
data class OAuthToken(accessToken: String, accessTokenExpiresAt: Date, refreshToken: String, refreshTokenExpiresAt: Date, idToken: String?, scopes: List<String>?) : Parcelable

카카오 로그인으로 발급받은 토큰
Tokens issued with Kakao Login


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fun OAuthToken(accessToken: String, accessTokenExpiresAt: Date, refreshToken: String, refreshTokenExpiresAt: Date, idToken: String? = null, scopes: List<String>? = null)


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object Companion


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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val accessToken: String

액세스 토큰
Access token

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val accessTokenExpiresAt: Date

액세스 토큰 만료시각
Expiration time of the access token

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val idToken: String? = null

ID 토큰
ID token

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val refreshToken: String

리프레시 토큰
Refresh token

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val refreshTokenExpiresAt: Date

리프레시 토큰 만료시각
Expiration time of the refresh token

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val scopes: List<String>? = null

인가된 동의항목
Authorized scopes