Package-level declarations

카카오 로그인 인증 및 토큰 관리 패키지
Package for the authentication and token management through Kakao Login

카카오 로그인 인증 및 토큰 관리 패키지
Package for the authentication and token management through Kakao Login


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class AuthApiClient(manager: AuthApiManager = AuthApiManager.instance, tokenManagerProvider: TokenManagerProvider = TokenManagerProvider.instance)

카카오 로그인 인증 및 토큰 관리 클라이언트
Client for the authentication and token management through Kakao Login

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class RxAuthApiClient(    manager: RxAuthApiManager = RxAuthApiManager.instance,     tokenManagerProvider: TokenManagerProvider = TokenManagerProvider.instance)

카카오 로그인 인증 및 토큰 관리 클라이언트
Client for the authentication and token management through Kakao Login

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interface TokenManageable

토큰 저장소 인터페이스
Interface for the token manager

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class TokenManager(    appCache: PersistentKVStore = SharedPrefsWrapper( KakaoSdk.applicationContextInfo.sharedPreferences ),     encryptor: Cipher = AESCipher()) : TokenManageable

토큰 저장소, 기기 고유값으로 암호화된 토큰을 SharedPreferences에 저장
Token manager that encrypts tokens with the device's unique value and saves in the SharedPreferences

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class TokenManagerProvider(var manager: TokenManageable = TokenManager.instance)

토큰 저장소 설정
Setting for the token manager


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val AuthApiManager.Companion.rx: RxAuthApiManager
val AuthCodeClient.Companion.rx: RxAuthCodeClient