
data class SelectedChat(    val id: Long,     val memberCount: Int? = 0,     val titleSource: String?,     val imageUrl: String?,     val roomType: PickerChatRoomType?) : Parcelable

선택한 채팅방 정보
Selected chat information


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constructor(id: Long, memberCount: Int? = 0, titleSource: String?, imageUrl: String?, roomType: PickerChatRoomType?)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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val id: Long

채팅방 ID
Chat ID

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채팅방 이미지 URL
Image URL for the chat

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val memberCount: Int? = 0

채팅방 멤버 수
Number of chat members

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채팅방 타입
Chat type

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채팅방 이름 타입(user: 사용자 설정 | chat: 채팅방 생성 시 설정 | default: 별도 설정 없음)
Type of the chat title (user: user set | chat: set upon creation | default: no setting)