This document explains the terms mentioned in the Kakao Developers documentation.
Term |
Description |
Access token |
One of the tokens used for authorization through the OAuth 2.0 protocol. The access token delegates authority to access resources or make an API call on behalf of a user. You do not have to go through the authorization process after the initial authorization until the access token expires. To see the expiration time, refer to Token information. |
Admin key |
One of the app keys used for authorization for an app's administrator. You need to use an Admin key to use the functions that handle important information or may cause serious problems in your app, such as the Retrieving user list API. Keep the Admin key confidential in storage. |
App key |
Used to identify app's permission to use the Kakao APIs. When you register an app, Kakao issues four types of app keys. Refer to App keys for more details. |
App ID |
Refers to an identifier used to identify applications. App ID is assigned for each app when you register an app. To check your app IDs, click [My Application] and see the All applications list. You can also check 'App ID' under Basic Information in [My Application] > [App Keys]. Leaving your app ID when you ask questions in DevTalk helps you to get quick answers. |
App user ID |
See Service user ID. |
Abbreviation of 'Application Programming Interface'. Clients can use the services provided by Kakao by calling the Kakao APIs through an HTTP protocol. |
App |
Short for 'Application'. An app is a project unit that manages the service information registered on the Kakao API platform, Kakao Developers. This does not refer to a typical 'mobile app'. To use Kakao APIs, you must register your service information as an app and obtain permission if required. Each app has an ID and app keys for Kakao API usage authorization. |
Application |
Abbreviated as 'App'. See 'App'. |
Authentication |
Refers to a process to verify a user's credential. It focuses on who the person is for identification. |
Authorization |
Refers to a function to grant access or usage permission to the verified users or apps. Only the authorized users or apps can use the Kakao APIs. |
Authorization code |
Refers to a temporary code consisting of numbers and alphabets used to check a user's credential based on OAuth 2.0 authorization system. This code is issued from the Kakao server when a user consents to log in on the Consent screen and used to exchange for an access token. Only after an authorization code is issued, you can obtain the tokens. |
Auto-login |
Enables users to log in automatically from Kakao Talk in-app browser, and shows a different page depending on the user's login status. |
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Business Channel |
Refers to a Kakao Talk Channel with the business registration number is registered. You can create a new Kakao Talk Channel and switch your Kakao Talk Channel to a Business Channel in Kakao Talk Channel Admin Center. Only after switching to a Business Channel, the option to add a Kakao Talk Channel is displayed in the Simple Signup Consent screen. |
Biz app |
Refers to an app with the business registration number is registered. Only Biz apps can use Kakao Sync and specific APIs – the Retrieve a list of Kakao Talk friends API and the Kakao Talk Messaging API. When you switch your app to a Biz app, you can set some consent items to 'Required consent' without any review process or use exclusive features. Refer to Biz app for more details. |
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CI (Connecting Information) |
Refers to an encoded identifier to identify users. CI is only used to check if the same user has already been registered in a service app. |
Consent item |
Refers to user information (scope) that requires consent to provide personal information to a third-party service. Users can consent to each consent item in the Consent screen presented when a user attempts to log in. |
curl |
curl is a free, open-source command-line tool that uses URLs to transfer data. After you install curl, you can communicate with servers and transfer data over various protocols. If an API supports REST, you can easily execute REST API requests with curl commands. |
Custom URL Scheme |
Refers to a specially formatted URI scheme that allows a specific app or web page. To use Kakao services, you need to set the Custom URL Scheme in kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY} format. To implement Kakao login, use kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}://oauth that allows accessing a redirect URI to receive an authorization code. To launch an external web page or app from a Kakao Talk message, use kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}://kakaolink . For how to set up a URI scheme, refer to Android and iOS. |
Custom parameter |
Refers to a parameter added to a Custom URL Scheme in a key-value format to transmit information required for as a service's needs. You can use a custom parameter to direct a user to a specific post in an app or to set an initial value. For example, if you pass a key and value as a parameter in androidExecutionParams = mapOf("key1" to "value1") format, the Custom URL Scheme in kakao${YOUR_NATIVE_APP_KEY}://kakaolink?$key1=value1 format is called. |
Customer file |
Refers to a file that includes customer information so that you can group the receiving users to whom a Kakao Talk message is sent to. You can upload this file in the Kakao Talk Channel Admin Center or request an API to register or manage customers. |
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Developer account |
A developer account is the Kakao Account registered on Kakao Developers as Kakao API user through sign-up. You can easily create a developer account by logging in with a Kakao Account, entering a developer name, and agreeing to the Terms of Service. |
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Editor |
One of the roles designated in an app by registering as team member on the Kakao Developers. Developers with the Editor account can view or modify the app information. |
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Friend |
Refers to the user added on Kakao Talk. In the case of Kakao Talk Channel, a user who has added the Kakao Talk Channel is referred to as a 'Friend'. |
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Group of friends |
Used to group customers (Kakao Talk Channel friends) and to send customized messages to the targeted groups. You can create a group of friends based on the users' additional information registered in the customer file, such as the region, gender, age, membership grade. You can also input users' phone numbers in person to create a group. |
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Header parameter |
Refers to parameters related to authorization included in the request header. |
Hybrid app |
Refers to a blended type of an app written in web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but run on a mobile device. A hybrid app, a native platform app – Android or iOS – and mobile web are combined, loads the contents developed based on the mobile web through a native app. A hybrid app has the advantages of both web and app and helps you develop an app faster. |
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Abbreviation of 'JavaScript Object Notation'. Readable data format consisting of key-value pairs ("key": "value") to present data to be transferred or stored through API request and response. Most responses of Kakao APIs called through the JavaScript SDK and the REST API are returned in JSON format. |
