
class RxTalkApiClient(api: RxTalkApi = ApiFactory.rxKapiWithOAuth.create(RxTalkApi::class.java), appKeyApi: AppKeyRxTalkApi = ApiFactory.rxKapi.create(AppKeyRxTalkApi::class.java), authOperations: RxAuthOperations = RxAuthOperations.instance)

카카오톡 채널, 카카오톡 소셜, 카카오톡 메시지 API 클라이언트
Client for the Kakao Talk Channel, Kakao Talk Social, Kakao Talk Message APIs


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constructor(api: RxTalkApi = ApiFactory.rxKapiWithOAuth.create(RxTalkApi::class.java), appKeyApi: AppKeyRxTalkApi = ApiFactory.rxKapi.create(AppKeyRxTalkApi::class.java), authOperations: RxAuthOperations = RxAuthOperations.instance)


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object Companion


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fun addChannel(context: Context, channelPublicId: String): Single<Unit>

카카오톡 채널 친구 추가하기
Add Kakao Talk Channel

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fun channelChat(context: Context, channelPublicId: String): Single<Unit>

카카오톡 채널 채팅하기
Start Kakao Talk Channel chat

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fun channels(publicIds: List<String>? = null): Single<Channels>

카카오톡 채널 관계 확인하기
Check Kakao Talk Channel relationship

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fun followChannel(context: Context, channelPublicId: String): Single<FollowChannelResult>

카카오톡 채널 간편 추가하기
Follow Kakao Talk Channel

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fun friends(offset: Int? = null, limit: Int? = null, order: Order? = null, friendOrder: FriendOrder? = null): Single<Friends<Friend>>

카카오톡 친구 목록 가져오기
Retrieve list of friends

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fun profile(): Single<TalkProfile>

카카오톡 프로필 가져오기
Retrieve Kakao Talk profile

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fun sendCustomMemo(templateId: Long, templateArgs: Map<String, String>? = null): Completable

나에게 사용자 정의 템플릿으로 메시지 보내기
Send message with custom template to me

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fun sendCustomMessage(receiverUuids: List<String>, templateId: Long, templateArgs: Map<String, String>? = null): Single<MessageSendResult>

친구에게 사용자 정의 템플릿으로 메시지 보내기
Send message with custom template to friends

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fun sendDefaultMemo(template: DefaultTemplate): Completable

나에게 기본 템플릿으로 메시지 보내기
Send message with default template to me

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fun sendDefaultMessage(receiverUuids: List<String>, template: DefaultTemplate): Single<MessageSendResult>

친구에게 기본 템플릿으로 메시지 보내기
Send message with default template to friends

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fun sendScrapMemo(requestUrl: String, templateId: Long? = null, templateArgs: Map<String, String>? = null): Completable

나에게 스크랩 메시지 보내기
Send scrape message to me

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fun sendScrapMessage(receiverUuids: List<String>, requestUrl: String, templateId: Long? = null, templateArgs: Map<String, String>? = null): Single<MessageSendResult>

친구에게 스크랩 메시지 보내기
Send scrape message to friends