
class UserApiClient(userApi: UserApi, userApiNoLog: UserApi, tokenManagerProvider: TokenManagerProvider)

카카오 로그인 API 클라이언트
Client for the Kakao Login APIs


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fun UserApiClient(userApi: UserApi = ApiFactory.kapiWithOAuth.create(, userApiNoLog: UserApi = ApiFactory.kapiWithOAuthNoLog.create(, tokenManagerProvider: TokenManagerProvider = TokenManagerProvider.instance)


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object Companion


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fun accessTokenInfo(callback: (tokenInfo: AccessTokenInfo?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

액세스 토큰 정보
Access token information

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fun isKakaoTalkLoginAvailable(context: Context): Boolean

카카오톡으로 로그인 가능 여부 확인
Checks whether the Login with Kakao Talk API is available

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fun loginWithKakaoAccount(context: Context, prompts: List<Prompt>? = null, loginHint: String? = null, nonce: String? = null, channelPublicIds: List<String>? = null, serviceTerms: List<String>? = null, callback: (token: OAuthToken?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

카카오계정으로 로그인
Login with Kakao Account

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fun loginWithKakaoTalk(context: Context, requestCode: Int = AuthCodeClient.DEFAULT_REQUEST_CODE, nonce: String? = null, channelPublicIds: List<String>? = null, serviceTerms: List<String>? = null, callback: (token: OAuthToken?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

카카오톡으로 로그인
Login with Kakao Talk

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fun loginWithNewScopes(context: Context, scopes: List<String>, nonce: String? = null, callback: (token: OAuthToken?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

추가 항목 동의 받기
Request additional consent

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fun logout(callback: (error: Throwable?) -> Unit)


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fun me(properties: List<String>? = null, secureResource: Boolean = true, callback: (user: User?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

사용자 정보 가져오기
Retrieve user information

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fun revokeScopes(scopes: List<String>, callback: (scopeInfo: ScopeInfo?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

동의 철회하기
Revoke consent

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fun revokeServiceTerms(tags: List<String>, callback: (userRevokedServiceTerms: UserRevokedServiceTerms?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

서비스 약관 동의 철회하기
Revoke consent for service terms

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fun scopes(scopes: List<String>? = null, callback: (scopeInfo: ScopeInfo?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

동의 내역 확인하기
Retrieve consent details

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fun selectShippingAddresses(context: Context, callback: (addressId: Long?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

배송지 선택하기
Select shipping address

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fun serviceTerms(tags: List<String>? = null, result: String? = null, callback: (userServiceTerms: UserServiceTerms?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

서비스 약관 동의 내역 확인하기
Retrieve consent details for service terms

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fun shippingAddresses(addressId: Long, callback: (userShippingAddresses: UserShippingAddresses?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)
fun shippingAddresses(fromUpdatedAt: Date? = null, pageSize: Int? = null, callback: (userShippingAddresses: UserShippingAddresses?, error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

배송지 가져오기
Retrieve shipping address

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fun signup(properties: Map<String, String>? = null, callback: (error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

Manual signup

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fun unlink(callback: (error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

연결 끊기

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fun updateProfile(properties: Map<String, String>, callback: (error: Throwable?) -> Unit)

사용자 정보 저장하기
Store user information