
data class FeedTemplate @JvmOverloads constructor(content: Content, itemContent: ItemContent?, social: Social?, buttons: List<Button>?, buttonTitle: String?) : DefaultTemplate, Parcelable

피드 메시지용 기본 템플릿
Default template for feed messages


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fun FeedTemplate(content: Content, itemContent: ItemContent? = null, social: Social? = null, buttons: List<Button>? = null, buttonTitle: String? = null)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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val buttons: List<Button>? = null

메시지 하단 버튼
Button at the bottom of the message

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val buttonTitle: String? = null

버튼 문구
Label for the button

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val content: Content

메시지 콘텐츠
Contents for the message

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val itemContent: ItemContent? = null

아이템 콘텐츠
Item contents

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val objectType: String

메시지 템플릿 타입, "feed"로 고정
Type of the message template, fixed as "feed"

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val social: Social? = null

소셜 정보
Social information