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Kakao API |
Open APIs or platform services provided by Kakao. Kakao APIs let you access a variety of features and data from services. See Products for the supported APIs. For the supported platform, see Scope of support. |
Kakao Talk Channel Admin Center |
Refers to the administrator center where you can create a Kakao Talk Channel and switch your Kakao Talk Channel to a Business Channel. You can send a targeted message to the predefined group of friends. |
Kakao Developers |
Official name of the Kakao Developers website. It provides introduction to Kakao platform services, documentation, and various tools to help you to develop or test your app. You can manage or test apps, or download resources and SDKs. You can also leave feedback or questions in [Forum]. |
Kakao for Business |
Refers to the Business platform where you can apply for business-related services and manage business information with a Kakao Account. You can also apply for Kakao Sync in this website. |
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Link |
Refers to a state or relationship indicating a user is connected to a service app. When a user logs in to a service with the Kakao Account, the user is linked with the service. Ensure that you must implement a process to complete a sign-up in your service because the link is not the same as a sign-up. |
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OAuth 2.0 |
Refers to the authorization framework used on the Kakao platform. OAuth validates the user’s credentials and delegates authority to access resources through an access token. OAuth 2.0 allows users to log in to a service with their Kakao Accounts. |
Open API |
Refers to the APIs provided to anyone who registers an app on the Kakao platform. You can use the open APIs for free under the quota. |
Owner |
Refers to the account that owns an app registered on Kakao Developers. The Owner account has all authorities for the app. Usually, the one who creates an app is the owner, but sometimes one of the team members can be the owner. |
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Partner |
Refers to a service in a partnership using the Kakao platform. To increase the maximum quota amount for your app or a specific API, or to use a specific service such as Kakao Sync, a partnership arrangement is required. Refer to [Concepts] of each service documentation. |
Permalink |
Refers to a bridge URL that redirects users to a specified URL. This is used for a service that applies Kakao Sync. Permalink launches the Kakao Talk app and opens your service page through in-app view when they scan a QR code through Kakao Talk or other apps. Users do not need to log in with their Kakao Account because the Kakao Talk Account information stored on their devices where Kakao Talk is installed is used. To request Kakao Sync Permalink, visit DevTalk. |
Permission |
Refers to authority to access to user information to use specific functions or APIs. Before using the API, check [Prerequisite] of the service first and request the required permission. |
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Query string parameter |
Used to pass additional information to a server when you call an API in parameter=value format after a question mark(?). When you pass multiple parameters, separate them with an ampersand(&). For example, in${REST_API_KEY} , response_type=code&client_id=${REST_API_KEY} is a query string parameter specifying response_type as the parameter name and code as the parameter value. |
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Abbreviation of 'Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface'. It refers to archtecture that defines how to handle resources — create(POST), retrieve(GET), modify(PUT), or delete(DELETE). REST API indicates the APIs implemented based on REST. |
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Schema |
Usually refers to a blueprint that defines how to construct data in the database management system, such as structure or expression. For the APIs related to the Kakao Talk Channel customer management function, schema indicates the predefined the rules about the input format available in the customer file, such as data name and data type. You can register only the predefined data name and type that compiles the schema in the customer file. Refer to a notice in Kakao Talk Channel Admin Center for the schema. |
Abbreviation of 'Software Development Kit'. It refers to a package that contains the tools required to develop the Kakao services. The Kakao SDK also provides a sample app so that developers can easily develop an app or web using the Kakao platform service. The Kakao SDK supports Android, iOS, and JavaScript, and you can download the Kakao SDK in the SDK Download menu. |
Service |
Refers to a product that a third-party owns or operates, usually a form of a website, app, or else. |
Service terms (Terms of Service) |
Any kind of terms required for the operation of a service, which are registered and managed directly by the service. Types of Service Terms include Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, 14+ Age Agreement, and Electronic Financial Transaction Terms. |
Service user ID |
Refers to a unique identifier used to identify users in a service. The Service user ID is issued per app when a user selects [Accept and Continue] in the Consent screen. Thus, even the same user can have different Service user IDs in other apps. To figure out a user's Service user ID, call the Retrieving user information API and check id . |
Simple login |
Enable users to simply log in through Kakao Talk without inputting Kakao Account information, which is provided by the Kakao SDK for JavaScript. |
Simple Signup Consent screen |
Refers to the screen presented when a user attempts to log in for the first time in an app that applies Kakao Sync. Unlike the general Kakao Login Consent screen, the Simple Signup screen includes the Terms of Use and an option to add a Kakao Talk Channel. |
Term |
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Token |
Issued when a user logs in and used to verify user's identification, allowing the user to keep using Kakao APIs without additional verification. Token has two types – access token and a refresh token. |
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Universal Link |
Refers to standard web link that points both to a web page or the content in an app, depending on whether the app is installed or not. If an app is installed on a user's device, the user is redirected to the app when clicking the Universal Link. If not installed, Safari is open to show the content. Universal links are only supported in iOS 9 or higher. |
User |
Refers to end-users who use the Kakao services implemented in the third-party service. |
User argument |
Used for variable information in a Kakao Talk message. Add a user argument when you configure a custom message template in [Tools] > [Message Template] on Kakao Developers, and then pass the value of the user argument when requesting to send a message through the Messaging API. |
Abbreviation of 'Universally Unique Identifier'. It refers to a unique identifier issued for each friend by app. To send a Kakao Talk message, you need to know the UUIDs of receiving users. Thus, call the Retrieve list of friends first before sending a Kakao Talk message. |