "isOpen": true,
            "createTime": "2019-07-31 14:55:36",
            "updateTime": "2019-07-31 14:57:25",
            "clipCount": 0,
            "linkUrl": "https://xxx.kakao.com/channel/5678"
            "id": 1236,
            "name": "test_kakaotv_channel_3",
            "description": "This is Kakao TV Channel3 for test.",
            "totalClipCount": 0,
            "openClipCount": 0,
            "subscriberCount": 0,
            "visitCount": 0,
            "isOpen": true,
            "createTime": "2019-07-30 15:14:11",
            "updateTime": "2019-07-30 15:14:22",
            "clipCount": 0,
            "linkUrl": "https://xxx.kakao.com/channel/9101"
    "totalCount": 3,
    "hasMore": false

View details of Kakao TV channel

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/kakaotv/channels/${ID} Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve the details of the Kakao TV channel that includes videos to be used for a Message creative.

Send a GET request with the issued access token in the request header. You must also pass the Kakao TV channel's ID to be retrieved and as a path parameter. If the request is successful, this API returns the details of the requested Kakao TV channel in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
Path variable
Name Type Description Required
ID Long ID of the Kakao TV channel to be retrieved. O


Name Type Description
id Long Kakao TV channel's ID.
name String Kakao TV channel's name.
description String Kakao TV channel's description.
totalClipCount Integer Number of video clips uploaded in the Kakao TV channel.
openClipCount Integer Number of public video clips in a playlist.
subscriberCount Integer Number of subscribers.
visitCount Integer Number of views of Kakao TV channel videos.
isOpen Boolean Whether Kakao TV channel is public or private.
createTime DateTime Creation time of the Kakao TV channel.
updateTime DateTime Update time of the Kakao TV channel.
clipCount Integer Number of video clips in a playlist.
linkUrl String URL of the Kakao TV channel page.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/kakaotv/channels/${ID}" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "id": 1234,
    "name": "Test Kakao TV Channel1",
    "description": "This is Kakao TV Channel1 for test",
    "totalClipCount": 72,
    "openClipCount": 0,
    "subscriberCount": 0,
    "visitCount": 253,
    "isOpen": true,
    "createTime": "2018-07-10 14:51:20",
    "updateTime": "2018-07-10 14:51:20",
    "clipCount": 0,
    "linkUrl": "https://sandbox-tv.kakao.com/channel/1234"

View list of Kakao TV channel videos

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/kakaotv/channels/${ID}/clipLinks Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve a list of videos that you can use for a Message creative.

Send a GET request with the issued access token in the request header. You must also pass the ID of the Kakao Talk Channel to be retrieved as a path parameter. If the request is successful, this API returns the list of the videos uploaded in the Kakao Talk Channel in JSON format. A list of Kakao TV channels shows 100 Kakao TV channels per page through pagination. You can request to retrieve the next page by using the page parameter. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
Path variable
Name Type Description Required
ID Long ID of the Kakao Talk Channel to be retrieved. O
Query parameter
Name Type Description Required
page Integer Page number to be retrieved. X


Name Type Description
list ClipLink[] List of the videos uploaded in the Kakao TV channel.
hasMore Boolean Whether or not there are more videos to be retrieved.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/kakaotv/channels/${ID}/clipLinks" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "list": [
            "id": 123456789,
            "displayTitle": "Test video",
            "playCount": 0,
            "likeCount": 0,
            "commentCount": 0,
            "createTime": "2021-04-26 10:06:00",
            "updateTime": "2021-04-26 10:06:00",
            "clip": {
                "id": 987654321,
                "duration": 12.0,
                "thumbnailUrl": "http://thumb.kakaocdn.net/dna/kamp-sbox/source/svuqmrnel2enbwawyut1kxzxz/thumbs/thumb.jpg?credential=TuMuFGKUIcirOSjFzOpncbomGFEIdZWK&expires=33176307958&signature=fC1y0hw4zDwDIfn5k57W9KC4kHc%3D",
                "isOpen": true
            "linkUrl": "https://sandbox-tv.kakao.com/v/301641270"
            "id": 301489988,
            "displayTitle": "Coffee - 46989",
            "playCount": 0,
            "likeCount": 0,
            "commentCount": 0,
            "createTime": "2020-10-27 09:43:14",
            "updateTime": "2020-10-27 09:43:14",
            "clip": {
                "id": 301447437,
                "duration": 34.0,
                "thumbnailUrl": "//xxx.net/dna/kamp-sbox/source/svov7qvzygs1yymyiyiqv9nl8/thumbs/thumb.jpg?credential=TuMuFGKUIcirOSjFzOpncbomGFEIdZWK&expires=33160668192&signature=VPPZPQKImUfdJE4ORyM1EWGSNKM%3D",
                "isOpen": false
            "linkUrl": "//xxx.kakao.com/v/301489988"
    "hasMore": false

