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  • Troubleshooting

Kakao Talk Social


This document covers the errors that may occur when implementing or calling the Kakao Talk Social APIs and their solutions. If you cannot find the error you encounter, see Response code.


If the number of friends passed in response is less than the number of selected friends

The total count of friends a user selected (selectedTotalCount) on the multi-picker may differ from the number of friends passed in the response (SelectedUser).

  • Example case: a user A selects the user's friend B on the Friend picker. → Before the request to retrieve friends on the Friend picker is completed, B unlinks from the app. → A selects [Ok] on the Friend picker to request the friend data.
  • Result: B who selected on the Friend picker is counted as selectedTotalCount but not included in the response to the request of the friend information.
  • For this case, you must notify users that the retrieved friend data is less than the number of friends they selected, considering users' better experience.


code Description Solution
-3 The 'Friends List in Kakao Service' is disabled.

Message: [{YOUR_APP_NAME}}] App disabled [friends] scopes for [FRIENDS] API on developers.kakao.com. Enable it first.
In [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent Items], click [Set], and then set this scope to 'Consent during use'.
-5 There is no registered team member to test with. To retrieve Kakao Talk friends, you must test with team members registered in your app first.

Message: There are no team members except the caller for App(id={YOUR_APP_ID}). In order to call unreviewed api, invite testers as a team member, first.
Invite the person as a team member in [My Application] > [Team Management].
See Manage team members.
-402 The user has not consented to the 'Friends List in Kakao Service' scope. Only those who consent to this scope are retrieved in the Friends list.

Message: insufficient scopes
Request additional consent by passing scope=friends, so that user's Kakao Talk friends can consent to the 'Friends List in Kakao Service' scope.


Here are the errors you may encounter when you call the Friend picker using the JavaScript SDK.

Error Description Solution
-204 There is no retrieved friends. After adding Kakao Talk friends, retry.
-400 Wrong parameter is used. Check the correct parameters and retry.
-402 User does not consent to the 'Friends List in Kakao Service(Including profile image, nickname, and favorites)' scope. Check the required_scopes in the response body, and request additional consent to the scope.
-403 Request is made on an unsupported web browser. Check the supported web browser, and retry on one of the supported web browser.

Sample response: 402 error

  "msg": "insufficient scopes.",
  "code": -402,
  "api_type": "FRIENDS",
  "required_scopes": [
    "friends" // Ask request consent to this scope. 
  "allowed_scopes": [


Here are the errors you may encounter when you call the Friend picker using the Android SDK.

Error Description Solution
BadParameter The value of minPickableCount is less than 1. Set the value of minPickableCount to the number greater than 1.
BadParameter The value of maxPickableCount value is greater than the 100. Set the value of maxPickableCount to 100 or less.
BadParameter The value of minPickableCount value is greater than the maxPickableCount value. Set the value of minPickableCount to the number that is equal to or less than maxPickableCount.
Cancelled User selects [Cancle] on the Friend picker. -


For the errors you encounter when you call the Friend picker using the iOS SDK, see Error related to picker in Android SDK. The error types and solutions are same in Android and iOS SDKs.


For the errors you encounter when you call the Friend picker using the Flutter SDK, see Error related to picker in JavaScript SDK. The error types and solutions are same in JavaScript and Flutter SDKs.

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