Package-level declarations
카카오 로그인 API 모델 클래스
Model class of the Kakao Login APIs
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data class AccessTokenInfo(val id: Long?, val expiresIn: Long, val appId: Int, val expiresInMillis: Long?) : Parcelable
액세스 토큰 정보
Access token information
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data class Account(val profileNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val profileNicknameNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val profileImageNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val profile: Profile?, val nameNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val name: String?, val emailNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val isEmailValid: Boolean?, val isEmailVerified: Boolean?, val email: String?, val ageRangeNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val ageRange: AgeRange?, val birthyearNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val birthyear: String?, val birthdayNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val birthday: String?, val birthdayType: BirthdayType?, val genderNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val gender: Gender?, val legalNameNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val legalName: String?, val legalBirthDateNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val legalBirthDate: String?, val legalGenderNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val legalGender: Gender?, val phoneNumberNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val phoneNumber: String?, val isKoreanNeedsAgreement: Boolean?, val isKorean: Boolean?) : Parcelable
카카오계정 정보
Kakao Account information
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생일 타입
Birthday type
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동의 철회된 서비스 약관 정보
Revoked service terms information
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data class ServiceTerms(val tag: String, val required: Boolean, val agreed: Boolean, val revocable: Boolean, val agreedAt: Date?, val referer: ServiceTerms.Referer?)
서비스 약관 정보
Service terms information
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data class ShippingAddress(val id: Long, val name: String?, val isDefault: Boolean, val updatedAt: Date?, val type: ShippingAddressType?, val baseAddress: String?, val detailAddress: String?, val receiverName: String?, val receiverPhoneNumber1: String?, val receiverPhoneNumber2: String?, val zoneNumber: String?, val zipCode: String?)
배송지 정보
Shipping address information
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배송지 타입
Shipping address type
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data class UserRevokedServiceTerms(val id: Long, val revokedServiceTerms: List<RevokedServiceTerms>?)
서비스 약관 동의 철회하기 응답
Response for Revoke consent for service terms
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서비스 약관 동의 내역 확인하기 응답
Response for Retrieve consent details for service terms
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data class UserShippingAddresses(val userId: Long?, val needsAgreement: Boolean?, val shippingAddresses: List<ShippingAddress>?)
배송지 가져오기 응답
Response for Retrieve shipping address