View details of Kakao TV channel video

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/kakaotv/channels/${CHANNEL_ID}/clipLinks/${CLIP_LINK_ID} Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve the details of the videos uploaded in a Kakao TV channel, which you can use for a Message creative.

Send a GET request with the issued access token in the request header. You must also pass the Kakao TV channel's ID and Clip Link ID to be retrieved as a path parameter. If the request is successful, this API returns the details of the video in the Kakao TV channel in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
Path variable
Name Type Description Required
CHANNEL_ID Long ID of the Kakao Talk Channel to be retrieved. O
CLIP_LINK_ID Long ID of the Clip Link to be retrieved. O


Name Type Description
id Long Clip Link ID.
displayTitle String Clip Link Title.
playCount Integer Number of video plays.
likeCount Integer Number of likes.
commentCount Integer Number of comments.
createTime DateTime Creation time.
updateTime DateTime Update time.
clip Clip Detailed information of the Clip Link.
linkUrl String URL of the Clip Link.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/kakaotv/channels/${CHANNEL_ID}/clipLinks/${CLIP_LINK_ID}" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "id": 123456789,
    "displayTitle": "This is a test video.",
    "playCount": 9,
    "likeCount": 0,
    "commentCount": 0,
    "createTime": "2021-02-24 16:09:24",
    "updateTime": "2021-02-24 16:09:24",
    "clip": {
        "id": 987654321,
        "duration": 15.0,
        "thumbnailUrl": "http://thumb.kakaocdn.net/dn/live_static/default/thumbnail.png",
        "isOpen": false
    "linkUrl": "https://sandbox-tv.kakao.com/v/123456789"

View list of coupons

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/coupons Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve a list of coupons that you can set as a button for a Message creative.

Send a GET request with the issued access token in the request header. You must also pass the profile ID of the Kakao Talk Channel through the profileId parameter to retrieve coupons that can be used for a message button. If the request is successful, this API returns the list of the coupons in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
Query parameter
Name Type Description Required
profileId Long Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID. O


Name Type Description
- ChannelCoupon[] List of coupon information.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/coupons?profileId=${PROFILE_ID}" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
        "id": 12345,
        "title": "First test coupon",
        "content": "This is the first test coupon.",
        "statusCode": "done",
        "permalink": "http://xxx.kakao.com/_xxx/coupons/_xxx",
        "entryImage": {
            "type": "image",
            "url": "http://xxx.kakao.com/img_xl.jpg",
            "thumbnail": null,
            "previewImage": null,
            "playUrl": null,
            "name": null
        "createdAt": "2021-01-11T15:43:12"
        "id": 12346,
        "title": "Second test coupon",
        "content": "This is the second test coupon.",
        "statusCode": "done",
        "permalink": "http://xxx.kakao.com/_xxx/coupons/_xxx",
        "entryImage": {
            "type": "image",
            "url": "http://xxx.kakao.com/img_xl.jpg",
            "thumbnail": null,
            "previewImage": null,
            "playUrl": null,
            "name": null
        "createdAt": "2021-01-11T15:43:12"

View details of coupon

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/coupons/${ID} Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve the details of the coupon that you can set as a button for a Message creative.

Send a GET request with the issued access token in the request header. To retrieve a specific Kakao Talk Channel's coupon, you must pass the profile ID of the Kakao Talk Channel through the profileId parameter. If the request is successful, this API returns the details of the coupon in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
Path variable
Name Type Description Required
ID Long Coupon ID. O
Query parameter
Name Type Description Required
profileId Long Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID. O


Name Type Description
id Long Coupon ID.
title String Coupon Title.
content String Coupon content.
statusCode String Coupon status.
permalink String Coupon link.
entryImage EntryImage Detailed information about the image on the Coupon.
createdAt String Creation time of the Coupon.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/coupons/${ID}?profileId=${PROFILE_ID}" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "id": 12345,
    "title": "Test coupon",
    "content": "Test",
    "statusCode": "done",
    "permalink": "http://xxx.kakao.com/xxx/coupons/xxx",
    "entryImage": null,
    "createdAt": "2021-02-26T16:12:31"

View list of Ad Views

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/adViews Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve a list of Ad Views you can set as a button for a Message creative.

