Package-level declarations

피커 API 모델 패키지
Package for the picker APIs model class


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data class CustomSection(val title: String, val uuids: List<String>) : Parcelable

피커에 포함되는 사용자 정의 영역
Custom section included in the picker

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class DisableSelectOption @JvmOverloads constructor(    var reason: DisableSelectReason,     val message: String? = null,     var uuids: List<String>? = null) : Parcelable

선택 불가 설정
Options to disable selecting

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선택 불가 사유
Reason to disable selecting

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class OpenPickerFriendRequestParams @JvmOverloads constructor(    val title: String? = null,     val viewAppearance: ViewAppearance? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_PICKER_VIEW_APPEARANCE,     val orientation: PickerOrientation? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_PICKER_ORIENTATION,     val enableSearch: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_ENABLE_SEARCH,     val enableIndex: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_ENABLE_INDEX,     val showMyProfile: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_SHOW_MY_PROFILE,     val showFavorite: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_SHOW_FAVORITE,     val showPickedFriend: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_SHOW_PICKED_FRIENDS,     val maxPickableCount: Int? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_MAX_PICKABLE_COUNT,     val minPickableCount: Int? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_MIN_PICKABLE_COUNT) : Parcelable

피커 설정
Options for the picker

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채팅방 목록 필터링 설정
Filtering options for the chat list

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채팅방 타입
Chat type

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채팅방 피커 종류
Selection types for the chat picker

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친구 목록 필터링 설정
Filtering options for the friend list

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피커 화면 방향
Orientation of the picker

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친구의 카카오톡 가입 기기 OS 필터링 설정
Filtering options for the OS of the friend's device used to sign up for Kakao Talk

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data class SelectedChat(    val id: Long,     val memberCount: Int? = 0,     val titleSource: String?,     val imageUrl: String?,     val roomType: PickerChatRoomType?) : Parcelable

선택한 채팅방 정보
Selected chat information

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data class SelectedUser(    val id: Long?,     val uuid: String,     val maskingProfileNickname: String?,     val profileNickname: String?,     val profileThumbnailImage: String?,     val favorite: Boolean?) : Parcelable

선택한 사용자 정보
Selected user information

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data class SelectedUsers(val totalCount: Int, val users: List<SelectedUser>?) : Parcelable

선택한 사용자 정보 목록
A list of the selected user information

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피커 화면 모드
Display type