
class OpenPickerFriendRequestParams @JvmOverloads constructor(    val title: String? = null,     val viewAppearance: ViewAppearance? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_PICKER_VIEW_APPEARANCE,     val orientation: PickerOrientation? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_PICKER_ORIENTATION,     val enableSearch: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_ENABLE_SEARCH,     val enableIndex: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_ENABLE_INDEX,     val showMyProfile: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_SHOW_MY_PROFILE,     val showFavorite: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_SHOW_FAVORITE,     val showPickedFriend: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_SHOW_PICKED_FRIENDS,     val maxPickableCount: Int? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_MAX_PICKABLE_COUNT,     val minPickableCount: Int? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_MIN_PICKABLE_COUNT) : Parcelable

피커 설정
Options for the picker


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constructor(    title: String? = null,     viewAppearance: ViewAppearance? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_PICKER_VIEW_APPEARANCE,     orientation: PickerOrientation? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_PICKER_ORIENTATION,     enableSearch: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_ENABLE_SEARCH,     enableIndex: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_ENABLE_INDEX,     showMyProfile: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_SHOW_MY_PROFILE,     showFavorite: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_SHOW_FAVORITE,     showPickedFriend: Boolean? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_SHOW_PICKED_FRIENDS,     maxPickableCount: Int? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_MAX_PICKABLE_COUNT,     minPickableCount: Int? = DefaultValues.DEFAULT_MIN_PICKABLE_COUNT)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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인덱스뷰 사용 여부
Enables the index view

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검색 기능 사용 여부
Enables the search function

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선택 가능한 최대 대상 수
Maximum pickable count

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선택 가능한 최소 대상 수
Minimum pickable count

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피커 화면 방향
Orientation of the picker

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즐겨찾기 친구 표시 여부
Marks on favorite friends

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내 프로필 표시 여부
Displays my profile

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선택한 친구 표시 여부, 멀티 피커에만 사용 가능
Displays selected friends for multi-picker

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val title: String? = null

피커 이름
Name of the picker

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피커 화면 모드
Display type