Send a GET request with the issued access token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns a list of AD Views in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.


Name Type Description
- AdView[] List of Ad Views.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/adViews" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
        "id": 1234,
        "name": "Ad View1",
        "type": "COMPACT",
        "templateType": "IMAGE"
        "id": 5678,
        "name": "Ad View2",
        "type": "COMPACT",
        "templateType": "IMAGE"

View list of posts

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/posts/${PROFILE_ID} Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve a list of posts uploaded in Kakao Talk Channel, which you can set as a button for a Message creative.

Send a GET request with the issued access token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. You must also pass the profile ID of the Kakao Talk Channel to be retrieved as a path parameter. If the request is successful, this API returns the list of the requested Kakao Talk Channel's posts in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.
Path variable
Name Type Description Required
PROFILE_ID String Kakao Talk Channel's profile ID. O


Name Type Description
- ChannelPost[] List of posts uploaded in the requested Kakao Talk Channel.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/posts/${PROFILE_ID}" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
        "id": 1234,
        "title": "Post",
        "status": "published",
        "permalink": "http://kakao.com/_xxxx/1",
        "createdDate": "2021-01-01T00:00:00",
        "publishedDate": "2021-01-01T00:00:00"
        "id": 1235,
        "title": "Post 2",
        "status": "published",
        "permalink": "http://kakao.com/_xxxx/2",
        "createdDate": "2021-01-02T00:00:00",
        "publishedDate": "2021-01-02T00:00:00"

View list of Business Forms

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/bizForms Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve a list of Business Forms that you can set as a button for a Message creative.

Send a GET request with the issued access token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. If the request is successful, this API returns the list of the Business Forms in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.


Name Type Description
- BusinessForm[] List of Business Forms.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/bizForms" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
        "id": 1,
        "adAccountId": 1234,
        "bizFormId": 10,
        "title": "Business Form",
        "flowType": "APPLY",
        "linkedDate": "2021-06-15T23:59:59",
        "beginDate": "2021-06-15T23:59:59",
        "endDate": "2021-06-15T23:59:59"
        "id": 2,
        "adAccountId": 1235,
        "bizFormId": 11,
        "title": "Business Form2",
        "flowType": "BANANA",
        "linkedDate": "2021-06-16T23:59:59",
        "beginDate": "2021-06-16T23:59:59",
        "endDate": "2021-06-16T23:59:59"

View details of Business Form

Basic information
Method URL Authorization
GET https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/bizForms/${BIZ_FORM_ID} Access token
Permission Prerequisite Kakao Login User consent
Required Register platforms
Activate Kakao Login
Switch to a Biz app
Required -

This API enables you to retrieve a specific Business Form that you can set as a button for a Message creative.

Send a GET request with the issued access token and an ad account ID (adAccountId) in the request header. You must also pass the Business Form's ID to be retrieved as a path parameter. If the request is successful, this API returns the details of the requested Business Form in JSON format. If failed, refer to Error code to figure out its failure cause.


Name Description Required
Authorization Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}
Access token as a type of user authentication.
adAccountId adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}
Ad account's ID.
Path variable
Name Type Description Required
BIZ_FORM_ID Long Business Form's ID. O


Name Type Description
id Long Business Form's ID linked to Moment.
This ID is required when you create a Message creative.
adAccountId Long Ad account's ID.
bizFormId Long Business Form's ID.
title String Business Form's title.
flowType String Business Form type

One of:
APPLY (바로응모형)
SURVEY (설문조사형)
RESERV (신청예약형)
linkedDate String Date and time when the Business Form is linked to Moment.
In yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format.
beginDate String Date and time when the Business Form starts.
In yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format.
endDate String Date and time when the Business Form ends.
In yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format.


curl -X GET "https://apis.moment.kakao.com/openapi/v4/messages/bizForms/${ID}" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "adAccountId: ${AD_ACCOUNT_ID}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
        "id": 1,
        "adAccountId": 1234,
        "bizFormId": 10,
        "title": "Business Form",
        "flowType": "APPLY",
        "linkedDate": "2021-06-15T23:59:59",
        "beginDate": "2021-06-15T23:59:59",
        "endDate": "2021-06-15T23:59:59"

See more