
data class User(id: Long?, properties: Map<String, String>?, kakaoAccount: Account?, groupUserToken: String?, connectedAt: Date?, synchedAt: Date?, hasSignedUp: Boolean?) : Parcelable

사용자 정보 가져오기 응답
Response for Retrieve user information


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fun User(id: Long?, properties: Map<String, String>?, kakaoAccount: Account?, groupUserToken: String?, connectedAt: Date?, synchedAt: Date?, hasSignedUp: Boolean?)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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val connectedAt: Date?

서비스에 연결 완료된 시각, UTC
Time connected to the service, UTC

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val groupUserToken: String?

그룹에서 맵핑 정보로 사용할 수 있는 값
Token to map user in the group apps

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val hasSignedUp: Boolean?

연결하기 호출의 완료 여부
Whether the user is completely linked with the app

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val id: Long?

Service user ID

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val kakaoAccount: Account?

카카오계정 정보
Kakao Account information

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val properties: Map<String, String>?

사용자 프로퍼티
User properties

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val synchedAt: Date?

카카오싱크 간편가입을 통해 로그인한 시각, UTC
The time when the user is logged in through Kakao Sync Simple Signup, UTC